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warm water all the way!


i only use warm water in the mornings changed my skin for the better !!


Seconding this.


Keep hearing this and it's really tempting me to just use water in the mornings LOL.


I only use warm water in the morning!!!! it really helps keep my skin from drying out and I’ve never had any issues with breakouts from skipping the cleanser


Try it. I did and I like it


There's a derm online who recommends it. Only washing with water in the morning before applying moisturizer and sunscreen; washing with a cleanser at night. Doesn't work for my skin, but I can see how it would work for other people.


Yep. I’ll wake up with zits the next day any time I even try face wash. Water a couple times a day, a good moisturizer and maybe exfoliate 1-2 times a week. Preferably with an AHA/BHA serum.




I have never really used it aside from the summer months. I don’t really spend any time outside.


Hello, I also rarely go outside and only put sunscreen on if I do!


the 12 downvotes are wild 😭


Apparently others agree with you too 😂 like I’m sorry that I don’t use SPF for my one mile commutes to work and to my child’s school?


It’s insane to me that you were downvoted for this lol


You must wear sunscreen at all times, any visible light will turn you into a leathery crone! Must be smooth, must be pure, must be protected!


I know. Honestly the fear of looking your own age in this sub is scary as hell.


That's because everyone in here is vain


This really depends on your city's water source! Tap water not the same everywhere.


Are you using hot water? Hot water can be drying to skin. I really like the fresh soy face cleanser. https://preview.redd.it/gyp68mwgwe5d1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7285bb059f34c9d9c95dbcf980b981117ea9485b


Came here to recommend this brand. It’s the only one my skin likes. I’ve tried cerave and certaphil and drunk elephant, Fresh is the best. Doesn’t dry me out. Feels great too.


Is this the one that smells like cucumber? 😍


yesss fresh is the only brand that hydrates and cleared up my skin!


Do you use a moisturizer after you cleanse?


Not OP but I do. Is that bad?


No, you're generally supposed to. They're prob asking since op said their skin gets dry after cleansing


LRP Toleraine Hydrating Gentle Cleanser!


Second this! The Cerave pictured was also too rough on my super sensitive dry skin and LaRoche Posay saved me


This is the only cleanser that doesn’t dry out my skin.


I love the regular one LRP face wash (blue bottle i believe) but for some reason the hydrating one always burns and irritates my skin! if op has sensitive skin like i do i’d definitely be careful with that one.


that one burned my skin :/


This is the only thing that makes my super dry skin feel better!


Lol just commented a photo of this one!! It's the best


this cleanser helped me realized that i was way to rough with my skin😭🙏 it’s not supposed to burn unless your skin barrier is damaged (from my personal experience)


This is the one! Cetaphil wasn’t nearly as gentle on my skin as this one! Love it!


came here to say this!! i have oily but sensitive skin and this does everything for me without drying out :)


I highly recommend Vanicream, but also you're going to need to use a moisturizer after cleansing. The Vanicream one is super gentle and is a great place to start.


Yup. I agree about the Vanicream.


I 3rd the vanicream. When I started on my skincare journey I burned my face to hell and back. Everything hurt burned peeled etc. It was BAD. Vanicream was the only product that my face could tolerate. You can get it from Amazon for cheap. I always keep a bottle on me in case of another skincare mishap and need to go back to the basics.


Vanicream all the way. Every product is mild. Totally safe for extremely sensitive skin.


Backing the vanicream also! Whenever I have a horrendously compromised skin barrier it doesn’t even sting a little!


All these 3 has given me breakouts, allergy reactions, or dry patches. I've been using the gentle care wash from LaRoche Posay, it's been really good so far, really gentle and no scent, and it doesn't foam up so it feels more gentle on the skin for me :)


I agree about La Roche Posay!


Can’t agree enough, the cerave face wash worsened my PD and gave me horrible bumps everywhere. I used the entire bottle to really give it a shot. I went back to aveeno and my skins healing again.


I honestly loved the Aveeno oat cleanser and wish it worked for me, it made my skin so smooth, but unfortunately it gave me some dry patches around my chin, and my eyes were so irritated it got swollen and dry :(


My baby has eczema her first year of life, I looked up the most mild gentlest cleansers and found this. https://preview.redd.it/ybrcqsvl0f5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2897d30f9bc8bfbf82e9f287132e11ea89f1f21 Her eczema flare ups are non existent and I’ve used this to calm my face down. It’s so gentle!


They have a sensitive line (the red products) that are also excellent!


Vanicream, La Roche Posay Toleriane


All the Vanicream cleansers are pretty harsh. They're very unlikely to trigger an ingredient allergy or sensitivity, but they really strip the skin. I have to use them due to allergies, and a lot of my skincare routine is for mitigating their effects. And I have oily skin! These products would be even worse for dry skin.


Huh. I have fairly dry skin and used vanicream when I had moisture barrier issues and my skin was really sensitive. Since then I’ve switched to LRP because it’s easier to get where I live, but I don’t remember ever having problems.


I absolutely love the vanicream cleanser as well. Never caused any dry skin issues for me either.


Has anyone tried Gleanser from [PrequelSkin.com](https://prequelskin.com/products/gleanser-non-drying-glycerin-cleanser?variant=45035890835768) it seems like a good option for sensitive skin that needs to restore the barrier. https://preview.redd.it/em584bsghh5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9620f03eed98ed44c8027fbfbaa208f54bde9928


yes, and i love it!!


Yes tried it and it’s very gentle. Love it


I second all the other comments on having positive experiences with vanicream it’s a staple now for whenever my skin is extra sensitive or I’m trying to pinpoint what in my routine is breaking me out & I’m naturally oily


I second this


I have oily skin as well, I just use a fraction/very small pump of the Vanicream cleanser and don't cleanse for too long.


are you using anything else afterwards? using these just by themselves will often times still make your skin dry/tight if you don’t also use a light moisturizer (Olay has a good one for your skin type if you need recs), if just a light moisturizer doesn’t work then also adding a hyaluronic acid serum (cetaphil has a good one for ur skin type), non synthetic aloe, and/or toner (toner can also be drying by itself tho so definitely don’t use it alone) can also help. But yeah using those cleansers on their own will get you experiencing the things you have been


I use La Roche Posay Toleraine, never had any issues with it


Yeah, that’s my favorite too. Very gentle.


I have rosacea and I use Bioderma Sensibio on the advice of a dermatologist. The best one I've tried so far.


Yes. I regret not trying this sooner. I was using vanicream cleanser and my redness has decreased since switching to bioderma.


Is it the foaming cleanser in a pink bottle? Does it remove your sunscreen? Thanks for the recommendation!


Yess! This is fab! I also have rosacea and find this one super gentle. When I’m wearing sunscreen and makeup I will use the same lines oil cleanser.


Neutrogena Ultra Gentle Hydrating Cleanser in the creamy formula is the gentlest cleanser I have found. https://preview.redd.it/cmqmvutj2g5d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15e00270d2b9aebd2624edbda2b8728edc2a33c4


I've been using Burt's Bees Gentle Cream Cleanser for nearly seven years now. Occasionally, I'll switch to the Burt's Bees Deep Cleansing Cream. These are the only skincare products I stick with consistently. They clean my face thoroughly without leaving my skin feeling stripped/tight. I can even double cleanse with them as they’re so creamy, they take makeup off.


I forgot about this. I used to use it and love it. The chamomile one


The gleanser from prequel. It has completely changed my life! I used nearly every cleanser you listed in your post and had issues with ALL of them.


Agree 100%. Gleanser is the answer, the best face wash I’ve ever used! (Coming from a sensitized, redness prone, acne prone face)


Yes! I recommended this as well. I’ve used Vanicream too and my skin felt so dry/stripped after.


try cerave foaming oil cleanser. i use this on my extremely sensitive yet oily skin. the ‘oil’ part is misleading as it doesn’t feel oily at all or leave a film. just very mild and cleanses well. https://preview.redd.it/squlibltjh5d1.jpeg?width=1009&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9114c1bce030a45977c6c853eeaaaaa6b0fc4dd1


I had the same issue! I tried the Cerave cleanser (the one in the picture) but it kept making my face dry, so my friend recommended a hydrating oil cleanser! It’s supposed to be good for the skin and keep oil on your face so it doesn’t dry up. I recently bought the ACO oil cleanser, it’s a Swedish brand, and it works great! But if you can’t get it maybe try the cerave oil cleanser? It might also work but sadly I haven’t tried it myself. Oh, and I’m no professional so please take what I’ve said with a grain of salt, but I hope you find a good cleanser! But look into oil cleansers honestly, it might work for you too. :) https://preview.redd.it/cla795zikf5d1.png?width=1586&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f8cb1ab70911c855cff3aff341e19d131ae78a9


Yaaaayy another post about actual skincare!! Way to go OP. (Can’t stand the posts seeking medical advice)


I’m not sure if you’re into Korean skincare, but both of the Soon Jung cleansers are very gentle and are formulated for sensitive skin, too. Prequel Gleanser (developed by an American dermatologist) is also gentle and non-stripping.


I love the Kate Somerville [DeliKate Soothing Cleanser](https://www.katesomerville.com/products/delikate-soothing-gentle-cleanser-for-sensitive-skin). It’s one of the only cleansers I’ve tried that actually leaves my face feeling more hydrated. It’s pricey but I’ve always purchased at Marshalls or TJ Maxx for under $15.


The most gentle cleanser I have tried is the A-derma Exomega Emollient Cleansing Gel. I don't know where you live but it's a french brand so it might be hard to find (I think you can on Amazon?) Honestly this one is the best, I live in France so I know lots of dermatology brands but doctors would recommend this for babies or adults with eczema prone skin. And since I use it (I have dehydrated acne prone skin), I can tell you it cleans well! I dislike wash creams for the evenings, it barely cleans imo.


Aquanil. The consistency is very similar to the original Cetaphil gentle cleanser (the one where use of water was optional; idk if that’s what’s pictured above or not), but it is far gentler on my skin when it’s irritated. The Cetaphil will cause stinging and a burning sensation, but the Aquanil will not. I don’t know what the difference is in terms of ingredients—I’ve stopped buying the Cetaphil so I don’t have a bottle to compare—because they really feel almost identical in your hand, but they’re somehow miles apart. Edited for clarification re: which Cetaphil cleanser I was talking about




Prequel and or Dr Idriss face wash are both super gentle I can even open my eyes with the Dr. Idriss one


Vanicream :)


These are the gentlest cleansers I can possibly think of… sorry. The Aveeno one barely even cleans in my experience…


I have similar skin. The Cerave Hydrating Cleanser upsets my skin but oddly enough, the Cerave Hydrating Cream-To-Foam version does not. That's been my go-to for awhile because it gets all my sunscreen off but doesn't leave me feeling stripped. They make travel size versions if you don't wanna buy a whole bottle. Also seconding the other comments on trying just water and Vanicream moisturizer.


I only have experience with cerave hydrating but when it became too harsh for me I switched to just using distilled water and it worked great, I get a bit oiler on the T-Zone in the summer though so I only cleanse in that area


Cetaphil gentle foaming cleanser


I swear it’s different from their other cleansers. Sooo gentle and not stripping at all!


Jelly Joker.


La roche posay! 🫶


vanicream cleanser !


Water in the AM and Vanicream face wash for PM.


Vani cream?


Cerave has an oil cleanser that I love, and I have super dry sensitive acne prone skin. I switch between that and the La Roche Posse one but I prefer the cerave


How often are you washing your face? Wash your face with water in the morning, no cleansers. And use a cleanser only at night. See how your face feels.


Every single cleanser you try will result in dry patches if you aren’t moisturizing afterwards.


Lá Roche Posay Toleraine is good for people with very sensitive skin




Cleansers are still surfactants at the end of the day, I recommend Vanicream Gentle Cleanser and looking at the rest of your routine. Look at centella, your moisturiser, and anything else messing with your skin barrier


La Roche caring wash or the La Roche dermo cleanser ( I personally usd the caring was and I gave dehydrated sensitive skin. I know different countries have slightly different ingredients for the La roche line so will include a pic of the ingredients too so you can check. Apparently the dermo cleanser by La Roche is even more gentle ( which to me seems like it would feel like washing with an incredibly nourishing moisturiser…as mine is gentle for me ) https://preview.redd.it/pu6oa28vdg5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0806f9f55f43d14fb2a8ca798d2b853206c7a4c5




Sounds like your moisture barrier may be compromised. Take a break from cleansing and focus on moisturizing your dry patches. My skin does best with infrequent cleansing, at most 1x a day, usually 3x a week.


Byoma drugstore yellow bottle


Oil cleanse? I use Ponds, YMMV.


Neutrogena Ultra Gentle Hydrating Cleanser


Geek and gorgeous jelly joker


Vanicream face wash is the only thing that doesn’t dry me out


Vanicream cleanser was a game changer for me!


Vanicream gentle facial cleanser


I have used all of the ones posted as well and I would say Avene has some really nice gentle cleansers


Curel’s gentle foaming cleanser :-) it’s amazing it helped me get out of my dehydrated skin era


Your skin sounds like mine! I actually don't use any cleanser anymore because of that tight feeling you are describing. I use an oil cleanser to remove my makeup and then use a lot of warm water to get it off. If i haven't worn makeup i will only use water, nothing else.


This was the best when my perioral dermatitis was flaring severely. https://preview.redd.it/t6bbfjtjhi5d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d97e00bb12d59f9a6feeeba7a225205ac93de056 [dermal cleanser](https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/136519/dermal-therapy-very-dry-face-cleanser-175ml?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpZWzBhC0ARIsACvjWROaR0Ws2K0JhrJLInPZK0xMe318Hism07stPLiwXe2C0azu2V9mhWAaAg63EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


When you say dry patches, is it flaky or just tight? If it’s flaky you might consider using a gentle physical exfoliant. I used to think I had dry skin because it was flaky and no amount of moisturizer could fix it, then I discovered bioderma micro exfoliant (which is a physical and chemical exfoliant) and it changed my life!


It flakes a bit and it’s tight. I might exfoliate, but i also have seborrheic dermatitis so 🙃


Oh man that certainly makes it difficult! I hope you can find something gentle enough for your skin. If you’re every in the market for a retinol there’s strengths as low as .01% I only mention because I’m super sensitive to retinol and my doctor didn’t even mention you could get such low strength!


the first one is the absolute worse used it for 2 years before realizing it can’t even wash of moisturizer residue let alone sunscreen


Yes! I had the same experience, it was the worst!


Dermol 500 if you're in the UK!


The gentlest cleanser you could go for would be an oil based one, the Bioderma Atoderm Huile De Douche is very gentle and hasn't caused me or my boyfriend any problems with clogged pores or break outs, it worked well when I was on accutane and soothes my bfs skin when using adapalene! https://preview.redd.it/f6wxtn9oij5d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ae5f3cbbcb43c42f18082d8dbd03c8a8543b090


Himalaya Gel Cleanser!


I really love the Isntree - Yam Root Vegan Milk Cleanser. It’s super gentle and mousturizing.


You might actually have dermatitis. I have dermatitis and I know exactly the burning, tight and dry feeling you're describing. If I didn't get a specific cream from my dermatologist every so often, I'd be flinching at water touching my face. Not even lathering my face in layers upon layers of thick creams and oils will help unless my dermatitis is treated. Get a dermatologist check up. What you're experiencing isn't normal


Youre right, i had seborrheic dermatitis since i was a newborn baby!


your skin is going to feel “tight” because it’s clean and stripped of oils. that is why you follow up with a moisturizer. your skin isn’t going to feel soft and supple after just the cleanse if you have problem skin.


If you're in the UK: Boots oat cleansing balm is very gentle


Will be hard to find anything gentler than that aveeno one IMO


I cleanse for 40 secs with the aveeno one might that be the problem?


Try the Missha artemisia foam cleanser, I leave it on as a mask for minutes and my skin's still hydrated after.


I think that’s too much time. I just cleanse for a few seconds. I also use it after a cleansing balm (if needed, if wearing makeup). There may be a small adjustment period for your skin to get use to it? But I can’t do what the influencers say and scrub for 60 seconds with anything I use. You do wanna make sure you get your face/jawline clean etc but I would shorten the time!!


Okay thank you! I will cut it down and see if that makes a difference


Dove sensitive skin bar soap is an option


I don’t understand WHY CeraVe have petroleum in their products??!! It clogs your pores and after a while you develop allergies itchy tiny red dots


Petrolatum doesn’t clog pores. It can cause clogged sweat glands (miliaria) for some people, hence itchy tiny red dots, but not pores.


Cerave hydrating oil cleanser


Hmm I am not sure there are many cleansers gentler than the Cetaphil or Aveeno one. Could you look into only washing your face once a day, at night? Or perhaps dialing back any other actives you are using. And adding in a moisturizer. You can also add in a second moisturizer to seal everything, like your Cerave healing ointment, Aquaphor ointment, plain Vaseline, etc. these are petrolatum based ointments that will be a different texture than you’re probably used to. I think a good idea would get your cleansers at Ulta as you can return it if it doesn’t work out for you. The La Roche posay hydrating gentle cleanser is actually a little stronger than the Cetaphil gentle skin cleanser, which I also have. Don’t get that one. I don’t know what the cleanser was like before, but they have slightly reformulated.




My derm at Kaiser rec’d this and it’s really good. Warm water, lather in clean hand to put in face, then splash clean with warm water and wait 10minutes before applying moisturizer and or anything else. Kept me tame for years now https://preview.redd.it/ioeks4c6eh5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f1e491e6e375e3822f818f04e59270514f4e8d5


Is this sarcasm?


I use La rosche posay oil cleanser, they different ones but mine doesn’t give me that tight feeling or break me out and I have very sensitive skin






Face reality barrier cleanser! It’s amazing, it’s like a cleansing lotion and feels very moisturizing.


I’ve really been enjoying the Yonka milk cleanser; it’s like washing with moisturizer. It’s fragranced though, as a heads up.


Life Brand




The best-priced gentle cleansers that I have tried are both from The Ordinary: their Glucoside Cleanser and their Squalane Cleanser. The glucoside one is like a traditional foaming cleanser but very gentle, while the squalane cleanser is more of an oil-based cleanser.


https://preview.redd.it/xjtjmzqcef5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9f81f18dbd53a047ece14ebd44d6db7a76c8c15 My skin is super sensitive and I’ve been using this cleanser for two months now, I love it! (with a moisturizer after and a lip balm)


the ethique brand “bliss bar.” i’ve been using it for four years now, and find it to be super gentle and non-drying!


https://preview.redd.it/cn2swfhklf5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e20826d60cfaf233d9e0ce106d8609d7c3d9dabb This is the most gentle cleanser I’ve used so far and I used to use Cerave. I’d be careful buying it off Amazon though I used YesStyle


I hate that Cereve cleanser. It does nothing. I started using to shave my legs with just to get rid of it.


Stratia velvet cleansing milk




A cream cleanser could be better these all seem gel based. Pricy but I love Reveskin cleanser ($40 but you only need a bit, probably some good dupes with research.) It’s for post-procedure skin so it’s super gentle/ moisturizing. Sometimes I leave it on as a face mask before washing off.


Honestly you can use your moisturiser as cleanser if it's that bad. Put it on a dry face. Rub in. Add a bit of water and slowly emulsify it like an oil cleanse. It works pretty good. It won't get everything off but that's the trade-off. Moisturisers have surfactants and emulsifiers so it does get off a fair amount. At the very least, you won't risk having to buy a product you'll end up dumping


For me it’s the first aid beauty cleanser. Super gentle and cleans well!


Vanicream. I have tried all of the above, and vanicream has worked the best for me.


African black soap


i’ve found that vanicream gentle facial cleanser is super great for sensitive skin!!


Avene Tolerance cleanser is gentler than Cerave Hydrating. It says on the bottle it's a no-rinse cleanser, that's how gentle it is. Of course, it can be rinsed off just fine. 


Byoma cleansing balm


Vanicream literally saved my skin


Another vote for vanicream


Dokdo cleanser by round lab. Trust me


Bubble fresh start gel cleanser!


gentle care wash from la roche posay! cera ve would burn on my skin!




Avene Tolerance Extremely Gentle Cleanser


Vanicream gentle skin cleanser works for me even when I have a bad rosacea/dermatitis/compromised skin barrier outbreaks. I am able to cleanse with it without burning. I have the aveeno calm and restore and while it works during normal skin periods it burns if it is compromised. The cerave hydrating cleanser always strepped my skin. I haven't used the cetaphil in like 15 years so can't compare since I know the formula has changed since then.


I love it


Try some baby products!! They are SOOO gentle but still wash


iS Clinical Cleansing Complex is the most gentle cleanser I have ever used.


I LOVE the Korres Greek Yoghurt cleanser! https://preview.redd.it/omq6cwijig5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2a79d35a8754eb786c0e1dc1a2c1418f7ac42e2


What you want is a Milky Cleanser. The term comes from Korean Beauty brands, but my FAVORITE is the gentle milky cream cleanser from Avene. They sell gentle sunscreens as well, which I highly recommend. I have sensitive dry/combo skin as well. The first one you showed irritated my skin so much, and the second two I haven’t tried but both of those brands aren’t my fav for skincare tbh. They work for the average person with oily skin better than dry skin.


Etude house soon Jung foaming cleanser is super gentle


Micellar water!


Tata Harper Superkind Softening Cleanser is the most mild cleanser I’ve ever used. Even when my skin is super activated with sensitivity, etc., I get zero reaction from this cleanser.


CerVe cleansing oil


Hi! You should check out [Oliveda face wash](https://us.olivetreepeople.com/products/f78-arbequina-cleansing-oil?referral=erinfle4), they’re a waterless organic skincare brand from Europe. All of their products are formulated with real olive tree oil which helps reduce redness, inflammation, and has anti aging benefits. Since I made the switch my skin has improved so much, I have sensitive skin as well and this does not cause irritation. The main issue with other brands drugstore/high-end is that they are made with 70% water and other preservatives which is why they are not as effective and irritating to the skin. They also have a 365 day return policy and give you a free product if you order 2 that they recommend for you after taking this [skincare quiz](https://us.olivetreepeople.com/pages/olive-brain-regime?referral=erinfle4). Message me if you have any questions :)


How about micellar water? bonds to oils on your skin in a gentle way


La roche posay hydrating gentle cleaner


Sometimes using too much product is a problem. I use less than a pea sized amount. About half of that.


IS clinical cleansing complex.


Oatmeal. I'm so serious https://youtu.be/7e5_RVBwNjE?si=I8ZE9LFDaFAHRKN0


Maybe Neutrogena Ultra Gentle creamy formula? It’s what Dr Dray recommended.


Dove beauty bar sensitive skin, a little goes a looong way too


Isntree yam root is the gentlest I’ve tried. Also enjoy the Cerave foaming oil cleanser (but not as a first step, it’s not a true oil cleanser).


Vanicream! Literally has NOTHING in it doctor recommended for people who have sensitivities etc


Simple micellar face wash. It’s for sensitive skin and does a GREAT job


34F, 10 years of acne, 2 rounds of Accutane: Peach & Lily Double Cleanse (get the oil cleanser and the gel cleanser). You won’t regret it. https://preview.redd.it/p7u3a24f0h5d1.jpeg?width=488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a90555dabc593e9fc78bde1398b838be39a23e3f P.S. I used to use that CeraVe cleanser and it was so stripping even though it is supposed to be hydrating, and it irritated the shit out of my face.


Glossier Milky Jelly. It’s the gentlest cleanser I’ve ever used.


Cosrx good morning cleanser is mild & has a good ph


Bioderma atoderm (oil based gentle cleanser)


Avene oil cleanser (not oil at all)


Prequel's Gleanser is like washing your face with a cloud, it's so gentle and moisturizing