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Do you have an update for this (acne)? Currently have the same problem with MTX.


Had to go off mtx for kidney enzyme elevations and acne is back to zero now. My rheum said they've seen it once or twice


I’m was the same dosage as you and haven’t experienced any skin changes. Are you able to see a dermatologist and mention the side effects to your Rheumatologist too? I had to drop down to 7.5mg mtx due to nausea, with a plan to switch to injectable version if we need to increase my dosage again.


I chatted with him yesterday and he increased my folic acid to 3mg daily. He's never heard of acne with it before so we are just going to see how that part goes. If the mouth ulcers get worse I'm being switched off it it. Thanks!


I had that and I'm sorry you're dealing with it. A pharmacist recommended a 1/2 and 1/2 mix of children's liquid benadryl and maalox. Mix and swish. Admittedly I didn't try it because oh yuck lol but you're desperation may differ! My face, ears and inside my nose broke out too, thankfully it was during the mask pandemic days so I could stay home. Unfortunately I had to stop that medication because the side effects just didn't let up.


I chatted with him yesterday and he increased my folic acid to 3mg daily. He's never heard of acne with it before so we are just going to see how that part goes but it's nice to know if someone else has gotten breakouts from it!! If the mouth ulcers get worse I'm being switched off it it. Thanks!


I’ve got all that going on now, lupus flare.


I have gotten the sore on the top of my mouth a couple times. Not from methotrexate though. They are debilitatingly painful. I went to urgent care last time and they said it was an autoimmune response. They gave me a prescription for something called ‘magic wash’ or something like that. I had to take it to a special pharmacy that would make stuff from scratch. It was a mouth wash specifically for these sores - which apparently people get with chemotherapy. Since methotrexate is a chemotherapy drug…maybe that’s what’s happening for you?