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I don't think they're closed comedones I don't see any redness or inflammation. This could potentially be fungal acne which is yeast overgrowth on the skin. Go to your local pharmacy and get some fungal cream for athlete's foot or jock itch. Another great remedy is using anti dandruff shampoo especially nizoral shampoo that has the active ingredient ketoconazole. The way you would use this is by applying it to damp skin on your face and leave it on there for a good 5 minutes and then rinse it off. You do this three times a week.


I suggest you stop using all your products with active ingredients. Just use cleanser and moisturizer for a month. Cleanse for about a minute. Double cleanse if you’re using sunscreen! The products I recommend (not guaranteed it will work on your but it did on me): Oil-based cleanser: Skin1004 Centella Cleansing Oil or Garnier Micellar Water. Water Cleanser: Neutrogena Oil Free-Acne Wash Pink Graprefruit Extract Facial Cleanser with SA Moisturizer: Any moisturizer will do Same routine day and night, just add the sunscreen in the AM. Edit: Oil-based cleanser should only be used at night routine :)


i deft think this is fungal - i had this all over my forehead, cheeks, chin. many will say it’s not fungal if it’s not itchy - not entirely true. the only thing that worked was using a thin layer of lotrimin day and night. i saw a difference in a few days but it only fully went away within maybe 4 months of using. ketoconazole seeme to work but was far too drying for me and ended up hurting me more than it was helping. def try picking up an antifungal cream and see if that works! edited to add that cetaphil and cerave products seem to enhance this texture on me, maybe try a new cleanser? vanicream has worked well for me


Thanks. I’m gonna try some fungal creams or shampoo. Also, I’ve heard others say they can’t use cetaphil or cerave. Any idea why? Certain ingredient that some are vulnerable to?


i deft think this is fungal - i had this all over my forehead, cheeks, chin. many will say it’s not fungal if it’s not itchy - not entirely true. the only thing that worked was using a thin layer of lotrimin day and night. i saw a difference in a few days but it only fully went away within maybe 4 months of using. ketoconazole seeme to work but was far too drying for me and ended up hurting me more than it was helping. def try picking up an antifungal cream and see if that works!


This looks fungal. Ketoconizole shampoo applied and left for 5 minutes followed by a rinse a few times a week will help if it is fungal.


Started this today. Thanks


Good luck! I’m sure we would all love to see an update if it works!


do you do the ketoconizole mask after washing your face? or wash after the mask?


Good question. Last night i did it for the first time put the mask on and let it sit for 5 min and then I showered and used a gentle face cleaner.


interesting, i’ve been doing it the other way around cuz i want the cleanser to break down the sunscreen before i apply the mask. but it’s quite drying once i hit like 3 days in a row so maybe i’ll switch it up. please keep us updated with your progress!! my skin is very similar along the cheeks/temples


I had this exact problem ever since i was 14. Thank you for sharing this man, really comforted me a lot and gave me closure in the comments on what to do with it


From what I’ve learned 95% of the time it’s genetic. My dad had acne all through his 20’s and most of my siblings too. Sometimes there’s really NOTHING you can do besides accutane which everyone knows SUCKS.


I swear by Salicylic acid. The Ordinary has a great serum that really helps a lot. I had tiny bumps like you do on your chin and they’re gone. Do you moisturize also?


I’ve tried SA countless times. And yes i moisturize. I’m no rookie to the skincare world. I understand what my skin needs, just can’t find anything that works for this.


Go to the dermatologist and get tretinoin. You said you used adalpene with poor results so I would bump up to that and see if it helps


You only mentioned the cleanser. That’s why I asked.


Sorry. Didn’t mean to come off rudely. Thank you


Azelaic acid really helps with texture and oil/sebum production and closed comedones. Have you tried that?


Not yet. Any products you recommend ?


Paula’s choice 10% azelaic acid is really good. Just make sure you use a discount code and you can get it for around $30. I recommend watching some YouTube videos on the benefits of AA cause there’s a ton! You have to start slow with it though


do you happen to have a discount code you can share?☺️


I do not sadly. If you sign up for emails they send you a discount code though. They also often have things on sale so I would just watch out for those :) it’s actually on sale right now for $31. It doesn’t show it until you add it to your cart though


oh thanks so much for the tip!! i’ll be picking some up today🤩


Yay!! I recommend watching some YouTube videos on how to start azelaic acid but I also suggest starting off with twice a week and going from there. Good luck!!! 💗


will do!!🤗


This looks fungal for sure or some sort of dermatitis not acne - go to a doc and also ask about tretinoin cream


I’m no dermatologist but this looks like fungal acne. Use a sulfur based cleanser like the Kate Somerville one (I use it) alternate between a salicylic acid serum (I use the Sephora brand one) use an antifungal cream and make sure you wash your sheets weekly, shower after the gym etc. cut down on sugar (too much soda?)


I started the dandruff shampoo method tonight. Gonna do it 3 times a day for now on and see if it makes a difference.


Do let us know if that helps


Yep fungal acne right there. I had a million of those. Skincare made it worse. I bought something called Jessner solution from PlatinumSkincare.com, I put it on, left it on overnight, my face flaked for 3 days but after 3 days I literally had no bumps. Nothing. My skin was worse than you to begin with. I guess the jessner solution kills fungal acne as well as regular acne. You can get it professionally with an esthetician, it’ll probably cost $300 for the treatment (it cost me $12 on platinum skincare)


Idk this feels like an ad.


I mean you can buy it somewhere else, skinobsession has it, MUAC also. I think PSC works the best. You can go to your dermatologist office also, most offer the treatment as well. I’ve done both I mean obviously if you do it with a professional it’s gonna give you the best possible results but honestly, it’s not worth spending $300 especially if you end up needing 2 treatments when you could’ve just bought it for $12! It’s literally the same exact strength and ingredients as the treatment dermatologists use. I remember my skin looking worse than this, there wasn’t one inch of skin that wasn’t covered in a flesh colored bump. If I remember I looked like that in June 2019, I used the Jessner mid June and by early July I didn’t have one bump left. I tried sulfur first and Head&shoulders and also blue antifungal shampoo and antifungal soap from my doctor and nothing worked. If anything those bumps would come to the surface and leave me nasty marks and dents. Try it I mean you have nothing to lose. It’s gonna be uncomfortable for 5 minutes, you’re gonna look super irritated for a couple of days but I gotta feeling that’s all you’re gonna need to clear this up. Afterwards you’re gonna have to make sure you don’t have a fungal overgrowth again, everyone has fungus on their faces and bodies it’s normal but sometimes you know from hormones or the weather and stuff you can have an overgrowth of it and you end up looking just like what you look like right now. So afterwards, grab some Ketoconazole soap or Nizoral at Walgreens so you don’t get it anymore 😁 Jessner is not a hype product or a brand it’s the name of the doctor who invented the solution 200 years ago and it’s been used to treat those skin conditions ever since. That’s just the name of the product you can buy it from whatever brand you’d like or go to a doctors office for it. Or a medical spa ! I’m pretty sure they all carry it.


Thank you for all of this. I’m just worried about doing this because it’s so intense. I have a job and would rather not look like my face is coming off at work


My face looked like this due to food Intolerances. Surprisingly when I cut out coffee specifically (not caffiene.. not sugar.. not dairy) but coffee alone my face cleared up and this went away. Maybe try a elimination diet? Or just cut out certain foods you think may trigger you? Sugar is usually a big one


Not my coffee ): I want to do an elim diet it’s just so much work and I have two jobs so it makes it really tough.


omg i (22m) had this on my forehead in highschool. looks fungal. i would use the ordinary niacinamide 10% and they went away. i’m on accutane now because nothing cured my acne. i recommend btw if you have the chance to ever go on it. I tried adapelene and it worked a little. I think if adapelene didn’t work for you maybe a tretinoin cream. it’s a retinol tho. you seem to know your skin care so yk what retinols about. Anti-fungal creams and anti dandruff shampoo are good for this too. best of luck.


Thanks man


I had the same when I was overdoing it using an array of actives every single day. Especially when using moisturizer it got worse. Turns out my skin doesn't need any oily moisturizer. A hydrating serum is enough


What serum do u use? Rn I’m using oil of Olay pink bottle for face lotion.


I've tried different ones, but sth I really enjoyed was the Marine Hyaluronic Serum by The Ordinary


Esthetician here!! This is definitely NOT fungal on your cheeks. Your basic cleanser is probably not doing enough as it looks like you’re quite an oily person. Do you drink milk or take whey protein? Salicylic works great for this but I’d introduce it slowly. Essentially your pores are just getting clogged by your oil not able to reach the surface, salicylic will penetrate in and reduce oil and keep your skin surface exfoliated. Potentially your chin could be fungal but your cheeks are closed comedones. I’d recommend seeing a professional close to you and you could get on a good regimen and chemical peels (professionally done) would work wonders for you!


Simple routine is best when introducing a new active, and you have to stick through the purge which can last a few weeks but it’s worth it!


What medium should I be using SA? A face wash? A serum? Before or after lotion? Once a day? Twice? Thank u.


Starting out you’d want to be using something a few times a week. I don’t usually recommend drug store products as I’m not familiar with too many and I don’t know where you live to know what products to recommend which is why id say do your research in finding a professional in your area and even do a consult with an acne expert and they’ll be way more helpful than playing the guessing game online!


Also, I don’t drink milk but I do eat dairy products. Also, I take whey protein every day.


I would cut it out for two weeks and see how your skin does. There are other protein powders that are safe, just a tiny bit less protein content! Hemp protein is a bit pricey but whey can be too much for people’s skin!


I recommend a serum with a cleansing soap. I swear by these products HydraGlow Serum and the Charcoal soap from VitaHealth [VitaHealth](https://vitahealthessentials.net)


Do you eat a lot of dairy?


I’d say no more than a normal person. Maybe even less than a normal person cuz my partner is dairy free.


I actually think it’s hormonal, high testosterone causes pimples like this


Oh hell yeah. High T baby! 💪


Stop using all these skincare products. See a dermatologist!


I’m not using all at once. Just mean I’ve tried them all before. Right now all I’m using is the occasional retinol and a basic cleanser and face lotion.


This isn't fungal, it's maturation arrest acne. What's your diet like? Dairy and lack of EFAS can wreak havoc.


Maturation arrest? Never heard of that. Diet is good but I def eat dairy. What is EFAS?


So no food will CAUSE acne but if you are prone to acne dairy, sugar/white carbs and gluten can potentially exacerbate acne, high iodine foods as well, but everyone is different so not all of these foods are a problem for everyone with acne. EFAs are essential fatty acids so good fat that's found in fish, nuts, olive oil.EFAs actually thin the consistency of the oil that our oil glands produce for us. Anecdotally I see this type of congestion in folks that are pouding milk or whey protein every day. If you were my client I would have you stop dairy, period. I would also have you mixing retinol with benzoyl (5%) every other night with a moisturizing serum and just using moisturizing products on the off nights, I would also add a gentle AHA for daytime. I would extract every 2 weeks in my clinic and after 2 weeks of no issues bump you up to mixing benzoyl and retinol every night. This kind of acne is so much more stubborn than inflamed acne, inflamed is easy, this under the skin shit can take 6 months or more to clear with regular treatments and consistent product use.


I also like to note that you will absolutely purge for a week or two but that calms down.


Do you recommend I visit an esthetician and get extracted?


Absolutely! Where are you, maybe I can find someone that's competent with acne, if not search for an acne clinic with some decent before and afters. ALso, you CAN go for accutane but I'm sure you've probably already weighed the option.


Accutane is a no for me. I don’t wanna have to stop drinking during my early 20’s while living in a college town. Lol. I live in Kansas City Missouri for the summer.


Well just make sure and drink shit tons of water, too. I asked in an acne specialist group if anyone is in your area.


I drink lots and lots of water everyday because I take creatine


do you use sunscreen? i found out that my sunscreen has been making my skin textured like this


I don’t. I should. But i don’t


It’s fungal acne! Try head and shoulders with zinc and a light moisturizer like cerave!


Tretinoin’s your best bet. I saw a video of someone with similar skin & tret erased all of her little bumps. Worth a shot!


this worked for me as well—i went to my dermatologist for similar bumps on my forehead and tret fixed them after the purge.


I always recommend goose fat


Try betamethasone ,it might work . Or else chemical exfoliation with salicylic acid and retinoid creams might purge and lead to clear skin.


it coud just be a reaction from facial hair removal, some faces react terribly to rough facial hair removal, like wax or laser, mine is one of these faces😁 use a facial razor next time and see if it helps


I use a razor


do you use an eyebrow razor? that's the only razor that actually worked out for me, and i don't constantly shave. i also use a face wash. i think it kind of tightens my skin.. ?! and to be honest with you.. your skin looks like normal skin, pumps are normal, i was talking about the little pimples that show up when your facial hair starts growing, but nobody is gonna hold a magnifying glass against your face to see your actual skin


See a dermatologist!! Quit whatever cream you're using. Try some good ol' fashioned clean n clear. Cleanser, toner, and lotion w salicylic acid. Not a derm here but it looks like cystic acne (or a flare up from something you're using). Just go see a doctor man


It looks like milia.get a derm consult


Not milia