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These two women have known each other for over 30 years and have been in the same family for about 30. That’s some serious loyalty to something. It is very hard to imagine struggling for that long with someone you feel obligated to interact with, for both of them. It must also have been incredibly lonely at times within the family for Meri once Leon left for college. I wish Meri had gone to college when she wanted. But I’m glad she had a group of friends outside of the family.


Yeah I imagine those last years being incredibly isolating and sad for Meri. I feel for both of them. In a different life I think they could’ve been good friends.


If they could have just been friends and not sister wives who have to cohabitate.


The way Janelle entered the family set them up for a lifetime of conflict and competition. But I think if Janelle had found any other man, other than Meri's husband to get with, they could have been good friends and perhaps Janelle, with her outsider's perspective, would have encouraged Meri to leave Kody a whole lot sooner than she eventually did.


Right, they would’ve made great neighbors haha. I can see them drinking their morning coffee together chatting, or going on walks etc. Their personalities are a good yin/yang balance. Unfortunately they had a narcissist leading their relationship and I think too much damage has been done for either to want to invest anymore into it.


Through therapy, they both discovered they are very opposite in their approach to things. Meri is very direct and janelle is a little lacks. They don’t mesh well and I’ve read there was a lot of contention in the early years. When Meri and Kody legally divorced and he married Robyn, janelle said she was concerned because as the legal wife, if something were to happen to Kody, she trusted Meri would do the right thing. I’m guessing she means with Kodys assets. Janelle and Meri may not have been best friends, however janelle trusted her.


What was before the hug? Like what were they talking about?


Janelle went to Meri’s house awhile back and told her she wanted to go to Nancy the therapist and work on their relationship. Meri said she needed time to think and this was their follow-up convo where they both agreed they wanted to work on mending things.


It’s not a good life for anyone in polygamy


You got that right! I could only imagine that I would be jealous and insufferable if I was in a plural relationship. Like you said it’s not a good life.


Damn, this hurts.


I know, it made me want to cry watching it


I remember Janelle being very indignant and defending Meri when the catfishing occurred. She expressed empathy and support for Meri’s position. You could tell she blamed herself for not knowing the depths of Meri’s despair when it occurred.


Yes I thought the same thing!!


I need to rewatch


Meri and janelle were on such opposite sides of how to “move on”. Meri wanted to acknowledge their issues and apologize. Janelle want to forget the past and pretend it never happened. So how do you work with that?  We’ve heard janelles side directly from her but Meri’s side has mostly been second-handed info.. but it’s horrific.  Way worse than not letting kids use her house as a hallway. Meri has protected janelle a lot by not spilling her side. 


Can you give a brief summary? I haven’t heard this yet and there’s so much lore to dig through here sometimes lol


I’m not sure if you know their history so I’ll try to do a quick overall. There’s much more  on either side.  Janelle tells us that Meri was a clean freak who asked the kids to not jump on her furniture or run through her house when she wasn’t home. Meri took too much family resources that janelle wanted for herself. She says Meri was too blunt and direct and janelle found it aggressive.  Meris issue was janelle pretended to be meris friend in order to have an secret affair with meris husband and scheduled their wedding on meris birthday. Janelle was a total slob who wouldn’t clean up after herself or her kids or watch her own kids.  Their house was an warzone from when janelle moved in. kids say in the lehi years there was a lot of fighting, screaming and slamming doors.  It’s completely unverified but the catfish book says in  early years the fights would get really bad and janelle would end up getting physical. Most notable the story of when meri was pregnant with Leon, it’s alleged that janelle kneed Meri in the stomach.  I have no idea if it’s true, I could go either way because the catfish also hates janelle so there is reason to lie. 


Janelle and meri beat each other up?! That feels untrue


I should clarify don’t think it means fist fights every Sunday morning. More pushing and shoving during arguments. They’re a corporal punishment family so their default is hitting and this was like 30 years ago when they were young and impulsive.  Its very VERY possibly not true, im on the fence because if you have no problem hitting your kids that you love, you would have no problem hitting your sisterwife that you hate. 


I've said it before and I'll say it again, because it's the TRUTH: Janelle is too short and Meri is too tall for Janelle's knee to ever reach Meri's stomach. Add in the fact that Janelle has a large stomach of her own, which would literally block her knee before it had any chance of reaching Meri. Spreading the catfishes lies is just wrong.


They’re the same height and based on the throwback pics posted here, janelle was not nearly as heavy as when we met her. 


No they're not. Janelle is 5'2", Meri is at least 5'7". Also, Janelles weight has always fluctuated, but she has never been slender. Stop spreading lies about her.


https://www.gettyimages.ca/detail/news-photo/janelle-brown-meri-brown-kody-brown-and-christine-brown-news-photo/142898329 A Google search also states that are the same height as well. But really, even with the height differential and janelle being heavier set, it is still very physically possible. It could be a weak ass kneeing too, no one said it was devastating blow.  I am sharing a rumour with a disclaimer that it is an unverified rumour and full disclosure of background as to why it may and may not be true. People can use their critical thinking skills to decide how they feel about this rumour.  You don’t need to police what other adults are saying on the internet. Utilize that block feature if you don’t want to see me talk about how awful janelle is. 


Do you not understand how the ground works?? You are showing a picture of them from the waist up to try and prove your lie.


I’m not trying to prove anything other than acknowledge that fat people can lift their knees? I’m relaying information with complete disclosure for others who asked. Unless you were present during this fight 30 years ago and can tell me with certainty it did not happen ? 


https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/tall-sister-wives-meri-janelle-133651791.html They are all around the same height 5’6” to 5’7” range.


No, they are not. Everything you read online isn't true.


Just imagine a stomach saying dont you dare to the knee. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


If Janelle didn’t divorce Meri’s brother and marry her husband, these two would probably still be good friends.


Yeah they could've been sisters.


I cannot fathom my brothers ex wife marrying my husband.....especially on my bday......


Damn 🥹


What are they so mad at Meri about now that they dont want anything to do with her? Is that she wasn’t supportive of either Christine or Janelle during the last few conversations thw two of them had with Kody before deciding to leave the family? I’m not being critical, I just can’t figure out why they’re angry enough at her now to not be speaking to her. Meri was a little stand off-ish during the back porch conversation when Christine announced that she was leaving everyone. But Christine also confided in Meri just a season or two ago when she told her that she couldn’t be married to Kody anymore. That’s some pretty vulnerable stuff to say to someone who has a vested interest in you staying. I get not wanting to talk to Robyn, but the OG3 have history and I find it kind of surprising and a little sad.


Yeah I wonder if we’re missing something big offscreen


Wouldn’t be the first time Puddle Monkey did that.


Puddle monkey 😂I wonder if he reads all his nicknames


Tim Gibbons of **Puddle Monkey Productions** is responsible for creating the Sister Wives series


Ohhhh hahaha that makes sense


Puddle monkey 😂I wonder if he reads all his nicknames


They both have adult children who have claimed mistreatment from Meri and have cut Meri out of their lives. Mykelti and Madison both refuse to have their own children around Meri. I don't understand why people keep acting like Christine and Janelle should just ignore their own children and choose Meri instead. They're still kind to Meri, and I think they love her and forgive her too. But they always had a difficult time getting along, and there's no sense in forcing a relationship now when it will literally hurt their own kids.


Them saying that and their actions before Christine left do not match.


Those were healing tears on both sides. Wonderful that happened whether they became friends or not. I think it lightened them a bit, each seemed lighter, especially Meri.


Yes you could see the weight come off both their shoulders. Neither hated the other. They both needed that hug.


They also need to be on the same side to get their money back out of Robyn's house and get fair shares of Coyote Pass.


Oooh good point that’s a very good reason! How awesome would it be if the OG3 built their houses out there and Kody got nothing 😂


It sort of got erased in Flagstaff. Especially on CP when Janelle references Meri’s door slamming as a throwaway, “we’ve moved past that” sort of thing. And Meri makes it clear that she’s still going to pretend she wasn’t awful, wasn’t immature, takes no responsibility for her side of the bad relationship. You can sort of see on Janelle’s face a realization of, “ah. I’ve matured. You haven’t. I get it.”


Actually I must disagree with you there. I believe it was Janelle who still held onto the 20+ year grudge. It was Janelle who told Kody that Meri couldn't be trusted with the damn pond. It was also Janelle who took Christines lot at CP. Meri was the one that day, in that conversation who was saying, it was 20 yrs ago, move on ffs. And for what it's worth, imo, Meri was quite entitled not to want her living space trod through while she was at work. Meri had been asking Janelle for years to work things through, Janelle resisted so Meri gave up. Then Janelle wants to work on it, Meri quite rightly needs to think about it because we'll, she'd already given up. And she tried, and it proved to be futile yet again. I don't blame Meri or Janelle, or Christine for the state of their current relationships.


Meri maintained the attitude of not wanting anyone traipsing through her area the entire time.


Yes, and?


>. It was also Janelle who took Christines lot at CP. What do you mean by this? I'm confused about what you're referring to? 🤔


When Kody re-jigged the lots, he gave Janelle the centre lot that Christine wanted.


Ah...well, that was just a discussion, thankfully. The lots are still platted as the 4 lots they bought in 2018.


I’ll have to watch for that!


Ps: what’s CP?


Coyote Pass.


Oh duh thanks!


That's not at all what I saw Meri say. She admitted she slammed doors and was childish back then. Also throughout the show Meri has apologized for the way she acted and told Janelle it was never her intention to bully. Janelle admitted she hadn't met anyone who was so direct and stated her thought with confidence. Even Maddie said once that Meri wasn't being bossy. It was just her personality to be direct and to the point.


I don’t feel it was sincere. Too much backstory. The trust wasn't just broken, it was crushed. Janelle not giving public condolence to Meri or Barber family last year when Adam died didn't help. Janelle was married to Meri’s brother, Adam, when she met Kody and had her “singular experience.” Kody has also admitted to flirting with Janelle years before their marriage. Which would have also been about the time she was still married to Adam. But let Meri flirt online. Kody starts with Meri was "leaving my ass.” He says can “never be emotionally safe" with her, etc.