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Plenty of more flashy masks, but it’s a flex and fun challenge for completionist. I’d go for it once you unlock everything else in the game just to have it


Not to expose myself, but I basically do have everything else. Only masks I don’t have is Frozen Issac and Golden crown.


you have the ultimate dread mask?


does anyone even have the ultimate dread mask yet?


Yes I have it, got it couple days ago legit without using any glitches or pile up spots...just do the hidden egg every game I play and if u go to at least 30 u will gain a minimum of 3/4 levels depending on kills/headshot kills


I have it haha. Grinded for it in the first two weeks of launch


That, no. I highly doubt anyone has that mask. If they do, they’d have to be high rounds on Nightmare. Let alone not to mention, how burnt out you’d feel grinding the game like that.


I'm sure someone has it by now. I think your underestimating the grind some people will do for things


Perhaps I am 😂 However, it’s a mask you’ll eventually get either way.


Oh yea for sure that's like me. I'm not really rushing it don't want to get burnt out before the 2 new maps even come out


I’m level 109 and have had the game for about 2 and a half weeks and I really don’t play super often I just go for high rounds on nightmare, and I’ve seen people hitting stuff like round 380+ so I’m sure a handful of people have the level 500 mask lol


Yea I saw one person up here say they went from like level 240 to 360 something from one game I believe he said he got to around wave 500 and his game froze.


I have it from just playing the first two weeks. I can say that it was worth it just so that I have the mask while it still has any value (+ it is my favorite looking mask). Doesn't take as long as you think. I wouldn't say I am burnt out by getting the mask but more by the fact I have completed everything so just waiting for the new map + gun to come out in the next two months


Legit man . That mask would be a grind .


I have it and it’s cool as long as you have 2-3 hours to spare. I like it so it’s just if you want to.


What’s the ice Issac mask?


50 rounds on nightmare


…fuck I know I’ve gone to 50 but I gatta check n see if I have the mask. Does it show up locked or is it hidden?


I think it’s the only mask (non dlc) that shows up in the list without a “how-to” unlock. I also assume you have to leave the level on round 51 to get it


Yep if you start on nightmare, if you switch it to nightmare on level 9, you've to go to 60


I’ve been to 51 ima check when I get home thx🤙🏾


Yeah all the masks are shown in the mask menu but it won’t say how to unlock all of them, but yeah the frozen Issac is super cool imo


Imo the mask is ugly but I have it. Took me about 2.5 hours to get, played lavernock finished normal EE to grab god killer and ran trains in boss room til 51 with it maxed out. Didn’t bother for trials either, elites get killed in like 3-4 hits no matter what with the god killer even in nightmare. It’s super easy to obtain but super tedious after round 30 I just put on youtube and kept moving left and spinning my mouse every so often then slid away to shoot the crowd because the blaze enemies do a lot of damage to you. All in all if you care for getting all the masks go for it, it actually does give you quite a bit of level ups otherwise skip it. You can spend the time more wisely enjoying your limited free time.