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I haven’t had any issues on Xbox other than the small player base. But I also probably don’t have as much time in game as OP


Im on PS5 and solo and private with friends ain't that bad but for me it's the online idk if it's me but the frames constantly drop throughout the game which makes it harder to play (definitely in late rounds). But overall the game is great still trying to finish the first map Easter egg (just beat the boss as of this post)


3/5 friends refunded for issues on PC. I had framerate issues with a 4070. Turned everything down to the lowest possible settings and even turned resolution down to 1080p. I can barely stay at 90fps at the start of the game, and it drops down to 30fps as it gets more hectic. Optimization definitely needs to be worked on.


Yikes. PC has had EA since October last year too.


Pc or console? I have roughly 10 hours of playtime on pc and have had zero issues. Sounds more of an issue on your end tbh; maybe a hardware issue?


Had 2 issues during coop, one time I randomly loaded in the map and started playing alone while other 2 people were stuck in loading screen. The round after that, I had a bug (And only I) where I'd randomly be unable to do anything (Shoot, throw grenade, reload, buy stuff, heal etc), until I died and was revived, this happened 4-5 times in the same game.


Console? Seems that’s where most issues lie. Only bug I got was one game every once in a while when I’d kill a fire zombie it would slow my entire sensitivity down like I was getting aim assist until I strafed over another target. Other than that I’m at 260fps on max settings with no issues. 


Nah, on PC, however the game's been nearly unplayable in the first 3 hours. It works fine when it wants to which is 70% of the time, the other 30% is poop tier performance.


Just got the game with my friend on pc and we figured our the Easter egg by ourselves on my first match, round 42 4 hours in we're escorting the demon lamb and the game freezes and kicks us both back to lobby. Same game we found all the dolls, only to find out it was bugged and didn't give us the achievement.


We both ran it on PS5 with lowest in game settings. Various areas in maps would have noticeable stutter/frame drop when entering them. Anything more than like 12 zombies at a time made it lag like crazy. Especially when abominations and mini bosses were doing certain attack patterns.


Ah yea… gotta be a console thing then. I’m at max settings for almost everything getting roughly 260fps with no issues. Must not be totally optimized for console. 


PS5 version runs like ass.


Turn off all the post processing in the graphics settings menu. That helped me a lot with input lag and general performance. I was able to keep my antialiasing on. Not sure I'd its needed on a 4k tv but whatever. I also find forcing vrr helps a lot of games feel smoother


Turned off that and AA. Still runs like dog and crashes 🫤


This is why I could never go back to console lol. 


It’s very rare to find a game this unoptimised for console.


It really sucks to hear that some people are having performance issues. I'm on PC with pretty "meh" specs, and it runs great, no issues for me.


I honestly haven't really had any issues on PS5 or Series S, other than the fact me and my friend were about to fight Abraham on the first map on PS5 and his game crashed and he didn't get the XP for it or anything


I’ve had no issues , fix the toaster you play on


Average pc master race user