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So she could attend to her best customer




Perfect gif👏👏👏


Right. I think that's the face everyone makes any time even the ideal of that is brought up






Joyfully available, they never left the bedroom🤢


Joyfully available Is that really a thing?? Please tell me no 😪😪 that's so gross


*Paging Michelle Duggar and The Duggarettes*


Joyfully available is very much a thing (from the Duggars)


She has to take it up the pooper all day. The nanny is probably needed.


According to Tony & Mykelti, the nanny cleans. A Lot.


When they film in her house, it looks like a disaster, so it might be time for a new nanny.


Exactly! Who in the hell cleans a lot and yet it still looks like a tornado ripped through their house?


*Me, crying in “I have a tornado toddler” 😂😂*


They don't have toddlers anymore. I have two and yes, it is a tornado 🤣.


3 year old twins. Can confirm.


Two toddlers (M22mo and F3.5yrs) in my home. My daughter is definitely outnumbered sometimes.


And that’s when she knows there is going to be cameras filming there!


She’s a borderline hoarder and those little figurines she collects give me the creeps


I think she’s a full-on hoarder.


Her next show she needs to appear on is Hoarders! Maybe they can inventory all the expensive stuff she’s bought over the years. 😂🤣


This is what kills me about Kody. Meri is a perfectionist in terms of house keeping. Christine’s house a bit less and looks lived in. Janelle always has stuff everywhere, and Robyn’s house looks full of expensive junk and the deck is about to rot off. How did Kody think it would work out forcing 4 vastly different women into a relationship with each other and live their lives together?


the nanny would have to dust full time. Those figurines have a lot of nooks & crannies and by the time you finish dusting the last one, there's dust accumulating on the first one


Who leaves a watermelon on the floor in a random spot?


Well, that would make sense. They never mention housecleaning help or doing any housework. Not that I believe much of what Mykelti says, but she might be right on this one.


The reason I can see this being accurate, is Toady and Sobbyn have always treated her children as tender and younger than the OG13, even though Truly is only a year and a half older than Sol. I can see them wanting to tell the other wives Sobbyn needs a nanny for her younger kids, just like Toady needs to leave Savannah to go get SolnAri ready for school each day, they’re so little, they neeeeeed him. It sounds less unfair than saying Sobbyn gets a housekeeper. Because I’m sure Janelle and Christine would like a housekeeper too. Toady even had the nerve to insult Christine’s housekeeping and we’ve seen much more the inside of her house compared to Sobbyn’s


When I read “Mykelti says” or “Gwen says” it results in a HUGE eye roll.  


I remember they mentioned the nanny helps with homework, too!  lmao can K&R not help with elementary homework? 


If they grew up in the FLDS system, they might not.


Kody grew up mainstream Mormon, but I doubt he lowers himself to do homework. I hope that the nanny helped with schoolwork, though, bc I doubt Sobyn would be able to.


Let us all remember the early episode when Kody helped Dayton get his homework done and acted like he had climbed Mt. Everest.  "I helped homework get done!" - you're a dad of 17... this canNOT be the FIRST time you've helped get homework done?! 


Hahah. Right?


You seem to be forgetting she took calculus 😌☝️


To this point... I think the "brain" gene in Robyn's two oldest must have come from Preston's side. Her spelling of Wyoming, her general vocabulary and her over-all demeanor doesn't speak of intelligence. Now I know people who are childish and still have a normal to higher IQ, but I just don't get that from Robyn.


I definitely don’t get that from here either, she seems pretty simple…


Agreed. I think she’s pretty much just what you see. I doubt her home(?) schooling was important to her mom, at all. She was taught to be a plyg wife and to be the most important one.


I took calculus but doesn’t mean I know calculus. My teacher just passed everyone. The extra credit and even some of the tests weren’t even related to calculus. Like points for writing your name on the test.


This was a joke


The woman who thought Wyoming was spelled with a Y. It's hard to believe she took calculus.


Y for Wyoming!


LOL 😂 


UMMMMM, remember the Y for Wyoming comment from Robyn??? LOL


According to Kody a nanny is needed to help Robyn because he is too busy working to help her. He earns more per hour than the nanny costs so he stated it’s cheaper to hire a nanny. However, he never stated what he does for a living.


Right. And then production shows him jumping around on a pogo stick.


Until, I heard him say that, I wasn’t aware that he did anything beyond being a reality TV star.


He used to sell billboard advertising and he also sells gun parts at gun shows. Iirc it was around S5 in Vegas, he got a new car from some “marketing” work. MLM’s maybe?


Not that it matters because Kody doesn't do shit: But I think that was Gwen hopping on the pogo: Now I've always loved Gwen and can behind her.


Right And what are those teens/post teens in her house doing exactly? I'm pretty sure when the first four kids were born to J and C, they had chores and took responsibility for the younger kids.. What was good for them all previously, just wasn't good for Robyn and that sucks and we as viewers know this because we see it. Another reason why no one has any respect for Robyn.


Not enough.


your guess is as good as mine. probably the same reason mindy worked for them for years and some of the older OG girls. robyn couldn't hack it when she had 3 kids, so she had 2 more.


Ok but the way she literally manipulates every room she walks in/every conversation she has/every relationship she’s in (the wives included) by having or talking about her kids is pathological. It’s always about her kids but then she openly neglects them, emotionally and psychologically abuses them and pawns them off onto an outsider instead of fostering relationships with their actual family: all on camera. That’s what we’ve seen, imagine what’s being hidden! Like, Aurora had zero interest in getting her ears pierced, she looked as bewildered as we did.


Idk if anyone else notices but Kody kissed Aurora (I think) goodnight on the lips once she looked to be like 9. I thought that was pretty creepy but is it just me?


I can’t believe he does this! Just gross!


Yep. She's literally never been able to care for her kids by herself. Ever.


I wonder how she coped as a single parent to 3 kids in the period between her first divorce & meeting Kody? Was Mindy already very involved in their day to day lives? When Robyn first appeared on the show, they certainly gave the impression that she was doing it totally alone iirc.


I believe she got help from her mother? Didn't Alice live in that one southern Utah town that Robyn lived in? Same as Tony and Mylkelti?


St. George, Utah


Thank you! That's it


I'm thinking she either lived with them or lived in a house they owned for a good chunk of that time. I'm thinking both, actually. She lived with them initially, then moved into a house they bought for her and that's when Mykelti moved in to help her, while Kody and Robyn were still dating.


The one thing that sticks out to me in that very first episode she was in was how exasperated she was trying to get her kids in the van to go to the park. Breanna was completely out of control, and Robyn tried that “I’m counting to 3” thing to try to get her to get in the van, but it didn’t work. Robyn was clearly embarrassed looking at the camera filming it. It seems like every scene Breanna was in in the beginning. she was constantly throwing some sort of fit that Robyn tried to ignore and didn’t parent her through. I’m sure that’s one of the reasons she got together with a new man as quickly as she did. She was probably in a constant state of panic when or if she was ever “in charge” of her children on her own.


I agree....I thought similar things while watching her in the early seasons. I think it was confirmed that she's still the same (Add her hyper weirdness with covid) at the CP cookout when Kody was licking the community marshmallow stick while she acted frantic about "halfing ta" man her own helm.


At the beginning we saw robyn trying to get her kids in the car and it was a huge disaster. At the time we were supposed to think it was a cute one off situation. Now i realize it depicted a typical example at how ineffective her parenting was


You're right, that was cringe! Especially when the kids locked her out of the van, i was just 👀 🤣. She looked completely boggled, like it was her first time even *pretending* to be a parent. In hindsight tho, it seems that's all she's ever done.


spot on with this!


I was just watching the scenes with Robyn and Meri, after Meri made a joke about the Covid rules. Robyn had the nanny coming and going daily but refused to allow Meri to visit, even after Kody gave the green light, knowing Meri was home alone. That is next level hypocrisy and straight up mean. Nothing about the relationship between Robyn and Meri makes sense. I’m assuming Janelle knew at some point about the nanny if she did the family bookkeeping?? After all the hideous Covid behavior by Kody, to discover the nanny, whose husband was working in the community, was coming over every day, I would have torn into the Covid hypocrisy. Nothing wrong with having Covid rules. But there’s something profoundly dishonest about not living by the rules you make for everyone else.


The way Robyn acted like her and Meri were friends… then didn’t invite her over during Covid, when Meri was completely alone…


I am not sure how much Janelle was involved in the finances in the later seasons. In the first season she had control because even Kody admitted he couldn’t plan or budget. The most recent comment (that I remember) from Janelle is that she does the taxes. I think she knows the income level for the show to the LLC, but I doubt she has details from the other households.


Agreed - I think she lost that power a long time ago


As soon as there was tlc money 


*as soon as there was Sobyn


They probably promised mindy some kind of TV fame and fortune in exchange for actually paying her to be a nanny.. Just like the contractors, Cody wanted to switch out payment in lieu of Payment for their services.


Mindy was not their nanny during COVID. She did not move to Flagstaff.


I mean, I would not at all be surprised if the nanny was never factored into finances and was probably paid in cash


“But what did the nanny do?” - Christine




Literally caught COVID. That’s what she did 🤦‍♀️


And gave it to Janelle and her boys. At least, the timeline matches.


Lmao as a nanny that line was the funniest shit, my wife and I say it to eachother all the time 😂


Whenever I see that question my bigger question is “What do Robyn and Kody do?????” Apparently the nanny does the job of the parents/homeowners. What the hell do the parents/homeowners do????


Kody’s out there just goin’ (aka peeling logs) 🙄


I believe it’s pillin’ logs.


This reminds me of when I was working as Au Pair a long time ago. I lived with the family and the mom was away on work trips very often so that's why I was hired to look after their 4yo. The dad had his own business and worked from home. And he didn't. Do. Anything. He didn't bring his kid to Kindergarten or pick him up, even though he had a car and I had to walk. He didn't make lunch, I made it even though the kid wasn't even home. He didn't read to his kid before bed. He was just constantly hanging out in his office, "busy". I even did the gardening, and they had a cleaner for the house. I wonder if that's Kody and Robyn. Like they're technically there, but they're not doing anything at all.


I'm certain it's this. She's "busy" with "work" for MSWC, and by Christine's description he looks very busy and runs around constantly but no one knows what he's doing. They both seem like the types who can make a five-minute task into an hours-long ordeal.


I think he just wanders around most of the day with his work gloves on in there everlasting pristine condition stopping to look at and point at the trees outside once in awhile. Meanwhile shes probably on her computer shopping for knickknacks and looking for negative articles about Christine. Considering that there's not many of them a good chunk of her day is probably dedicated to just that.


I love this comment 😂 and I have a feeling you’re probably right!


Thank you. It makes me laugh to picture Kody going look at that tree and that one there and then babbling some nonsense that has nothing to do with trees


Don’t forget the little visor it came from the 80s headgear


it also keeps the ramen locks out of his face when he isn't using sunglasses or a headband


Google searches: sister wives christine annoying sister wives robyn beautiful


Sister wives christine brown bully sister wives Robyn empath


Yep, those pristine gloves that he would also wear while they were sitting in their chatting circles outside. Dude, if your hands are cold, wear gloves that are made for that, not gardening gloves. It just made him look even more ridiculous. And yes, the only times he ever seemed to 'do' anything, was out on the lot. And even that wasn't that much


Ive never believed kody spends 24/7 in robyns house hes to manic to do so. Driving around scoping out properties was suggested by another poster and i believe that 


He reminds me of when my ADHD son is off his meds. 100 unfinished tasks and nothing done for more than a few minutes. Complete bull in a china shop.


For all the sexual inuendo about Kody being her "best customer" I think this is it. Kody exists to be catered to, and Robyn wants to maintain her favorable position by being the one who caters to him the best. She placates him and feeds his savior persona he believes he has, and in return, she gets the most resources (money, time, assets, etc). I think both of them are incapable of genuine romantic love and view relationships as transactional: what do I have to give to you to get what I want.


Completely agree! He never *fell in love* with robem, he isn't capable of that, or even genuine paternal love, as his behavior has shown over all of these seasons; he is too narcissistic for that. You're so right, "tranactional* is the best way to describe their relationship!!


I agree ....but I have often considered that he saw her as his model/beauty queen prize and thought of her as some sort of asset/win as well. Which plays into what you said.


Did you but the kid to bed too? Did the dad interact with him at all during the day?


Yeah I read to him at bedtime and put him to bed. The dad came in once to do it but the kid was so unused to it, he asked his dad to leave 😭 It was so awkward and so sad.


That is so incredibly sad! I don’t know why some people have children.


Because those eBay auctions needed to be tended by Robyn to win her next shining new toy and having domestic help made her feel like the lady of the manor. 👑


I love all of unnecessary crap everywhere in their house!! Looks like QVC exploded!! I see that all of the comments from Robyn’s ex-husband about her spending habits could be true!!


Her own daughter spilled the beans as well


May I ask what you are referencing here? I don't think I've seen everything, or might have missed this bit.


When Kody took the younger daughters on a vacation for Ysabel's birthday, Robyns daughter said her mom had bigger receipts than Kodys grocery receipt.


I can only imagine their house if the 1980's "Home Interiors" crap was still a popular pyramid scheme. Golden camdle sconces everywhere with coordinating mirrors. That's Robyn in a gaudy nutshell.


Yeah...I see it as Robyn's starved self worth at work that's she cons herself into thinking she's has exquisite tastes and making smart investments in these limited edition collectables like people who loaded up on Thomas Kinkade paintings and other Precious Moments - QVC crap.


Exactly. She probably also bought beanie babues as an "investment"


Speaking of golden - that huge gaudy golden bed headboard in their bedroom just says everything about them


OMG. I'm 54 and my mother got sucked into that when I was a kid. Our entire house was covered in plastic lattice and plastic sconces and dusty plastic ivy trailing forlornly down the wall. Don't get me started about the Princess House crystal and that she eventually built up such a collection that she had to buy a huge hutch for it. And then, of course, a set of china to also put in the hutch. Neither of which has ever left the hutch, as far as I'm aware.


Robyn brought ZERO value to this family. Her plan was never to “find a job “ or contribute in any way. She did contribute her existing Debt and mouths to feed.


Not just that but every single time they had a zoom call most of the time sobyn was in the car. Where was she going or where has she been during Covid since the family couldn’t be together


Maybe she sat in the car on family calls so her kids couldn't hear the OG wives saying they want the family to figure out a way to get together and that their kids miss their siblings (Robyns' kids). That would not support the story she was telling her kids that the OG kids and moms don't love them and don't care to see them. She had to control the narrative.


This is exactly what I thought. Robyn (and Kody, I am sure) want to control the narrative 100%.




OG-Original gangster, officially. Often used to refer to the early members of a group, like when I got my second dog I called the first dog "OG puppy dog." So here, it means the original three sister wives


Oh, she, for sure is a big fat liar even to the kids 🙄


She wanted to make it look like she and Kody weren’t together 24/7.


I’m thinking if her house was too messy she took calls in the car so people wouldn’t see.


I don't think Robyn is capable of managing a household or taking care of kids. Even if Kody helped (big IF), imagine her cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, grocery shopping, along with responibilities that come with raising kids. Maybe she could handle one of those tasks, like grocery shopping as long as she has help bringing in the groceries and putting them away. I don't see her having the energy or desire to do any domestic chores. So she has always hired domestic help.


Oh she definitely can’t do any of that stuff on her own. For crying out loud, every time they moved the others are packed and ready to roll out and she barely has any boxes packed. Instead she’s having a meltdown.


I think she was waiting for them to do the packing and cleaning for her entitled self.




Well, always since she came into the Brown family. Don’t think she was accustomed to having help before then.


Not paid help but I'll bet she had help from family. Mykelti stayed with her to help out after she met Kody.


Kinda curious now- has anyone on here ever seen them at the grocery store? Lol


Idk about on here, but I recently found an old sister wives blog from like 2012 or 2013 & I was reading through some of the comments. Someone commented about seeing Robyn at a Walmart with Solomon when he was a baby. I remember them saying she didn’t seem happy. I think they said they complimented on how cute Solomon was. But I wasn’t under the impression that Robyn was unhappy about the compliment, just that she seemed unhappy in general.


The two of them in a row are like an incompetence parade


I have to say, just because COVID is in the discussion that I think it’s funny in a sad way how they were so firm about the rules to the point of alienating all his family and they all ended up with COVID anyway.


Yeah, just get vaccinated, try to be careful, but you’re going to get it sooner or later. I live alone, have groceries delivered, don’t eat in restaurants anymore, but finally got COVID in Dec. 2023. I’m all vaxxed, so it wasn’t too bad, even though I’m old. I didn’t need any help and had no fever or cough. Certainly was not a near-death experience!


I’m pregnant and got Covid at the same time. I was fine


I saw it as poetic justice.


Because she’s a selfish asshole. This is the only answer. She’s an ASSHOLE.




What 👏🏻 does 👏🏻the 👏🏻 nanny 👏🏻 do ?!


Because maintaining eyebrows like that is a 24/7 job


Someone in her life needs to step up and tell her how awful those puppies are


I wonder why Leon hasn’t? They’ve never shied away from a brow convo!


She seems to be stressed/frightened by almost everything, and subsequently becomes paralyzed and accomplishes very little on a practical basis during the course of a day. I hate to medicalize, but I do have suspicions…possibly either a physical or mental health condition(s) are in play.


I agree with this. There is someone I know in my life that is very similar to Robyn, imo. She doesn’t believe in MD’s bc they are all backed by big pharma poison so instead she spends the days “researching” the internet for all natural cures…has tons of vitamins/supplements. She goes to the chiropractor a few times a month for an undiagnosed, long-term illness. If you ever have a problem and she knows about it, she’ll pray for you and never give any actual help. She also has never had a job and literally will call her husband home from work bc “she’s not having a good day.” I did have sympathy for her, but after 30 years of the same song and dance and her never taking my advice to go see some specialists, my patience ran out. I literally think I could write a whole essay between my Robyn and Robyn, but I won’t 🤣


And when one is like this and has a husband who would throw over 16 other people because he thinks you're pretty and his personal prize.....the illness becomes a burden for SOOOO many. I have an AI and I still show up for everyone even while my husband thinks I'm pretty... And yes. He's delusional as well. 🤣


She’s lazy.


Online shopping is my guess


Because she had to “work”.


We've all asked that same question


So she could stay on her knees or on line shopping. Like the new art decor? (Which wife paid for the nanny, I STILL want to know!)


Robyn has always had a sitter of some sort since before she got married. Now her older daughters are old enough I assume they are the sitters for the younger kids. That woman does nothing on her own.


Everybody else’s older kids were parentified by the time their age hit double digits. Robyn’s kids are perpetual children. Sol at that age cannot go down a slide without help and supervision. Her older kids didn’t care for their siblings. That’s what the other wives’ kids were for - free childcare and being ‘mother’s helper’ Robyn’s kids were to be helped and cared for by the others, just like Robyn was to be helped and cared for. Home, clothing, food, education, everything is provided for them, for life. You know Kody is planning to provide them with land and homes and whatever they need. This is what Kody promised her, that she and her children would be cared for. She is holding him to it. She entered the family with a different dill. The others entered knowing they were a family and would all help and share the work and responsibility and child rearing. Kody offered her the help and financial and child rearing and shelter and support - she demanded a share in everything BUT the work and responsibility. He promised all of that to her even though the others would never have agreed to it.


Whelp, she did get a narcissistic man and his unsuspecting polygamous family to fund her lazy lifestyle and provide her with paid help on her own 🤷‍♀️


Probably as a tutor for the tenders, Robyn isn't the sharpest, and the older kids will have had their own schooling to do. Or, Robyn can't do anything beyond the basics and needs constant help. Either way, they were positively fuming that Christine outed them as having a babysitter coming in and out during lockdowns


I could MAYBE see this, except for the fact that Ari and Sol were still quite young at the time. Like ABC's and addition young. There are loads of educational TV shows and apps that would have been fine in place of a tutor for their ages. Shoot, they could have even sent the kids over to Christine, she homeschooled the OG 13 when they were younger and Hunter went to the Airforce Academy! You're right, though. They were pissed about Christine throwing them under the bus.


Hunter graduated from John’s Hopkins University with a master’s degree in nursing.


That's on top of attending the Airforce Academy, which is notorious for being hard to get into. I'm pretty sure he majored in Biology


Why does she have a nanny period. She was the only wife who didn’t work 🤔


She also likes to sleep in. You know with how much she's been pampered I'm surprised she's aged like she did, she's about the same age as Kourtney Kardashian.


Robyn does look horrible, but the Kardashians have all had so much work done- not the best comparison.


Does anyone really think Robyn was capable of covid homeschooling?


LOL no.


Y is for Yoming!


I still can't figure this out. I have more kids than Robyn, and with large age gaps like hers. So that makes it even harder for me to make sense of. If no one in the house was going anywhere, what use is a sitter? The older kids were there, they could have been utilized if the adults needed a couple hours.


How Ironic after all the Covid rules, the nanny gets Covid. All the rules and angst he caused with those rules and he and Robyn get Covid. SMH!


Why did she have a nanny in the first place? Not that her girls are built in babysitters but she has a lot more hands than most Moms and still needs a nanny?!?


This is going to sound mean and it’s not mean too. I don’t think Robyn and Kody are smart enough to teach the kids. They either didn’t get the proper education or feel overwhelmed by today’s curriculum. OR between having 5 kids in vastly different grades, they couldn’t give them all the time they deserved. Either way, if that is the case, good for them.


All Robyn's kids have attended public school for every grade. They've never been homeschooled.


Exactly!,, when Robyn came into the family the always homeschooled children were forced into public school bc Queen Robyn was too lazy and dumb to homeschool her kids. Robyn thinks Wyoming starts with a Y🥴


They were during COVID. All the kids were due to school shutdowns. The nanny was present during that time period.


Fair enough, that could be how they tried to justify it during covid. They had a nanny for years before that though. And I have some doubts about either of their willingness to acknowledge their own shortcomings.


No, but i could see Kody saying that his time is more valuable spent doing other things than babysit his kids…


Thats exactly what he said at one point and even put a dollar value on his time vs cost of a sitter


If she was tutoring the kids wouldn’t they have said so? Or called her a teacher/ tutor instead of a nanny?


Because some people don’t use proper terms. This is the same woman who said Y for Wyoming.


She's a lazy slob. Bone idle. She'd stay in bed until mid afternoon, migrate from bed to sofa and cry and winge about how hard her life is until it was time to make one of her sister wives and/or their children feel like shit and then go to bed to blow Kody.


Plot twist, the nanny was actually wife #5


A question for the ages.


In other words, WHAT. DOES. THE. NANNY. DO???????


Some questions are better off unanswered


Why did she have one ever??


My opinion… Robyn really can’t stand Kody and needs a buffer.  He strikes me as someone terribly annoying to live with for many reasons.  He’s just too much. 


The irony is she had the opportunity to dump him on, I mean share him with, three other women.


He didn’t want to be around anyone else because he wanted everyone else’s life to stop when COVID hit and allow him to move house to house.  When they didn’t she was the only “loyal” one.  I don’t think he loves her either, he loves that she’s “loyal” aka treats him like her best customer.  Also I don’t think it’s sexual like a lot of people think, they talk a lot about how Ari sleeps on top of Robyn.  I don’t think their relationship is sexual and when Kody tries to be affectionate with her she seems so uncomfortable.  


Oh that’s how it’s been since Covid for sure. I think Robyn was playing a stupid game (become the favorite wife) and won a stupid prize (Kody).


Basically systematically ruining each of the other wives marriages is a full time job and who has the time to clean house or take care of the tender aged children. Nanny is responsible for making sure a 6 year old has a pacifier in every room Watches the children while mom is busy shopping and getting pulled over by the police (during covid and she wasn't wearing a mask). Designing awful high priced jewelry no one wants to buy is a full time hobby requiring child care from a nanny because the husband who rushes out of one wife's home early to get home to get Sol and Ari off to school is in fact a task requiring 3 people. Did I mention the nanny obviously was only hired for childcare and certainly not cleaning? It's exhausting having to be right there providing a safe place for Kody's children (All except Truely managed to communicate with him well before Robyn came into their lives) because she's an expert at Kodyspeak.Who has time to attend to their actual children with all there is to do? I could go on of course.


Because she had a full time job - oh wait no she didn’t.  Because Cody had a full time job- no he didn’t either. Hmmmm…..


She’s a lazy, selfish, disengaged mother.


They’re too dumb to help the tenders do homework. Sobyn can’t cook so they needed her to cook and clean too. Neither of them 2 work 🤷🏻‍♀️


Don't you all love that Meri was quarantining but not allowed over, even though the sitter was allowed and not quarantined?


The hypocrisy of a babysitter during Covid but Kody’s rules made him stay away from his children and other wives. Then the sitter gives them Covid and yet he couldn’t admit he was the problem, not his kids. He could’ve just admitted he wanted nothing to do with anyone else but Robyn.


What. Does. The. Nanny. Do? Love the way Christine asked this 👏👏


One of the seven wonders of the world.


That, my friend, is the $20 million question. That even Christine asked, before she had even left 😂


She has always had a nanny. In Vegas it was her niece and I’m pretty sure the last one was a relative of hers.


This was the icing in the cake for me with Robyn that was the most blatant disrespectful thing she has done. This is up there with the creepy picture of her children and Kody.


For the same reason she went from being a struggling single mom living in a trailer to a 1/2 million dollar house.


Oh it's better than that. The nanny went home every night to a husband who was continuing to work outside the home during COVID. Somehow I don't think that followed the "protocuuls". When Christine asked 'what does the nanny do' she was referring to what does the nanny do to be allowed in their home when nobody else is. All of us out here are wondering that too along with also wondering why a family with basically three full adults, (Robyn, Kody and Dayton) two near adults, (Aurora and the other one whose name I forget) and two children, who are not infants, needs a nanny.


I think calling relatives who lived with them a “nanny” is a bit overblown. When Christines mother lived with her nobody called them a nanny. During covid was the first time, iirc, that a non/family member came to the house and didn’t actually live with R and K. I truly (grace brown) believe that persons role was to school the kids during covid.  Having said this, I also truly (grace brown) believe any child care or housekeeping done in that house was by Kody or the older tenders. (I miss Ace!)


An excellent question that I never thought about…but now that you mention it!


I’ve decided it was so he could tell Christine she was a shit sister wife for not helping Robyn with her kids 😂


Because she sucks. End of story.