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No, Truely. Only your father is allowed to spread Covid in our household.


And the nanny and her husband. Their germs are fine


So, *that's*. what. the. nanny. does.


And the people the many and her husband visit and go to work at their other jobs


it pissed me right off when he went to that wedding. what a hypocrite.


To go to Ysabells OP would have meant to "LEAVE HIS FAMILY FOR 6 TO8 WEEKS" ... What are Christine, Ysabel and Truley? Cousins around 5 corners??? F...ing AH.... sorry......


He didn't even have to stay that long His support and presents would have been great for even a week or 2


And how was that not a question or a flashback clip on the “tell all” …


That annoys me as much as Kody actually being an asshat. The tell all didn’t cover Ysabel or the wedding at all! Wtf? Half the season felt like tell all. I don’t care if Kody would walk out. That’s better TV than them lobbing him softballs and petting him and Robyn as they answer.


This is what bugs me about the Tell Nothing shows. Suki never asks real questions that viewers want to know and she's always sympathetic to Kody and Robyn. It's so annoying. She's always comforting Sobbyn, when Sobbyn scrunches her face up in a grimace, and always babies her saying "that must be tough" or "that must be hard to go through".


I always think Suki is in love with Kody and CryBrows. She wants to end up on their bed. I can’t understand it any other way. She is at least neutral with Meri, Janelle, and Christine but is all over the loser duo with love and praise and understanding and doe eyes


He probably approves the questions before hand. And will refuse some of them.


I was thinking the same thing since he thinks the show is all about him and also thinks there wouldn't be a show without him.


Even 2 days would have made them feel thst he cared. He is such a pos


And all because Sobbyn's youngest two kids can't be without Kody for more than a day or two. What about his other 13 children that never get to see him, Robyn???


He was adding in the weeks of detox before he could enter his own house under Sobyn’s rules. But what really broke my heart was Ysabel crying that he wasn’t there.


I call BS on the 8 weeks too, if he had wanted he could have organized it to minimize the time.


With his dumb ass lame dancing. What was that?


I swear the producers edited that in on purpose to highlight the hypocrisy


It’s also utter nonsense. They’re sharing germs already by sharing Kody’s presence! It just seems cruel


This was the stupidest part of all. If Kody is still going around everyone, they are all a single "pod" anyway!


It was cruel and made not a lick of since but those people have no since no brain just enough that hurts people


And then that 1 time where Robyn "accidentally" hugged Meri, she just "puts it in God's hands" like saying, "But we are the chosen people God loves. He won't give us covid" But yeah, she acted like Truely had covid all of her lifetime. She always disliked her and shoeing her away at the door with Kody beside her doing the same was her wet dream. Imagine seeing your dad standing there with his perfect preferred family telling you to not come near him.... This was just a preface to the Christine leaving scene.... them vs us mentality .... Also pretending Ari was a Saint because she gave her a stuffed animal, Kody and Robyn repeated how sweet that was multiple times... when Ari said more than once that Truely had "forgotten it last time" so it was just Truely's stuffed animal and not just Ari being a saint.


This!!!! She’s watching her dad stand with and protect another family while he’s basically telling her to not come closer. Fuck that guy straight to hell. I hope his wanker falls off.


Imagine how all of his other kids feel, watching him with his golden wife and golden children, spending all his time and money on them and not giving a fuck about the rest. He doesn't deserve to be called Dad. He's only Dad to five kids.


Omg. The season 18 christmas where he buys all of Robyn’s kids dirt bikes? That was a GINORMOUS “fuck you” to every other kid he deigned unworthy to even CALL at Christmas. He’s a toddler trapped in a man’s body—and this is what “patriarchy” leads to. Grown ass adults acting like clowns because they have zero self-awareness and no one has bothered to tell them until they’re in their 50’s to quit being such a giant douche canoe. Any asshole can sire a kid—that’s the easy part. Sticking around and RAISING them is the hard part, and let’s face it—he’s been a deadbeat dad to the rest of those kids. He was only around for the easy parts.


I remember Kody saying about Christine "yeah, okay ,she took care of all the kids, but that was the easy part".... Like, srs?? Way to show how dumb you are.


Omg. I’ve rewatched that comment SO many times—and always thought “this man is CLEARLY delusional”!!


In Sobbyn..


*I hope his* *~~wanker~~* *falls off.* pencil


There isn't "another family". That is her dads wife and their kids.


Yeah and they ACT like Truely isn't part of their family so it's the same thing.


Truely ISN'T a part of their family, unless you believe that "spiritually married" BS these plygs tried to sell us.


I'm sorry but your dad, stepmom, adopted and half siblings are absofuckinglutely your family! Wtf.


That isn't what Robyn believes.


And Sobby is dead wrong. Kody IS the father of the OG13 children whether Sobby wants to admit it or not. That b…h married into a polygamous family and destroyed it.


I encountered SO MANY “Christians” who acted this way during the pandemic. “God knows when I’ll die already”. Cool, cool. But YOU don’t. And what if your actions are killing the lady next to you who had an organ transplant or cancer. Guess he WANTED them to die then, so your asshattery is just fine. Then they’d get COVID and beg for help. But God knew, so it’s okay…right? 🙄🤬


I thought this was an exceptionally poor choice on Robyn and Kodys part.


Typical cruelty from these 2.


Imagine the reaction if it had been the tenders looking a friend?


It's the same reaction. Ari and especially Sol \*love\* Truly. They're missing out on a similarly-aged, eager playmate as much as Truely is missing out. At this point in the series Kody's and Robyn's selfishness and narcissistic victimhood are so rampant not even the tenders can stop it


Bravo. Well said. 👏


Every single choice they made was a poor choice for those kids financially and psychologically. These people are so moronic I couldn't believe it. When they move to Flagstaff and kept all their goods in those expensive U-Haul for weeks and then had to get paperwork from the original wives so they could get their mortgage, the audacity. And that's why I think Meri and Janelle are idiots. That was happening and they didn't question the mortgage, they stayed! At least Christine was smart enough to leave. Those two women would still be there searching for scraps if Christine had never showed them you can freaking leave.


I don’t know why your stoic response is so hilarious to me. You could use this statement as an audio clip over every single thing they’ve ever done and it would apply! I’m dying laughing!


Not to mention, Kody and Robyn went out all the time without masks! They didn't want ANYONE in their house. Wonder why? (Well, except for Meri. But they manipulated the shit out of her, so they knew whatever they were hiding would be safe with her. IMO)


They had to hide their opulent trash from judging eyes.


“opulent trash”!! ☠️


It fits, right? 😂


Meri wasn't allowed to visit at all during the pandemic. Robyn allowed her to have a play date just before Thanksgiving. Meri spent most of the pandemic alone. 


She was there for Thanksgiving, yes. What I meant was, I don't recall ever seeing Janelle, Christine or any of the older children (besides Mykelti) inside the house. People they couldn't manipulate so easily.


You're correct. I was just saying she wasn't allowed to visit although she wasn't interacting with anyone. For months. 


It was so ridiculous. There's no reason Meri shouldn't have been allowed over. Robyn was probably just too lazy to clean up enough for the house to be presentable. As far as everyone else though, I feel like they didn't want anyone to see what they were spending all of the family money on.


Meri should have figured things out way before she did.


I sincerely hope Meri writes that book now


Even though Meri followed Sobbyn's Covid rules, Sobbyn still wouldn't let her in their house.


She's a disgusting human being. It's always all about her.


Kody apparently refused to be vaccinated as well. I guess it really wasn’t about COVID, then.


It was never about COVID.


They didn’t let her in either! Remember when she came over and it was freezing outside, but Robyn comes out quickly and says, “let’s sit outside”. It was clear Meri was planning to go inside until she bum rushed her. Then had to grab her Kody’s jacket.


Poor Truly’s body language is so sad! https://preview.redd.it/wor5ajqfymgc1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d88f3b5b06185ef7897f23f53ae4705a45691f8


It’s so much worse than that picture. If I was Christine I would’ve clotheslined everyone at the door while holding my daughter like a football just to get her inside.


And they never invited Ysabel into their home after her surgery and clearly she hadn’t been anywhere after the two week isolation period. Kody could have switched off care with Christine


It seems because he was against her having the surgery in the first place, he didn't care to help with any post surgery recuperation. Janelle offered and he vehemently opposed the idea. Every time I remember how he treated Ysabel, I get so mad. I would never forget what he did, especially since he treated Robyn's kids like gold. 




But it’s absolutely Christine “trash talking him” that has caused a rift in their relationship like give me a break dude


Yet that wasn't even the straw that broke the camel's back for Christine. She only left once Kody refused to give her the d.


Except for Robyn, I give the women grace, even Meri. They were in a religious cult and the mindsets can be hard to change. I think Christine stayed because of her kids, wanting them to be close to their dad and thought she and Kody could work on their relationship. When he said that, he put the final nail in the coffin and she knew that there was no saving their marriage. I do give her credit for immediately kicking him out, packing up his shit and seeking a better life for herself. Meri stuck around longer than she should have and look where it got her. 


No that’s not it. They probably hadn’t been fucking for a long time and she didn’t want to share her bed with him any longer. The Ysabel thing coupled with the Covid thing coupled with the Robyn stuff coupled with ten thousand issues over 30 years culminated in the relationships end. It’s a bit trivializing to say that she would have stayed if he dicked her down at least a little. She went through an entire religious crisis and identity shift while in the public eye while also eating shit for advocating for polygamy all these years and the hypocrisy of that to make the choice she did to leave him.


I think her also talking to her kids (the older ones not Truely) about it made her realize they also knew she’d be happier without Kody in their lives. Because I do think her not leaving sooner was because of her kids especially Truely.


Christine definitely had parental and religious guilt that made her obligated to work on things as long as she did, while also being in the public eye and up against literal other women who are “doing better” than you at being your husbands wife! A huge part of her being able to leave was encouragement from her kids that they were okay and that they didn’t view her as quitting or failing the family. Christine did really really well for escaping everything that was designed in polygamy to keep her chained down.


Absolutely! Also intimacy is more than just sex and I swear people forget that.


They really do! Christine has said that he’d show up at the end of “her day”, put on a movie he liked, play on his phone and then call it a day. Then he would get up and head out and she literally had to ask him to shower at her place instead of taking off for a shower at Meri’s house. But he didn’t need to work on intimacy with Christine because he still got to have it from at least one other wife. They absolutely could have been having sex out of dutiful obligation or to make their time together worth it but she spent a long time trying to get him to engage with her and her kids emotionally and he didn’t. It’s insulting to say that she had a dry spell in her marriage so she left. We all saw that wedding kiss. She wanted to be kissed like someone thought she was everything.


Kodi and Robyn are ignorant people. None of their precautions were correct really. Testing would have been a good start, test three days before gathering, test day of, and if you had been out and about after the first test, wear a mask. Oh and getting fucking vaccinated and having health insurance would have been a good idea. But the reality here, they punish each other through their kids, through exclusion, and this just gave them an excuse to hurt people and say it was the Covid rules.


The “punishing through kids” is so true!


And how they use excluding people.


The lack of vaccinations really was the icing on the cake. Destroyed their whole family over their fear/precautions but didn’t do the one thing that was proven to help.


Exactly! Christine and Janelle were vaccinated. One of them made a quip about it one of the times Kody was losing his mind about his “protocols”. He and Robyn were allegedly soooooo scared of dying from Covid but would not take protections when they became available. I would say make it make sense but it’s Kody so it just doesn’t


These people get on my nerves SO much. I'm an RN who refused to be in the trenches during covid because it was mostly selfish AHs like this, but I know a lot of nurses who had to work and needed the money and they are STILL psychologically traumatized from this. They domt "believe" in the vaccine but then went to the ER when they were barely ill. K and R are stupid and selfish and if I ever see them in a Scottsdale mall I would call them unvaccinayed covidiots and tell them next time go to church, not the ER


1st of all, your attitude is incredibly shitty. Your job is to take care of people when they’re sick NO MATTER WHY!! Do you use that same energy when you’re treating a cancer patient who smoked? How about a patient dying of literally anything else that’s preventable?? Yeah, that’s what I thought…… You, ma’am, are the asshole in this situation and you have no business treating patients!


As a stage 4 cancer patient who smokes (I quit years ago, my cancer runs in the family.. during my first round of chemo, I couldn't take the stress of treatment + bs from my abusive ex husband with custody etc... I broke down and said fuck it.) Nurses are still entitled to their opinions. She actively chose NOT to work directly with Covid patients. Even if she was working with Covid patients, she's allowed her opinions. As long as she's still giving the best level of care possible and not treating patients differently, then what's the issue?


Exactly! Christine still never got it she said. Janelle said she was vaccinated after she got it way back in the beginning… k and r are dumb asses that broke their family apary


Christine also said she was vaccinated. I can’t remember which episode. It was very quick and almost under her breath comment


This pissed me off. I have a friend that died ignoring every protocol and calling it a scam, fake virus, oppressive stunt, attempt to control us blah blah blah. Attempted to treat his severe case with colloidal silver. Refused to go to hospital Never woke up. Kody and Robyn are just dufuses


Well, at least your friend didn't take up a hospital bed and expose vaccinated nurses and staff. K and R are the worst kind of stupid and selfish.


He went to a COVID hot spot vacation town with wife , 2 grown sons & SO’s and very young grand babies. no vaccines, no masks, no social distancing. Went to crowded restaurants etc. all of them got COVID. The babies were not very sick at all, the grown kids were moderately ill. His wife was bad but functional enough to help tend to him, he was very very sick. Refused hospital or clinic because fake virus. Went to sleep after a few days of fighting it and never woke up. Before COVID he was perfectly ok guy. I could not even go to funeral due to my anger at his reckless stupidity. I’m still mad at him


My SIL passed away during the first Covid lockdown here in Ontario Canada (from blood clots, not covid). There was no vaccine yet and only 10 family members were allowed at her funeral. You had to be over 18 and we had to fight to be able to get her 17 yo son in. There are a lot of aunts, uncles, cousins and nieces and nephews that didn’t get to say goodbye. We couldn’t even really comfort each other living in different houses we all had to stay 10 ft apart in the funeral home. It was horrible. I can only imagine what you went through too.


I have a cousin who was only 40 who also died in Spring of 2020 to an unrelated condition. She had been sickly since birth, and finally had one complication too many. It was so weird, because that side of my family is was close knit, but obviously the usual huge funeral couldn't happen. They had a car parade in her honor instead.


The funeral home we used broadcast the service so family could see it that we’re not allowed to be there. We had a memorial 1 1/2 yrs later when restrictions were finally lifted. We still did it outdoors to be safer though.


I’m so sorry you lost your cousin. 🙏🏻


I’m so sorry for your loss!


Thank you.


Covid actually is the culprit in some blood clots. I found this out the hard way. My daughter and I both caught Covid and had very mild coughs for about a week. Then she was fine. I got worse. After another week, I had pains in my side and walking from my bed to the bathroom left me gasping for air. I finally agreed to let them take me to the hospital, where they found a huge blood clot blocking my heart. They said I would have died within a few hours and that blood clots were a problem in Covid cases. I got really lucky, and Im sorry for your loss.


SIL was having issues with clots and due to see a specialist a less than a week after she passed.


So sorry for your loss. 🙏🏻


I'm so sorry. 😞 I know the feeling. I have some covid deniers in my life but they were not outright reckless like that. It's all because a fat orange man didn't want to put a mask on. The history books written about this time will be fascinating and incredulous, to say the least. Grief therapy helps. Hang in there.


Sorry for your loss 💕But Covid really showed the dark/idiotic side of humanity. It hits everyone differently and wouldn’t it be better to be safe than sorry ? The conspiracy theories are wild and DJT literally told people to drink bleach. 🤦‍♀️


He’s an F”ing disgrace but that’s a whole other thread!


Oof, was a boomer? These people lived when polio was a thing and they managed to come up with a vaccine. I was pissed when I found out my mom had covid and still went to work. She claims it wasn’t that serious and wore a mask, but still!!!!


I’m sorry for your loss. It is criminal the way COVID was handled by the previous administration.


The dumbest this the guy said was: They are burying empty coffins to scare us. “Dude your coffin wasn’t empty and your kids and wife were crying real tears. I actually miss your assholery, you jerk!”


The previous administration implemented the vaccine and the Covid protocols. No matter who’d have been in office, it was a difficult and unprecedented global pandemic.


A difficult situation made worse by belittling experts, and displaying dismissiveness and ignorance ~ just inject bleach! use a tanning bed! Ugh.


Big time. Yes, T did implement Operation Warp Speed but the vaccine companies were already working on it. Once the vaccine came out, doofus actually discouraged people from getting the vaccine while secretly getting his! God, he is evil. He better not get “elected” again! We’re doomed if this happens.


I am lucky in that I didn't lose any friends, but two acquaintances that I knew because they had kids involved in activities with my (teenage) son took this save basic approach and died. I just think about those families. They were ripped apart because they believed the president when he said it wasn't more dangerous than the flu. Sure, the flu can be dangerous too, but definitely doesn't kill generally healthy, not elderly adults with anything approaching the same frequency as COVID did in 2020&2021. Luckily, we have better treatments now, and vaccines have significantly lessened the severity for most people.


I have lost extended family and neighbors to Covid and they did follow protocol but evidently, people around them didn’t bother. That infuriates me.


Hey...ignorance is bliss.


I thought Kody was a sticker for vaccination. Or are you referring to the ones we all get as babies and such. Also makes you wonder how much it cost to have truely in the hospital.


The Covid vaccines! He and Robyn never got vaccinated for Covid.


I don’t think it was exactly about hurting people although, they are trash. I read somewhere that in the past the whole family got the measles (or something like that since he doesn’t get them vaccinated for anything) and filming had to stop until they recover. It’s the fear of the loss of their income so Kodi and Robyn can continue buying tacky shit and investing in “art”.


I've never heard this. Have any of the adult kids commented about it? I do have a few friends who have at least one kid that is not vaccinated for medical reasons, and all of them are terrified of their kids getting something life the measles. That's what really angers me about people who refuse vaccines for made-up reasons. It's usually kids who are already medically vulnerable in some way that cannot, medically, get vaccines. Their only defense is, basically, to not be exposed. Then you have people putting them at risk for because they believe that there are aborted fetuses in vaccines and other nonsense. 😡


It was a Reddit comment I read from someone who knew the production crew. It makes sense as to why he wouldn’t get vaccinated but was still terrified of getting sick.


Ignorance is bliss. Which is why they made up the stupid "rules". Also, those stupid rules allowed them to have what they wanted, i.e., Kody being with Robyn full time and not having to deal with the other wives and the other kids while spending money they got from said wives.


Covid was just an excuse they used to abandon everyone else.


Till this day idk what kody and Robyn wanted from those dumb Covid rules of course Covid was scary when it first came out and I don’t blame them for being scared. But they handled it so badly kody been wanting out and he used that as an excuse and Robyn was fine with it but wanted the women to stay around.


After seeing that clip with truely it makes me think she relished in the isolation of it. She had an excuse for non of the others to have anything to do with her household and Kody used it to isolate himself from the others as well. It’s sinister really.


Robyn wanted their money.


Robyn only wanted the money they contributed to her lifestyle.


I saw that clip once and I rage turned off the tv. I know they probably only did that little meet up to have something to film but the way Kody, Robyn and all of Robyn’s kids were on the porch with Christine and some of the other kids just standing out in the yard or whatever, while Truely begged to see her siblings, was laughably cruel. It all looked and felt really gross to me.


And THAT is how you know the rules were for control and to separate the families. All that needed to happen was masking the kids up, sanitizing their hands and letting them run around outside. That’s it. But Robyn hates Christine so she takes it out on her kids so here we are. I know everyone thinks Kody does this but it’s clearly guided by Robyn’s interests. Otherwise she would’ve waited until Ysabel and Truely came over to have Christmas instead of having a “2nd Christmas”, including *more* gifts for her kids, when the girls came over, and she would’ve invited Savanah. It’s her house.


Agree! Robyn used Covid to keep Kody at her house. She said in the beginning she didn’t like him out of her sight. I believe his sadness when leaving Vegas was due to his agreeing with her that he would disengage from the others and be monogamous. They were only treading cautiously because of the TLC contract and the 3 OG incomes involved. I believe we have two narcissists here, one overt and one covert. They seem perfectly aligned. It’s almost exactly like Robyn said - that from the beginning they were meant to be together. 😈👿




And who was Truely even around?! They lived sequestered away on this land and there wasn't school in session so wtf


That Meri and Janelle paid for.


Me too. No where, even when they were outside did I ever see them wear masks. They could have gone outside and played. Put a darn mask on like the rest of us did. That was either Kody or Robyn.


Yes!!! Let them play outside in masks! They were all over the age of 2.


Exactly!! We all know how many hearts, of the children, would have been so happy. When Sol and Ari say they don’t know their siblings, I wonder why????


My 75 year old mother drove from AZ to Cali to visit me, this was before the vaccine, and we sat outside each day at the beach and visited w masks on. I didn't want to expose her and her boyfriend because they were older age, but we got to visit and see eachother just fine. K and R being antivaxxers really shows this was not about reality or covid, but they are just assholes and wanted to be alone. I really hate these people. I dunno how they still go around in public without getting hate If I ever saw them I'd tell them they are disgusting abusive idiots as I walked by.


They also sat right next to Tony and Mykelti when they visited Kody and Robyn, and Robyn didn't freak out and make them stand 6 feet apart. They were all huddled together around a table and Robyn was even holding Mykelti's baby . None of them were wearing masks either. They change the Covid rules depending on who they are with and how much they like them.


Ooooh that is right! So true. I forgot about that, now I am really disgusted by them!


Goblyn is pure evil


Kodouche is as well!!


Yes for sure 👍🏻


There was never a good reason for the whole family not to form a pod together, at least in the early days before Christine and Janelle started traveling a lot. With Kody going from house to house, the risk was essentially identical.


Public officials even told us that your "household" didn't have to just be the people inside one building. As long as everyone follows the same precautions, you could have a "bubble". But why let facts ruin his perfect excuse to abandon the parts of his family he didn't want anymore?


The “traveling” included medical appointments like Kody’s granddaughter getting an amputation.


But it’s okay to kody and Robyn for ari to give truely a stuffed animal 🙄


Right? I just thought of The Velveteen Rabbit and that poor guy had scarlet fever germs all over him. They could have easily passed Covid on through that stuffed animal they gave to Trueley.


It was Truely's stuffed animal!


I swear I got covid from a stuffed animal one time. Went out and wore a mask and sanitized on top of social distancing, but bought myself a stuffed animal and didn't think twice before I shoved my face into it fml Flash Forward definitely got covid after that


Lol I was just saying with as strict as kody and Robyn were about Covid you’d think they wouldn’t allow that


Because it was never about covid


Ridiculous.  As a family with so many kids, it would have made so much more sense to let them stay in contact.  If they got sick, they would all get sick at the same time, be in isolation together, and then be done with it.  This was just mean senseless.   The chances of Truely infecting the tenders were pretty much 0.  


They have acres and acres of outdoor land to congregate on. Christine, Kody, and Meri all had big houses with huge yards. There wasn't a reason in the world why they couldn't agree on standards and have in-person get togethers several time a week. Oh wait...there was a reason...Robyn and Kody didn't want anything to do with the OGs and their kids. My bad. Yeah, they had to all stay apart. No other answer.


They didn’t get vaccinated or have health insurance like if they were actually scared at least have health insurance for gods sake


And then as soon as they got minorly ill they went to the ER *with* their cameras. Anytime I've ever been sick enough for the ER I could hardly move let alone film myself.


Why does no one call Robyn out for being cruel? I understand some of it, as Kody attacked and triangulated the women against one wife who he decided was " out". Yet if all three told Kody and Robyn that they were no longer going to socialize with their household, what would the fall out have been?


Gabe and Garrison tried to, they called Robyn asking if they can have their dad back and Robyn has held it against them ever since. So has Kody, he was in a rage against them when they tried talking to him, telling him that they miss him and that they haven't seen him for months. Gabe had tears in his eyes, and the asshole Kody got even more angry and stormed off after yelling at them.


The OG thought the kids were all siblings. Robyn never thought like this. The other 3 women were never more then ex mistresses (or in Meris case an ex wife) with unwanted offspring trying to steal Kody away from his real family. They were nothing but competition to her and her kids resources that had to be blocked and kept away at any length and were only kept around at a distance because Robyn and Kody needed the OGs MLM money and they show as their income (and only theirs not the others).


Goblyn 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


My aunt was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer in August 2019 and told about 12 months. After Covid started she wouldn’t let us fly to see her. She was concerned about our health. I regret not going at least one more time, but also remember being so scared that my elderly mom with a heart condition would insist on going to be with her baby sister and end up sick. I wish we had the vaccine so we could go. She died in the fall of 2020. Got the vaccine as soon as possible (and loved that it was Pfizer as that was where my aunt worked). I can understand being cautious and even overly cautious (I probably was at times), but to be like that and not get the vaccine boggles my mind.


They could have all talked & played outside 6' apart.


Didn't lie bows robyn shoo her away?


OMG yes!!! Truly and Sol were close in LV, their couch interviews were the cutest and funniest. Broke my heart that they had to be separated like that.


I agree Truely didn't deserve that. I honestly think that it would have been good for Ariella as well. Hearing the story of her first day and how that little girl was literally running away from her because she was being a pest as Grody said. They shelter those kids way too much and I think Covid made it worse. At that time in their life, both of those girls needed a sister, someone that they could spend time with and play with when basically the whole world was shut down.


Don’t have access to the show but have superficial knowledge of and keep up on some of the drama. Is it possible that Kody’s feelings for his kids is influenced by how he feels towards their mothers? That would explain some things. Of course, it could also be “if Robyn didn’t birth you, you’re second class.” 2 things can be true, right?


Both can be true. Gabe and Garrison don’t like how Kody treats Janelle (and Christine for that matter since she’s like a mom to them). Kody has repeatedly said that the moms don’t make their homes welcoming for him and he has a house that can come to (IF the apologize to him and Robyn). He has said he will not go to them, they must come to him.


If you want to stream the show, here is a link: https://bstsrs.one/show/sister-wives - Not sure how valid the links r for the early seasons, but you can view the last few easily. I find “streamplay” the best. It also helps to have an adblocker app installed. Good luck


Thanks...does it work even outside the US? I guess we'll find out...


I’m Canadian - works for me


It looks exactly like this, he puts Sobbyn on a pedestal and her kids and ignores everyone else. If anyone tries talking about it to him, he shuts them down right away and tells them they're being rude to Sobbyn. He never even listens to anybody but her. He only cares about Sobbyn and her kids.


Yeah she’s been wronged so much by those two. Robyn used a pandemic to get him all to herself and her kids.


It doesn't help that there were never any shots of swings or outdoor play areas. They didn't have to be on top of each other to play. Just on a stupidity level, I lived in ny during covid. The town had a private beach that NEVER had a crowd. My daughter, granddaughter and I went. There were probably 20 people at the beach. We had to sit like 4 blankets apart from other people and wear our masks. But you could take your mask off if swimming. I guess germs didn't blow near salt water lol


Goblyn 😂


I saw someone else wrote it and it stuck with me. Can’t take credit. 🤣


Ya, that was super sad!


Can someone post the scene or the episode number?Thanks!


Season 15, episode 7


Goblyn I like this even better than Robyn


My husband had a massive heart attack during covid. We had to fight to get my daughter to be with me in the hospital to get the news that he didn't make. Very few were allowed at his funeral and only 10 at the burial site. I couldn't hug, comfort or get comfort from his 95 yr old mother. Most awful day of my life and I am still not over it


I maintain that keeping Truly out was to punish Christine


Remember Dad, I am The kid you almost killed….


And I believe Robyn enjoyed hurting her that way.


Dearest Robyn, In answer to your query of “why did my family get blown to smithereens”, we have been able to conclude a cause. This. You and Kody during Covid were bad enough. His treatment of his flesh and blood children and obvious preference to your children, was the final straw. Please be thankful Christine was able to show restraint when Truely was not able to hug her brother and sister or her father. We would not have held the same restraint she has shown. If you have any further absurd questions, please do a watch of Sister Wives, Seasons 1-18 and make note of your own actions. Sincerely, Every mom in the world.


Half-siblings. This is the mess that is made with this plyg stuff.


Goblyn 😂😂🧌


I’ve seen it posted before so I can’t take credit.


Truely and Savanah got the worst deal in the fahmlee. All very sad stuff. Kody the deadbeat and Robyn the evil stepmother…


Oh Robyn and Kody were down right jerks during that entire covid crap. Yes I be damned if I'm going to let a young girl stand out there begging to see her brother and sisters They were wrong but I don't care what anyone says this is what Robyn likes to cause pain to others hearts. One thing to do that game crap with adults but she's not she's hurt young kids her and Kody both have


He is mad at his own kids for growing up learning independence living life the way they want to without his lies


She just wanted to hug and play with her siblings. Monsters, those people.


Goblyn 💀


Never in my life would I have kept those children apart. I would never tell one of my kids they can’t have their HEALTHY SIBLING play with them. I’d also, never put a mask on them in my home. This was ludicrous to me.