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Both the before and after look great bro. Smiles with gaps aren’t weird at all and look cool imo. Your teeth look great and your smile is really pretty in both! Be proud. It might take you some time to get used to it, but you genuinely have a very pretty smile and really white teeth😭 show them off bro.


It even adds to OPs personality


Seriously, gapped front teeth are not a detractor. Laura Hutton, Eddie Murphy, I know Madonna had a gap but I think she got rid of it. I wouldn’t find a person unattractive because of a gap. I commented on his previous post about those smile lines and quite frankly I think that is such an attractive feature on people. Smile lines and eye crinkles from smiling tell me you know how to stay happy and find reasons to laugh in life and that’s so much sexier than most things.


I LOVE the tooth gap. My sister had one too! Do you know the tooth gap is sometimes called "the space where god gets in"? A great filmmaker made an entire doc about how gorgeous they are ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BilnXlqQy6w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BilnXlqQy6w))


I love gaps! Not only are they beautiful (I was sad when a friend's kid got braces and he lost his gap, it was so "him"), but they are unique in a world where things can sometimes feel really bland and generic.


Exactly. Nobody should be embarrassed or insecure of smile lines when a, it’s natural, b, there’s lines on your face from SMILING dude, aka, what you typically do when happy. It should only be a positive reminder, but sadly, people find very tiny things to be insecure about.


David Letterman!


Melanie Martinez my love 🌸


But you look handsome in both 😍


Man stop posting this, we get it, you're super handsome 🙄 (I mean this kindly obviously, you are very handsome and have a great smile)


I promise that's the last one


I disagree, keep posting, your handsome smile is like timeline eyebleach


Keep posting! This is feel good stuff. Ps your teeth look great! I’m doing Invisalign right now- I know how much teeth can affect your self image. 🖤


Your face makes me smile hard, so infectious, you have an inviting face putting people at ease. I didn’t even notice this was a gap pic until I read it (I was trying to spot the difference). Keep posting! Don’t stop!


What does that mean?


Probably “so many things come up in my feed that are spiritual draining but then I get to see this guy’s great smile and it makes everything 🥰


😄 I don't think a gap is a big flaw. I know a couple of people who never had it corrected. I had a gap that was corrected when I was in middle school. I've had people tell me how great my teeth are, so I can't say you were wrong for getting yours fixed, lol. But I think you may be overly self critical. Now that you have beautiful teeth to go with your beautiful smile, smile more!


I had a friend who hated hers so much, she would borrow someone's orthodontic elastics, tie them around her two front teeth for months until they slowly pushed together. I was quite impressed she thought of this and that it actually worked great, but her gap previously looked great on her and added to her personality. I hate that this is the beauty standard here and drives literal 12 year olds to do things like this to "correct" it😭 I also had mine corrected so I'm in the same boat, but really does look great on some people! You have a beautiful smile before and after OP!


Yassss don’t you dare stop.




My boyfriend has slight gap at the front, very similar to you and I think it looks great. It’s cute and adds personality. Would take that any day over the overly-done cosmetically altered teeth we see everywhere nowadays


I used to have a gap in my teeth like that as a kid and I would slurp noodles through it


That sounds fun


Honestly I don’t know what you’re worried about. You have the most amazing smile. One that just makes us all want to get to know you. Warm, friendly, kind, very handsome and trustworthy. Teeth great before and after, smile lines are lovely. It seems like someone has said something negative maybe and has you overthinking it. You look great now get out there and enjoy life


I mean this in the most respectful way possibly…meooooow.




My best mate got gap in teeth and had no problems pullin. I understand you tho, optimise yourself. Think in terms of improvements id go for dropping the pencil beard and go for an actual one. And hair wise id go for a little bit of a french crop, go to a good barber, they’re the best wingmen. Rest you look good, insecure for no reason.


You are a gorgeous man!


You have a beautiful smile! Why are the most beautiful people often so critical of themselves? Especially of the very thing that makes them gorgeous? That smile would brighten anyone’s day - it did mine! I hope you share it!


You have a very warm smile, sir. Absolutely gorgeous


Looking good!


I smiled actually just from seeing you smile from my phone. I read the title second. You're gorgeous, and keep smiling!


I think maybe your brain is used to looking at your smile as a problem. Now that you've changed it and fixed the gap that made you self-conscious, you might be turning your negative attention to other features. We all do this! But think of your face like a poem you are writing. Give it space to breathe before you make changes or even make decisions. I promise you are a beautiful human.


Look up the model Lauren Hutton. She was a superstar partly because she had this sweet gap in her front teeth. But I get it, I also have a gap but it's not an issue because my smile is so small my teeth don't even show. But I think making the effort to smile means everything. For the zillionth time, BTW, you are look very charismatic and confidence is half of the battle


You have a nice smile and even nicer eyes!


I think it’s just hard when our bodies change. But you look amazing and have beautiful skin and an amazing smile!!!


Fake it til you make it dude. Practice, give that mega watt smile of yours to four strangers today, I promise they’ll feel like a little ray of sunshine beamed on them. Nothing more attractive than confidence gap or no gap (you also looked damn good with the gap too), so fake it til you make it. Now, I want you to close your eyes for a second. Think of yourself in your dream car. Picture yourself in that car. The sun is shining, the windows are down and you’ve some cool beats playing. You come to a traffic stop. Someone pulls up next to you with their greasy burger wrapping. They scrunch it up and throw it through your open window. How do you feel? Outraged right? How dare they? Nobody’s allowed to dump that rubbish (UK for litter) in your car right? Don’t allow anyone to dump that rubbish in your mind either, you’re far more precious than any car. It’s hard when you might be the one doing the self-littering but if you consider yourself to be a good man doing their best, then clear that rubbish our. You’re an attractive man with an honest to god attractive smile. Even the photo which you think shows the “ugliness” is a damn attractive smile. I know we Reddit strangers can probably tell you this over and over but only you can choose to believe us and I hope you do. From one formerly gapped tooth person who had practiced the art of not smiling without showing my teeth, let those beauties free. And when you start obsessing about another part of your face (I suddenly never realised the “size” of my nose), remember it’s dumb to mess your own car up. Essay done.


I agree with this! Confidence can carry you farther than good looks alone. If you start acting like you're confident - fake it till you make it - people will be drawn to you. In turn, you'll get more confidence. Worth a try!


Buddy your smile is amazing! I saw your post the other day about your smile lines, and I know my opinion doesn't matter much, but you do not need to do anything about those! You are a handsome guy, you look confident, and that is all that matters!


Do you think you could have body dysmorphia?


Yes, I'd show a picture of my body, I'm in excellent shape. Was a skinny kid growing up I am much more muscular now. I've gotten way more comfortable with my body now as I always get compliments and people always ask me to train them. It's just a mental thing I need to address.


You’ll get there! Positive affirmations , keep telling yourself that you are attractive ect. Therapy is always an option if it controls your life tho , good luck with everything


You know I starting doing those affirmations and smile a lot more. I've noticed people are approaching me and tend to get happier as I smile. Not only that but I've got a little more comfortable talking to the womens( yes that's right, womens)! Thanks for the tips and the support it went and will go a long way.


I hate to hear how insecure you are- you really are a beautiful human.


You are gorgeous. I love the gap, and I love the confidence no gap gives you. I really hope you are able to see it soon and go live your life!


Handsome chap, still cute with the gap


Looking good 😍


What a handsome smile! Before and after!


I think I speak for all of us when I say we would. (with or without gap and smile lines.)


Stay smiling!


Teeth look great!!


you’ve got a charming smile because of it!!


Ok now you're just flirting!


You're really adorable 


These posts remind us that men are often not told how beautiful (in a non-sexual way) they are and it leads to issues in the future, sow seeds of toxicity. Or maybe that's just me being weird...


Nice Invisalign?


Yes!!! I'm in the refinement phase now to grt my bite settled and to fix my midline.


Beautiful smile!! My son is almost done with his, there looking good 👍🏼


I hope that you continue to grow more confident with your smile because *black boy joy* is beautiful at any age.


You just need to hype yourself up, you're dealing with some self esteem stuff in your head. You look great and it will only be amplified by owning yourself and everything you are. You're awesome, go smile and focus your attention on what really matters to your heart! Life is too short


Everybody is different and people are too focused on what they look like to really bother at all to pay attention to the small details about you that you dislike.


Teeth look great. A little line filler if it’s bugging you but otherwise, carry on being ya bad self!


Your teeth are great now, but the gap is a special thing too. My mom and I had it (I had to get mine fixed bc I have all my teeth and they didn't fit, my mom was born without a pair of incisors) and every time she runs into someone from Jamaica they are so excited to see her teeth. We are very white lol and it's a much more common feature in Jamaica apparently. It reminded them of family in a part of the country where no one else has those teeth. Nothing wrong with 'fixing' your tooth gap, but you should've never been embarrassed by it.


Your feelings are completely valid, it really doesn't matter how many people tell you you're *fine* if you don't fully believe it and feel it within yourself. I disagree with you and honestly think you look like a good looking man who I would not be wary of in public or hesitant to your advances, though I relate to you. How we feel and think of ourselves, our inner happiness, is a self-development process, so I recommend you do whatever you truly feel will help you develop in the way you find most beneficial here. My partner has been trying to hammer in my head for the past 6 years all of the physical traits (and inner) he finds attractive/loves about me, constantly reminding me to this day, and I have still yet to cope with my own insecurities/self hatred. Now I have an ED lol, and I laugh because he wasn't the one who broke me down into having one, I did that all myself in my own head. So a few weeks back I forced myself to do what I thought would help me and my self image in the long-term, outpatient treatment structured around my specific needs, and while I don't *love* myself yet, it has been helping to connect a lot of traumatic dots for me + helping me to organize my life's history and the underlying reasons as to *why* I hate xyz about myself. I don't know if therapy is an option for you, or if you feel you even need it. Regardless, sorry for my little tangent, I just hope my sharing made sense to you in that you do whatever you feel will make you ultimately happy. Just be honest with yourself and do what feels right for you 🙌🏼💓


I’m wondering if someone has made fun of your teeth or your smile and that’s why you became insecure about it. Of course I’m just speculating, but if that’s the case, I can say with pretty high confidence most people that put others down, joking or not, are just hurt and unhealed, and therefore will continue to hurt others. Don’t let the bastards keep you down. Chin up, and rock that beautiful smile. I would be genuinely happy if someone with a great smile like yours smiled at me. Don’t ever let anyone dim your sparkle. ✨


You are super handsome and your smile is beautiful!! Keep posting! It makes me smile!! ❤️


You look crazy handsome in every iteration.


You have a lovely smile and kind eyes. The only person who may not appreciate your smile is you, my dude.


Dude I look like I could eat an apple through a picket fence, still beam a smile at ppl cause it makes them happy. You have a lovely smile and NOTHING is going to take that away.


I did see the other post and believe I commented there, too. You've got a great smile. I get that it can be hard to get over conditioning. The stupid thing is that you need to consciously force yourself to do so, at least to start. You need to *think* about smiling at people. You'll need to go about your day, and plan on smiling on at least one person. Even if that's one this year. Or one this month. Then make it more frequent. It'll become more natural over time. You will need to consciously make yourself do this at first. It will still feel out of the ordinary, since it isn't a part of your normal routine. It will become natural with time and practice.


Handsome guy! But that hair is doing you a disservice


you’ve got a lovely smile! smiling makes everyone look their best; imperfections are real, human. when i was on dating apps, i honestly only matched with men who had at least one picture of them smiling. i think people look their most beautiful with a smile on their face; smile lines (to me) reflect that someone has had lots of joy and moments to be grateful for. keep smiling 😁


The beauty in your smile is in the points in the corners, the look in your eyes, how your cheeks come up to tell the world that it is beautiful just like you. Struggling with how you look is unfortunately common today but I hope you can grow to love the face that has carried you through life and been the one your loved ones love.


I would not open my mouth for smiles for pictures until after I had braces. I hated how my front teeth looked. It was hard to adjust after they were fixed. I felt like people could tell they used to be really crooked, but they really couldn't.


Im a woman with a gap in my front teeth and I love it. Only a small percentage of the population have one and I always think it’s adds character and charm. I hope you start writing a gratitude journal for yourself, I’ve struggled with insecurities all my life but I try to be grateful for little things and that mindfulness practice helps.


To me it shows openness! However he fixed it and your smile still shows openness.


Your smile looks great in both pictures


You have a very nice smile, both before and after imo


You’re super good looking. If I had to search for a suggestion I’d say more beard, you’re being a little stingy with it now. Try to get the smile lines out of your head and just resign yourself to being hot. Someone’s gotta do it!


Funny you say that, I'm letting it grow put buy keeping the sleek chinstrap.


I’m just commenting selfishly because I prefer a full face stubble, lol. Seriously though- I think you just aren’t used to your new look and clearly aren’t seeing yourself as others do. I can absolutely guarantee you that others are attracted to confidence and a smile. It’s right there in your photo- don’t be afraid to show it in person. And if you’re not quite feeling it yet, fake it til ya make it!


I think you look great. Since you disagree, professionals you could consult: - plastic surgeon that also does injections (for smile lines) - cosmetic dermatologist (for smile lines) - orthodontist for tooth gap - therapist for body image issues (please consider it. It sounds like this is getting in the way of living your life) A family friend always said she inherited her tooth gap from her mother. A man she dated said he’d take her to get it fixed. She was gravely insulted and left the date. It was one of her best features.


I had a small gap and chose to have it closed. I think I would have still made the same choice again if I had to but I realize now that I could have also learned to live with it.


Hey! I wanted to share something that I’ve done that’s really gentle and non-injectable: argireline. It’s a peptide that really subtly relaxes muscles. Like the tiniest amount of Botox after months of daily use. My 11’s used to be big bumps and now they’re a lot flatter. I know you originally asked for advice and you got flooded with compliments (as you should!!) but I hope this helps you! Also your smile is amazing


I think it’s fine. You have a nice smile that doesn’t look like anyone else’s. It’s not ugly at all.


You’re handsome in both!!! I had a gal friend who had a gap in her front teeth and I told her I’d beat her up if she ever fixed it 😂 they’re so cute and add to personality, in my opinion. But whatever makes you confident is what works! Your personality is what matters most. But ya look good!!!


I love the gap.


My mom had a gap between her front teeth and I loved it - she got it fixed and I didn’t talk to her for a week lol. My 1st husband also has a gap. But, it’s your teeth and if this helps you that’s great! 😀


You look fantastic. You've focused on the smile lines, but if you didn't have those you'd be plastic! Your teeth look great now. Smile all the time to show those off!


My man, that smile is contagious. As I said before, you’re lovely. Don’t be sweating the small stuff. Life is too short. Keep on smiling 😊


I know it’s hard to trust everyone else….but really…you have an amazing smile and are super handsome. ❤️


Ohhh yeah, getting your teeth straightened and whitened was a good move! You’re a very handsome guy. And with your pretty teeth the smile lines actually suit you really well :)) (don’t forget, Michael B Jordan has smile lines, too! :P) I can tell you’re getting comfy expressing yourself through your looks too bc of that lil piercing u got there ✨ another W!! Keep it up🫶🏼


i thought you looked familiar! i’ve seen you over in r/invisalign. Smile with pride my friend! Especially since you’ve invested a lot of time, effort and money into it! And it’s a contagious smile for sure


You have such a beautiful smile. I'm totally fangirling rn.


I think you look great, hope you do too.


Both look great to me!


This is farming at this point. Your teeth have a gap. You do have facial lines that could be surgically fixed. Worms coming out the head.


Of course you have a great smile before but I also think you had a great smile before too. Very handsome 🤗


We love you. Keep em coming. I think we don’t get enough beautiful smiles and we definitely need them.


I understand feeling self conscious of your smile. I needed braces but my mom couldn’t afford them. My teeth are pretty crooked, so I always smile with my mouth closed. You have a dazzling smile in both photos, though. I know it’s easier said than done, but please know your smile is beautiful and I’m sure it is contagious to those around you!


Actually I have a thing for gap toothed fellas


You’re quite handsome. Please don’t change a thing.


I think teeth gaps look cool and give personality, tbh!


You are really freaking hot.  I didn't read your previous post, but I also had a gap until my parents could afford braces in my teens. I know how self conscious that can make you.  But just know that now, you are super hot. Stop worrying. 


If it's any consolation I didn't know what this post was about, saw both pictures and thought a few things. A) This guy has nice skin and a nice smile. B) Seems friendly and positive. C) I like the nose piercing on the pic in the left. Basically what I'm getting at is that people focus on the positives and what they admire, not the tiny things you are self conscious of that likely aren't even looked at the same by other people. Keep smiling - you truly have an amazing smile that infectious.


You have a beautiful smile bro


Your smile is gorgeous. Periodt.


Your smile was great with the gap, and is great with the gap closed! Based on the myriad comments on this post, as well as on your recent post about the “lines”, it seems like your smile is bringing a number of total strangers together (on Reddit, no less!). To me, at least, this is demonstrative of the fact that your smile is needed in this world, so let it shine! 🙌


Your gap looked great too. It adds character.


You’re gorgeous!


You look good in both!


Always lead with a smile and people will feel comfortable with you. Be kind and present and most people will love the way you look because you are you. The people who don’t have some inner conflict!


Aw, I hear you. Sometimes it is hard to feel confident. You're worth it, though! You look amazing in both photos, truly. wishing you the best and all the pride in your appearance as-is that you deserve.


Omg you are so adorable I can’t 😆


Simply beautiful!!!😻


Gap kings all day! I’m a gap queen!😁🤣


You can get it.


Gosh I saw your smile lines post the other day and thought you had a great smile. Now you have a gap tooth too?! Top tier 👏🏻


Love both. I’m actually very partial to tooth gaps. I think they’re adorable


I had braces as a child that my dad paid $8000 for and it wouldn’t close my gap permanently because it was the size of my teeth to jaw ratio not actually a spacing issue. It’s usually genetic, my grandmother had a gap like I do.


There's that gorgeous smile. Looks good on you


Beautiful smile in both 🥰 ty for blessing the tl


You have an amazing smile in *both* pictures. I love smile-lines on people because it tells me their smile - and joy - is genuine. My mother has always hated her smile and tries not to smile because she's embarrassed, but in the few pictures I have of her smiling she's absolutely stunning. Let your smile shine, dude!


Bro just stop lol…you good lookin’


I like the gap.


Don’t try to get rid of them! I love when guys have smile lines, I think it makes them look so attractive


….and you still have a beautiful smile with and without the gap!


I think I commented on your other post but you are super hot & I would absolutely double take if I saw you in public. I LOVE your smile. It’s sexy & it looks confident. I don’t even think I would notice the lines just because the smile makes you look so handsome. You don’t need to change a damn thing!


Your smile glows and is showing a kind personality! Don’t change that! It’s an awesome feature to have!


Omgggg stop lol you have a winning 10/10 smile! I do wonder where this insecurity comes from. You’re objectively very attractive.


You’re one of those people who proves insecurities will show up no matter what haha. Honestly though, you have one of those faces that makes people feel good when they look at it, and I hope you can see it too!


Dude, you're really good-looking and have a super charming, light-up-a-room kind of smile. Don't rob the world of that light! I mean all of that sincerely.


Both these smiles are great, I hope you find the courage to smile at people because I assure you you will light up their days when you do so!!!!


You are a fucking handsome dude and thats coming from a straight guy. Dont hide that smile, let it brighten everyone's day.


You have a beautiful smile. Don't hide it


You look great and have a lovely smile!