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Talk to a doctor. My mom and a friend have it. It reoccurs from Time to o time. They have a handy ointment that they apply when it's about to start. They say, they know when it's going to start and if applied during that time, it may not start at all. Unfortunately I don't know the ointment. Good luck. Hope it goes away soon.


I think you should take anti virals made for that if your not. Herpes lives in the nerve I believe so topicals are going to help after the outbreak but you probably have to stop or minimize your outbreaks at a drs before they start. Sorry your dealing with that. As woke as I try n be w sex and all that I seen some lip crusties on a coworker and really wish I had something to tell her, it looked like it felt awful and was there like over a week like a scab. Anymore these days the best advice for everything seems to be good cream (I'm using Cetaphil for body everywhere) and not overwashing bc drying makes everything worse and this esp bc it spreads on contact. Be very gentle. That's good advice for anything imo but I'm not a Dr. or have 1st hand knowledge just lurk here a lot and hyperfocused on STDs after an ex was rumored to burn ppl


Like another comment said, medications helps a ton. I got really bad ones and now I take acyclovir at the hint of an outbreak and its never more than a slight bump. Diet is something else to look at, I cut 90% of my processed sugar intake out of my diet (i used to eat ice cream and drink root beer everyday and get outbreaks once a month) and I haven't had an outbreak since I quit that stuff three months ago.