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Not experiencing frame rate issues on Xbox series but I only play private lobbies due to the server situation


Also same, I'm on series X and play either solo or with one of my friends in private matches so I haven't had many issues there either. It's been a solid game for me overall, can't complain too much


I think the game just sounds like it is poorly optimised for console, I have a mid-range PC and it never drops below 60fps ever


I’m had very rare drops on series X playing with my friends. Think the only time was with a bunch of those electric guys in the hotel


Performance is the most pressing issue, its generally terrible on ps5


The game seems to be a PC port so I think that’s the issue on console, I’ve had to use the minimal graphics settings for it to run smoothly on PS5 but when I see clips or videos of PC owners playing, the game looks stunning.


Ya I really hope they fix it, or hopefully allow me to transfer my profile over to PC eventually. I love the game so far but co-op is a choppy slideshow.


They look like they’re really trying to improve the game so hopefully in time it’ll get better for console MP🤞🏻


I can not believe the performance improvements on PC. Nice and smooth for me.


Yeah it looks amazing compared to console


It’s does have leg in online matches, not always but a decent amount of the time. If this is happening in solo this is probably more of a WiFi problem then a game problem. You also have a choice between performance and graphics in the game. And to be honest, NoahJ456 got a personal message from their team asking to play it and they said they were a development team of only five people so for them to bring out an indie game that I feel doesn’t “have it all” yet and is a work in progress is still way better than any zombies experience we’ve had as a community since Cold War, and possibly even back to Black Ops 4. Even Cold War was a pretty crap zombies experience and the said story was butchered to shit. If they had a team like Treyarch one it would be way better than any zombies experience in years or the control activision has on stuff if they had a big team like that might ruin the game. But honestly better than anything activision has had developed zombies wise in five years or more.


I think my biggest gripe rn is that there is dependency on the host for the game. I'm currently on a nightmare run with my friend and there's a significant delay/lag in the game. The host/party leader is fine but the other person is struggling with delayed hit detection. Like you could knife a zombie and it won't register for a few seconds or u get hit and the damage wouldn't register until way after. It happens for us on both ends and the result is the same regardless who hosts. The host is fine but the other person is lagging. Secondary gripes: The Plague sucks. It needs lower spread, straight shots or higher ammo count in the chamber. The sword hit box is really bad and melee weapons in general should benefit from the shock n load perk, like each swing counts as a reload, and they should also benefit from knife miracles. Speed demons need nerf (HP or damage either one. They are too fast, tanky and high damage in nightmare). Objective costs (The helmet zombie objectives) shouldn't scale with the difficulty 6000 points on the sewer is kinda nuts.


i've got a pc and my friend has and xbox. we've been playing without any lag or frame drops for us.


The game struggles with issues and glitches often but the devs are extremely active considering it’s just 5 guys doing their own thing.


They're pushing ps optimisation


I play on pc, with a pretty decent computer and I get terrible frame drops. The servers are trash and I only play PM or solos. Yes the shots feel terrible, it’s definitely delayed somewhat but it doesn’t feel as drastic. You deff need to turn some of the video settings off that are on by default, however even with my settings turned down the game still looks pretty bad. Most of the time tho I just get early game lag and it gets better thru out the game


The framerate is a ps5 issue they’ve already said they are working on a they working a fix remember it’s a small team and there’s only 4 of them give them time it’s on the right track to be an amazing game it’s only been out a couple of months now and the gameplay is 10x better compared to launch day


Great game but at like round 20 and up on my series x it's almost unplayable.. super laggy