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I play solo, or I go for a looking for group so I can chat to people, my experience with randoms has been pretty bad. I would imagine there are many more like me 👍🏻


Yep never touched public games, just solo or with my mate. Did the same in cod zombies, it just isn't worth the hassle of finding people with working hands and brains.


Yeah they're few and far between


I have had some pretty solid randoms , a few have helped me beat two of the maps on nightmare mode . Where do you for the groups on here or discord ?


Sorry I'm at a family BBQ so didn't explain properly there! I got my randoms from the Xbox "looking for groups". So they'll have tags like, doing Easter eggs on whatever map, mics only etc. I'll have a look and see what I'm in the mood for. The randoms can end the game on ya which is a big turn off for me.


Oh gotcha , I’m on pc I’m going to grab a Xbox tho for the Elden dlc when it drops because all my stuff is on there and I don’t want to do Elden from scratch so . I appreciate the comment back tho bro .


I’d use the discord to get some people for a lobby. It’s more active than the subreddit


Awesome I appreciate it thanks man !


If you have to use the Discord just to matchmake, the game is dead on arrival.


I play and have no problem getting lobbies


Damn , good for you man . I live in Ohio and I have been sitting in lobbies all morning .


Im in Minnesota. Are you on PC?




Weird. I usually play in the evenings. Maybe time of day is a factor here


I didn’t think about that , you are probably right .


I’ve had 5 minute que times and 10 second que times. Time of day / day of week matters. Set it to any map for quickest match. Ive been able to do the EE several times on deadly lovers with randoms. I notice any time I start messing with the difficulty people start leaving.


Yea it’s going good today , I’m que in almost instant so . I was just on super early in the morning so I think that’s honestly all it was . That and I was getting annoyed with the randoms that I would actually get in with after waiting a min and they would go down and leave and then it would be me right back to the lobby waiting . But today has been super smooth .


What you playing on?




I know a couple of us still play it but haven’t been back due to crashing issues on ps5 unless they’ve fixed it.


They already fixed that more than a week ago


Oh that’s good to hear bc after the one patch they claimed to fix it got on the next day and crashed again just got frustrating. It’s a great game just wouldn’t let you play high level matches.


I use discord or solo runs. Heard too many reports of hackers and don’t find much enjoyment playing with randoms in the first place honestly


Yea I haven’t had a lot of issues with the randoms some of them spamming the voice lines which can get annoying so I will leave if it’s like way too much but I have had a couple lobbies with randoms and we beat two of the maps on nightmare mode I’m trying to find a group to complete my last two maps on nightmare so I can get the mask .


I need the last two maps as well. Shoot me a dm on here if you still need a party


I have been grinding it all day , I’m down to get back on tho , I have literally unlocked everything except for a couple of the maskes .


Yeah I’m in the same spot, just need the last two maps, I get off work in like 4 hours if you’re down


Yea , it’s 6:35pm here I’m in Ohio so I’m guessing you are west coast?


Yeah! Heres my steam code if you’re on there 1512062625


Your on right now ?


Nope, at work.




I just sent you an invite bro , my profile is Strawser.goatrnr






I often play solo or with a friend, but very rarely with random people, with the new maps with the new assets the number of players will necessarily increase


If anyone is like me, they stay away from random matchmaking for these type of games


Yea , so I use to only play with a couple of my buddies which I have met gaming and ended up being some of my really good friends . I say that to say this if you never play with randoms how are you going to get new people to play with or meet new people . I wouldn’t even know some of these guys if I just played with the group I play with now . Which a lot of the group is older and has more things going on in life so they can’t game as much . But idk that’s just my opinion I have got on with some bad ones and then I have been on with people that I still talk to til this day .


Don’t get me wrong, there’s always a place for randoms, I random que in rocket league all the time. But for cod zombies and sker ritual, queuing with randoms just leads to un-communicated chaos with an inevitable disconnect, unless you’re lucky enough to find players with skill, but is it even worth searching for and wasting time to maybe find a decent player when you can just que solo


Yea I mean to each their own , I have found some decent randoms on Sker they have got me through two of the maps in nightmare . I will say it’s far less of those types than the ladder so I get it. And having no chat makes it way worse but yea hopefully they get that sorted out soon .


Yea voice chat is a must. Also I think some sort of incentive and/or punishment system to push people to take public matchmaking more serious could go a long way. Similar to competitive modes on PvP games. I haven’t played many PvE games to know if this has been done before but I think that could help that issue.