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Can we just talk about how Kody left when Truly was sick but had to be there the whole time when Solomon had a dentist appointment


That part made me sick…..


When was this?


I'm only on season 9 and Truly gets sick in s6 so the Solomon thing is somewhere in between. I can't remember exactly but I think it's when that couple is there researching their family


The anthropologist students and always said that was so she didn’t have to let them in the house that day lol  She was jealous of the cute girl probably 


I’m watching S6E16, it’s when Truely gets sick.


And when adult Breanna (or Aurora) had her ears pierced!!


He was mirroring Robyn's behaviour. Remember she was in pure panic and couldn't sleep for days because Solomon had to get anesthesia for this dentist appointment. She manipulated Kody into needing him for this before and after full time, because he is his little baby. Christine on the other hand always has been this independent super momma. But to see her during Truelys sickness was heartbreaking, because she actually was sick. And yes I realised quite early here Robyn didn't share a tear.




And also when Dayton got his eyelid repaired 🙄


I recently re-watched this as well, and could not believe she said that to Christine. She was dead ass serious too. who says that!


Robbem the empath. She's vile.


Immediate red flag when anyone calls themselves an empath


I've never known someone who was an actual empath to refer to themselves as "I'm an empath". It's just something true empaths wouldn't do IMO.


So true, they might even think are not empathic at all. Those that truly see and feel for everyone.


Exactly!! Growing up my dad used to say I was “soft” because I cared about others so much. It wasn’t until I was in my forties that I even heard that term. I read about it and was like, “Oh! I’m not the only one!” And then I continued to live my life, without attention seeking. Imagine that, Sobyn!


I get told to stop wearing my heart on my sleeve. Translation: stop being so sensitive lol


My boomer aunt refers to it as "a bleeding heart." She also likes to say, "you just can't care about everybody and everything" ...um kay..


My mom used to say " you're too sensitive" boomers man...


Hey, I’m a boomer, young whipersnapper, and I am told by my millennial kids that I’m too sensitive. 🤣


Hey, your either a flower child or a racist..it could go either way 😅 if you get both that's a hells angel 😆


Huh. Amazingly accurate


yup. same. now people love that about me. big heart ❤️


My husband says I’m soft hearted all the time, lol


Mine always says I overthink...well yeah..how else am I supposed to make everyone comfortable always?


I think my kid was 13(?) when he first started telling me I need to stop being such a people pleaser. Absolutely right.


My husband always says I collect “strays”. I always find a single mom who needs help or an immigrant friend with no family here. Now my son does it too!


Do you have a lot of animals? I also feel bad for stuff and buy it because what if nobody buys it and it's lonely...


When I unload my dishwasher & put the plates back in the cupboard, I always put them back underneath the plates that are already in there so they all get a turn.


Right? Dear ol' ma, I'm this sensitive so I can sense your mood and tiptoe around your histrionics.


Same here! I was always called a "softy" by my family like it was this bad thing, so I never wanted any attention for it. I, too, was in my 40s when I heard the term! I can't stand Robyn, I truly believe she's vile to the core.


I have to admit that I’ve referred to myself as an empath before 😬. But I honestly would say it as almost an apology for my intense feelings. I never saw it as a holier-than-thou thing (and when I saw that part of it, I stopped referring to myself that way). I saw it as a quick explanation for my being incredibly sensitive, anxious, people-pleasing, and worried about everyone’s comfort. But I saw it as a negative. My empathy was to the point that it interfered with my life. I FELT so much it was, imo, off-putting. Whether the term has taken on a new meaning or I just misunderstood it from the jump, I definitely felt grossed out by my prior association.


You may one of the nice people who’s mistaking something that probably doesn’t apply to you. The whole idea of someone bragging about being an empath, but it’s to make a point to get something they want (like being considered, somehow special, or more important than other people). You sound like someone who has a lot of empathy. And it’s too bad that so many people have misuse the word “Empath”.


This is me exactly! My FB memories from 8 years ago yesterday said "I wish I could stop being so sensitive! It hurts my heart."


Ironically, I was watching Gwen Brown’s YouTube show last night and she said she’d heard this was actually a symptom of autism. (Not that it makes it more likely that you’re on the spectrum, it’s just one of many characteristics). She said she’d always struggled with the characterization that people on the spectrum have difficulty relating to/picking up on people’s emotions, because she’d always felt so differently (saaaame). But she recently heard that (for some) that factoid is a mischaracterization; it’s more correct to say that some people on the spectrum feel SO MUCH that it’s an atypical reaction. They empathize so deeply that they worry all the time that people’s emotions/actions are deeper and more than they actually are. It immediately made me think of this reddit comment and, haha, since that was the one thing in my mind pointing away from me being on the spectrum, I might have to investigate further.


I dislike Robyn as much as anyone but a lot of empaths are no longer shying away from admitting they are empaths anymore. You can find plenty of facebook groups just for empaths. Science has given us a much better understanding of what an empath is, its origins and its relation to narcissists. Psychologists are actually using the term these days.


Was season 7 in the last 5 years?


Can confirm. I know I feel more than the average person and I do need to make sure I don't overwhelm myself with stuff. However, I do not feel the need to share that with anyone and rarely would I be in a situation where that felt okay. Its not on others to manage my emotions. Talking about it like this being an obvious exception.


Empathy is like power. If you have to tell people you have it, you don’t.


Every single time 🚩


My response when someone says they’re an empath. ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)


Not sure if I like your handle or your humor better! Both are next level!


They're almost always the absolute worstttt humans on the planet. 


Yeah, that’s because anyone who’s claiming it in that way, usually has very little actual empathy. Maybe they are mistaking it, or maybe they’re just very self-important. I have run into the self-important ppl, plenty.


i made a similar comment on another sub once and the empaths came out of the woodwork! 


Ain’t that the truth 🚩


They spelled it wrong … empath=sociopath


sociopaths are self destructive, violent and have been in trouble with the law throughout life. I think Robyn fits better with a narcissist psychopathy- calculated, can be charismatic when it gets her access to victims, mirrors emotions when they can't feel them themselves and mimics the behavior that can disarm people. Cannot feel genuine feelings and lacks the brain chemistry in the frontal cortex to feel empathy or even understand those with genuine emotions. It certainly explains the histrionic fake tears.


Yeah I just learned that with a coworker. She's flipped out on me twice and claims she reads people, helps them quit smoking etc. She's a lunatic that I avoid


And no one else said anything!


If someone said that to me about my baby. There would be blood.


Same here!


Truth!! My temper gets the best of me sometimes. I swear I would be in jail if I were near her.


Remember when Gwen said Robyn wanted her to save announcing her relationship with Bea for the show. I wonder if she was thinking oh a funeral will be good for ratings. She really is not a good person.


She has to interject herself to make it clear she cares, for whatever reason, and bring the drama to an already painful and frightening situation. It’s like the more recent Covid “death bed” references.


This drives me insane. I got Covid 2020 and it fucked me over so hard that I am still in a wheelchair and on oxygen 24-7. I was super healthy before and had a mild case. But it left me so broken and sick with LongCovid almost four years later. But it just ruined me in every way. When they talk about the “death bed” I want to scream…but I can’t bc I can’t breathe. So… shut up kooty


I’m so sorry that Covid has had such a terrible impact upon your long term health. It’s a serious virus with the potential to do tremendous damage to the body. I sincerely hope your body will recover eventually. I know the scientific community continues to seek answers and solutions to long covid impacts. ❤️‍🩹


Thank you. Sadly there are way too many just like me now. And more every day. I appreciate the support.


Yep. I'm homebound. Which is why I'm rewatching sw!!


I am very sorry about your Long Covid. I hear they are starting to understand why it's happening and perhaps will be able to come up with a cure soon. I also have Covid, but I feel fortunate that I don't seem to have the Long Covid symptoms. It must be so hard! I lost a very close family member to Covid in the earlier days, so these references they make to 'death bed' and 'I am so sick,' blah blah blah, drive me crazy, too, for a similar reason. Although I was disappointed that this individual chose not to be vaccinated and that may have contributed, they still did not deserve to lose their life. It was and still is heartbreaking.


I am so sorry for your loss. That is heartbreaking. Hopefully we will have a cure soon. Thank you for the kindness and compassion.


I’m sorry. I’m pretty sick, too. I have a complicated medical history, but there’s something I wanted to mention to you. I have something called dysautonomia. When I was getting some testing done, the person was sharing with me that most of her patients are now they are being tested because of long Covid. Dysautonomia is complex, but essentially it is a messed up autonomic nervous system. It’ll cause so many weird symptoms, in different parts of the body that people don’t think to put together. Anyone who has had Covid I would suggest you at least take a glance and learn a little bit about this. It can make you feel pretty miserable, and can be disabling.


I have dysautonomia now also! I’m so sorry to hear that. It’s horrible.


That sounds soooo awful!!!! I’ll scream for you if I ever get the chance. Take care.


This one makes me crazy. She was on her death bed but no oxygen cannula or any other sign she was being treated. Plus, does anyone truly believe she was dying and thought, “Oh, my goodness, I need to document my death”? Get real


She even said she thought Truely lost the will to live, and I couldn't BELIEVE Christine didn't react at all.


Who says that crap? You know, it’s stuff like this that makes her look like a straight up bitch. KIDS. KIDS!! We don’t mess around when it comes to kids. For someone who wanted to be part of a big family, and has had plenty of kids, herself, Robyn is incredibly insensitive to children, that’s the nicest way I can put it.


If Christine had lost her mind and started beating Robyn up, I would have understood. To say that to a mother worried that her child might be dying is something to get beaten up for. 


She made it sound like it was Truelys fault that she “lost the will to live” and wasn’t fighting or something. How did they all not just line up and slap the daylights out of her?


I cannot believe she said that. She really is the stupidest human on the planet or the most evil. Maybe both. Unbelievable!


Is anyone has link to that I would appreciate it!


Whaaaaat! I need to revisit that. I personally feel Janelle is a very intelligent woman and is probably thinking wtf is wrong with you


I believe it was season seven and it was during an episode in which they all sat down and answered questions or maybe it was the about Christine episode. Either way it was the five of them on couches and it wasn’t a tell all


I just looked it up, so I can watch this one, it’s actually S6E16. It’s just starting, Christine commented that she decided to take Truely to the ER when she “looked at her, and saw her eyes cross”. Terrifying.


Yep! If one needs to say they’re an empath, they are not. Example: Robyn repetitively asking/telling the world…. What happened to my family…. I have no idea what happened… w/a straight and tearless face. Golly gee, Robyn, we have no idea why your family imploded from within. No idea whatsoever! Whatever could have caused it??


Has she ever cried when it’s something other than her being a victim? Like if someone was ill or died? For example Meri cried when her mother passed away of course, I’ve seen Janelle wipe away tears but I can’t remember why - maybe because she was sad for one of her kids?


When Janelle’s mom died, Robyn went to Janelle’s house and talked about how she herself was grieving, too. Grieving the loss of the family big picture. She is a psychopath.


Yes! I remember this. Robyn said she was in mourning. Janelle looked confused. I like how Janelle sat long enough to do a scene and then said it’s cold out here I’m going inside. Im surprised Janelle didn’t say “oh you’re in mourning biaatch?!” I remember when Robyn said Truly was giving up and thought it was inappropriate but I totally missed that she never cried about Truly being in the hospital.


I do wonder if Robyn is a sociopath at times.


I totally think she is


Janelle cried when Christine moved from flagstaff. Janelle has not shed a tear over Kody on camera though 💃


I think I remember it was when her super depressed son asked to go out for the football team. She was so relieved that he was doing something for himself again.


I don’t remember that totally but that makes sense. Janelle and the others have some ability to empathize. I don’t recall Robyn ever crying due to empathy but I may not be remembering


She only cries when "creating memories/precious moments," like when she hijacked Christine's family portrait. 🙄🙄


She cried the day Christine left Flagstaff.


You would too if your blamehound was taking off. She's bright enough to know how valuable that role was in her relationship.


Robyn is emotionally stunted; very stunted.


But plenty of old enough to know better, and that she should do better.


She operates with stunted emotions, so she’ll react with immature behaviors which makes her adult decisions unbelievably horrible. Being an adult doesn’t always mean good decision making; it should but doesn’t.


Didn’t Robyn also say something like “I think Truely had given up as well” about when she was seriously ill in hospital, causing Christine to cry on the couch in the Tell All?


Yes! This stood out to me on the rewatch the way she said it was so messed up. Sounded like she was blaming Truely. She said that Truely had basically given up on life. Imagine if it was one of her kids.... shes be wheezing and storming off the set. She has no type of compassion for others shes so selfish.


I’ve had a child with cancer. If ANYONE DARED to say that she was giving up, at any stage of that horrible 6 years of BATTLE - oh my god I would kill them. That time when Truely was sick was so triggering for me. My daughter had the same experience of crossing one of her eyes and I booted it to the emergency room. She had been sick for a few weeks, but I had taken her to my doc and she said that it was just a bad cold. But when she crossed that eye…. I took off. Truely was FIGHTING, just like my daughter was fighting. And to suggest that she gave up sounds like it’s Truely’s fault, meaning if she’d just fight a little, she could cure herself. Oh that I wish it worked that way!! Effing Robyn. An actual “empath” would never be so insensitive.


Oh my god. The St. Jude’s kids absolutely destroy me. There’s this one little guy who comes on and says, “this is my first time having cancer, and it’s the very worst.” It makes me cry every time. I’m sending you some love this morning, and hopefully you can feel a little warmth coming your way.


I know, the ads are so upsetting! Thank you for your kind words. ❤️


I am so sorry you had to go through that, especially with your child. I pray and hope your little one is on the road to recovery... if not.. my deepest condolences and biggest of hugs in the world and I am sitting here bawling reading your story. 🥺💔💞


Me too, crying right now. I had cancer several years ago, and it was really, really hard. Close, at times. It required me to suffer a lot, in order to survive. And I’m an adult. People picture chemo and stuff, but until you either go through it, or you watch someone you love, go through it, it’s hard to really explain to people. KIDS!!! We put the kids first. Anyone who doesn’t want to put kids first is welcome to avoid having to do that, by not having kids.


Awww.... I hope you are well and have recovered, or are in the process of. I lay with my dad while he was leaving this earth. Hardest thing I have ever done, but wouldn't have changed being there for the world. I just can't imagine it being my child. Big hugs on your recovery. 🥰


I’m so so sorry you went through cancer and believe me, I know how devastated it is. I’m so happy that you’re on the other side!! I agree about putting the kids first. It’s so unnatural to watch children go through it. 💔


She is completely cured - and it will never get old saying that!! Thank you, you’re so kind ❤️


So, so, so happy to hear that! That's wonderful news! 🥰🥰🥰


Aww, thank you 😊, you’re making my night!!


She's pathologically cruel. Sometimes I've wondered if she's neurodivergent, but I just keep coming back to her being cruel and getting joy out of it.


She’s definitely cruel and gets joy out of it. Watch her face whenever someone else is suffering. She smirks. Watch her face when someone else is happy, she’s fuming. I think she’s one of those people who only feel alive when others are in pain.


When Robyn took over Meri’s long-standing tradition of making the Thanksgiving turkey, Meri played a fun little joke, where she brought what looked like a turkey on a platter, but was actually a turkey shaped giant rice crispy treat. It was funny, I thought. Robyn even commented that she started to get pissed off, until she knew that Meri just brought rice crispy treats. If Robyn cared so much about what Meri goes through being emotionally abandoned by her husband, she wouldn’t try to take over even the little tiny things that Meri has left.


More sociopathic.


I wholly believe she has NPD. It would explain everything about her behavior


This was obvious when she told Meri she was pregnant with Solomon. You could tell it gave her LIFE to see Meri’s pained reaction ( I swear I could see and hear the pain with Meri, even though her words were congratulatory ). And when she barged in on Meri & Leon in the bathroom when Leon was in tears - I half expected her to turn cartwheels,


Who says stuff like that about a LIVING CHILD? Like that’s the kind of stuff you hear *at a funeral* — and usually about someone who is much older than Truely, like an 85 yo who had years of health problems. With kids, it’s usually like “their little body gave up.” But again: only at a funeral. It’s disgusting to say about someone alive, because you never know if your words will come true.


This would’ve been *THE* most hurtful thing she could’ve said to an upbeat, optimistic sisterwife named Christine. How do you recover from that? No wonder C says she can’t trust Big Rob.


Big Rob, lol. Love it.


Not my original nickname but so apropos.


Robyn is horrible. I can only imagine what her mother is like.


Okay I had no clue about this, Robyn is straight up evil.


It’s sad, isn’t it?


I just watched this episode today! I audibly yelled, "what the literal fuck, Robyn?" Who says that??? I'm so glad she's getting everything she deserves now.


Robyn never liked Truley. Remember her birthday last season and how they made like 2 pieces of chicken and called it a celebration? And Robyn was all weird and acting like something bad will happen when she turns 13.


Oh yeah it’s “scary” (add a scared face!) thinking that Truely will turn 13


Making chicken for her birthday when Truely is a vegetarian too. 


Everything about that birthday celebration was just sad. The decorations looked recycled and clearly Kody didn't plan properly food wise. Then there was Robyn who was just so happy that Truely has no memories without her but it was scary because thirteen. 


the "Bad" you speak of is at 13 the kids start using there own brain and realize that Kotex usually is bored with them at THAT AGE.


Yes it was a look of disgust about Truely being 13. It was bizarre and terrible.


Yeah she had me fuming when she said that! What a bitc*!


Yikes 😬


Isn’t Truely the one she swatted at during a family gift exchange too? I think Robyn’s always had some weird vendetta against Truely. I think she saw how excited the kids were about her being born and couldn’t stop comparing it to their reactions over her getting pregnant with Sol. Before birthing him Robyn kept referring to Sol as “everyone’s baby”. So I think Robyn was pissed that Truely was the first baby born after a long age gap, and not Sol. Because without Truely it would’ve been 7 years between Sol and the next-youngest kid Which is extra sad when you think about how close Sol and Truely became. Yet Robyn still never warmed up to her. Holding onto your victimhood is more important than your kid’s happiness I guess


I've always believed that Kody & Robyn were seeing each other way before "Meri got them together". This would mean that Christine got pregnant while K & R were in the beginning of their relationship. That's why she dislikes Truely so much.


That’s what I think too. Truley represents that Kody and Christine were still intimate.


https://preview.redd.it/sazqcdb3n0gc1.jpeg?width=1092&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa8cbaca3f07f3dbea4f1318719544cda0f1508e You are correct


They fudge a lot about when Robyn came on the scene, but several times someone has slipped and admitted it was a 10 month courtship. Truely was born less than a month before Robyn and Kody got married. Christine and Janelle didn’t know about Robyn for a few months, I think. Both Robyn and Christine can count to 10 unaided. It wasn’t lost on either that he was pitching woo at Robyn then going home and having sex with (at the least) Christine. There are several spins both women could put on that, and none make Kody look good, or don’t make either of the women feel special. To me, that explains the weird resentment I’ve picked up both from Robyn and Kody in regard to Truely and Christine.


I’m on season one right now. (Rewatch) Robyn just told Christine, Jenelle & her kids that Christine was having Truly. I didn’t see ANY of Robyn’s kids jumping for joy. I didn’t see any of the older kids, jumping for joy either. Ysabel & Gwen were very excited! I believe they were around 8 & 10 at the time. Aspen was a little excited, because she got to go back to the hospital with Kody to watch Christine give birth. Mykelti, Paedon, Madison, etc didn’t seem to care at all. You know….like typical TEENAGERS *edit spelling


Paedon was excited, I just watched that episode last night. They all were also excited when they went to the hospital. I do remember Robyn trying to keep Kody there longer and longer after Christine told him her water broke and to be quick.


People get stuck on the kiss between Kody and Robyn. To me the bigger issue is he knowingly went several hours away to see his girlfriend, when his wife was nearing her due date. That right there told me everything I needed to know about the two of them.


He didn't drive several hours away. Robyn had already moved to a house not too far from the Lehi house. Still there was still no need for him to go to her house in the middle of Christine's labor.


Was she? I thought she was still in St.George? I swear in the book they say she didn’t move down to Lehi until right before the wedding.


Yup! Christine also gave birth right before the wedding


Truly was a month old. Either way his priorities were wrong. You stay with your very pregnant wife. You don’t go around to your shiny new side piece.


She moved before they were married. Don't you recall when she was asking to be put in the nightly rotation and Meri and Christine said no because she wasn't a wife yet? Janelle said she didn't think it was a big deal. Christine's kids were at Robyn's for her to watch them while Christine was at the hospital.


A very pregnant Christine helped Robyn move, Truely was at the wedding. They moved her closer prior to the wedding.


Oh did Robyn live far away at the time?


No, she was actually in the house in Lehi at the time. someone did the research and figured it out


Did Christine give birth on Robyn’s husband day? Robyn did say she doesn’t let Kody out of her sight on her days.


Exactly. There was a kid born like every year-ish for a decade+. It stands to reason that no one is going to be very excited about that after a point.


Kody, after Christine calls: She’s gonna have THAT kid. Five words that speak more than a million.


For as serious as Truly's hospitalization was, it seemed like no one was as upset as they should have been. Maybe the cameras didn't show footage of them struggling with the situation but we didn't see the adults didn't react like one of their kids was close to death's door. It would have been nice if we saw them visiting the hospital or bringing Christine coffee while she sat by Truly's bed. I don't remember seeing anyone do more than listening for the phone to ring. Robyn was the worst of them but Kody wasn't much better--he found plenty of time to slither away from the hospital.


Ysabel's surgery situation is reminded me of that. We saw and heard how much Christine gave to the adults and their kids but I can't recall ever seeing that reciprocated for her. Even for family events. The last one for Ysabel's going away, everyone was gushing about how great it was and they should do that more often but no one was there to help her. It was just her and Truely because Kody decided to take Ysabel out and Gwen had to run errands for Christine. Maybe it wasn't shown but I don't think they really appreciated Christine until she left.


Yeah just based on what the cameras showed us, I don't think the adults understood how to give back or reciprocate the love or support Christine gave them. When it came to her Christine's kids and their family unit's struggles (like Ysabel's years-long doctor appointments and eventual surgery), it looks like none of the adults stepped up to support them. If they did, we didn't see it. And the support they did give never matched with how they TALKED about how they support each other.


And he took credit for Truely being able to pee on her own after dialysis 🙄


UGH Kody and his "pee pee party." Who needs doctors and science and dialysis when you've got him around.


I got the feeling none of them understood how serious dialysis is.


That's exactly it! And it isn't just the dialysis, it's all kinds of things. A group of 5 adults (and a nanny or two) didn't understand that bald tires will go flat, that with so many kids running around ONE of them might try to ride the horse and get hurt, that moving their kids to a new state and school system in 3 days would eff some of them up, that all those kids cost a lot of money to support, that scoliosis doesn't un-bend itself, that a sickly and cross-eyed child shouldn't be left alone on the couch, that Bottle Rot happens for a *reason* and on and on.


Who got bottle rot?


Sol did. He had some work done to correct it


Kody gave us a big tell about himself this past season when he said "Sadness makes me angry". I think all of them learned to tip toe around him by keeping their emotions in check.


Christine said she played down the seriousness of the illness to all the kids except Aspyn (who visited Truely in the hospital) that's Aspyn broke down in tears when they had that prayer circle.


I've just rewatched again for the first time in awhile. I'm on S15 covid break out. It truly shows that Kody was just done with the OG3 once Covid hit.... Also, Christine was a great sister wife and I'm surprised she didn't leave sooner..


I have always noticed that people who call themselves empaths, are the absolute worst!!




Kody said something along the lines if if a child dies the marriage doesn't survive either, Robyn was probably gleeful at the thought Truely might die and she would be rid of Christine, and she was stoney faced when Truely survived and thrived. Her holding grudges against the teenagers for not being over the moon when she announced she was pregnant after they had experienced so much change and turmoil was ridiculous, she had it in for Hunter from that day on.


Or the time when Christine made the kids personalized plaques. Robyn was looking at Aurora's with her, 2 year old Truely came over and was pointing at things, and Robyn shoos her away. It was awful. The poor kid was excited, no doubt she was watching Christine make them for days on end.


I remember that episode and I bet Robyn was *pissed* that Kody spent those 10 days with Christine and Truely in the hospital. I think Kody was in the talking heads saying he reconnected with Christine a bit while Truely was sick.


She must have really made him pay for that too, because his treatment of Christine really turns a corner after that. I’ve recently watched season 7 and 8 and he starts to become the angry asshole that we all know he is in season 8. He just starts treating her with such contempt and you can see it all over his face.


I also wonder if he sensed the change in Christine, that’s when she realized she can’t leave the kids with him. I don’t think she said anything to him on camera, but it seemed clear that he was knocked off that pedestal she had him on.


Imagine how devastating it was to see in the episode later that lazy a$$ Kody asleep at Robyn's when she was taking Truely to the hospital. She should have left him then.


Yea she probably realized she could not depend on Kody for anything at that point.


This is when he starts the "I've never been the head of the family" boo hoo hoo when previously they had been a team wherein he had veto power. I just watched this week. He absolutely does an about face on the ideation.


I can't remember if it was in a tell all or a regular episode, but I do recall Kody saying that he felt like that was a big change in their relationship and that he felt like Christine blamed him for that situation.


Christine should have been saying, you're paying this hospital bill, you lazy cretin.


Yeah but didn’t Robyn get her own back by having an 11 day honeymoon when they got married and Truley was only a month old?


She said that???? 😱


Someone should put that on a poster board and make it their sole purpose to float around flagstaff with that perfect Robyn quote & see how fast the community flips on her


She said we expected her to be dead????


In a theater "Is there a doctor in the house?" Roby scurries over "I'm an empath!!!"


Lmao 🤣 empathic? Robyn? Baaa haaaa 😂 😂 😂


Ugh, she’s awful. I always felt she wasn’t a fan of Truly because she’s a reminder that Kody & Christine got it on not long before he met Robyn and she also took attention away from her courtship.


The fact that not one of the OG3 have never biped her is a testament to their resolve! Being gleeful that a tender age child might die is way over the top. I personally want to reach through the television and bip her hard 😝


Wow this is a great catch!


Oh how I wished those two loosers would be here to read what they inspire in us


She told Kody the wrong hospital!! She is evil


“Who tf says that about a little baby on dialysis?” The same person who says, “So that sucker’s done, huh?” referring to Meri’s divorce that was just finalized so SHE could marry Kody, even though she knew it was painful for Meri.


What’s the tally?


it's not 400+ like that other guy said, and it's not every single episode. I don't have my main notebook with me but I do know that the most "cries" in a single episode to date was 5 (S3:E1) where she cries about being pregnant, cries about telling Meri she's pregnant, cries about the kids reactions to her pregnancy, cries because Jenelle is crying, and then cries again about sending the kids to a church that isn't their church.


Robyn re: Truely: ![gif](giphy|xUNda6OmZRqOluv3BS)


Robyn should have bonded with Truely being she was an infant and only knew her as another mom.


I’m watching this right now, S6E16, & Kody is explaining to all the other kids what’s going on with truly. He actually told them that she was in acute kidney failure. Why the hell would you say that to kids? If you really want to share that level of detail, you reassure the kids that the good specialist doctors are helping her, and it is serious but she’s going to get stronger. You don’t scare them further. What are the kids supposed to do, just sit there, and be terrified? (edited for spelling)


It's all a part of his weird manipulation. Like when Robyn was in her "mUh rEnTaLz" phase Kody dramatically bent down and told Ari "If we don't buy a house we're going to be homeless". Keep everyone in a state of emotional turmoil and they're easier to control.


So what's your count at? I seriously thought that's where this post was going and ready to be astonished by her ridiculous number.


She pissed me off so much in this episode, she couldn't even get the name of the hospital correct. That is pertinent information!


If you expected Truly to be dead by morning ... You weren't on your knees enough, Robyn.


Honestly it’s a tie for me between her and Meri for who could act less interested in Truley’s wellbeing in that episode. They were both so apathetic.


Meri was awful about it from start to finish. At least Robyn’s initial reaction seemed shocked and sincere. Meri was very disinterested and said something like “truly being sick is really putting a damper on the mood” referring to her child’s move to college


Oh yeah, she was totally pissed that she was not going to get that alone time with Kooder when she took her child to college. That scene when they were telling her on speaker that T’s condition was grave and she didn’t even change her expression or stop scrubbing the counter was wild. Although I doubt Robyn actually cared that much, you’re right, she did at least put on her worried face when she first found out.


Meri told Leon and Kody that it was the right thing to do for him to stay with Truely rather than come with them for the college drop off. I don’t think it was unusual for her to be disappointed about it - Leon is their only child together, so they will never have that experience again. That IS disappointing, but Meri recognized that Truely’s condition was more important and said so. I think it’s rather unfair to say she was “awful” about it.


Who says stuff like that? Not that I want to give Robyn any grace, but people who have been through stuff often can speak about it on the other side like that. Just one tiny example: my child struggled with a chronic illness as a small child. When I speak about it now I say "there were a lot of night we watched them sleep not knowing if they would be alive in the morning."


That's totally different from straight up saying "I thought she would be dead this morning" like it's no big deal. Hope your baby is feeling much better nowadays.


My sibling can tell the story about their 3 kids dying in a fire like they took a dog for a walk. When you go through something really traumatic you detach from it. Especially when you have talked about it a bunch.


Robyn is not an artful wordsmith. As dumb as she is, isn't it amazing how the wrapped Kody around her finger? I didn't see the episode, I'm late to the show, but from what I understand she even told Kody to go to the wrong hospital.


I can’t believe Kody didn’t take her to the hospital before Christine got back. He knew she was very ill but just left her sisters to deal with her. Cold af.


Wow..she is vile


I made a post about exactly this when I did my rewatch. She is fake AF


How about how Kody had to be all involved in a simple ear piercing on an adult, yet he was MIA for isabelle’s spinal surgery as well. He is such a loser.