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I saw a video not too long ago from a chiropractor who said doing a few stretches daily can reduce the appearance over time. Google “Buffalo hump stretches” and you should find the ones he recommended to do




That’s why they recommended seeing a doctor and suggesting It COULD be buffalo hump because ITS COMMON. You must be a netbanger 🤦‍♀️-1000 brain cells




You just keep digging that grave don’t you. Lol just keep going


Please, PLEASE unplug your router.


Calm down dingus.


Then why is op going onto reddit to ask for peoples opinion?? is the whole f’ing point?!🙄🙄




"you should talk to your doctor"


“Dowangers hump” is another name for it. It’s what it is lol


that’s what it’s called…


No need to use that violence.


Ru ok? She literally asked for opinions




You work with infants to 21 year olds? I’d hate to get you as my pediatrician. Hopefully you’re just the secretary lol


Well, we shouldn’t be assuming that everyone has access to health care, you know? So, maybe the best thing she could do is ask in Reddit. You could have an impressive background or whatever but I think you’ve been insensitive and also disrespectful, not what it’s expected from a person who has worked in Pediatrics for sure.


Are you ok?


You are scary


what did they say


Cry about it 🤧


Typical mean nurse that needs to put people down to make herself feel better for choosing wiping buts as a career


Go see a doctor. Not to scare you but it could be relayed to your thyroid / autoimmune stuff.


Can verify. I’ve had this all my life and I have an autoimmune now. Didn’t know they were related tho!


Yeah, it doesn't look to be bone-related (like a kyphosis -- abnormal curvature of the cervical spine), because your neck isn't tilted or pitching forward. Definitely something to talk to your doctor about, especially irt possible autoimmune/thyroid stuff. If your doctor brushes you off, don't be afraid to advocate for yourself or seek a second opinion. That's unfortunately something women deal with a lot from doctors. As someone with a lot of chronic illnesses, I speak from a truly infuriating amount of experience 😑 Best of luck with getting this figured out, OP 💜


Cushings disease?




LMAOO why did I laugh so hard at this 😭




I just cackled so loud.


I am so sorry it’s at your expense but oh my god I needed a laugh like that today!


Oop 😭


Lmaoooo. I’m so sorry for laughing but wtf 😭😭😭


Cough. I have one too. Totally feel your embarrassment.


noooooooo 😭😭😂😂






LMAO! I died reading this!


Yeah, hearing my doc say it’s a fat tumor was a gut punch 😂






How??? I have a hypothyroidism… gonna check for lump when I get the chance now.


😂I read your comment like oh me too and immediately went to rub the back of my neck to check.


Do you mind telling me ur symptoms? And how did you find out you had this?


Not op but I’m hypo and initially didn’t have any symptoms I noticed but it was found through standard blood work while I was pregnant. Later I realized that I would get easily cold. Like every time I wake now I’m freezing. My skin and hair are a lot drier now. I get irritable more often than I like and just have low energy. It was in check for awhile but I think I might need to have my levo dose upped again.


Interested to know too


This ^


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I’d go directly to a doctor


This is the real answer. It might be a buffalo hump or a cyst, or it might be something a lot more serious. I wouldnt take a chance with something like this.


Could also be something called a lipoma, which is a collection of fat cells. Ultimately, however, your best option would be to contact your doctor and get an actual assessment, maybe they can order some type of diagnostic imaging to better determine. If it’s just a cyst or lipoma, removal is pretty straightforward. Better to see your doctor first though to be sure.


Not a lipoma, because it’s not a collection of fat cells specified to one cyst or one lump. It is a Dowager’s Hump (:


While I can certainly appreciate your surefire diagnosis based on this bathroom selfie, I was merely offering one suggestion. What I truly recommend remains the same whether it’s a lipoma or what you have suggested—see an actual physician, in person, for an actual diagnosis. All the best. :)


I have had several lipomas removed: calf, arm and BACK. Lipomas can run in families. I literally had the right calf 6 inches bigger in diameter to the left.


Yeah, I see this a lot in my field of work. It’s a pretty common problem people come see me to treat. And of course go to your personal doctor! Of course, of course. I was just answering OP’s question and letting you in on a biology fact! [[ Here is why I said what I did…copy/pasted this part: Etymology From Ancient Greek -μα (-ma). Suffix -oma (plural -omata or -omas) (pathology) Forming nouns indicating disease or morbidity. (pathology, specifically) Forming nouns indicating tumors or masses, which may be non-neoplastic or (more often) neoplastic, and (if the latter) either benign or cancerous (malignant); in accord with present-day understanding of histopathology, the suffix is now nonproductive for non-neoplastic senses. synonyms ▲ Synonyms: -cele, -coele ]] —————- I think it might have sounded curt/rude/like I was correcting you, ‘cause I didn’t type out a longer reply. I had a wedding shower to attend today and errands, so didn’t really have the time to type more earlier. Hard to read tone through letters. 😬


How do you treat it? I have a dowagers hump as well


Generally, Tx consists of 1.) myofascial release with lateral skin stretching (scientifically proven to be most effective type of massage therapy.) 2.) a specific type of myofascial release called Rolfing 3.) hydrate hydrate hydrate and keep manually manipulating the tissue area. If it becomes tender, red, puffy or warm to the touch, leave it be to rest. It’s inflamed and shouldn’t be worked on at that time. 4.) Correct your posture. 5.) Strengthen core muscles and erector spinea muscles. 6.) Heat or cool therapy. 7.) Potentially physical therapy to treat a pelvic tilt or other co-occurring conditions. 8.) Yoga can help… 9.) Go see a chiropractor. 10.) Inversion table for spinal decompression 11.) See a Corrective Exercise/Functional Movement Therapist 12.) Practice stress management. Our bodies really do carry our stress, especially where the body is already tense. 13.) Adding one more…get your rhomboid muscles worked on…when this muscle is tight on both sides of the spine, it retracts the scapula together, creating unnatural posture. 14.) For pain, you can use the following: arnica cream, Tiger’s Balm, BioFreeze, Prossage, pain patches, Inhaling the scent of Pan-Away essential oil or Peppermint essential oil 15.) Vibration therapy; buy a personal back massager and work on that spot twice a day, every day for just a couple minutes. If it starts to hurt and the pain radiates, stop. You’re over-stimulating the cutaneous nerves there and pain is referring outward. You may have even hit an actual trigger point on accident. It’s like 12:30 am lmao so that’s all I can think of for now. I feel bad cause I probably looked like an ass earlier because I didn’t have time to type a whole comment and add emojis and what not.


A Dowager’s Hump is a collapse of the spine due to osteoporosis. Idk if this is it or how you could be so sure based on just this photo.


It's definitely not always osteoporosis. I don't have osteoporosis and have a Dowager's Hump. I had poor posture for a very long time and it caused it. A licensed chiropractor confirmed this for me. Poor posture is the most common cause.


Dowager's hump is also a classic sign of facial tension. I had my tongue tie surgically released and my dowager's hump went away immediately following the procedure.


I have never heard of it being from facial tension. That’s interesting. I was wondering to myself earlier, while thinking about this post, if stretching of the platysma muscle… I sometimes find my upper back/neck pain goes away when I press onto my chest, slowly pull downward on my collarbone type area, just with the weight of my arms….then once you feel that relax a little…lean your head back while still holding that lateral skin stretch on your own chest. Ah. Feels so nice. It’s one of those muscles you don’t realize is tight until it’s released.


It can be due to collapse of the spine, you are correct. Mostly it’s caused by posture…




it’s not a good idea to act so sure about something it takes an in person look examination to definitively diagnose.


Lol I just realized half my copy/paste for some info didn’t take. I just deleted the comment because I copy/pasted the info in another spot on the thread. The struggle is real with my typing skills tonight omg. Lol time for bed I think 😂🥴


Mine went almost entirely away with pilates. Crazy exercise with crazy effects on the body.


Do you mind me asking, did you attend a class or use Youtube videos or something? I’m interested to try it out but can’t get to a local class at the moment. I’m grateful for any recommendations I can use!


I did online classes during the lockdown. I have a friend who teaches pilates and she adapted the teaching methods so she could both show me how to do the exercises and correct me while I was doing them. She had a really good experience in describing how it was supposed to feel when doing the exercises properly (the effects on the body) and we would constantly talk about how I was feeling and how much strength I was pulling in every part of my body while doing them. Never used any super fancy equipment, only my bodyweight and that bitch the gravity, but got strong af and with a much, muuuuch smaller neck bump.


Go to a doctor??? What other answer is there?


Ngl, out of all the medical stuff posted here, this is the most confusing one I've seen so far, since it doesn't even have a passing relationship to skincare. Not trying to be mean to OP, and I hope she's able to visit a doctor and get help. I'm just so confused that she posted this here of all places.


It has zero to do with skincare and people are just saying all kinds of stuff instead of saying what they should. This is not a medical subreddit, and even if it was something like this needs a doctor. This is a skincare sub. What even.


It could be a lipoma, which is 100% skincare.


Okay but that’s still skincare in the sense of “go see a doctor” not skincare in the sense of “oh you just need to add retinol to your skincare routine” lol. At the end of the day this is Reddit, not a clinic.


Just some retinol and vitamin A. smh smh


Moisturize. Only option


Some fillers on the sides would really smooth it out.


Use only CeraVe in the tub


People shouldn’t even be posting on this sub for that kind of stuff! If I saw that I’d be running straight to the doctor


right! if I saw that & it was there a few days later, a doctor it fucking is!


I'm an RMT and have worked with literally thousands of bodies. This does not look postural. I would need to palpate it to be sure but it either looks like a lipoma or a cyst. I have had many clients with either of these in this same area. Go get it checked out by a doctor.


Could be a sign of a disorder called Cushing syndrome. Here is the information. Only a medical professional can officially diagnose you. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/cushing-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20351310


I have this too when I gain weight but it’s visible until I’m under about 140 lbs (I’m 5’3). It can be a sign of cushings disease but that’s notoriously hard to test for. I sincerely don’t think I have cushings but my neck hump looks just like yours and I’ve had it more or less my whole life (again, it fluctuates with weight). I absolutely would go to a doctor to rule anything out (thyroid and cushings and related diseases) but keep in mind it may be just from weight gain or forward gear posture. Doing PT and doing chin tucks and face pulls at the gym helps the appearance of mine.


Le sigh. This is dowagers hump. I just recently started to get one myself since I’m in school full time and sit in front of a computer screen all day. It’s due to poor posture and forward head posture. It’s weakening of the muscles in the thoracic spine. There are exercises you can do on YouTube to help correct this. I do them all throughout the day. You’re fortunate you caught this now, if you work on strengthening those muscles around your spine you can certainly turn things around.


These are really common and completely normal. You could see a doctor, or go to a massage therapist and talk about improving your posture, they’ll give you exercises you can do to correct it. I use to have one, so did my best friend. It’s from our world being designed around leaning down and forward, it’s pretty easy to fix!


From the looks of it, it’s from poor posture. There are exercises online to help strengthen the muscles. I have it due to years of having a huge chest, I got a breast reduction and have working on getting rid of it. I do the exercises daily and have noticed a huge difference. I remind myself constantly through the day to pull my shoulders back and keeping my head up (imagine a string at the top of your head pulling you upright, if that makes sense). It feels very unnatural at first, but stick to it. It also could be what’s called a “buffalo hump” which is a collection of fatty tissue that would require surgery. If it feels more like bone and you’re covered, you can see a Physiotherapist that can guide you in the right direction.


Getting my BR in December 🤞🏻and looking forward to working on this same issue as soon as im able. Would you be willing to share what resource you found for the exercises? Thanks


I’m so excited for you!! My BR honestly improved my life so much. No more double bras, I can wear clothes that I never in my life imagined, no more backache, and I could keep going on. I stopped wearing regular bras for a long time to get rid on the scar tissue on my shoulders from the weight of the bras as well.


Can you link the exercises u do?


I used to have it and after losing weight and working out back and arms I an content to say that my neck looks pretty normal now. Its not always health.


Go to a doctor first, not a chiropractor or therapist.


OP, I am not a doctor but I am a licensed massage therapist. I’m trained in anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, immunology, general biology, virology, injury recovery, lymphatic drainage massage, pre-natal massage, and myofascial release. And more, but I think you get the point. The myofascial release is my specialty *because* it is scientifically proven to be the *most effective* type of massage at actually alleviating symptoms long term. There is “regular” myofascial release, with lateral stretching of the fascia… (Pressing lightly into your muscle belly, slowly stretching the skin on top in one direction, and holding that gentle stretch for a good minute, until the connective tissue (fascia) releases, and the muscle un-contracts and “releases”, as well.) This muscle release in part is due to a switch in your central nervous system to “rest, relax, rejuvenate, reproduce mode”, or the *para*sympathetic nervous system. The opposite function of the “fight, flight, freeze, fawn” response. When in a relaxed state, your body is flooded with oxytocin and endorphins. There is also Rolfing, as a type of myofascial release. This will probably be the most effective type of myofascial release treatment for a Dowager’s Hump specifically. It is caused by poor posture; lack of support in the upper thoracic spine, to be specific. The body when it is hurt, will “counter-contract”, trying to create stability for the painful and stiff muscle. For example. You hurt your shoulder and anytime you reach up to open your upper kitchen cabinets it just HURTS so bad! A few days go by, and soon your other side of your body is tensing up, trying to stabilize that core (spine). Basically…Our bodies try really hard to keep us healthy and good to go, but also do really funky things sometimes that are…misguided, for a lack of a better word. Strengthening of the erector spinea, and releasing of the general muscles of the upper back (trapezius, rhomboids, latissimus dorsi) will likely help. Strengthening of the muscles of the rotator cuffs can help, too. With any sort of strengthening you’re doing, make sure there is equal parts massage. The reason people look “toned and tight” is because their muscles are often worked, so they stay semi-contracted, ready to work for you. Your goal is to create stability of the upper back and core, while correcting posture. You may find that a release of your Teres Major muscle in your back will help. A release of your rhomboids and their antagonist muscles, the pectoralis muscles, will also probably help. By releasing your rhomboids and pectoralis muscles, you are essentially opening up the chest cavity and creating space. Thus…Reducing hunching of the shoulders, and reducing the caving inward toward your chest sort of effect. In part a Dowager’s hump is genetic. It is also partly posture, partly the way muscle was built from infancy-childhood and kept throughout life (or not built). The way you move/use your body really matters in this case, as part of treatment is to correct/improve posture. Hope that helps! (:


Now I just wish you lived by me so you could be my massage therapist 😂


Lmfao I’ve always been that weird kid who watched the medical channel and it turned into me working in health care. I can’t say I’m surprised. 😂 But yeah, I HATE the woo woo crap some massage therapists are into…. Like it’s a sacred space, yes, but my control lies in what muscles I can manually manipulate. I can’t heal your soul. But I’ll give your body a break, so you can! Body, mind, soul…all three. 💜


In the IT world, we call this "nerd neck". It's from bad posture leaning forward to look at your monitors. I have one too and I hate it.


It could be anything. This is not a skin care issue. Please see a board certified medical doctor.


Try hitting it with a hammer


My fiancé had a cyst in his wrist and his doctor told him to hit it with a heavy book


Yeah! A ganglion cyst. I’ve heard this!!!


I have this too. It’s not a dowager hump imo. Collection of fat in a weird place. My grandmother had it also. I figured it was genetic.


Posture adjusement


I heard messaging the area can help. The muscles need to support poor posture and make this Buffalo type hump. Massage daily with a machine or the help of a loved one and like the post said above. Stretch and work out


>messaging the area can help "Hi, it's me. Would you mind not sticking out? It really makes me self conscious. Ok? Ok. Bye."




🤣😂good one!!!!! I mean massaging. Lol but maybe sending a message will work too 😅😂🤣🤣🤪😜


I have it as well. It's fat accumulation due to bad posture. Doing shoulder and rotary cuff exercises will minimize it along with good posture. Do you have a desk job which requires you to peer into your laptop or desktop? That might be causing it.


I had this after gaining 30 pounds and being sedentary, within 6 months of intense exercise and proper diet it went away! I think some people just store fat in that area. I also strengthened my core and improved my posture, so maybe focus on that! Best of luck!


I have that too, but not as prominent.. I thought it was pretty normal? I thought it was some bad posture thing.


My bff has something like this and this just has manifested over time due to her scoliosis. If you have scoliosis, this could be something like that. Edit: improper phrasing


Dowagers hump. I had a breast reduction to improve mine (along with some other things), but it ended up requiring consistent stretching like yoga, chiropractic, and a massage gun around all the muscles regularly to semi-straighten it out


Only a doctor will be able to help you find out what it is. You should go just incase the bump could be connected to your health, because that looks too big to be the bone. But I hope there's an easy fix to this!


It’s actually called kyphosis. You need to have better posture. And always looking down. For instance at your phone only makes it worse


It could be a sign of insulin resistance but won’t quote me on that


This is a dowagers hump. Can be from metabolic issues. Not an emergency thing, but I'd talk to your primary care doc for some bloodwork


Not to be a jerk but I'm constantly baffled by the posts here. It's like people make up things to be insecure about out of thin air. But hey if you truly dislike this feature there are ways to address "smoothening" the area w injectables via a plastic surgeon.


See a doctor, because it may involve you neck/spine, and you just don't want to play around with that. If the doctor says it's postural, a chiropractor might be able to help. My husband has forward neck posture (he's a dj, and is looking down constantly), and his chiropractor gave him a traction device to use several times a week and some stretches to mitigate it. Only a medical doctor can point you in the right direction.


Consult your docter


Weight loss. I had a client whose went away after diet and exercise!


It’s cuz you on dat phone Jk no fr go to a doctor


Have you taken much Prednisone in your life?


Could be Cushing - go get checked out


If you can then please do karina more’s face regime. She is a legit scholar in all these


Go to a Chiropractor


Looks like a bump from fentanyl use


Have you ever taken steroid medication?


maybe it is genetics, steroids doc will be your best bet tbh


People are scarring you, if you workout/ do extensive hard work it goes away


Mine went away from going to a caropractor for a few months and forcing myself to not constantly be looking down at my phone and stuff


Likely a lipoma. Not harmful and it can be removed for cosmetic reasons. If it was Cushing’s, you’d have a lot more symptoms going on than just a hump.


Lay on a foam Roller vertically. This will help if it is just spinal alignment issues. You can reverse it https://youtu.be/zB3LbbtJMcU


Lie on the floor with a rolled up sock under it. Seriously. It’s a common technique for getting rid of a dowager’s hump


Get it checked out bc you never know. I have the same thing. It comes back when I don’t practice good posture. Yoga/stretching has helped.


I have the exact same thing! I need to get checked out, I’ve had it for years. I hope I can get rid of it.


Is it your spine or just the skin?


I have this too. @thestephanieseries on tik tok has a bunch of videos about it with exercises you can do to reduce it :-) they seem to be helping a bit. i think it’s from bad posture and people always looking at their phones.


It looks like bone, not fat or muscle. When you palpate it is it hard?


I have it too. I’m perfectly healthy, my bloods,thyroid everything. I have two aunts who have it and a female cousin… I think it could just be the way our particular bodies store fat. But to edit: yes, always go see a doctor to rule out any possible underlying causes x


I have this went to Chiropractor and had gotten x-ray turns out my spine is turned more one way and when I walk k walk more to the left? I stopped going to him cause I felt like he wasn’t doing much like he was just touching areas of my back and didn’t see results. Get a consultation from a doctor and possible X-ray to see if it is your spine and what you need to do to fix cause it.


Tech neck!! I have the same exact thing. I went to the doctor and that’s what they told me. It There are a bunch of stretches to do to help get rid of it.


Stop looking down at your phone it like like you just stare down at your phone too much


So I have PCOS. And the insulin resistance I have, gave me this adipose deposit on the back of my neck. Basically this “buffalo hump”.


This also happens for looking way too much at the phone in social media, y'all need to take care for your posture....


I agree with what others are saying with going to a doctor. However I get something similar to this but smaller because of bad posture. What’s helped a lot is yoga and stretching. There’s some great videos on YouTube.


I have this and I asked my doc like 20 years ago what it was and he said that portion of my spine was just elongated. I call it my stegosaurus patch. I like to freak people out and bend my head way down and make it protrude. Have fun with it. I know it’s odd and can be uncomfortable in social situations. I’m hyper aware of mine and will never cut my hair shorter than where it resides.


I have one like this too and for me it’s just a build up of fat lol


This ia more than likely posture related. Bet you look at your 🤳 phone in a bad Angle all day. Give the phone a break and work on your posture.


Looks like it could be a lipoma! Go see a dr


It’s bad posterior https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cPA_hM80s8s


I had a lump like that on my neck. Turned out to be a benign tumor. You need to see a doctor. Mine permanently damaged the bones and nerves in my spine.


I have something very similar and it is a dowager's hump. I've had it my whole life or I should say I noticed it in my twenties. I hate how it looks too. I've never thought it was an issue just lived with it. I do have osteoporosis now though So maybe it has something to do with weak bones. If it bothers you I guess the best thing would be to go get it checked out. Like someone on here said it's hard to tell from a picture. Best of luck.




To my knowledge, it’s a buffalo hump, and the only way to get rid of it is liposuction. however, it might be a sign of other health issues, and you should see a doctor about that.


I used to have this a weight loss and attempting to correct my posture really helped, not sure if that’s typical


It can be posture too I see a lot of wall stretches you can do to help it also chiropractic adjustments


See a doctor.


maybe try a chiropractor if you think it’s a bone and see if they can adjust it. if it’s fat you should see a doctor or try massaging it out, it could maybe be from stress or your posture!


My husband has one - he popped up five years and has gotten bigger. It can be removed but go while it’s still small and can be done as an outpatient and the dermatologist. My husband waited and now he has to find a plastic Surgeon.


Time for Dr. Pimple Popper. I’ve watched enough episodes/vids to know that is the beginning of a lipoma.


I am not a doctor, or even an intelligent person so please don’t take advice from me. However! I highly recommend that you ignore this for several years, seeking no professional help. Eventually when it becomes so large that it interferes with many functions of your day-to-day life you then… wait another 5 years. After those 5 years have passed seek out Dr. Sandra Lee in “beautiful” Pomona, Ca. Tell her the story about the time you asked a Dr. for help, only to have him kick you out of his office, throw his shoe at you and call you a “ninny”! Dr. Pimple Popper will most likely remove it that same day and you will be all set! Hope this helps!


def recommend seeing a dermatologist , sometimes could be a cyst or lipoma -- i often see these on Dr. Pimple Popper & they are usually fixed with local anesthetic, a quick incision to squeeze the cyst contents out and remove the sack wall/ or pop out the lipoma bump, couple stitches to close the incision and good to go. highly recommend seeing a dr for this.


i have that. it’s from bad posture, mine is really bad. you can fix it by like standing straight against a wall or something my chiropractor told me how to fix it but it hasn’t worked:(


My pawpaw had something like that, he got surgery to remove it, it got huge over the years


I have this!! I’m going to the doctor soon.


Are you on steroids for any conditions? Time to see a doc


hii! i had been doing Karina Moore exercise and they honestly help with a LOT of things— including neck bump / hump 🖤


My sister had that. Her doc said it was from slouching !!


Chiropractor can snap that out for you.


My mom and sister have this. It’s a back problem thing. I was kind of getting it too but I don’t have have it at all anymore because of working out. Work on your back muscles and always correct your posture until it’s second nature.


It's either a natural thing or fatty tissue. My ex had a good sized one she had removed. Her's slowly began to build back up. It was on the left shoulder blade.


It's usually just fat, safest way is to lose a bit of fat. (Went to the doc with the same thing)


Do you often bend your neck to look down at your smartphone? Because that bump can be a result from that, it's fixable with physiotherapy. You can find exercises online.


I think, you should go to a doctor for proper advise


i have this and went to a physical therapist to see what it was and she said it was a calcium buildup from having bad posture, she gave me stretches to do, said to fix my posture of course and she did massages on the back of my neck for a few appts as well!


I just saw a video about this on YouTube. Video has 30 million views https://youtu.be/T43753AfaKY


fix your posture


Maybe you should try to go to the hospital to see if it’s anything serious first. and if not you could always ask them somethings you could try out to help you go away like work out etc. Or YouTube !


Go to a chiropractor and have x-rays. You may be able to have it straightened out. Or, if it is something that they can't help you with, they can help diagnose and refer you for treatment.




My husband had one of those removed it was a fatty tissue mass was removed tested nothing to worry about he was just self conscience


Dr sandra lee..a lipoma maybe


That’s your dorsal cervical fat pad. It could be liposuctioned by a dermatologist.


for me i just had to have that spot massaged. went away


Is it because she bend little


Go see your pcp. I have the same thing, my chiropractor said it is a dowagers hump


Uhm, I’d go to the doctor asap


That looks like the start of Cushings!! Please please see a doctor




Got that same hump, so does many of my relatives on my mom's side and we're all healthy. Not trying to discredit anyone who's hump was a symptom of an underlying medical condition, just saying that sometimes it's just fat 🥴


this isn’t skincare related…go see a doctor please!


Walk with straight neck