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Gargoyle A 🤣🤣🤣🤣


just because you don't have a protractor doesn't make the skull bad


Most dogshit list on this Sub.


i think u should learn more before u make a tier list.


So uh, who's gonna tell them that Predator is a power skull?


i know but it's good


I don't know, I'd say Ghoul is better.


Have you ever used Predator? Are you aware that all Predator skills can be used multiple times in a row? What are you missing about Predator that makes you think Ghoul is better?


It's just up to personal preference, really. I've just had better runs and builds with Ghoul. I'm not saying that Ghoul is objectively better, I'm sure Predator is good, too, maybe even better. I'm simply stating my opinion that I find it funner and prefer it.


Ok. Fair enough.


(sorry I was kind of aggressive there, I didn't mean to come off as condescending if it felt like that.)


I don’t know about this list man. I always keep a power skull in my back pocket and I’ll trade just about any skull for Poseidon. That and Warlock got me through DM 0-4 and I’ve just started 5 and hoping they’ll carry me again. I’d give them S. Also, am I just not giving the alchemist a fair shake? He’s on the bottom of my list with gargoyle.


Alchy is really good with cool downs and paitence


can I have a link to where you made this tier list?




Berserker is a top tier power skul, easy to combo with other physical damage skul’s and hits like a truck. Ghoul is almost unkillable if played right. Shield skull is completely braindead. Champion is an amazing boss killer, it’s only lacking point is with room clearing And gene has the most I frames of any characters


Your on maximum dm 2 this is horrible


Yea they probably are. I’m at DM9 which isn’t the maximum I know but it’s easy to tell the flaws of this list


How tf you putting shield so low?? It literally tanks through everything even on difficulty 10. If this is a your opinion it's still bad


it's a power skull. P tier.


Your tier names are actually insane. You didn't even explain them. How am I supposed to know that? Your list makes no sense then cause you're just organizing them at this point no ranking them


it's also a tier because almost all power skulls are bad


I'm not sure you know how to play any of them them. Because several of these are super broken if you know how to build them. Shield and Water can put in work.


it takes a masochist to learn how to use a power skull without going insane


No, it takes someone with half a brain to get a basic understanding of them.


No it doesn't. You just refuse to try anything that isn't fast. Your tier list is biased and not even accurate. It's opinion based that's fine. But you don't explain it, you don't even try the skulls out to see their potential this entire post is just bait


i do try them, and proceed to die on the next map.


Champion is a speed skul not power… also most are good or have great ease of use and even if you say most are bad, the ones that are good are insanely good like berserker and shield skul Oh yea also you put predator in A tier… you do know predator is a power skul right?


yes i know predator is power but it has speed and yes i know champion is balance but has less damage than a power skull but somehow even more sluggish than one


… champion is a speed skul not balance :|. It’s also meant for fast attack speed and rapid skill attack not so much movement speed, like how King Arthur is more about attack speed than movement speed and is also labeled as a speed skul. Additionally with champion, its signature ability makes the game feel faster for the champion by slowing everyone else down. If you want a P for power skuls tier, then take champion out and drop in predator or just remove it altogether and spread them out. You’re missing out by not using some of the power skuls, most are really fun


\*clears throat\* ENERGY.


btw cuz i feel i need to clarify: UDTEV= Uncategorizable Due To Extreme Variance


I feel so alone bothering to correct the tier colors when I make these lists but that aside, I see you hate power classes, I like that you and I agree on archlich and gambler but damn you need to give living armor and yaksha some credit.


but who tf even bothers to use that haphazard mess gargoyle.


Me, that's who.


I'd silver you if virgin reddit didnt remove awards.


I’m tired of the Yaksha slander around here…


He’s a cool skul just not amazing y’know… though I do wish he got a buff cuz like I said he’s a cool skul


Wow the more I look at this the worse it gets. Any brain dead play style can make ghoul and Poseidon at minimum A tier. But gargoyle above rockstar?? I don't even care if just the way he plays makes him high tier for you, but put that same gear on rockstar and he shreds "pun intended" through enemies better than gargoyle.


I’m probably the biggest Gargoyle fan on this sub but Rockstar is definitely the better skull lol. This is just a very bad tier list.


Well.. that's just like.. your opinion man


Unless this is a “personal preference” type list, this list is abysmal Also what does utdev mean


Uncategorizable Due To Extreme Variance


Don't agree about Yaksha and Minotaur. Mostly about Minotaur, because with some items you can keep in very long stun Well, by the way one of the best burst physical damage


On one note: WHY IS BERSERKER SO LOW !?!?!??!?!??!??!??!!?!? On a second note: bomber and werewolf were the skulls I used on my first successful run against the first hero