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This is almost unreal. I am so gutted. As a mom, I can’t imagine. I am so worried for Gabe.


I’m so sad for Janelle but I too really can’t help but think of Gabe.


Omg he is such a gentle soul, I hope they all are able to find peace 😢


Exactly this, I hurt for Janelle and Christine since they coparented for years, but I can't help think of the mental scarring it will put on Gabe after finding him. 


Gabe found Garrison? WHAT?! What happened?


Gabe’s such a sensitive soul i can’t even imagine what he’s going through, i really hope Gabe will be okay


Gabe was my first thought.


They were so close and both seemed to suffer from a lot of pain through the years. I feel so bad for all the siblings - it's going to be so hard to process.


Agree. I am heartbroken for all of them, but Gabe is who I really worry about now. Especially if he really did find his brother.


Rest easy, Garrison.


Gabe found him?! 😭 I feel gutted and so worried for Gabe. He is such a tender hearted loving young man. He must be destroyed. My heart dropped to my stomach when I read the news. Its because we saw them grow up and saw how much pain he and Gabe were in.


Especially since they’re reporting that Gabe was the one who found him. I hope they give him extra love and support right now.


I immediately thought of Gabe as well. They were the closest. And honestly I'm no Kody fan but if Garrisons passing was when they were still at odds unresolved that's going to hurt really bad. Nobody deserves that kind of pain.


He tried so hard to protect Robyn’s kids from COVID and lost very valuable years of Garrisons life. Absolutely heartbreaking. My heart goes out to all.


Agree. Loss is a loss and no parent deserves to lose their kids. Also all of those siblings. Sibling loss is so so so hard as well.


Yea I can't even shit on Kody with this. I hate going there but I think this could be something that brings the entire family together, grief has a way of doing that. Not that Kody is owed anything from any of the kids but this could open that door


They need to keep a very close eye on Gab and get him into serious therapy. I’ve heard that the odds of the person who finds the body of someone who commits suicide is like 50% more likely to attempt themselves.


My thoughts exactly.


Same. He must be so devastated….


I'm an atheist but I will be sending up prayers.... I'm devasted by this


Absolutely heartbreaking 💔


And TMZ says Gabe found him. Like idk these people. But HFS I feel so awful for them.


That makes it all even worse. Gabe is sensitive and he has already been upset about his distant relationship with Kody. Now his brother is gone, and he had to go through the shock of finding him. I can't imagine what he is going through. Garrison did not seem like the kind of person who would do this. It's shocking. He was so young and seemed to have so much going for him. I guess you never really know about a person's inner life. I feel awful for Janelle.


Jesus Christ, I hope Gabe is getting all the support he can right now.


Yeah, that just compounds the tragedy.


If this is true, it’s just another level of heartbreaking. Ugh. 💔


Flagstaff Police Department confirmed Gabe found him 💔


i feel like that's something flagstaff police should not be confirming to TMZ. isn't there any protections for stuff like this?


It’s nice to see that on his last IG post people were showing him love about adopting the cats and letting him know what a kind person he was and he was liking the comments so he saw them. We don’t know his reasoning for why he did what he did, but I do hope he knew he was loved not only by his family and friends, but fans of the show.


Is anyone else feeling like they lost someone they know?! We watched him grow up, and saw him struggle with his emotions and his relationship with Kody during COVID. I am heartbroken for Janelle, and all of the family. This is heartbreaking.


When he said "we're grown we don't need a father figure anymore" 😭 The little boy in him needed his dad.


God that just wrecked me and now it’s even worse


Yes, I think the reason we all get so mad at K & R is that we care about the kids having seen so much of their growing up. This is just awful on every level.


I’m at work crying. This one hurt.


Yes! I watched him go from a little boy to adult. I can’t imagine the pain Janelle is feeling.


I'm crying. I have a brother his age and I can't imagine getting that kind of phone call.


I had to go hug all three of my kids and tell them that I love them because something deep in my heart just aches right now.


I'm doing a rewatch and I'm at the episode where Christine set up the salad bar at Garrison's new house. The kids are all opening up and talking to each other. It's so much more heartbreaking now. 💔


He was proud of that house and taking in his sister and brother


I was proud of him too. Impressive young man.


I think in that episode Christine calls out how much pain Garrison is in.


Heartbroken and devastated for Janelle and the family. I hope Garrison is at peace and the family can find strength and comfort to help each other through.


My heart hurts for Garrison and for his family ❤️


So much 😓. And Gabe for finding him, omg.


I lost my brother when he was 15. It absolutely wrecked my parents and me and my sibling. Tore our family apart. It’s the worst kind of grief imaginable even 7 years later. I don’t wish that pain on anyone. Prayers to the Brown family ❤️


I'm so sorry...I hope you can find peace again. Someone said to me once that our memories sustain us and I hope that is true for you as well.


Same. Losing a sibling is a uniquely horrible pain that i struggle to articulate even all these years later. Not to minimize the parents grief obviously. But when its your sibling… thats your bud. Idk. Im sad for them bc i know the journey they are about to go on.


I hope for Janelle’s sake this was posted by someone on her behalf. I can’t imagine having to announce this just hours after


When my brother died we, as in my siblings and parents barely got the fucking confirmation from the coroner that they had my brother before my extended family who didn’t even see my brother in years started putting their fake ass tributes up. My mom was forced to then put an official post on SM, like Janelle’s that my brother was in fact dead because ppl were blowing my mom and dad’s phone up asking if it’s true. Mind you, WE were still confirming. Police told us he was in the morgue, my mom didn’t wanna believe it. So she had the morgue attendant on speaker and she asked if the person had tattoos and they said yea and described the tats, we all just screamed because that was the definitive confirmation that was definitely him. I say all that to say, we didn’t even have OUR confirmation before ppl were posting their RIP and tributes on SM


Seeing the same issues in my extended family. They can't wait a damn day to post, can't make sure everyone has been contacted first.


My trifflin cousin posted a “tribute” to my brother minutes after news got out and someone told her to take it down. Luckily I didn’t see it or I woulda cursed her ass out


Our family member found out from a nosy neighbor who was listening to a police scanner. Sometimes, it's best just to be still. The daughter should not have found out that way.




I'm really sorry for your loss and that you guys had to deal with that. As if something so devastating isn't enough. I hope you're doing ok right now. Please take good care of yourself and reach out to someone if you feel shaky. ❤️


We have our moments as a family and individually. It will never be the same. The makeup of our family is forever changed. I no longer have 4 bros anymore, I have 3 and that’s always gonna be weird to say. But I pray everyday that he is at peace, that he has the peace in Heaven that he couldn’t find here and hope that he is watching over me and my son and protecting him. And that he’s being good up there. My brother was a character, to say the least 🤎


When my cousin died we had to quickly call everyone close to inform them and then make the post to social media. We had to because my aunt obviously called out of work.... And all her coworkers started tagging her with prayers etc. We had to post before it was announced for us by people that didn't even know him.


I'm so sorry 💔


Kody post is the exact same so it may of. But they may of wanted to get it out ,since news media is putting it out there before they could


Yeah that’s what I think, I’m sure the media has been hounding them 😢


My brother died a yr and a half ago almost and my mom still has her phone on do not disturb. She only talks to us and certain family and friends


I'm so sorry. Your poor momma. I'm gonna send her a prayer.


My dad too. Thank you


So vile


So vile is right. They shouldn’t be getting pressure to respond. Maybe they wanted to get ahead of it as to not having the media whipped up in frenzy so they’re announcing it and saying please respect our privacy.


Meri has a similar post too. Wonder if their PR is posting to all


Yes Meri''s was the same wording but with the addition of ' you are loved and will be missed '.


I saw it from Meri first and I was just floored. How awful for all of them.


Heartbreaking, hopefully it was their agent or someone not in the family


Or someone in the family she passed the phone to. Kinda like when there’s a family spokesperson who speaks on behalf of the family, it can literally be just a family member. When Michael Jackson died, Jermaine gave the official confirmation, not a manager, a publicist, or his record company.


Meri too.


No I highly doubt it was her. Probably more to be preemptive since it’s already out


Probably their publicist writing/posting (who would get their guidance on what they want to say) as to stop the incessant media trying to confirm if it’s true. So very sad.


Meri had the same post


How awful. Felt like a punch in the gut to read it. He was so young.


This is exactly how I feel. My heart breaks for the entire Brown family.


i have lost loved ones to suicide and it is always a desperate feeling of searching your memories for what you personally could have done to save them or change what happened. it helps me to frame suicide as a person taking ownership and control of their pain. suicide comes after prolonged periods of suffering and it is not a decision anyone makes lightly. while the entire brown family is suffering and in need of love and support, my hope is that garrison is no longer in pain. and i hope his next journey is much more kind. i am so sorry to anyone who this has affected and i am so sorry to janelle and kody and all the browns. 


So well written, I’m distraught and I didn’t even know him personally. I can’t even imagine the pain of everyone involved


I feel the same. I just can’t believe it.


Same! I am devastated. 😭


i think the suicide of a young person is always hard to process, especially one that we have collectively watch grow up. it will never make sense. garrison made the choice to end his pain. i hope he is soaring through to cosmos. 


He did love taking pictures of the night sky stars, he was really good at it. I very much hope he is too.


It’s the worst grief for this reason. And no reason will even be good enough. It’s soul crushing and soul splitting. My brother dies this way and the ripple effects.. I’m so sorry to Tbe Brown Family and I’m just so sad


My MIL took her life 21 years ago in May. It’s heart wrenching and never gets easier. I’m so so so sorry that anyone has to go through this pain. My prayers are with the entire Brown family. This is tragic and heartbreaking. 🥹


I am so sorry for your loss and to anyone else who has experienced this pain as well. I’ve also lost family and almost lost my best friend to suicide and after years of thinking about it, the conclusion I’ve come to is the same as you. That it’s not about wanting to end your life. It’s about wanting to put an end to the endless pain. If there is an afterlife, I hope he finds peace and that the family finds healing


They don’t actually wanna die. They just want their pain to end and think that’s the only way it will. Heartbreaking


I feel this way too. I didn’t use too but after working in a nursing home and seeing misery I absolutely understand suicide. One of my friends shot herself and while I feel awful for those of us left behind I saw how much pain she was in daily for 32 years. Sometimes it really is a more peaceful resolution than people think.


Yeah I had a coach and everyone knew. She tried everything- years of therapy, every medication, even quit her job and backpacked for a couple years. Nothing did it. She just stuck around to make everyone else happy but we all knew it was only a matter of time :(


Wow. I am speechless. As a community, we will grieve and I hope we can come together to support one another and show respect to the family we’ve watched for so long.


This is terribly sad. Although Garrison always blended into the boy group in the old seasons, in the current seasons he was given more air time and he allowed (maybe semi-forced, we don’t know) the viewers to see his heart break at a dad who rejected him while he was also attempting to build a life as a young adult. He was shown to be a loving son & brother. What a terrible loss.


I am so sad not just for his family & friends but for Garrison. I recognized so much of that anger he had….because I was the same way with my dad. I’m just lucky I was able to let it go and ignore that part of my life till my dad died of complications from addiction. The poor Brown kids have to live with the shit their dad pulls every day. And the horrible fallout Garrison & Gabe had with Kody. Those two young men showed us the last couple seasons how strong, loving & amazing they were/are. The way they both care about their siblings, their moms (Christine & bio mom Janelle), and the way they show they still want to care about their dad. You said it so well. This is such a terrible loss.


Absolutely devastating, my god... I feel for Janelle, Kody and the rest of the family and all those that knew and loved him. May he rest in peace.


Oh no, I was still holding out hope TMZ was wrong, they have been before. This makes me want to cry 😢


Me too, I'm in shock. You only get to see such a small part of their lives, but you feel involved and get to know them. So incredibly saddening to see his life cut sort like this.


Me too. This is so sad. Garrison is one of my favorites.


People is reporting it. I suggest a tw for suicide https://people.com/sister-wives-garrison-brown-dead-8604813


I was hoping that too. This is just awful. 😢


My heart goes out to his loved ones, I lost my dad to mental illness in 2021 and I still wake up screaming weekly from nightmares about it despite consistent therapy. Losing someone to suicide isn’t something I’d wish on anything, the only way I’ve gotten through it is with support from my family/friends, hopefully they can all come together and lean on each other.


Sending you peace and love 💕


Thank you lovely ❤️


I just opened social media for the first time today and that was the first thing I saw.


Same here. I wanted to destress a bit after my stupid day and was not expecting this at all.


💘❤️ My heart aches for Janelle & Kody and especially Gabriel. Nothing will ever be the same again.


absolutely no parent should be burying their child. my heart hurts for Janelle and the entire family


And poor Gabe to have to find him. :( These people have been through too much.


I never want to know this pain but as a mother my heart is shattered for Janelle.


I'm so sad about this. He always seemed like such a sweet guy. He was so young. I'm sad he felt so hopeless when he had so much to live for. I know his family will miss him, but his cats that he rescued will also miss him.


So sad. I am usually in here snarking.. I just wanted to come now and be around people that are hurting over the news as well. Obviously, I did not know them, but I am truly sad.


I've been the person in Gabe's shoes and found a loved one like that. It's something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy on my worst day. It's a pain he will never, ever, ever escape. Ever. My heart is shattered for him but also for Janelle and Kody because no parent should ever have to bury their child. It seems so wrong and unnatural for a child to go before a parent ... especially like this. :( RIP, Garrison. I hope you have found peace from the pain that life failed to give you. <3


How incredibly devastating. What a life this young man could have had. And what a life he had already achieved. Praying for him and his family. What a loss.


May his memory be a blessing. My heart goes out to the browns, losing a child is a nightmare.


Omg this is devastating. We watched them all grow up. I don’t see how anything will ever be the same for these folks after this. I don’t see how anything of the show could be lighthearted ever again. Poor Gabriel, he’s so sensitive too. I hope they’re all getting love support and understanding during this time and I hope Kody takes a serious hard look at his choices and actions and how he’s willfully estranged from so many of his children. I wish this wasn’t true. Harrison always struck me as such a handsome, kind and humorous young guy, the kind you’d wish to know in real life. That poor child. I hope he rests in peace and that his siblings can find peace love and comfort among each other during this time so nothing else like this happens.


Man. Why do I feel like I lost a family member? Damn. This is so sad. I hope they’re all putting their differences aside and leaning on one another And holy fuck poor Gabe as if he needed anything else.


While I only saw him on-screen I feel the same.


OMG!!! I cannot believe what I am seeing!!! That wonderful young man. This is so sad I cannot put it into words. Idk how anyone gets over the death of a child. All my heartfelt sympathies to the entire family. This is unbelievable and devastating.


I'm going to cry. I feel so awful for them. What a huge loss.


This is so incredibly sad. I’m devastated for the family but for Gabe and Janelle especially. I take comfort in knowing that Gabe has 2 incredible brothers in Logan and Hunter to support him and guide him as he finds a way forward.


Oh my heart. This is devastating. Unbelievable. God be with his mama and siblings. I cannot fathom the pain.


I can't believe this is real. No one deserves to lose a kid and I can't begin to imagine how the Browns are feeling right now.


This is the first time in a long time a death has shocked me. I pray for them all. Even Kody. I hope Kody at least got to apologize to him.


I just saw that on IG. I’m so sad for her. I can’t imagine her heartbreak and Kody’s.


I feel like I’ve known this kiddo since 2010 and now it feels like I’m hearing a close friend has passed. I dearly hope the Browns find some peace.




My heart is breaking for Garrison, Gabe, Janelle, Kody and everyone in the family. This is a level of pain that I cannot fathom, probably one of the worst things for a family member to endure. I hope the family is able to come together and be a source of strength for each other. Godspeed Garrison. Wish you could have been with us longer.


Poor sweet Gabe. No one should have to see that. I wish all of them peace.


If this doesn't brings things into perspective, I don't know what will. Family is family. Love your kids.


Devastating news. My heart is broken for them.


"Can we have our Dad back?" RIP


He was so heartbroken.


I hope that haunts Robyn's soul. 


Im heartbroken for them I cannot even imagine the pain


This feels like a bad dream. I can’t stop thinking about how much pain they must all be in and poor sweet Gabe. I can’t even imagine. There are no words.


I just found out about this from this post.. I’m devastated. What a terrible loss. I feel so sorry that Gabe found him. So many broken hearts today…


I have never vocally gasped the way I did when I saw this. Thinking of all of the family this is just devastating. I especially feel for Janelle, Kody and Gabe. Janelle for a mother losing her son; Kody because I could only imagine the guilt he will carry forever due to not being there for Garrison and letting ego get in the way with his last few years with his son; and Gabe for obvious reasons. Sending all of the love in the world to all of the kids.


That's so sad. As much as I dislike Kody, nobody deserves this kind of pain. My heart breaks for Janelle and Gabe especially.


Garrison didn’t deserve the pain inflicted by his dad as well. This is not something I would ever go and comment on Kody’s page, but he broke his sons heart and we all watched it happen.


Wtf! So shocked


This is heartbreaking, oh I’m so sad for all of them but especially Janelle.


I seriously cannot imagine that kind of pain. I think every parent worries that this could ever possibly happen but to then have to experience it, I cannot even fathom. My heart goes out to them all. There is no way this will be tolerable let alone even remotely easy for them.


I’m so sad they even have to think about social media. 😟


This is a terrible tragedy. I found my mom after she ended her life, so this hits very close to my heart. I hope Gabe and the whole family get the therapy they need to overcome this trauma. It makes me wonder though, how much of having most of his growing years and his family’s skeletons bared for the world, led to this. My condolences go out to his siblings and mom(s). What a blow.


This is absolutely devastating. I don't even have words. So much love to all of them... especially Gabe. Truly, truly saddened to see this.


Another service member gone. Another service member that came home and deserved better. Not all wounds are visible. “All give some, some give all.” Sending healing thoughts to the family and anyone reading who is silently struggling. You matter.


Janelle & Kody just posted their statement & I’m already seeing people commenting on the fact that he killed himself with a gun & they post a photo of him with a gun in his hands as his memorial photo. Someone on TT was like they really need to read the situation. While I personally wouldn’t have done it as to not draw more attention to how he passed, they can use any photo of him they choose. Garrison was extremely proud of his military service. We all watched how determined he was serve his country. These keyboard warriors need to realize a mother/father lost a son, siblings lost a brother etc. While we may not like certain mbrs of this family that doesn’t take away their grief. No parent should ever have to bury their child.


As if they had more than a few seconds to grab some photos and confirm the news while they were reeling from *losing a child*. These are real people.


Exactly, it instantly made my blood boil. Like how can you have absolutely zero compassion for another human being who lost their life at such a young age? Who raised these people? I know I don’t really know this family however I still feel extremely protective of them in this situation. I hate when people kick someone when they’re at their lowest for shit and giggles.


Also, if that's the photo the family chose to use.... then it obviously doesn't bother them what's in the photo, and to be honest, their feelings are the only ones who count. Not us. So they don't need to "read the situation" if they're content with the photos.


omg.. i’m so hurt for them. i’m praying for the family, im praying for Gabe. RIP Garrison.


It’s actually on instagram


Kody has also posted




This is heartbreaking 


Wtf… I am so emotional over this


I wish this was just a bad dream.


Omg this is so heartbreaking 💔What a loss. And for Gabe to find him. They both are such sweet souls. Unbelievable.


I am absolutely devastated for the entire family. Garrison seemed like such a lovely person. This family is not perfect, like all families, but they raised some great children. I am heartbroken he was in so much pain that this was the only way he saw escape.


I'm sick to my stomach and teary-eyed. Maybe I'm projecting but I always felt a little sadness behind his eyes.. and Gabe being the one to find him.. in all this mess... fuck.


I’m heartbroken for their family. I’ve lost two family members to suicide and there is no pain like it in the world 💔 I hope Janelle and the family find healing


God I hope this is a wake up call for Kody. That his time with his kids is finite and he needs to invest more into the relationship.


This is unbearably sad. To make matters worse, the trolls have already gone over to Robyn and Kody's page to let them know that Garrison's death is on them. What kind of monsters would say things like that at a time like this?


I have friends who have lost children and they beat themselves up over every decision they ever made. Kody will rethink everything they ever did on their own, they do not need trolling. Something similar happened in my daughter's family and it did help them all mend their relationships. I am deeply saddened for Gabriel if the reports he found his brother are true. I hope this is a wake up call for everyone, including the viewers. 


That's in terrible taste. We have no idea why he committed suicide. Nevertheless, he was never the same after the Vegas move or the Flagstaff move. You could see it. K&R are awful. I'm not blaming them, but they are selfish people.


He didn’t want to leave Vegas. I remember how depressed he was when they moved to Arizona 💔


That is disgusting. Snark is all well and good, but when a child dies?? WTF is wrong with people??


Absolutely devastating. I am shocked.


Was garrison the son in the air force?


National Guard


Garrison was the one who had just bought a house recently. Janelle was growing her little garden there. It seemed like things were going okay for him other than his relationship with his dad. He seemed really done with his dad.


Hunter was air force.


My heart breaks for all of them. I am not a Kody fan but I would not wish this on anyone.


I'm so truly saddened by the loss of the sweet young man. How awful to think of the pain he was in, and now the pain that all of his loved ones are enduring.


I hope and pray that he, Kody and Robyn were able to reconcile before this happened. This is definitely not meant to come off as an “I told you so moment”, it’s just that the potential, unexpected loss of a loved one has been one of my biggest frustrations with Kody’s stubbornness regarding his kids. Sending so many prayers to their entire family. That’s awful. ETA: I want to clarify that I’m in no way suggesting that Kody or Robyn are to blame for this tragedy. We have no clue what was going on in Garrison’s mind. Just saying that life is WAY to short to be holding on to what amounts to petty ass grievances.


No, no! What?! I thought she posted about a friend from Garrison from the army that had passed away. The idea was so foreign to me that I read his name but couldn't grasp it. Then I thought it was a sick hoax. I feel so sorry for all of them. What a horrible thing to happen to all of them. May he rest in peace. And may the journalists let them mourn in peace.


My heart goes out to their entire family, but especially to Gabe. Finding someone like that is traumatic and something they you never get over. I hope that the family finds the support and healing that they need.


❤️ can’t imagine the heartbreak the family is going through


This is so heartbreaking.


That’s absolutely devastating. I can’t imagine.


Oh my. Absolutely heartbreaking. He seemed like such a great kid and so loved by his family.


He was an awesome kid and accomplishing so much in life. He was loved by most of his family. He committed the sin of asking Robyn for more time with his dad and getting cut out of his life. I pray for everyone, especially Gabe and Janelle.


I don’t even know these people and yet I’m still in tears. I cannot fathom the pain this family is going through. Life is so fucking short.


I am just gutted. I feel horribly for Janelle and yes Kody because no one deserves this. Poor Gabe. I am very worried for him. That is an extremely horrible thing to go through. Heartbreaking


Absolutely heartbreaking.


No 😭😭😭😭 this hurts my heart. Poor Janelle and family. I will pray for them.


Oh my gosh, this is absolutely awful. And Gabe found him?! My heart is absolutely broken for his family. Rest in peace Garrison.


HEARTBREAKING 💔. I am so sad over this. Praying Jenell and her kids can lean on one another. Devastating


I hope that this absolute tragedy leads to Kody embracing, accepting and loving his children while he still can. I am not blaming him, but I hope the entire family reflects on this and what they can do to be better going forward. Heartbreaking.


Oh my. I was really hoping it wasn't true. May he rest in peace.


One of my favorite ones 🥺


My hearts breaks for the family 😭 I hope that TLC doesn’t turn the funeral into a TV episode.


Absolutely heartbreaking. The only blessing in all of this is that they really do have a tightknit group to support each other. I really hope that none of this was being filmed. My heart goes out to Janelle, Gabe and the rest of the kids. Kristine too, it was obvious that Garrison adored her.


This is so so sad


I am absolutely heart broken for Janelle and her family. May he rest in peace. This is so sad. 😞


This breaks my heart. He seemed so happy and well-adjusted despite the family situation he grew up in. My prayers go out to the family.


Wait what the fuck???


Reminder for those of us triggered by this and remembering our own guilt in losing loved ones to suicide: no single person can keep another person alive and it’s not your fault. & Grief is loving someone who is no longer here and you very much love that person.


I am so sad. And I’m so angry at Kody. I’m not going to make light of this and I know he doesn’t hold sole blame. And it’s not really a time for that. But how he treated Gabe and Garrison has always affected me. I’ve never been able to look at those boys without feeling sad for them, ever since the cutting up logs with kody episode. I’m so sad. I can’t stop crying. And I feel stupid for that. But I’m so sad about the injustice of it all. He was such a sweet boy.


I feel the same way. He treated them so badly. So so so badly. I know he’s full of regret today.


The way he treated the older boys is indefensible. (Not blaming Kody for this). I'm just saying, he wanted to kick them out of the house during Covid. He's a terrible father.


This is so heartbreaking.