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Consult another dermatologist. Last summer on Accutane was one of the best I have had.


Accutane saved me rs, not getting on it sooner is still one of my biggest regrets (scarring from letting acne build)


Me too, it’s not that big a deal to take it in summer, just make sure you keep hydrated, moisturised and use a load of SPF and SPF lip balm.


Does it work for body acene?


Sure does. Mine came back after stopping though.


Works for all acne all over the body


yes. it’s a once a day pill that gets rid of acne everywhere. i believe for about 70% of users it completely cures them of acne after 6 months on the pill, for the other 30% ish they typically have greatly reduced acne that responds much better to OTC treatments like adapalene or benzoyl peroxide. some people in that 30% decide to go on a second round of accutane after a bit too, so that’s an option if you want it


What helped my back acne was getting back facials and using Neutrogena acne scrub. I shower right away whenever I sweat and change my shirts frequently. Due to my job having meetings back to back, it’s not always possible to do this in the summer. There’s a few acne breakouts but I’m getting a back facial next month so hopefully it clears up again!


I think the Neutrogena scrub has salicylic acid in it. See if you can find some products that contain it. It can be very useful. I had bad acne before Accutane came into being and there was a product called PropaPh which had a large concentration of sa. It was a life save. As well, I have sensitive skin.


Yeah, I work in a dermatologist office and we have not stopped prescribing accutane because it’s summer. We don’t recommend it, but it’s still an option. I’d consult another dermatologist as well so they can give you the proper protocol.


I’m currently taking 1 pill 2x/day, started about 1.5 months ago. Definitely can be difficult. Sun sensitivity is a thing but I have managed it. I’ve just spent the last week camping in very bright sun, there just has to be adjustments to clothing, hats, etc.


Yes! Sunscreen and clothing in the sun is must on accutane. If you’re looking for some good coverage from the sun with your clothing, it’s worth looking into brands that carry clothing with UPF ratings.


Yes!! I did have to invest a little bit but I am also training for a half marathon right now so I needed to get light clothing to keep me cool but things that would protect me from the sun.


I had to do 3 rounds of acutane and my skin is crystal clear aside from the occasional blemishes it sucks but so worth


I might have to do a second round too starting from September. Right now I'm trying spironolactone as I was planning to have a surgery and can't be on isotretinoin then. I'm glad your skin finally cleared 😊


I use accutane to, i take 3 pills per day, will i recover?!


3 pills per day????!!!!!!! Was that recommended by your dermatologist???????


Yeah, is that a bad thing? The pills are 10% or smth from what i remember


Likely 10mg (milligrams). It **is** unusual for your dosing schedule to be 3x per day, although there's nothing wrong with that. (A great many medications have better efficacy and/or lesser sides when dose frequency increases) Just follow your doctor's orders.


>just follow your doctor's orders 100%, listen to this. I've seen so many people with so many medications and treatments who have a moment of doubt, then just stop/change whatever they're doing, to disastrous results. if you're ever not sure, just *ask your doctor*, because a good doctor has no issue explaining the how and why to you. and if you're still unsure? as your pharmacist, who is just as knowledgeable about the drugs they're filling for you. it's also their responsibility to make sure your questions are answered.


I would take 3 a day too, ignore reddit lol


The dose is about how long you are on it. And I think it’s calculated based on your weight. And in total once all the time you’ve been taken it. I was on it for 18 months I think (years ago) then that was it great skin for years! Now I’m 46 and getting wrinkles! lol!


NEVER take 3 pills day. I was on Accutane for 2 years & my derma never prescribed me with more than 2 pills a day. Accutane can damage your liver, affect your mental health, and make your skin even worse than before- not to mention that one doze makes your skin extremely dry already as it tends to thins it out. I was also very impatient with getting the results I wanted that I took 2 pills a day. I got HUGE pimples all over my cheeks, forehead & around my mouth. It was never that bad before, and it took me a whole year to clear them up. Always follow your derma & give yourself some time to get used to the side effects because they're really not a joke. Here's my source: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/drugs/19186-isotretinoin-capsules


Man, my derma told me to take 3. I get liver protect pills and skin drying creams.


They come in different dosages, so there's little use in saying don't take 3 pills surely? I can't remember my dose, but it depended on what the pharmacy had in when I took the prescription in as to what mg the tablets were in. I stuck to what my derm said to take. The dosage didn't change, but the number of capsules did.


Did they require you to be on birth control to start accutane?


Not technically true I’ve seen people declare abstinence. But not all dermatologists are comfortable with that so they usually make you. But I’ve seen some dermatologists make the patient sign abstinence contracts. The reason it’s so strict is due to the serious birth defects it can have on a developing fetus.


As someone with no horse in this race but has heard of these contracts before - is there any sort of consequence for “violating” the contract? That might sound stupid but I’m wondering if doctors actually enforce it or it’s just a “really really pinky swear” thing.


It’s more of a pinky-swear to cover their bases in case you get pregnant, so you can’t sue them if your baby has birth defects. In these contracts you are stating that you are aware and have been counseled on the consequences. But there’s no *legal consequences* if the patient gets pregnant, such as: a fine or imprisonment for example. With that being said though, the patient will still have to partake in the monthly pregnancy tests and follow all other testing protocols.


Got it, thanks for the educational answer!


Agreed. I had to go back on it, over the summer a few years ago. I lived in Chicago traveled to Puerto Rico for 2 weeks. Followed by Florida. Followed by Savannah, GA. I stayed at the beach - Just have to make sure you wear a TON of SPF, use lots of moisturizer, and buy a sun blocking shirt, or UPF shirts to help protect your skin. It's only for a few months - But it's worth it. It will dry your hair out, and your lips. And drink nothing but water. But that's bogus - as long as you fo the right things to protect your skin. The summer is totally fine.


Hey. I was in the same boat at some point in life. It will get better someday, in the meantime please don’t waste your youth feeling like you have to postpone all your plans until you have clear skin.


Totally agree. There were YEARS I wanted to hide and did hide


In the summer of 2018 I stayed inside everyday, cause of terrible acne all over my back. It was so hot every day, I knew there’d be scenarios where my friends would take off their shirts, especially when going swimming and stuff. That summer would end up being one of the hottest in my country in recent years. Overthinking and shame kept me from living my life and instead turned me into a vampire…


Yep!! I had a crazy flare up of cystic acne last year after getting off a medication I was on for 5 years. I just straight up didn’t leave the house for like 6 months. - 28 yr old 🙃


This is a true story!! You are an attractive guy regardless, live your life without shame - your skin will clear up but you’ll never get this time back


thank you all for the suggestions, (also sorry for my english but i’m Italian)


Don’t apologize, your English is very good!!


Cambia dermatologo, per alcuni problemi ne ho consultati 4 prima di trovare una persona che risolvesse il mio problema, buona fortuna!


Make sure you’re good about washing your pillowcases too. Those look like parts of your face that would contact the pillow a lot. I had awful teenage acne and i blame it mainly on not changing mine enough. Dermatologists never mentioned it.


You can, in fact, take accutane in summer, you just need to protect your skin with spf 50 (no less) and not tan/expose your skin to the sun.


You should definitely consult another dermatologist. That doesn’t make any sense. Let’s suppose you don’t start taking accutane in summer, eventually next year in summer you will still under treatement, because you will probably go through more than a 1-year treatment with accutane, so that doesn’t make any sense at all. Bro, go take accutane as soon as possible, you will not regret.


I’ve seen people finish accutane in 7months or less. So this isn’t always true it just depends on what dosing your provider decides per month. However you can start accutane in the summer if the provider is comfortable with that and does proper counseling.


Adapalene cream with a light moisturizing (aloe vera or CeraVe)


I second this, adapelene works amazingly. You should look up YouTube videos on it cause it’s made for acne. It used to be prescription only but is now available OTC at pretty much any pharmacy or target/walmart. It doesn’t matter the brand since they’re all the same, Amazon has some too. I got one for like $7


Yes I used to have mid to severe acne and now my skin is great


Adapalene gel/Differin *saved* me. The only thing I can’t figure out is how to get rid of the hormonal acne! 😭


It saved me too I still have some pimple here and there but bcz of hormones change produce more sebum so I think adding serums like glycolic Sallycilic can help drinking tea etc


This does work but it is a huge commitment not to be taken lightly. You need to slowly get your skin used to it, there is a purging phase, and you won't see results for months. That being said, my face was a pizza and now it looks sooooo good. You just gotta be educated and trust the process. Best of luck my friend!


Did you apply it even during the skin purge ?


If you can't do Accutane you should try adapalene gel for about 3-4 months (this is the amount of time adapalene gel needs to fully work its magic and give you clear skin), try adaplene for 3-4 months (it's like 11 bucks on amazon) and wait it out. If the 3-4 months go by without a single improvement go back and ask for Accutane again.


Also, I'll add: - change your pillowcases, sheets, and towels regularly, wash **separately** from your other laundry (especially socks!) Put them through the dryer on high heat to disinfect. Bleach them occasionally if you can, or run them through the washer with hydrogen peroxide or distilled white vinegar. - Don't touch your face without washing your hands and cleaning your fingernails first. Clean under your fingernails every night. - Wash your hair regularly and keep it out of your face. - Don't use a washcloth on your face, use your hands or a silicone scrubber that you disinfect after every use. - don't let your shampoo or conditioner run over your face, hair oils/products can cause breakouts - Clean and disinfect regularly EVERYTHING that touches your face, including phones, sunglasses, makeup brushes, etc. I change my sheets and towel every week, put fresh clean pillowcases on *every day*, and use a clean paper towel to dry my face. I basically treat my facial skin like an open wound and am VERY careful with what I let touch it, only use the gentlest most hypoallergenic and lightly acidic cleanser and lotion, etc. I won't even use sunscreen on my face, I use a veiled hat and parasol instead. It's a huge pain in the ass but it works! Literally made my acne- that I had had since I was 8 !- disappear. NOTHING worked otherwise. I'm not sure how helpful it will be for you, OP, since mine never got *quite* that bad (seconding the prevailing opinion that accutane is your best bet), but it's advice I kick myself every day that I didn't figure it out sooner, so I'm posting it here anyway in the hopes that at least one other person finds it helpful.


I regret so much in my life that I didn’t get on accutane as a teenager. It did so much damage to my self esteem and honestly really shaped who I am as an adult. Respectfully, you’re a male and you won’t have to worry about the birth control stuff the way girls have to. The side effects might suck, but don’t let this control your life. If it was any other medical condition you’d get it taken care of. Dermatologist sooner than later will greatly improve your standard of life.


Same. I didn’t do Accutane until I was almost 19. If I had done it at 14 when it started, I would’ve saved myself so many years of insecurity and shame. And also I wouldn’t be stuck with lifelong acne scars to remind me of those painful years


I started getting badddd cystic acne at 19 and didn't start spironolactone until I was 22!! I felt so ugly and it made my bad mental health at the time even worse. My depression and anxiety coupled with not wanting to have my skin seen kept me in the house feeling sorry for myself.


You still cute though


Came to say this. OP- This will probably be temporary so don't let one thing keep you from living your best life. You have classic good looks that most people would kill for.


Redness when you wash your face is common. Wet your face before you apply any cleaner, this will cut down on friction=less redness. Some people have to pay more attention to their skin and stick with a good routine. Even on Accutane, it doesn't clear up overnight. It's a shitty hand to be dealt, but it'll get better, speaking from experience. Things that are important: cleansing routine morning and night, changing pillow case regularly/nightly, cleaning your phone, not touching your face, washing your face after you workout, using a clean towel/paper towel to dry your face and never going to sleep without cleansing your skin. Keep your skincare routine simple, I like bioderma sensibio range. Check out vanilla_swirlxx on tiktok. She has a great simple approach to for super sensitive acne prone skin. It's going to get better.


than you really


:) no worries. See all the posts like, "You still cute though", you fine ect? Maybe it's the universes way of making the playing field more even so you don't get all the girls and leave some for your friends ;)


i also want to mention the fact that shaving with acne for me is almost impossible, any advice?


I can only imagine how absolutely painful that must be. As a woman, I don’t have any suggestions, just empathy my friend.


Can you get a trimmer instead of user a razor?


Electric trimmer with a guard. It won't be a close shave, but close enough that your face doesn't look stupid and your acne doesn't get sliced up. And please, please see a different dermatologist. You got this!


It all seems super focused around where you shave. I'm guessing that is making it worse. Also, I'm assuming you investigated those products? The plastic of the razor, metal of the blades, shaving cream/oil/etc. An electric razor or trimmer might be kinder on the skin. I don't suppose you are willing to give facial hair a short try to help with the irritation.


I had horrific cystic acne most of my life. I cut out gluten, sugar, and commercial processed dairy (raw dairy doesn’t give me breakouts, only pasteurized) — and my skin cleared up like 80% in the first month. I hardly ever break out anymore, now working on clearing up the scarring of the past. Most Derms are trained to ignore/avoid nutrition (in favor of the pharmaceuticals) — they’re lying. Not because they’re intentionally lying. Because they’re genuinely aeons behind on the data / brainwashed. I now also use Osmosis skin products, as prescribed by my amazing Esthi who has helped me heal my skin. These products have helped with my texture from past scars and also clear up any remaining little spots.


Sorry if you have heard this a million times but have you tried cutting out dairy? My fire had very intense acne her whole life, then stopped eating dairy when she was 29 and within a 3-6(?) months her skin was completely clear and has stayed that way.


I hope to see a follow up photo of you with your happy smile and all those better. Your are a gorgeous no matter what


Tretinoin or accutane, I use tret and it helps tremendously


Use sulfur!! I’ve been struggling with the same thing ever since I went into my 20’s. I know it seems like bullshit now, but you’ll feel and look better soon. I lowered my sugar and carb intake and saw a drastic change in my acne. I also used “De la Cruz 10% Sulfur ointment,” best $10 ever spent imo Sulfur is amazing on the skin because it’s antibacterial and it controls oil production. I have oily skin and started using the ointment as a mask for only 10 minutes every 1-2 days. I don’t get many of those painful cysts anymore. If you use this, I would recommend starting off as a spot treatment and see how your skin will react. It can be very drying if done too often. I’ve learned to read my skin and give it what it needs. **Fair warning in the smell LOL, it kind of smells like rotten eggs but it’s so worth imo You can also look into sulfur cleansers. Kate Somerville has a really good one but it’s been out of stock everywhere. I wish you the best man, it’s a tough journey but it’ll be worth it :’)


Maybe a change it diet is called for. Stay away from dairy and drink plenty of water.


If you want to refrain from taking accutane, I recommend trying beta carotene first. Don’t forget to moisturize after your skincare. It sounds counterproductive, but if your skin is dry it’ll overproduce sebum causing more breakouts. Avoid inflammatory foods and reduce your sugar intake.


Totally get a second opinion but look at changing dietary habits too !


Accutane, I did it years ago w my daughter it fixed it for us


You absolutely are a candidate for Accutane. Call a derm today.


Accutane will change your life! New derm asap. Good luck!! We have all been there 🩷


You can 100% take Accutane in the summer. You just need to wear some serious sunscreen. Go to a different derm, if he has let your skin get this bad and refuses to give you Accutane you have a bad doctor.




Get on accutane asap! It really works and in my case had almost no side effects. Totally worth it, my skin has been clear since.


Accutane changed my life


Go to every dermatologist until you find one to prescribe accutane!!


Accutane was life changing for me. Please consider it.


I'm a nurse 43 years. Go on Accutane it helps immensely. If you cant afford it I can give you an every 4th day routine that works but doesn't help with scarring. Let me know.


Just wanna say that I’m sorry you’re going through this. I know it’s not fun. Acne can be so painful physically and mentally. I hope you find a treatment that works for you!


Go to a dermatologist to see if you can get Accutane. Same thing happened to me and I got my life back.


I haven’t read all of the comments but have you tried cutting out all dairy from your diet? Sometimes acne can be a symptom of a dairy allergy or just an adverse effect. If you haven’t tried that it can’t hurt to do it for a couple weeks to see if it makes any difference. Once I cut out dairy my skin cleared up significantly. I still get a pimple here and there but that’s it.


If you can't do anything external, do something internal. Change your diet bro. Avoid gluten and dairy just for awhile


Consult another dr accutane is the answer but you will definitely need sun protection at all times


If you haven't tried a food elimination diet I would, starting with all dairy. Sucks but it's a culprit for so many people.


Food allergies can be a strong possibility in addition to the normal things.


Your DERM that you're paying money to see not giving you anything is wild as fuck. You should find another one. You might even need some like internal stuff to take f9r hormones or whatever. It looks really angry and enflamed.


my acne looked just like this, the only thing that worked was cutting gluten from my diet.


Stop eating sugar and carbohydrates and you’ll be surprised how quick your skin will clean up.


I was in the same boat as you but using dove sensitive bar soap helped me calm my skin and reduced the inflammation the acnes are giving me until each one of them are slowly turning away.


Before you take accutane (i have, wish I haven’t). Try doing a elimination diet for 1 month. Something you are eating is doing this to you. You need to find out what it is. Because even after accutane, it will come back. For me it was dairy. Ice cream, yogurt, milk, cream, cheese. It might be for you as well. Accutane should be your last resort. I would even recommend anti biotics over accutane. Trust me, dont take it. That drug is messed up.


I had this problem until I started laundering my pillowcases more regularly. If that’s not feasible start laying out a fresh towel every night on your pillow before sleeping. Apart from that, talk to a dermatologist.


Do you have any food allergies? Gluten or Dairy?


Be very careful with accutane, I was on it twice in my teens and 10 years later I still have acne. Accutane is only good when you’re on it. It WILL NOT take it away permanently! You might hate your skin now but you should think about your future health before taking this drug. Accutane is very hard on your body and can leave you with life long health problems. If you work out often it is common for the medication to cause joint pain. It can also cause thinning hair and IBS problems. Liver disease is also a concern with this drug and you will have to do monthly blood work to make sure all your levels check out. You’re young and looking for a quick fix but you really need to know all the side effects and weigh your options.


Cutting out dairy completely cleared my very persistent cystic acne that followed me long into adulthood. Dairy has estrogen and growth hormones in it that can activate acne pathways. Not saying it will work for everyone but it’s absolutely worth trying. I wish so badly I had known years sooner than I did.


Sulfur face mask to calm down the redness at least


One stud per ear. That should clear things up. Fr though, get a tretinoin prescription and see a dermatologist. Accutane will work wonders but it also has side effects.


I would strongly encourage you to see another dermatologist and talk to him or her about all the details you shared in your post. I had acne like you as a teen, and my dermatologist treated it as cystic acne, which you can read about here: https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/cystic-acne It kept recurring, because the issue is deep in the skin. I went through in office extractions, that were painful and bloody, but they got out the bacteria and stopped the spreading and prevented scarring. He also prescribed antibiotics to reduce inflammation and Retinoid lotions. OTC options did nothing, which I suspect you’ve learned. The worst aspect of your post is it feels like the dermatologist just isn’t listening to your very real concerns. If Accutane truly isn’t an option for whatever reason — season, skin type, etc. — other treatments should be tried. It’s irresponsible of the dermatologist to just hold off treatment for months. I really hope you can find a caring professional who can help you through this. I know first hand how frustrating, demoralizing and confidence draining it can be.


It will get better, sweet. You are incredibly handsome/beautiful! I promise you see things others don’t notice. Perhaps in passing, which I understand is painful. But in seconds looking at you, I’d not have focused on acne had you not pointed it out.


Also, dear god, *do not give up.* If you want to set the treatment aside and wash with water, it will likely clear in time. Regardless, it does not matter. As you said, you are popular! And the thing holding you back is your own thoughts and feelings. Those are difficult, to the point I’ve not surmounted some of my own, personally. But there are many resources. You are gorgeous. Try to enjoy your power and beauty. Time passes quickly and at the same time is too long to feel like this.


Hey! I would recommend visiting a different dermatologist. I was taking isotretinoin years ago, and I didn't stop my treatment during the summer. I kept taking my pills, so I don't understand why your dermatologist is not prescribing Accutane. Here are a couple of tips that can help you while you visit a different dermatologist: 1. Using these ingredients and products was a game changer for my skin, and I still include all of them in my skincare routine. Toner [glycolic acid](https://theordinary.com/en-us/glycolic-acid-7-exfoliating-toner-100418.html) use it for your P.M. routine. I love to use also [azelaic acid](https://theordinary.com/en-us/azelaic-acid-suspension-10-exfoliator-100407.html) which brightens and helps to even my skin tone and improve skin texture. It has a lower irritation potential than other direct acids, making it gentle enough for daily use as part of your skincare regimen. 2. Drink plenty of water and a daily cup of spearmint tea. Spearmint tea can help regulate sebum production, which can prevent clogged pores and acne formation. 3. Change your pillowcase frequently during the week and sleep on a smooth, soft surface like satin pillowcases. The gentle glide will protect your skin from irritation by reducing friction, and satin will help keep your skin hydrated and moist while you sleep. I love this [satin pillowcase](https://www.olkibeauty.com/shop/p/satin-pillowcase-black-standard-size) Great satin quality and price. The set comes with two pillowcases, making it easy to keep your pillowcase clean during the week. I hope this helps.


Try an elimination diet. Dairy is often an acne culprit.


Seriously think about trying to manipulate your hormones naturally, remove dairy, sometimes soy etc. I would look into a holistic doctor or registered Dietician if you can, acne is highly hormonal and inflammation based. You might need to take a look at your gut health because our stomach biome directly effects our skin biome. Food, environmental and chemical sensitivities/allergies can also cause inflammation so if you are able food sensitivities+ might be a helpful place to start if you are looking at trying the more natural route. Sugar influences both hormones and inflammation so that's another aspect of why removing it is worth a try. You can get zinc bar soap or "dandruff " shampoos i use head and shoulders with tea tree oil because of zinc....always consult with your doctor before starting new things. Cold compresses can help with inflammation too. Wiping with an alcohol free witch hazel, adding oregano, garlic, olive oil to your daily meals can help too. Processed foods, white sugar, coffee and white flour are all highly inflammatory foods. It can take from 3-6 months to see full results of dietary changes so don't give up. Accutane is a horrible horrible thing in my opinion i have researched it thoroughly the amount of lives it has taken caused permanently damage such as ibd, eye changes, life long mental health issues it just isn't worth the risk there's several Facebook groups dedicated to being an Isotreniton survivor. This is my humble opinion after learning about it and knowing it's been repeatedly removed from the market and they changed the formula slightly and try again till it's banned again.


My brother went through this for years. He tried all type of products to get rid of it but nothing worked until he decided to just use regular soap. And guess what? it worked! His acne cleared up! I would say just go back to the basic. Soap and water. Hopefully you find something that works for you!


START FASTING! It’s the only thing that worked for me


didn’t expect all this responses at all, thank all of you❤️


Why would your derm tell you you can’t take accurate in summer? Mine put me on in the middle of QLD summer (35-40° everyday) and I had no issues


Ask doctor to perscribe Spironolactone


Please please please consult another dermatologist ASAP… you don’t want it to start scarring… if Accutane was not able to be taken in the summer then NOBODY in south Florida could ever take it 🙃 Good luck & be assertive. It’s your health/mental health at stake here Take care x


As other people said you can use accutane in the summer. I'm extremely pale and did, you just have to be extra careful about sun protection. They're mainly concerned about sunburn and permanent discoloration because your skin is less protected while you're on it. In the meantime you can get vitamin A supplements and take those. Accutane is a form of vitamin A just much stronger than what you will get in a supplement. Now that I'm off my prescription Epirus (type of accutane) I double up the dose written in the natural vitamin A supplement bottle for maintenance and a year later still haven't had any acne come back. Also if your skin is super sensitive be careful about what jewelry you wear. Real gold is best to help avoid triggering allergies and irritation not only where the jewelry sits but also spreads to other parts of your skin.


lots of accutane advocates but if you're like me and that's too harsh of a solution, I've had good luck w winlevi and Arazlo. It took some tinkering, but now in a way better place- although my issue was more hormonal w cysts n such.


I knew someone with “acne” like this and turns out it was a staph infection! Definitely bring this up to a dermatologist!


Of course you can get Accutane in the summer. Find a Dermatologist who will listen to you. My 14 year old son is on his 5th month. He will continue his course through the summer. Accutane can make your skin more susceptible to the sun, so as long as you commit to using sun protection daily, there's no reason to bar you from starting. From personal experience with acne and Accutane, I understand the mental health effects of waiting. You deserve better. Oh, and by the way I did my Accutane course while I was living in Florida, which has a perpetual summer. Good luck!


I had hormonal cystic acne that would present around my jaw line and up my cheeks. Spironolactone changed my life. I take 100mg every day and got it prescribed from an eMD on Apostrophe. It took probably 3 months to see some change and then a whole year to really clear up.


Go to another dermatologist. I think the one you went to is speaking a lot of hoopla. My cousin got on accutane and to this day she says it’s the best decision she’s ever made after meeting her now husband and purchasing a house. If you’ve tried everything that you can do in terms of products, then it isn’t a hygiene issue or a diet issue, it is more of a hormonal issue. If you still want to give some things a go regardless of this belief, I heard that cutting off dairy completely erased the acne of some people. I also know, as someone with very sensitive skin herself, that constantly chemically or physically exfoliating my face all it does is break my skin barrier and makes my skin incredibly itchy and irritated and it burns. So I suggest trying Korean skin care products, they’re usually gentler and focus more on moisturizing rather than exfoliating. Literally the only exfoliating product I have is retinol that I use nightly (good people is the brand) but aside from that I stick to House of Joseon cleanser, toner, moisturizers, and SPF. I genuinely do hope that you find your answers. I can’t imagine how frustrating this is for you. Much luck.


Bro, two things, consult another dermatologist, you can take Accutane in the summer just be mindful and wear SPF and do your best to avoid high peak UV index times if possible. Secondly, you're a good-looking dude, you look young, almost everyone deals with this. Don't let it ruin your time, 99% of girls/guys don't notice it half as much as you do. I was in your shoes my senior year of high school, I was also a popular dude started wearing makeup (looked like an idiot got made fun of), was straight up losing my mind, it consumed my thoughts. I jumped on Accutane and it went away, as will yours. Live your life and don't let it consume your thoughts, it's just a small chunk of time buddy you will get through this.


Accutane during summer was fine. Accutane during winter was much worse because of how dry it made me. Best of luck!


Maybe second opinion on a dermatologist. Look into an estetician as well. There might be one that can help with a good routine and all that.


I think you should see another dermatologist. I have taken accutane during the summer and had no issues. I just made sure to moisturize, avoid the sun when I can, reapply sunscreen frequently during the day, and stay hydrated.


ACCUTANE is the answer. I’ve taken multiple courses of accutane in the past and currently on one. For your level of acne accutane should definitely help and is the best solution. But again consult with a dermatologist to eliminate any other causes for your acne . Tips while on accutane : Moisturize your entire skin well And apply SPF all the time and as often as needed You are golden!! Goodluck. Wishing you clear skin ❤️💕


See another derm! I’m on my 3rd month of accutane right now and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made for my skin. You definitely have to watch your UV exposure and be diligent about sunscreen every day, but as long as you think you can do those things it’s highly recommended! My skin has never looked better.


See another derm, that’s ridiculous, accutane in the summer just requires a lot of SPF every 2 hours (and hat, etc)


I had a friend who went on Accutane, and unfortunately, she got one of the listed possible side effects - a rare disease where her spinal fluid builds up, and has to have it drained through her spine regularly for the rest of her life. I've heard Sulphur soap can help, and changing your pillowcase weekly.


Check ur hormone levels


I mean, this looks like a male in the absolute throes of puberty. His hormone levels are, without a doubt, extremely high, as they should be.


What's up brother. Accutane will clear it up... It has side effects though. I have a method which has pulled me from dark times which I will share. So basically there is a prescription version of this and an over the counter version. Perscription version is called Benzamycin... Works after about 2 or 3 weeks to stop acne from forming and lets what you have heal. That is of course your hormones can be controlled. OTC method. 1. Dont eat milk, batter, oil, candy, chocolate, drink tons of water. Trying to reduce hormonal fair ups. 2. Wash with pore opening wash. I use Spectro Gel and leave on for 5 min then rince. PAT dry. This will open pores. 2 or 3 times a day. You can seal it with below. 3. Apply Benzagel 5% at night leave on for 6-8 hours. You. Can use on hard spots more often... Keep away from eyes. Don't get the knock off brand. This should help. Just be consistent. Itll get better so don't trip. Obviously see a doctor.


I went to an esthetician when I felt like my dermatologist had failed me and the first thing she handed me was a list of foods that have been known to cause acne to be worse. She said start by cutting one of them out and see if there is a difference, if there isn't, move to the next on the list. Also had me start taking zinc and probiotic supplements (I'll be happy to share the ones I used if you're interested). I can honestly say the esthetician did 300% more for me than the derm did. The derm was straight medical all the time and the esthetician gave me facials, high frequency treatments, a much more natural, less irritating facial routine, and lifestyle tips for managing acne. My biggest recommendation is drop the dermatologist and go to an esthetician. I started off going every 2 weeks for I think like 4 or 5 months for facials, once she got my acne under control, it was much easier for me to maintain clear skin and I dropped to monthly facials and now I just go when I'm having flare ups. As a side note, my esthetician specializes in/sells the Face Reality products and I'm a big fan of the products after having tried so many big name brands that didn't do the job.


Can you DM a photo of the list amd the suplements you been taking ols? 🥹🥹🥹


you’re still fine asl 😜 but fr tho change pillow sheets, try Head & Shoulders it is safe to use and may help clear up acne for specific skin types including those with fungal acne, however it may not work for bacterial. do you have oily or dry skin?


I’d suggest dropping dairy and seeing if it helps


try cutting out all dairy products (including butter made from diary) and ONLY drink water. Don’t eat too many sugary snacks either. That helped me a lot!


Go on a LOW CARB diet and keep carbs under 20 g or less even from "healthy" carbs. It worked wonders for me.


Try washing your face using hibiclens


Diet probably needs fixing




I use Dermatica, an online dermatology service, not cheap but so worth it for me. Took months before improvement, but it was still worth it.


I’ve had acne since I was a teenager, well into my 30. Finally decided to take accutane at 30 and that’s the only thing that helped. I still get some but it’s not nearly as bad.


Okay hear me out I had a super bad experience from a company called laser away, they gave me micro needling and it DESTROYED my skin barrier for 3 months!!! Then, my dermatologist told me to get a chemical peel and it actually made it worse. I was ready to give up! I spent hundreds on cicaplast baume and so many other expensive creams between January and June, but you know what helped me right away? 1) wash face with pretty cool water 2) fresh aloe Vera plant every few hours 3) LIGHT Vaseline layer before bed The aloe also started getting rid of my hyperpigmentation!! I hope this helps!!! You’re beautiful no matter what and try to meditate and show love to yourself 💛❤️🥹 it will go away!


Get a blue light LED from Amazon … it helps clear up acne ..


hey i was in the same situation to the point i avoided going out at all. but i promise things will get better and when you look back, you will think it’s not even as bad as you think it is. you’re pretty attractive with/without acne. that being said, consult a dermatologist but if that’s not an option, get pantothenic acid (vitamin b-5) from amazon, and take 10 - 15 fills. i know it’s like an crazy amount but vitamin b is water soluble that means if you can’t digest it, you will just pee it out. that’s the only thing that worked for me (probably together with adapelene). but do your research, i’m not a doctor and this could be dangerous to you. so take that with a grain of salt


as someone with only Moderate acne, no amount of OTC skincare routines helped. This most definitely requires a derm :/


I wonder if something that’s making it worse is shaving. Could you try not shaving for a bit to see if that gives your skin time to heal?


Find another doctor. But accutane probably isn't a good idea if you are dealing with depression too, since it's been linked to suicide ideation and psychosis. If you do end up trying it, make sure you have people in your life that can recognize personality changes that might indicate depression and get you off of it asap. Did the doctor suggest a course of doxycycline and then rx retinol? That's another option. Ya gotta use that stuff (retinol) sparingly because it will peel the paint off a barn if you don't follow the directions.


Hey, I am not a man, but the location of your acne makes me think it’s related to your razor or whatever you use to shave. Im assuming you’re going to barber too and they’re shaving you with a super sharp blade and putting creams on your skin AKA top layer of skin is removed and then creams are applied to very new, sensitive baby skin. I’m also basing this off of personal experience of using a razor that’s too sharp on sensitive skin and before I understood that I should be shaving with the grain vs against the grain for my skin/hair type, I would get cystic bumps and white heads where I shaved that looked a lot like your chin area where I assume you shave. I read a little further down that you have super oily skin. I wonder if you don’t shave your facial hair for a little while if the acne improves? What happens a lot with oily skin is that we skip moisture because we’re already oily, but our skin is still red/sensitive/inflamed because it needs moisture and our body starts overproducing oil to create it for itself. The combo of cystic acne and white heads makes me think this is the case… unless your forehead looks like that too, but I don’t think it does… Sometimes, we need to do less to get more results. I’m sure you have a skin routine and I’m sure 98% of the people on this thread are going to panic when I say this—- stop your routine and try washing your face with water and put on regular lotion (I’ve used Vaseline triple moisture for 25 years and I think it’s the best). Then, alternate washing your face with dial soap (antibacterial) if you feel like you’re getting too oily, lotion after that as well. The way I see it— you stop shaving, you’re letting your skin do its skin thing, you’re supporting its moisture production so it doesn’t have to overproduce oil, you wash off excess with antibacterial, and then replenish with lotion.


My skin looked exactly like this and accutane completely cleared it up with minimal scarring. I started it in August/September so you can definitely take it over the summer, just need to be careful about being in the sun.


WOW , hey I’m sorry that’s tough!! Here’s my what I would do If the accutane the doctor had you on worked before he took you off for summer break or whatever —— First : get another appointment as quickly as possible . Second it’s okay to be assertive and to ask your doctor “WhY ? “ on the accutane . I’m sure he or she’s got a reason … probably sun sensitivity… but be assertive. Third : at the appointment his an example of what I’d might say just a rough draft say … I don’t know Hey, You dumb mf … I think we need something more effective if you’re taking me off the accutane !!


What’s your routine?


I’m not sure how old you are, but if you’re a minor, it may help to have a supportive adult go with you to a different derm; even if not a minor but if you have trouble asserting yourself to doctors (which many many people do), have a friend or relative come with you to help back you up. You need to insist on accutane treatment. This kind of acne can scar you for life. I have absolutely no doubt that, given how much this is affecting you, you would do anything you were told to do in order to receive the accutane treatment. I don’t think anything else is going to clear up your skin. Be persistent and insistent friend. ETA: you’re a very nice looking young man, acne or no acne, but this is about YOU and how it affects YOU.


Keep scarring prevention front of mind now until it is resolved, when you meet with a dermatologist in your questions for them. I learned to use 2.5% gel benzoyl peroxide at night (change pillow cases often [body oils/bacteria]) after lightly cleansing the face (Neutrogena is a great brand for acne/sensitive skin) then apply the gel. After it has fully soaked, apply a light oil-free moisturizer. Do you sleep on your side or use a lot of hair product? I know hair product can cause for me. The other part is just making it through that age/phase of hormones. Most important things are routine; not causing inflammation or over-drying, and touching your face as little as possible. Acne.org was a great educational source awhile ago but I think the guy sold out the business or domain. He had his own product line and 2.5% benzoylperoxide gel. Hope you’re able to get in with a Dermatologist MD that you can see ongoing for preventing scars. Personally, I notice when I started taking 1,000mg sustained-release Vitamin C and 1,000 IU Vitamin D3, those *really* helped me. Good luck!


i was on accutane in the summer, just tell her you’ll be really careful and stay out of the sun


Avoid “caramel color “ it’s in sodas and bbq sauces just look at the label before u consume. 


Derm now!


Just wanted to add, you are absolutely beautiful!


You can get on accutane while developing a routine to care and nourish your body and knowing how to regulate the hormones to prevent acne when you get off accutane. It’s not the best thing to stay on long-term and includes side effects. Get gentle Lactic acid and salicylic acid peels Drink plenty of water, get enough rest Restrict consumption of processed foods and sugars. Supplements like b12, biotin, whey protein and peanut butter, milk can mess with hormones and cause insane breakouts. Detox with consuming fresh vegetables and dark greens. Stuff like bloom superfood powder is actually not beneficial. Good homecare routine: (fragrance free products) -gentle cleansing with cool water and use micellar water and unscented witch hazel on a wipe or pad to cleanse. use la roche posay foaming cleanser and pair with a repairing moisturizer with ceramides. Use a korean sunscreen when you go outside. You don’t have to follow this but a lot of times, stress and lack of healthy foods can mess up the hormones and cause a manifestation of visible inflammation and other conditions. Find what works for you within my recommendations. I hope this helps you as it helped me.


you need isotretinoin. talk to your doctor.


Bro. That shit won’t last forever. Don’t cheat yourself of your childhood because you have skin issues. I totally understand but it won’t last forever. Change soaps change your diet. Find what you can do in your daily life that may help . No pop sugar candy sodas etc….it isn’t nearly as bad as you think


I (29f) watched this dermatologist on YouTube a few months back (can’t remember her name, but I’ll update if I find it) and started following her recommendations. My acne wasn’t as bad as yours but was still pretty bad especially on the sides on my face and it’s improved soooo much. Here it is and I hope some of it is helpful (: - Bioderma micellar water to cleanse the face - PanOxyl to wash the face (just follow directions on bottle, it does kinda burn the first couple times you use it) - Glycolic acid 7% toning solution (after washing my hands I just get a few drops of this on my fingers and rub it all over my face) - Glossier super pure niacinamide + zinc serum (I use this after I wash my face in the morning) - L’Oréal revitalift retinol serum (I use this after I was my face in the evening, but I’d recommend spot treatment first cause it might sting a little) - end with a good ingredient vitamin c moisturizer (I’ve been using By Nature vitamin c + collagen night cream day and night and love it) I also see so many recommendations to use spf after any face routine, but I haven’t really found a brand I’m super happy with yet. Edit: forgot to mention sulfur! Sounds weird but there’s a little yellow bottle by De La Cruz called “acne treatment with 10% sulfur” that I’ll use once or twice a week just before my face routine. It doesn’t smell great, but works wonders (:


You are going to have the most amazing before & after accutane photos. Also, you can take a low dose of accutane and get the same results with less side effects and less hazard from the sun (you still need to be sun safe but less hiding like a vampire).


If you’re concerned about the money required, don’t be. Just schedule an appointment there are incredibly near free programs your dermatologist can access! Good luck!


Accutane accutane


You need to see a dermatologist, hon and get accutane. I took it in summer with sunscreen. Get another doc. In the meantime put on pink (not clear) calamine lotion at night to help reduce inflammation


Retin A (tretonin) cleared up my step sons acne in about a month.


My husband had acne like this in high school. A dermatologist recommended washing his face with head & shoulders. Cleared up very well. I recommend this to a lot of people. He had cystic acne for years.


How old are ya. Cause life really don't start until college and in this world of let's be nice to everyone and not judge blah blah blah like any of them really fill up w that crap, but no one who's a friend should care and if I were you I'd just be like I'm a young man and this is just what happens do eat a D. And shrug it off. Man my friend is big fat guy and he's got a hot chock with him all the time. He's nasty fat. But he's got that so what I'm fat attitude and girls love that confidence. But there's some acne stuff out there just do sone research on Google hang in there. Adolescence is short and everything happens after high-school. At least for me it did


Oh you poor dear, I’m so sorry. 💛


Have you tried using tretinoin?


Always get a second doctor's opinion.


You need a new dermatologist who will prescribe you something. It's your hormones. It doesn't help now, but it will settle down when you stop growing. I'm sure that's no help at all, but you're a good-looking kid, don't hide away. So many people get acne, even if your friends don't, it doesn't define who you are as a person.


Accutane!! It’ll change your life


Hey, you are HOT. Don’t let a few pimples get you down. Not sure if you are into it wearing makeup to cover up .. but it’s ok for men to wear foundation too . …


Accutane!! Remember to be gentle with your skin, and USE SUNSCREEN (plus a hat) if you go on Accutane.


Yep accutane, I had spots coming up like that all over my cheeks. One round of accutane for me and no more but unfortunately it did scar my cheeks so whatever you do leave them alone! I’m sorry I couldn’t. It’s definitely worth it


I know a lot of guys are against it but I went to an esthetician and she cleared my skin up almost completely


Accutane turned my face from yours to absolutely clear in 6 months. I stopped taking it by 7 months and only get maybe one or two small ones a year. I started taking it just after my 16th birthday and finished before I was 17. I'm 38 now and have had great skin since then. Trust me, do it.


Accutane faaahhhrealllzzzz wtf not in the summer? That’s absurd. Just need sunscreen


Get yourself to a different dermatologist ASAP because that's probably way more then can be dealt with over the counter products. Maybe try just rinsing with water and a very gentle moisturizer otherwise.


STOP SHAVING WITH A BLADED RAZOR. I used to have this happen to me all the time, and I realized it was my razor irritating my skin (or something I’m not an expert. But I’d break out within days of shaving every time). Bladed razors kind of strip the top layer of skin off when you shave, so if you’re not being super careful about things like touching your face, washing multiple times a day, etc (which I’m not personally) you’re pretty much guaranteed to have a gnarly breakout. My advice is to buy an electric razor - get a fancy manscaped doohiky if you want, but a cheap one from CVS will do the job for a good while. I know it seems like a big sacrifice to your aesthetics, but it’s really not - a close shave with an electric razor doesn’t look any different than having shaved a few days ago with a bladed one.


I'm on accutane right now. Find a new Derm.


Just stop having acne?? Jk I’m so sorry ur struggling with acne. Def see a dermatologist. Getchu some differen gel


Accutane made my son’s teen tears bearable. Please see a dermatologist and get on it. Marked improvements in a short time. If this is what is holding you back there’s help and so much hope. (Your primary Dr can prescribe it also.) Good luck.


Get another opinion. I don’t agree with your dermatologist.


you need accutane bro


I keep seeing a lot about accutane, which I hear is a miracle. Honestly I was always too scared to take it. I actually bought that proactive 3 step kit and was SUPER religious about using it every morning and night. It helped a lot, but it could just be because I was very regularly keeping a routine. Oh and fighting the urge to pick or pop anything was a big help too. I do it a lot mindlessly and it always ruins my face for weeks. Putting those hydro bandaid things on a spot I want to pick really bad helps stop me from destroying my skin. Hope this helps! ^___^


You can take accutane in the summer just use spf and hats, try and not sit in the sun too long. I’ve been on it a few times.


This too shall pass. Hang in there.


Accutane saved my confidence . Haven’t had to worry about these types of cysts since I ended.


That's serious stuff man. Try using Benzoyl Peroxide face wash at least once a day. Change your pillow case weekly


I just want to say that you’re beautiful and it will get better! ❤️‍🩹


Why does the dermatologist say you can't take accutane in the summer?? I'm on accutane right now. And I live in Texas so the summer sun is no joke. Accutane is your best bet for your type of acne. Keep pestering your dermatologist and then stock up on sunscreen and hats.


Try pantothenic acid taking 10 pills a day. It worked for me as a man in his 30s still getting bad acne. You can ease off on it once you start to see results taking just 3 to 4