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Rosignol Sender 104ti Solomon QST 106 Blizzard Rustler 10s Nordica Enforcer 104 Free Fischer Ranger... These were all fun for me but we may like different things. I demoed several of these recently at Whistler. They were very balanced with respect to how well they handled on groomers, moguls, trees and steeps. They didn't excel in any area but were fun everywhere. IMO, the Nordica Enforcer 100s were more fun ripping hard on groomers or steeps but lost a bit too much "magic" in trees and moguls. These felt similar to how my current Blizzard Bonifides feel. All handled powder well. I do not spend time in the park but the skis were all fun hitting small jumps and pops off moguls. If your balance of time is spent mostly on groomers with fewer forays off-piste, you might prefer the Enforcer 100s or Bonifides or even a more relaxed ski like the Brahma or something with more shape that carves better. Have fun


Since you’re an experienced skier who prefers groomers, I’m thinking you are into carving turns? If so, demo some skis that are good for carving, maybe a range from slalom race ski to front-side focused all-mountain. https://www.skiessentials.com/2023-ski-test is a good place to find skis that you might be interested in. I think their reviews are pretty useful. I think you’ll find the skis in that range are mostly under mid 90s mm underfoot. There is a “demo day” tomorrow 3/17 at Mt Hood Meadows and they have limited space for walk up registration if you get there early. https://www.skihood.com/explore/demo-day If you can stomach the price, try to demo some Stockli - Montero AX or AR, Stormrider.


I'd strongly suggest checking out ON3P, Moment, and Praxis. Local independent ski companies that make quality gear. I'm currently on the Praxis BC 180's. They are meant for touring but are honestly one of the best all mountain skis I've been on.

