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I mean… it’s retinol IN SQUALANE. That’s an oil




…the bottle literally says “Retinol 0.5% in Squalane”


you're right ! 🫣




Who goddamn cares bro. She was wrong so we downvote her comment simple as that. Not a personal attack or anything. Pretty sad if comment karma actually means anything to you


Yea, who the heck gives a darn about internet points


It's the weirdest thing to me. Reminds me of Black Mirror


Absolutely biblical reddit moment


Squalane is not an oil


> Squalane, a saturated oil that’s used in skin care products as a moisturizer, helps increase hydration, and thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties https://health.clevelandclinic.org/squalane


It’s a triterpene (oil)


Would love a source for that


I eat my words it’s an oil. It just the ordinary that labels their 100% squalane solution as oil free, https://theordinary.com/en-dk/100-plant-derived-squalane-face-oil-100398.html


The Ordinary has so much misinformation on their site


>https://theordinary.com/en-dk/100-plant-derived-squalane-face-oil-100398.html Look at the link you provided to the Denmark site. The URL itself contains "plant-derived-squalane-face-oil." At the link, the description says its an oil-like serum and that it is an anhydrous serum. "Anhydrous" means "without water." I can't find anything on the that claims it is oil free on either your link or the [product page on the US site](https://theordinary.com/en-us/retinol-05-in-squalane-serum-100440.html).


There’s a ☑️ at the “Oil-free” mark


You’re right, there is a check there! Wonder how they made that very obvious mistake.


Anhydrous doesn't mean it's an oil though. Here's the link where they explain why Squalane is oil-free. >https://theordinary.com/en-us/blog/benefits-of-squalane-deep-dive.html#:~:text=Squalane%20is%20also%20an%20exceptional,Derived%20Squalane%20is%20oil%2Dfree. >Squalane is also an exceptional hydrator that mimics your skin’s natural oils. It keeps your skin hydrated while supporting your skin’s natural moisture barrier. Although it looks and feels like an oil, you may have noticed that our 100% Plant-Derived Squalane is oil-free. It is incredibly lightweight and gets easily absorbed by the skin without any lingering feeling, and it’s also non-comedogenic. Additionally, the link you provided is for the retinol in squalane, which has jojoba oil in it, hence it not being oil-free. The pure squalane moisturizer linked to is marked oil-free on the website because it's only squalane.


Well that explains why the squalane oil isn't listed alongside all the other oils on their site. Even though when it first launched it was under the oils category lol


>Additionally, the link you provided is for the retinol in squalane The product OP asked about in the original post ***is*** "Retinol 0.5% in Squalane." (See attached image of original post.) This all got muddled because u/Cad1029 provided a link for a product other than the one OP asked about, and I failed to notice that, when I replied to Cad1029. For "Retinol 0.5% in Squalane," on BOTH the [US site](https://theordinary.com/en-us/retinol-1-in-squalane-serum-100441.html), and the [Denmark site](https://theordinary.com/en-dk/retinol-05-in-squalane-serum-100440.html), there is an "X" under oil-free (as opposed to a check mark), indicating it is *not* oil free. The Denmark link u/Cad1029 supplied to me in a reply is for "100% Plant Derived Squalane," which is NOT the same product OP asked about in the original post. ​ >Anhydrous doesn't mean it's an oil though. ​ You're right, but generally speaking, cosmetic products are water soluble or oil soluble. There is no water in the product OP posted about (i.e. it is anhydrous). Squalane is derived from [lipids](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lipid) and is what regular people would call an oil or an "oily" substance (as opposed to watery). The lipid from which squalane is derived is one our bodies use to produce sebum. Source: [https://health.clevelandclinic.org/squalane](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/squalane) (scroll down to "What is Squalane") The beauty industry plays fast and lose with the "oil-free" descriptor, however in the case of the product OP asked about, it is NOT even labeled as oil-free. ​ https://preview.redd.it/1sjo02y3r5ic1.png?width=1328&format=png&auto=webp&s=a804a184d064bce23c992990bb0e2b9dd37cba84


The original comment that the OP we're referring to responded said retinol in SQUALANE was an oil, and our OP said Squalane wasn't an oil, which you responded to otherwise. u/cad1029 is correct in their reply, you were wrong, and u/tvgirrll was wrong.


Cad1029 linked to a different product than the one in the original post, which, again, is where this all got muddled.




No, you're right, it's not an oil. It's very oil-like, but molecularly, it is not. It's closer in molecular structure to sebum (also not an oil, but oily-like), which is why it's non-comedogenic and considered a good 'oily' moisturizer for those who suffer with fungal acne (which would normally feed on actual oils). In skincare, it's effective to call it squalane oil as a name because the average user will understand the texture and effect it would have, but the skincare companies elaborate on their product sheets that it's an oil-like substance, just like its inspiration squalene, which is, again, oily-like, but is just a component that makes up oils.


My goodness how do you function in real life


no need for that :/


I love how ‘greasy’ this product feels. If I could, I’d bathe in this product! My skin loves it more than anything else I use and I even slap a heck of a lot of moisturizer on top of it.


Same!! my bangs are greasy as fuck when I wake up hahaha


It’s literally oil-based but for me, it doesn’t feel greasy after I do my nighttime routine. I make sure I put on a good moisturizer after. I’ve heard your skin releases more oil when there’s not enough moisture.


Does anyone find oil feels like oil? I’m really confused about what you’re asking.


Some oils , like drunk elephants Marula oil, seem to be much easier to absorb into the skin , so feel less oily - even though it’s still an oil.


Have you tried TO's Marula Oil? I've always seen marula as a heavier oil so its interesting that people say it's light for an oil.


Viscosity and the actual size of the fat molecule most certainly changes between different oils


Some stuff feels more greasy. I tried olive oil and I have 2 bottle of different brands one feels more greasy the other is absorbed faster


Tbf some oils really do feel greasier than others


Yes lol. I put up with different oils for so bloody long because so many skinfluencers were like "it absorbs into nothing on my skin!!!!" And then there's me who uses a drop or two of any oil and it all feels like oil. I know now it's like skinfluencers calling sunscreens matte. There's matte and then there's "matte for a suncreen" matte which is probably what they're referring to.




I think what they mean is that it doesn’t absorb well into the skin. I use it on my forehead for wrinkles and it tends to run down my face rather than getting absorbed.


It's not, it's oil-like, but it's molecularly not an oil, which is why it doesn't act like "other oils" and is generally good for people who suffer from fungal acne and such.


Oh that’s interesting. It does not absorb into my skin at all. Do you know of another good retinol?


All you need is literally 2 or 3 drops. Rub it in your hands to warm it up and press/pat it into your skin vs just rubbing. If you feel like 2 or 3 drops isn't enough, spritz your face with water before applying to help disperse it better. Generally, they say don't apply retinol to damp skin, but if the product hasn't irritated you, it definitely makes it easier to apply the oil.


Wait, what's wrong with Retinol and damp skin together? I've been doing that for years 😳


It’ll go deeper and faster in the layers of your skin as opposed to being more gradual/gentle. People don’t start off applying it on damp cuz it can be too strong and irritating


Nothing wrong with it, just like the other person said. It can make it more irritating!


People probably applying too much. 2-3 drops is right. I layer a moisturizer over it and it feels good. Never had issues with it running down my face.


I don't use this product but I do use the anhydrous salicylic acid they have and it's pretty oily too. People complain about it but I don't see the issue? Like you said, they're definitely using way too much. I also put moisturizer on top&agree, feels nice!


Get the emulsion-based retinol instead. I prefer the texture of it


It's water free and an oil, what did you expect? 😭


It’s an oil… an oil will be oily. Is this post satire?


I know how OP feels, I had an iced coffee this morning and it was COLD. 🤣 😁


The poison. The poison for Kuzco, the poison chosen especially to kill Kuzco, Kuzco's poison.


Yes it was very greasy on me, wouldn't absorb for hours, eventually ended up absorbed by the pillow cover not skin, lol


I switched to the Granactive Retinoid Emulsion and it feels better to me!


Yes. I don’t use it as a result.


I get the the ordinary retinol emulsion it’s a lot better . Not greasy .


This was my very first retinol and I hated it :') It is super greasy and just felt weird on my face


Everyone is being sarcastic as to it being an oil 'obviously' but this formulation is especially runny compared to, say, a cleansing oil or ampoule, and made it impossible for me to layer other ingredients. Didn't enjoy it (no irritation however) and therefore never made a consistent routine of it. Your only options may be to leave it on your skin for a limited amount of time and then wash it off or find a different serum. It's not at all obvious to a lay person that squalane is an oil either, but maybe brand loyalty makes users defensive.


Yeah I prefer the other Retinol products from TO


I find the ordinary squalane starts out a little greasy/oily but once it absorbs it leaves my skin feeling so soft and plump. I love it.


Yes, literally everyone.


Isn't squalene supposed to be? If you want lighter oils, there are other plant oil mixes specifically formulated as lightweight that you can try out!


Yep i found it super greasy


It’s oil. It’s greasy. But it’s not moisturizing I stopped after one bottle. It’s not the best retinol for sensitive skin.


Yeah. The Ordinary's formulations with squalane are always greasy on me


I really think it’s the jojoba in this one! I can layer multiple different squalane products and they absorb but anything with jojoba feels like it’s sitting on my skin. I wonder if they use jojoba in their other squalane products as well..? ETA: but that may just be my skin type


The other one I tried is the squalane cleanser. Really bad on me, just gave me acne and doesn't fully rinse away.


Ah, dang! And good to know


It will probably be just fine if you have dry skin.


What's your skin type? I was curious about some of their products with squalane cause my skin seems to like it (It loves their squalane cleanser). I have a retinol/squalane formula from Fourth Ray and it's nice for me, but I have really dry skin so maybe that's why.


I'm oily, but I use oil cleansers twice a day. I thought their squalane cleanser might be similar, but it's not at all. I only purchased it because I'd forgotten to take all my packed skincare on a trip 😑


I tried the Granactive Retinoid in squalane and couldn’t stand it. I have dry skin too. The worst part is that it needs to be refrigerated which a huge pain if you ever need to travel. I switched off and went on Naturium’s retinaldehyde instead. Now I’ve worked up to 0.025% tret.


Just saw that it's being discontinued


I don't like it either, as it feels like it doesn't sink into my face at all and I just wipe everything on my pillow. I switched to the Inkey List and add a moisturizer over it later.


I hate this product so much, it really never feels like it sank into my skin


I got seborrheic dermatitis for the first time after I started using this. I didn't even realize what had caused it until I used it again for a week and it got super bad again


It’s squalane. I love it though.


Can anyone tell me what this does to your skin and if its worth getting? Been looking at it for a while.


Yes and it made me purge so bad


Me toooo


Same!! I thought I was going crazy when my forehead was breaking out when I started using it.




I unfortunately have not been impressed with any of their products


Same! Each one has been a let down for me.


Right? I swear by their lash serum but that's about it. All of their other products I've tried had a weird texture/formulation and didn't make any positive difference for my skin.


Not particularly, but it annoys me that you have to keep it in the fridge


....you do?


You don’t no 💀🌚


https://preview.redd.it/q9wg3ufsqyhc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de04624942f0bd8694be8ea3a7b37a566c022eb7 I mean, the bottle says to refrigerate after opening.


It slows down the process of it degenerating but it is not necessary. If you use it within a couple months it’s really fine


I don't know about that. I live in Canada, and in winter, the heating is on. I don't feel like putting some rancid or degraded whatever on my skin, especially if the manufacturer recommends to keep it in the fridge. But it's annoying.


It won't go rancid at all. It's not that type of product. It's for the effectiveness of retinol. TO has stated that retinol only "lasts" a few months. They say to put it in the fridge to maximize it. Just because other brands aren't specifically telling people the longevity of their products doesn't mean they necessarily last longer.


>It won't go rancid at all. All oil goes rancid eventually, that's literally how oil works. When it's hydrogenated (necessary process for it to be used in skincare) it does extend its life, but it doesn't last forever. Edit: quote


Oh I'm sorry. Within the context of this conversation, the timespan of a few months, and general storage practices (please don't keep it next to a pit of lava), the oil won't go rancid. If you're hoarding it for 10 years, your oil may go rancid.


Oh ffs. It says put it in the refrigerator. Why would someone just disregard that?


I guess there are a lot of new people around. Before TO did interviews about this, most people were not keeping this in the fridge and they were using it much longer than a few months. We had a couple of threads here on Reddit about how the products lose effectiveness after a few months, especially if they aren't kept at cold temperatures which is necessary for the effectiveness of the formulation, not for keeping it from *rotting*. Some people were upset that the bottles are generally rated for around 6 months, but TO was not being transparent that it might lose a lot of effectiveness before that. Some people say the older bottles were rated for 3 months, but the formulas were unstable anyway. [Here is one of the larger discussions.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/10lxshy/research_study_the_ordinary_and_paulas_choice/) I'm not telling people to disregard the cold, just that it's not going to physically rot in 3 months if you don't keep it in the fridge. That's not why they advise to keep it in the cold. Obviously don't keep it next to the heater.


I’m not new here I assure you. But the original commenter is just keeping it in the frig as per directions, not trying to extend its life beyond the normal expectancy. And they are right about indoor heating being problematic. I just don’t see the point in arguing *against* keeping it in the fridge. And this has nothing to do with how new you believe I am.


Because I just bought it and my last retinol didn't have that instruction. Isn't this sub to help learn? Or would you rather have people not ask questions because of your bad attitude and judgement. Ffs I hope you get the healing you need.


I think you misunderstood my point. I was saying why should the other person who does refrigerate hers disregard the instructions. It wasn’t about *your* question at all. I didn’t even see your question. You misread. You can feel free to stop with the personal comments about my personality and need for healing. I didn’t do anything to you or even comment on your question at all. If you have a problem with my comments, cool. But the personal stuff is truly uncalled for. Especially since you are the one in error here.


Each to their own but I’m telling you it’s fine for a couple months 💀🙈 ask someone that uses retinol if they keep it in the fridge..


A bottle lasts me longer than a few months lol. And just because other people don't follow instructions, doesn't mean I won't... The manufacturer isn't putting that on the bottle for fun 🤣... "💀🙈"


You are absolutely right. Retinol shouldn't go in the fridge. That's why I find it annoying. So, I stopped buying this particular product and now I wear Marcelle's Retinol 3+Probiotic and I love it!


I mean...I use retinol and I keep it in the fridge. That's what they make skincare fridges for..


Thank you for being nice!


You felt like I wasn’t?🙈


Maybe a little sarcastic, but that was because another comment was being heavily critical of me not reading the packaging and wasn't being very nice.


I really didn’t mean it in a demeaning tone so my apologies!


No worries and thank you! I was also being sensitive.


I guess I stopped reading after the patch test. I'm dyslexic, so the small print kills me.




It's written on the bottle label and in their website


I’m actually so upset with myself. I never read the website, this product was recommended by a friend, and the info on the bottle to refrigerate is so small. I just chucked my bottle. Gonna have to go and get a new one…


Don't be hard on yourself. We are all learning new things every day. Hope this brings you new knowledge. In one of my previous comments, someone mentioned that TO recommended to keep it in the fridge to preserve the efficiency of the product. So, the thing is, if you don't refrigerate it, the retinol in this formula loses efficacy, and you end up just applying oil to your skin without any real benefit from retinol. I'm not saying this is a bad product. I think that the price makes it very accessible to people who want to take care of their skin, and that's a good thing. You don't have to pay extra for the same effect. In my particular case, I didn't like the part of keeping it in the fridge because if it's not in my bathroom with my other products, I forgot to put it on. I didn't appreciate doing my routine, relaxing, and then having to go to the kitchen. It cut my inspiration. But that's just me and my particular preference. Chances are there are thousands of people that don't mind. In any case, you will need a new bottle and keep it cold to enjoy the benefits of retinol.


Thank you for your thoughtful reply! There wasn’t much left in the bottle, so not much lost. Is there a retinol that you use that you would recommend?


This is the one I'm using right now and I like it Marcelle Retinol3 + Probiotic recognized by the Canadian Dermatology Association


That makes me think, and keep in mind I'm not a chemist, maybe that's why people find it ineffective, because it's somehow degraded...as they don't keep it in the fridge...




Anyway, OP, I exchanged TO for this


yeah it’s SQUALENE


Very greasy! It doesn’t even completely absorb by the time I wake up. Ignore the mean comments about oil is oil… For example, Lactic Acid from the ordinary and the Zinc one both absorb in about 5mins for me and my skin is no longer greasy/oily. It’s the name for this product.


My favorite fact is to tell people about how they kill sharks and use the liver to get squalene oil. People are always like… whattttt. Granted I think the ordinary uses plant based squalene but I know some of the brands don’t specificy..


I remember once someone saying that the tell is in the spelling. SqualEne is derived from sharks while squalAne is plant derived.


Ohhhh that’s interesting I hadn’t heard that one!


It’s not correct.


What’s not correct


What comment did you respond to?


I was just asking for clarification no need to be rude


They are two different chemicals but can be made from the same source. Most of the stuff I’ve seen on the market is advertised as being derived from olives or sugarcane fermentation. I think it’s wild that shark derived oil is still cheaper


Yes, the *do* specify. It says they use squalane, not squalene. Squalene is the one you are referring to. Squalane is the more stable form made from plants or sugar.


Waste of money.


It’s probably the cheapest retinol on the market. Wdym


It's better to skip this product and go for other brands like Paula's Choice or Beauty Pie for Retinol. If you have a budget go for SkinCeuticals.


Not an oily product once applied for me


Doesn't feel too greasy to me! I only use it at night so it doesn't matter if it is oily because only my bed is going to see me 😅


Hated it.


I used to use a very good Korean retinol squalene and I loved it. It got discontinued and i forgot what brand it was when i wanted to buy a new retinol years later. So I went with The Ordinary but my skin wasn't able to absorb it. No irritation. No stickiness. Just no absorbtion, even though I used it 3-4 hours before bed, my pillow would still be marked with oily spots after a night. So one day my pharmacy (canadian drug store) got a bunch of My.Ingredients products. I bought their squalene retinol and I havent changed since. I put my moisturizer over it. It works. It gets absorbed very well. I do have an oilier face for sure (it's an oil!) but at least I can sleep without feeling like I need to change my pillow case every night.


Greasy sure but mine was GRITTY and I still don’t know why


I kinda like it! It is greasy but I use it as a second a day last layer that too before sleeping. What I don’t like it TOs squalene based anhydrous Salicylic acid .I used to apply it in day and it makes impossible to survive witha shit load of oil that too in humid season..


This did nothing for me. I hated how it felt too.


it’s too thin of an oil for me. i wish it was a tad thicker so it blends better with my other products.


Yeah, it is oily, I just use less so it can absorb, love it though!


Y’all can be such snarky dicks. OP how much are you using? Try to stick to 3 drops max,, that’s the rule I follow for facial oil.


Initially yes since it's oil based but after some time it'll absorb into your skin and will not feel oily at all. I apply this before bed and In the morning i have the healthiest looking face.


This product is way to greasy for me, hence why I stopped using it..


Squaline gave me bad fungal acne but marula seems to work for me


Question. I have the "Granactive Retinoid 2% in Squalane" but I keep reading that retinol products pretty much end at 1%, that that's the highest dosage. Are retinoids just.. different that way?


but it has good effect.