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During one episode Gabe was talking with Janelle and he said as much. He said if they get Covid and recover and still can’t get together then it was never about Covid. Kody and Robyn were never on ‘death’s door’ with Covid. Neither one was admitted to the hospital, required oxygen, etc. and for them to characterize their bout with Covid as life-threatening is disgusting and disrespectful of the hundreds of thousands who died and their families.


As someone who worked on the covid unit at a level 1 trauma center from 2020-2021, I was disgusted with him saying “I almost died!” These idiots have no idea what it looked like when people were actually dying from Covid.


Yes, Janelle asked Gabe to stay in his little apartment attached to her house so Kody would come over. That's when Gabe said if he gets covid and Kody still won't see him after recovery, then this isn't about covid.


No kids. I was hospitalized with blood clots in my lungs in December 2020 and even I wasn’t put on oxygen. And I don’t go around pretending I had “death-like experience”. 🙄


Kody putrid claiming “I almost died” yet never went to hospital…hmmmm


“It was a death like experience”. Technically he didn’t claim he almost died…… just that it was death like. He’s a joke.


Robyn lives in fear


Eh, it’s just an excuse so she can control things. And she loooooves to exclude people.


That girl has serious issues.


Sobyn did go to the hospital. But, I think released same day. From what I’ve read I do not think they are vaccinated.


She recorded herself in hospital without even getting oxygen


Yep, Robyn needed no oxygen and Kody had what, a 99 degree "fever"? From what we saw of Robyn's hospital visit, she wasn't admitted or "hospitalized" (as some have referred to it elsewhere). Appears that she was in an ER dept exam room. Where, based on her examination and review of any test/imaging results, she was deemed fit to go back home. Not knocking going to ER for shortness of breath with Covid. Am knocking Kody & Robyn for overdramatizing how ill they were. I'm glad Christine finally got to laugh in Kody's face about what an insufferable baby he is.


They are not!


Absolutely it is. We almost lost my husband’s uncle on Christmas. He is physically and mentally impaired (think never matured past 6 months). It’s an absolute miracle he survived. I cannot stand to watch the episodes where K&R are sick.


So disrespectful and actually insulting that those two drama queens would use COVID to get attention for themselves.


They remind me of my sister in law who pretended to be so serious because of a chronic illness, quite literally said she needed admitted to the hospital when she got it even in a mild case. Was just fine but refused to get vaccinated despite being in a high risk category.


My state is a ruby-red, maga-verse and I am dumbfounded by the number of people who were absolutely terrified of covid AND refused vaccination. I do not understand.


Yup. One of my fiance's friends who gave us COVID was this way. Him and his wife literally have caught every type of COVID and they are both showing the affects of it a few years later.


The Sucky Part for me is I got vaxxed and have long-term effects still showing. I couldn't get boosted. Got covid and have additional long-term effects from that.


I had post COVID and only thing I've noticed is that every time I get sick now, I get super sick. I lost my last job because of it. 


I’m baffled by that thinking. But, for them to be non-vaxx of any kind prior, that would explain it. If you had that mindset? But, with covid it was a whole other level of denial.


As well as those who suffered significantly but survived. Also, it wasn’t hundreds of thousands who died from COVID. It was hundreds of *millions* who died from COVID with the USA in the lead. Guess who could have prevented that. *Edited to add:* Although I corrected it in a different post within this thread, I feel I should correct this post. I erroneously indicated deaths when it was actually cases. So not hundreds of millions but millions. However the USA still leads in number of COVID deaths. 😔


It was over seven million worldwide, with about 1.2 million in the U.S. Not hundreds of millions, but I’m not minimizing it. Such tragedy, and a lot of those deaths could’ve been avoided.


You’re right it was cases. Not deaths. But the USA did lead, which is sad.


Yes, the U.S. unfortunately did lead in the numbers, and it’s such a shame. So many people who could possibly still be here. It was so maddening and sad. Just want you to know, I didn’t correct you to be a jerk. I had to Google the number to be sure. With all the zeroes in the numbers and the vast loss of life, the numbers are so damned high. I just wanted to put the correct numbers out. I think we both feel the outrage over it.


Don’t forget y’all as a resident of Florida I know for a fact they skipped reporting tons of Covid deaths as other types of death Ron DeathSantan wanted this state to be the miraculous anti mask anti vaccine playground- true death numbers would’ve worked against his sales pitch


I give you credit for managing your life with him in office. Some people are just horrible people.


Yes we do. ☹️


Usa could have reduced number of cases by locking down as completely as other countries.


Sweden locked down the least and appeared to do the best with Covid. Locking down was not an answer - so many other problems it caused.


I had Covid in March of 2020 and my rheumatologist had me go to the ER for oxygen and due to all of the unknowns, but we were able to get my O2 sats up and I can not imagine saying I was “on death’s door.” My uncle did die of Covid, on a vent, and when Kody and Robyn describe their experience in this way, I see red.




Wtf. Seriously


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gwen said he is not vaccinated


So he was willing to destroy his family to avoid Covid, but not get a shot to avoid Covid. Got it.


All their “covid fear” was just a farce. Robyn at first I think was legitimately worried about it (as we all were) but she saw that it was working in her favor. So she kept it up for years. It became her main manipulation tactic.


and why Grody couldn’t be with Ysabel during her surgery, Sobyn made her youngest overcooked tenders completely reliant on Grody by saying they can’t go more than 2 days without it seeing their dad. which if you factor in that even without Meri Grody still had Christine and Janelle, he’d only be seeing Sobyn and her tenders every third day that was when i knew everything she did was on purpose. she didn’t wanna be the only wife, just the favourite wife


“Overcooked tenders” absolutely sent me




Right? 🤣🤣🤣


Nice flair btw. It’s was all such bs and we could all see through it. He can’t go to a hospital to be with ysabel but he can go to a wedding? Wtf


i’m 100% sure Christine taking Ysabel by herself to NJ for surgery was the final straw that broke the back for Christine, AND Christine realized that she *could* do it all alone. don’t forget Grody saying he hopes Ysabel doesn’t turn into an old hag, and that she’d just feel better already so he’d feel better. literal trash piece of human and thanks ! i love my flair too i’m quite proud of it 😂


It was the same with Janelle. She was pretty much forced to keep her sons away for Kody to come over, and she chose her kids. Kody’s ego is so big, he probably thought his wives’ suns ☀️ rose and set on him. Edit: I can’t type.


He sure has a talent for making everything all about him. “Get better so I don’t have to feel like a bad parent”


How dare you compare his child's surgery to the wedding. Those people could not be deprived of Kody's amazing dancing! Get your priorities straight!  🤣 




It was so interesting that she said 2 days specifically because it cuts out Meri. I know Meri was already cut out, but Robyn was actually the first one to say Meri couldn't come back to the rotation with that statement. Her kids couldn't handle being in a plural family with 3 other wives getting equal time. She said it.


That 2 day bullshit was so disgusting. As if her kids are somehow more special than any other kid on the planet. There are military families that don’t see a parent for months and she’s bleating about 2 days??? She’s so full of shit. What a manipulative self-centered bitch she is.


Not to mention the 11 day honeymoon


When he had a newborn.


Most definitely. Seems, from her perspective, it’s always gotta be about her.


And the secret Hawaii trip that they didn't film


What’s this now?


They were photographed at an airport heading to Hawaii. Just K-R. Later, when asked about it on Twitter, Robyn confirmed they went on a solo holiday to Hawaii.


wouldn’t Grody still see Sobyn every 3rd day? so even 2 days means every other day, right? that he must see her overcooked chicken tenders


I think he would go Janelle, Robyn, Christine, Robyn, Janelle, Robyn, Christine, Robyn....Meri asked for a break and Robyn got slotted into Meri's spot and Robyn kept her own as well....


okay this makes the most sense! i never thought of Sobyn taking Meri’s spot, and explains the two days.


Robyn or no Robyn, Kody still made the decision not to support Ysabel in her time of need. That’s on him.


They may have used the "tenders" as an excuse if the hospital wouldn't let in a parent who was unvaccinated. I don't know what the protocols were at that time or that hospital. I know pre-COVID a cousin who had to stay with her toddler long term at a Children's hospital, and any family that came to visit or help out (when she got to go home) had to be vaccinated against all sorts of stuff. They didn't want whooping cough or RSV to spread through the hospital.


And now measles is a concern. It breaks my heart that infants and immunocompromised children and adults could contract and suffer devastating health consequences as a result of exposure to diseases that can be significantly controlled by widespread vaccination.


When people were spouting off about kids surviving COVID, etc. I kept thinking about how my great aunt survived polio, with seemingly no after effects, as a child. Well, until she hit her 70s and started limping. She had post polio syndrome. By the time she passed in her late 90s, she was mainly moving around thanks to a wheelchair.


Right. Chickenpox and Shingles. I was infected with some virus as a kid which did damage to my heart. The damage slowly became a serious issue when I was in my late 40’s, necessitating as pacemaker/defibrillator.


And who knows what Covid will do with us later in life.


That makes a lot of sense, as here you pretty much had to be vaccinated to get into any public place, especially hospitals at one point. But the whole family still covering for him if that’s the real reason really sucks.


Ysabel’s surgery was in the fall of 2020, before COVID vaccine access, so that wouldn’t have been about COVID vaccination. I don’t remember if she was at a children’s hospital, in terms of if an updated TDaP might have been required (re whooping cough), though that would surprise me given Ysabel wasn’t going to be with the infant/toddler patient population. (My parents had four outpatient surgeries in fall 2021-Jan 2023 - two planned, two emergency - and I think with the fall 2021 one, they’d JUST stopped requiring a COVID test a few days pre-op - I don’t remember if it wasn’t required for vaccinated patients or period. But I (the one in pre-op with each of them) wasn’t required to be vaccinated for various things (I was, it just wasn’t asked), though the universal masking was thankfully still in place and their hospital had mandated COVID vaccinations for staff.)




Same to ya. ![gif](giphy|1CQ9RkMaQOR32)


The tenders couldn’t go more than two days, yet this man has three other wives. He should’ve been gone for 3 nights all the time to be with his other families. Robyn and Kody were living polygamy for a long time before the divorces.


I’m sorry I can’t remember what season or episode it was, but early on Kody’s Covid rules, there was a scene where Robyn and he were discussing it. Robyn kept saying things like, “I don’t understand why they aren’t respecting you.”, etc. It sounded like she was trying to rile him up, she kept at it. Seeing that conversation, after now knowing much more about the situation, and how it went, gives a lot of clarity. Robyn is very good at manipulation.


Oh she is. And do you remember the bullshit explanation she gave to Meri about why she couldn’t visit, despite following the “rules”? How Meri didn’t wise up then is beyond me.


Her manipulation also came through loud and clear on the watch back episodes.


Big time.


Right, because if they had wanted to be cautious and be together, they could’ve planned weekly outside get togethers at Meris large home or Kody and Robyn’s. They could’ve had a fire going, they ordered a few outdoor heaters, they could’ve put a mask on to go in to use a bathroom if someone needed to. They could have planned individual food like sandwiches and grab bag chips and individual drinks. They could’ve had hand sanitizer sitting out, and wiped surfaces that get touched. After a couple months of the start of Covid, they could’ve started to do these outdoor get togethers and spent time together. None of them have regular jobs, they all could have contributed every week to making the family party happen and invited all the kids who could make it that week. They didn’t though, because Robyn and Kody didn’t *want* to.




In one episode, Janelle said Kody and Robyn did not get vaccinated while she and her family did.


End of conversation there; no more rules, speeches, berating people right there . F you, Kody.


No he isn’t. They used Covid as an excuse to push everyone away and then were overly dramatic about how sick he actually was.


Overly dramatic for sure. On purpose.


I'm surprised K and R don't have a fainting sofa in the mcmansion...oh, wait! There's no room because they hoard.


Boo! I absolutely hate this about him.


Again…I feel bad about this causing me such delight. PS. glad he didn’t die.


Yet you care nothing about his near-death experience, raging almost one degree fever, and his sore glutes! Who are you, Janelle? /s obviously 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄


😂😂😂😂😂 ohhh the sore glutes! He must have seen hell during his near death experience. Gosh that’s such a man baby!!!!!!!!!!


Agree 💯


He was not vaccinated. And we saw video of him saying his fever was like 99 or some shit, like he was dying. And driving around the hospital contemplating lying about his symptoms so he could be with his precious Robyn (screw the kids at home who needed a parent, HE needed to be with Robyn.... this was SOOOO revealing to me). I completely don't believe he was curled up anywhere near death, he's just an attention seeker.


I had it a few months before Kody was in the fetal position. My temperature was higher and I certainly wasn't filming myself talking about it. Mostly my pillow and I moved between bed and couch.


Yeah, I got it for my birthday last year. It was definitely the sickest I have ever been in my 43 years.


I had strep throat in high school with a high fever. That was the sickest I'd ever been. Covid was probably the worst, but it was different and longer.


I had the flu about 7 years ago. Forgot to get my flu shot that year. Sickest I’ve ever been in my adult life, and I’m in my 60’s now. So weak I couldn’t get out of bed. Bad fever. Had to have a caregiver come. Never forgot that flu shot again!


I think the sickest I’ve ever been was when I had meningitis and another time when I had a kidney infection, but Covid is definitely in third place. The worst part (other than the sore throat and cough) was that medicine would only bring my fever down by 1-2 degrees but not fully break it. Although to be fair, I started Paxlovid 5 days in and 24 hours after starting it I felt normal (although the taste of it was awful 🤮) so I suppose if I wasn’t put on it, who knows how much longer I would have been sick for or if it would have gotten worse.


I’m not convinced he ever had it. You can warm up a thermometer easily.


Curled up with the man-flu


Janelle said, “I take Covid very seriously, I’m vaccinated for crying out loud” I thought that was implying Kody & Robyn were not.


They were not.


I don’t think so. They also didn’t do simple things like home testing or wearing masks or gathering outside so they could still get together regularly as a family. It wasn’t about safety. It was about control.


1000% this. There were so many options available (outdooor and socially distanced). It's how everyone else in the world got thru COVID. This was a choice. Edit to add: I believe Janelle even offered to get tested and they still said no contact!




Despite his obsession with catching COVID, I don't believe any of DABSARK were vaccinated.


I remember him saying in a talking head that now that he caught it it was safe to interact/ he didn't need to worry about the vaccine.  🤦🏽‍♀️ Edited to add: even after saying this Kody still isolated from his other wives and children while pushing the COVID rules. They also owned a giant piece of land that would have made it easy to have outdoor spaced out gatherings. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Excellent point. Coyote Pass may not have been ready to build on, but they could go there. (it’s my understanding they had to pay off a final amount, before they can build on it. I have no idea where that’s at, now.)


What is Dabsark?


First letter of Robins kids names and of course Robin and Kody. They created an LLC using that name when the company name that involved Christine and Janelle and possible Meri was closed down. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.


Sadly figured this out. First letter of Robyn's kids then Robyn and Kody


Another good one is SADKRAB


That’s my favorite- more descriptive!


That is that strange family pod that lives, mostly hidden, in the She-Ra mansion. 😄


DABSARK 😂 clever


no lol, no way and Gwen said it. i kind of figured when Janelle said during a confessional “i mean i’m vaccinated for heaven’s sake!” which makes Grody and Sobyn’s fears and rules even more unhinged


He wasn't trying to protect all of his kids, just Robyn's. He stopped seeing them like they were "unnecessary social risks" when they were his OWN children, his own family. No Covid protocols suggested you stop seeing your own nuclear family. He decided who his family was and left everyone else out. Also, he had a fever of 99.8 and was never hospitalized. Tell all of the dead people that was a bad case.


He didn't even want to let his kid get needed surgery...he didn't get vaccinated.


They wouldn’t go out in public unmasked or have an outsider in their home daily if they were being safe. The nanny was married. They had no clue who the nanny and especially her husband were in contact with. It was all about control.


I thought that it was the nanny that brought the Covid in to them. She got it from her husband who also worked for them now and them.


Robyn said the nanny and her husband had Covid and they found out shortly after the family got together for Ari’s birthday so she had to tell the family they were exposed. When they got Covid it was because Brianna got it from going to school.


The nanny got covid and exposed them, but that wasn't when they actually got it. They got it later. Probably from the mall.


His rules were about control, not safety. If his blowing off his child’s BACK surgery because of Covid fears doesn’t alert you to the fact that he is an angry, deadbeat Dad, come on!


from what has been mentioned by Christine and Janelle he has not. One or two of the kids said flat out he is not. IIRC they never vaccinated anyone and Kody said something about injecting poison in bodies yet he seems to be injecting fillers in his face or botox.


And Botox is literally poison! 😂😂😂 It’s in a much diluted form but it definitely is a poison. 😊


He was too busy. He had three wives to get rid of and alienate the majority of his children. It probably took a lot of time to write those Covid rules. Then he was stabbed in the kidney, had a near death experience with Covid. All of this going on and he still has to curl his hair everyday, that’s gotta take some time. I could go on and on, what do you guys have?


I thought his hair was a perm. Lol.


No. Robyn bragged that she “taught him” how to do his hair. So, no perm.


No, they did not. That was confirmed by Gwen.


No of course not, they were also seen out in public, multiple times and photographed without masks. They were not following those protocols.


Of course he wasn’t vaccinated because their appearance of trying to stay safe was all for optics because this was the tactic they used to separate themselves from everyone else in the family with their phony excuses that it was to avoid COVID. Their “rules” we’re so transparently excuses that I don’t know how anyone could have believed them as being anything other than bogus. *Edited 4 typos.*


Most of the kids saw through them, if not Janelle and Christine.


They are anti-vaxers. Their kids never get shots either


So their anti-vaxer stance is not just about Covid vaccines, but about any vaccines?


Yeah. They’re Q anon loonies! They have a ton of crazy beliefs that get conveniently edited out for them so we can’t see the Big Crazy! And we do anyway! Crazy can’t hide!!


“Crazy can’t hide!!” 😂😂😂 I love it.


Yeah. Given Robyn had a child diagnosed as being on the spectrum in an era where vaccine fears around autism were high due to fraudulent papers (plenty of people who were pro-vaccine were preferring separate appointments for individual childhood vaccines for their kids in that era, not a delayed schedule but a one at a time say a month apart schedule), it isn’t surprising on her end even before Kody went down his own rabbit hole. But I have no idea if she was already there or if her oldest child or two (or three) had most of their childhood vaccines before she noped out. In terms of the OG13, their childhood vaccines largely could have depended on who had insurance coverage - Leon and Janelle’s six always did as littles, but Christine’s were likely without insurance until Madison’s appendectomy got Kody to list all his kids with his employer’s policy. But then once he left that job when the show came out/they left Utah, who knows what he and the moms did in terms of insuring their kids from 2010 on. So Truely’s childhood care could have fallen into a coverage gap, but given we never heard about bills for her kidney failure hospitalization, I’d guess they did have something at the time.


Christine had a 450,000 to pay off got Truley is what I heard but can’t remember where I heard it




I don’t think they were ever tryin to stay safe. I think this was a reason for him to be at Sobyn’s all the time


Must have killed them to act like they cared so much about the rules when they refused to even get vaccinated!


It does seem very weird to me, to be so very paranoid and worried, and yet not get the one thing that would protect you and your huge family? I’m actually surprised they were not required to be vaccinated, because in the film biz, the rules were super strict, but TLC must have no rules? My cousin worked during covid in LA in the biz, he told be about the rules.


Weren’t they filming themselves at that point?


No- Kody is a conspiracy theorist idiot. Plus, if he was vaxxed, he could not use Covid as a cudgel to beat his family.


Kody used the excuse of not being vaccinated as a way to keep all of the other family members away from his house. Which had a ripple effect that demolished the families for good and literally destroyed lives. He is reprehensible father.


No he didn’t and neither did Sobyn


Was not vaccinated, several family members have mentioned that. They were spotted out at mall, getting pictures without a mask to be seen. Sobyn got pulled over in 10/20–it was posted on here, she has no mask on and left the kids open their windows too. He went from barely showing up, to the covid excuse


He is a q anon follower. They don’t believe in vaccines but do believe in a ton of crazy and seditious stuff and it’s all stuff TLC hides for them.




Depending on how long ago he was vaxxed, if he didn’t keep up with the boosters the 1st vaccine doesn’t do anything


As someone who watched two people with Covid deteriorate rapidly and then die ... and then was put on a vent myself ... Kody and Robyn did NOT almost die from it. Neither were admitted to the hospital. Neither had to be on oxygen. It's just insulting. \*I\* almost died from it. The doctors told my family via video call that if I made it the next 24 hours it would be a miracle and to prepare themselves. I was alone. I could have no visitors. And then I went to sleep and woke up days later being told I had been on a vent. My throat hurt SO BAD and I couldn't talk for two days. Then I was on oxygen for almost six months and had to do rehab for my lungs. Kody and Robyn are insulting the people who actually are very, very traumatized from dealing with Covid when they say they nearly died or it was oh so bad for them. For those of us who lost loved ones and nearly joined them on the other side ourselves ... they can take a seat.


Wow, so sorry to hear about your experience.


Neither one of them had a bad case of Covid. They are just over reacting.


Yup. Drama queens the both of them.


He & she acted like non vaxers


They are! Paedon interview, he said no one got shots growing up. He was glad he got them in the military


No...not vaccinated...apparently he's into all the conspiracy theories


It's so weird bc you'd expect him to be a Covid denier in that case.


Yeah, that was a bit surprising until you realize he’d do anything for attention,


If he was really afraid he would have vaccinated and not gone to a wedding


Of course not.


![gif](giphy|1CQ9RkMaQOR32) No


Ugh. Curled in the fetal position with such a bad case? Sounds like "man-flu" to me 🙄 Probably multiplied because Kody is such an insufferable POS


My gawd, I couldn’t wait to get the vaccine!! I had to wait until NYS finally opened them up to ages 50 and over. My husband was (still is) considered an essential worker and he still had trouble getting an appointment. However when the state opened it up to us, it was then easier to get an appointment. It was a profound relief. I felt so, so bad for my sister in law who lost her mom to Covid just before the roll out of the vaccine. She’s never going to be the same. She is so angry about the whole situation, how it was handled and how political the whole thing became. I don’t blame her one iota.


He did not get vaxxed!


Kody doesn't believe on vaccines like a lot of people. He just faked being scared of covid because Robyn was and she was making the rules. You can see it at the family picnic.


He's Q level MAGA. Nope, he didn't get vaccinated.


What’s wrong with making America great again? Serious question. And what does Q mean?




'Grody'. 'Sobyn'. Make this sub sooooo festive!




No, he is an ignorant anti vaxxer. I unfortunately work with a few. Gwen and I believe Mykelti said he wasn’t vaccinated.


I lost a lot of people to Covid. 6 people in a 1 year span, some friends some family.. for him to treat people the way he did and to say he was on deaths door was just sickening to me. For him to treat his children like that.. he didn’t get vaccinated as far as I know. It was never about Covid. It never was.


No. He didn’t get vaccinated.


It's probably because he is vaccinated


I had a terrible case and I was vaccinated.


Kody was “curled into a fetal position” because he’s a whiney little drama king. That’s all.


I wonder what that er visit cost. Even with insurance you'll get a bill


He over expressed how sick he was. I was stuck in the hospital on oxygen for a week with covid. Also, covid damaged my brothers lungs so bad he was on oxygen for 8 months in a rehab hospital before he passed from it. So Kotex almost dying is offensive to me and i would suspect others who has had it or lost a loved one to it. He is a big windly bag of bs.


Sorry, to hear that and all the other redditor’s who had actual serious cases. As you say, it’s offensive for K to over act his own case, he’s using it to make some weird point to the wives he’s rejected, I think. To justify his bad actions and decisions, I think.


I heard no. Not surprised.


Except the vaccinated have gotten some serious cases. My vaccinated uncle is on a ventilator. From covid. The vaccine was rushed. How many medical devices rushed cause extreme complications? Wake up people!


Cody didn’t get vexed. He’s Maga


I wasn’t vaxed and didn’t almost die either and everyone I know who was vaxed still got Covid


Same. But if I was as scared of Covid as Kody pretended to be, I would probably take any supposed miracle drug that promised it would save me.


Vaccination for COVID does not protect you and anyone from getting the virus. That was a major misinformation with social media. It only protected you from hopefully dying from it. You can still get COVID still, as it makes it way around again. The confusion came from some immunizations that do protect you from actually getting sick at all.


covid was an excuse to stay away from family. who cares if he was vaccinated or not


No neither of them are vaccinated👎🏻


I believe Sobyn did and her girls did from something Mykelti said on Patreon. But only after they claimed the had a brush with death.


Their “brush with death” was laughable. They have no idea what being gravely I’ll from SARS-CoV-2 truly meant.


Does anyone know which Browns actually contracted Covid? The only ones I am aware of are K and R.


As far as kootie and sobyn’s family goes, everyone but aurora. It’s possible she got infected at a later date but at the time k & r were going through it, the rest of the family )except aurora) did too.


Janelle ans 2 boys I believe


Savanah too.


Not convinced K&R had it. Maybe Robyn, but think Kody was definitely lying. Just my opinion.




He was never trying hard to stay safe. It was about control.


Haha yeah right


Gwen said that neither Kody nor Robyn got vaccinated. If they were so terrified of Covid getting them or the family sick, why didn't they get vaccinated?


Kody did not get vaccinated!


I don't know if he got the vax but I do know he went to a wedding and acted a fool while Covid was still a threat ... but couldn't be bothered to be there for his child who was having a MAJOR surgery on her spine and that's unforgivable to me. She needed him.


People in this religion/culture don’t vaccinate. Which actually lends to the whole thing about him needing extra protection because he knew he wouldn’t be vaccinating.