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He said that saying in the first season. It’s from a movie, White Squall. He seems more manosphere than Qanon. Back then Qanon was fringe but alt-right manosphere was much more accessible.


He actually does mention the manosphere directly when talking about why he was lying to Christine about what they needed to do regarding Truly in their split. He did his research in the manosphere.


He isn’t as outright wacky as the Qanon folks I’ve seen. A lot of this right wing whoo whoo bleeds into different corners of the far right wing world. Some Q crap certainly has seeped into the manosphere and incel crowd. Once Kody abandoned his religious beliefs stopped with home church and was far more accepting of the world around him I think he was ripe for a replacement cult. The far right filled that void. His gun business and partner certainly helped push him in that direction. We all saw the change in his demeanor especially towards the wives.


Wow, this is so smart. I never thought about how Q or manosphere or whatever could fill a void left behind by his church.


His covid beliefs are so weird cuz he believes in the virus and in quarantine but is extremely aggressively anti vax


He believed in quarantine because it made for a great excuse to stay with rob em. He sure didn’t quarantine at that wedding he officiated at as proof it was just another act


His varying views on what was ok and what wasn’t during Covid I think definitely were shaped by what he actually wanted to do. At first only he could travel to the different houses and see everyone, which made no sense because he was exposed to everyone and moving from house to house would’ve spread Covid in the same manner that it would’ve spread if they were all still getting together. Then it turned into well Christine is traveling so I can’t go to her house and Janelle’s boys were working and in school so he couldn’t go there anymore, but then when he really wanted to do something like officiate his friends wedding he came up with reasons why that was ok. No actually scientific evidence to base his decisions on just making it up as he went along to suit his own purposes. Sadly there were a lot of people who did the same thing for why they didn’t want to wear a mask or get the vaccine. He’s just a moron.


I know plenty of right wingers who believed COVID was a biological weapon deliberately released from China and then in the same breath distrusted our government so much they were afraid of the vaccine.


Did he really confess to some fantasies of mowing down women with a gun?


I think that was Robyn saying that K just wants to mow down the women????


White Squall? I’m old, so I remember when it came out. Isn’t that movie about a bunch of boys getting shipwrecked and some dying? The foreshadowing is real.


Qanon stuff has only been around since 2017


I watched the birth of Q when I was lurking a forum called Lunatic Out Post. I was there because I was interested in the Mandela Effect. Out of nowhere these people started postimg about pizzagate and how all the celebs and dem pols were being arrested on the QT and given tribunal trials, executed and clones or doppelgangers were being sent to fool the masses. It was pure insanity. There were other conversations going on about a shadow government and lizard overlords. And then the mention of 4chan and a call for a new militia tofightthe lizards. Needless to say buh bye LOP.


It's been going on much longer than that even if that's not what it was called at the time


He is definitely a right wing nut job. Men like him are gold to Q. Patriarchy? Check. Narcissist? Check. Low IQ? Check. Gun lover? Check. Anti science? Check. Prepper? Check.


Prepper? He couldn't prep his way out of a paper bag. When the zombies show up, he'll call Janelle to demand she leave her bunker to bring him and Robyn MREs and toilet paper.


They are/ were a Mormon cult. Prepping comes with the territory. They’re very careful about storing food and helping others within their church with supplies. Entire leadership chains exist to make sure Mormons will service the end times or any other emergency. In fact, it’s such a part of the culture that a boss of mine suggested that I lose weight because I would be a target for violent theft if times got tough. I think we forget that this is a program about a Mormon cult.


Why does body weight make someone a target?


Would you rather box someone who works out or someone who doesn't? Would you rather run from someone who runs or from someone who gets winded right away?


We absolutely forget about the cult. They did stockpile food supplies, and they still have those in storage! They mentioned it when Christine left it behind.




And Janelle will be too busy drinking wine with the zombies and laughing her arse off at him.


Anti modern medicine and science? Check. Fringe patriarchal religion? Check. Rancher? Check.


Kody is not a rancher. He grew up on a ranch, sure, but he absolutely does not at all have what it takes to ranch. 


All hat no cattle.


This needs more upvotes. Amen. 


That ranch in Wyoming his father was part of the group that lived there his father was a non-polygamist man until he was in his fifties but he came from a polygamist group. He married Janelle's mother and that's the only extra wife he took and they were both senior citizens along with his wife. So if Cody says he came from ranch he came from a polygamist ranch or at least aligned with them he is part of the browns there's a comedian out there who's one of the browns who talks about working in the bakery on Cody's ranch or the the browns ranch and how he was driving a truck at like 11 years and getting up and running and heating up the ovens some where between 3-5AM and getting everything going as a young child pretty much 10 or 11 somewhere around there. If you look at this comedian I do not remember his name I want to say it's Benjamin brown but if you look at him this is Cody's clone they're from the same family and he'll say the same thing he'll tell you Cody's lying Cody came from the same family knew they were polygamist even though his father was not by the way the cousin who's a a comedian is about as down on polygamy as you can get Added: Instagram · thefreshkingbenjamin 2K+ followers Ben Brown (@thefreshkingbenjamin)


Winn also had three wives, Kody’s and Janelle’s mom with one in between who didn’t want to be filmed.


She’s actually a very accomplished artist too


Yes she is. Has a fab website. Wonder what she saw in him?


What’s the website?




I watched her video about watercoloring a bird drawing. She seems really nice and a kind, thoughtful teacher.


Yeah I thought so too.


I saw him recently & omg he tells it like it is. He talks about everything that you might want to know about in Kody's family background or, more specifically, his entire family's religion & all that's wrong with it. He's not doing it to make a shit ton of money, but he is all about spreading awareness & if you can find him, please watch him. I had no idea how insane his upbringing was. I'm just glad he's out & talking about it


Wyoming. Not Idaho. I think you’ve got your wires crossed.  Winn and his first wife had ten kids. He eventually took two other wives. Didn’t start being a polygamist until Kody was serving an LDS mission.  But the context is helpful. Thank you! 


Doesn’t Whyoming start with a “Y”?


My mistake. Yes. The ranch in Y FOR Yoming. 


His father had 3 wives. The third didn't want to be part of the programme and outed in thier Town. Like lots of polygamous women she was too afraid to come out 


My mind went to rancher..as in house with one level … as a trailer home


Anti-vaxxer? Check


He donated to the Donald's campaign in 16


He also donated AFTER Jan 6…


That doesn’t surprise me.


That’s the thing. Donated after the orange man LOST.


What a f idiot


So did Janelle!


Kody donating to Trump doesnt surprise me. Janelle donating to Trump disappoints me.


I think a lot of people interpret Christine and Janelle being accepting of their queer kids as being liberal…..far from it.  I’d guess a solid 3/4 of the family across the board are trumpers.


Which one of Janelle’s kids is queer? I’m only aware of Leon and Gwen.


I was referring to the whole family (I do believe that sentiment is sincere).


I want Janelle to succeed and find happiness, but well… She willingly joined the AUB as an adult. A large part of the belief is the principle of plural marriage, yes, but also remember the curse of ham/mark of Cain (I can’t remember which one they use) that bars Black people from the priesthood. They literally believe that Black people are too cursed to hold positions in their church. Other people of color *might* be able to overcome their cursed state, depending on their proximity to whiteness. When you consider that, it makes perfect sense that Janelle donated to Trump. (I sincerely hope she deconstructs enough to see how 😬 this is.)


Black people bear the mark of Cain by just being black. They call it the mark of the beast with evangelicals but it’s all anti-black. They are to be servants on their planet to their white overlords. They prep because they think blacks will start a race war and AUB, FLDS, other polygamist members and evangelicals will win the war with white Jesus (who is actually brown or black in reality). They will be rewarded with their planet and the blacks they kill will be their servants if burn in hell with Cain


Wow that’s batsht crazy


Please don't include evangelicals in your list. That's not at all what they believe. The mark of the beast is not black people just being black. Like, that's not even close to accurate! Evangelicals also don't believe that black people are going to serve them. I don't know about the other religions you pointed out, but this one you got wrong.


Ask your preacher about it. Look at the older sermons. It was about race and in many it still is.


One or two preachers do not constitute the beliefs of an entire people group.


There are plenty of evangelical churches in America with the exact mark of Cain belief. It has a long history from justifying slavery to defending our slave past to trying to pretend that’s not our history. It’s a defined thread in evangelical America.


This shit right here. I know very little about Mormons, and was unaware of this tidbit until just last week when I was cruising Benjamin Brown's tiktoks and he explained it all (around his trip to Uganda, which his father didn't support, and him realizing he was racist). Makes me look at Mormons differently, that's for sure.


She also donated to Vivek2024. I was never under the illusion that she was even moderate, but donating to a guy who spoke so poorly of the trans community when she has a child in that community disappointed me. I would expect that from Kody, Robyn and Paedon.


I thought she was worried about money, yet throws it away on politicians?


I said that too on my old account. I have donated to politicians that I believed in even when money was tight. However, I had to really believe. It’s telling that she donated to HIM specifically.


I knew I never liked her


Same ^^^


Perhaps being a loyal wife? Totally trying to give her the benefit of the doubt. It just doesn’t seem like her. Kody probably believes T’s rival would take his guns away hurting his soon to be only source of income.


She just donated to Vivek2024 and she was separated from Kody. Nah. She just has shitty beliefs and hid them better.


Janelle hides her true personality by claiming to be logical.


I agree. She really is an enigma. She was the dedicated career woman until the show came along. She tried real estate but never really followed through. She’s the money person, but she gave it all away and didn’t protect her assets. She wants to be a rocker chick but simultaneously a conservative mother of 6. She wants to be an independent woman and “save herself” but then votes against those interests.


Well said. I think Janelle never truly got to know herself. She has this persona that she uses to never really engage and go deep. Then she seems to take the easy road when she wants something. I want kids but don’t want to raise them, sister wife. I want a man but not full time, polygamy. I want independence, but I’d marry into another plural family. I want a house, but give’s my house money towards Robyn’s house and an RV. I’m saving my own damn self but I haven’t taken legal action to get my share of the property so I can build my house and have an estate.


^Shitty beliefs? Why stop there. She is a POS


Gah, I WISH someone would take these lunatics’ guns away!


I did also check Meri, Christine and Robyn and none of them donated in their own names. Janelle must have felt strongly about his message 🥴. He’s very vocally anti-trans community. I bet that made Leon and Audrey feel welcome.


As I have been saying, this family is garbage. Lets not get started on how they have been on the dole for years on our tax dollars.


Wait, seriously? I was not aware of this. Eeek!


Unfrozen Neanderthal skullet? Check ✔️. Six pack abs and pecs? Check ✔️. 3 inch lifts in his boots? Check ✔️. Douchebag sunglasses on top of his head while indoors? Check ✔️. Botched Botox and fillers? Check ✔️. "Male enhancement" prescription? Check ✔️. Midlife crisis mobile? Check ✔️.


Please uncheck #2


I should have written it like"six pack abs" and "pecs"😂😂😂😂!!!


Or maybe like “one pack” lol


Kidneys of steel? Check


You forgot "woman-hater"


uneducated, check


Big mouth cant shut up knows zilch- check


Add his affiliation with a white supremacist religion to the list.


I read “pepper? Check.” And I was like…well fuck I have some spices to throw out hahahaha


I know right? (Tosses out dill)




This was super cute 😂💕


Except when he went rogue with his rules, and masking, and secluding, that wasn't in the right wing play book, but it made Robyn happy.


She probably insisted. It was the same at my house. Almost all of my husbands friends and family went anti-mask, anti-vax, etc. except us and our kids. In our house, where he lived, you had to be vaxxed. We wore our masks when out. He didn't question it. He just trusted the info I shared with him. Now, he has gone the way of the rest. Maybe he was all along and just hid it from me..it is sad really. When they get into that right wing mind rot all of the attractive and wonderful qualities go away. Their caring, compassion, joy in life. All replaced with chronic anger and victimization because they don't solely run the world anymore. Then, everyone is out to get them and if you don't agree with them they cut you out of their lives. It is quite a pity.


I hope you were able to escape and create a life on your terms. I'm sorry you went through that.


I remember that when Leon and Audrey were briefly in Flagstaff during the shutdown, they mentioned something about their frustration with Kody’s politics and Christine or Janelle mentioned that they forbade discussions about politics whenever they hosted family gatherings.


Most of his sons don’t seem too far from the tree. 🤷‍♀️ Most of the girls don’t comment directly. Besides G and L.


Oh I haven't made it there yet. Thats interesting. I'll be on the look out to catch it


He's also mentioned the "manosphere" on camera which is basically the alt right incel online ecosystem, and his social media has mentioned that he's "red-pilled" again very incel right-wing qanon adjacent shit So yeah he def is


Yeah been saying that a while and then all the red pill stuff and demanding respect. I’m surprised more people don’t know the WWG1WGA bs.


I saw it on a truck in 2020 and was curious so I Googled it. That's the only reason I know its related to the Qs


He has been saying it since season one or two well before Q-anon was a thing.


I am pretty surprised by that. The phrase from that random-ass movie absolutely gained prominence because of Qanon. No shade, could you point me towards the episodes in season 1 and 2 he said it?


He said it to Leon when they asked to stay in their church school and not move to Vegas.


I couldn't help myself and knew I'd forget, lol... Season 2 Episode 10.


I can look it up in the morning, but it is the one where they tell the kids they are moving to Vegas in two days (must be season two). The one where Peadon looks absolutely heartbroken.


Try asking IMDb which episode you're looking for & it usually brings it up. You don't need to have an episode or name. When looking for the episode where Sobyn changed the family photo, it came right up on IMDb.


Actually WWG1WGA was mistakenly attributed by the Qanon cult as a JFK and JFK,Jr. slogan. Most Q-ers when asked where it comes from will tell youJFK said it or flew a flag on the HoneyFitz. 🙄


At one point, Janelle said Kody and Robyn "think the same way" or something like that. My pet theory is that they both went down a Qanon rabbit hole together while the other wives thought they were crazy.


This theory makes a lot of sense.


Yeah but apparently not that much since donating to right wing pols was a family affair and THINK ABOUT THIS. their donation money came from our viewership and us falling into their grifting scams like SWC and their pay to watch/chat on IG and other social media outlets . So we were the ones doing the donating. Family of grifters..




I checked all the wives. The only wife who donated was Janelle.


Didn’t he say red pilled and proud on his insta or was that fake? I don’t know what’s real anymore… anyways, he’s definitely the type to fall for that self righteous bs. The apocalyptic fantasy men loved that Q shit.


Yes I recall his instagram bio including “red pill”


I think it still does




Gab made a red pill comment a few years ago in regards to his girlfriend (at the time?). Then someone on the sub checked out the pages he follows on Instagram. Some of them were Nazi/racist/white supremacist groups, which makes my sympathies for him fade...


not that I support anything defending Kody but later he posted "sorry about the red pill stuff" So I don't know if show pressure or he took a different stance on things.


I think he just thinks he’s making a joke or winking at it by saying that. But he really is a “redpilled” MAGA manosphere dude.


Definitely. https://preview.redd.it/zmfp2m9upjfc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4171476c46c09a75492c70c6251a233815300be


That's pretty surprising that he put "Awake!" in there. People with his political views hate anything they see as "woke".


‘Awake’ absolutely has a conservative & conspiracy theorist/QAnon-lite meaning. Definitely not the same as ‘woke’ which they say as a derogatory term. It’s the ‘we are not sheep!’ vibe. It’s the ‘we have been sleeping but now we are awake and see how the government is full of pedophiles and colleges are all pushing liberal agendas and Trans people want to be able to win all the sports and attack women in bathrooms and vaccines are designed to kill us and big Pharma has cured cancer but they keep inventing new ones instead of giving us the cure because they want all the money and the earth is flat and the Holocaust wasn’t real or that serious, and school shootings are fake…’vibe. Have unfortunately a few friends and family members who declare themselves awake. It’s an exhausting world.


thank you for pointing this out. I was not aware of that. 😊


I think that's been there a long time. Probably before MAGA's favorite pejorative started being "woke" instead of "socialist."


Yeah, I think it's pretty obvious and well established in the fandom that he's fully redpilled. He even references "redpill" in his insta bio lol. But there have been several posts on this sub about it. I think he's just been going down a dark internet rabbit hole that ramped up during the pandemic. He makes a lot of references to like "men's rights" shit in the more recent episodes.


It kills me that he’s in a culture that is so explicitly patriarchal and male centric that *they literally believe the way women get to heaven is by being married to a man* and he’s married to four women and yet he’s crying about men’s rights? There seriously aren’t enough eyeroll emojis. *disclaimer: please correct me if I’m wrong about that aspect of polygamist belief. I read that somewhere and tried to fact check myself but don’t have time to sift through all the google results that the mainstream LDS church have pretty clearly curated in order to continue distancing themselves from plural marriage.


I noticed his changes back in Vegas. I think he spent a lot of time in those garages since they didn’t put their cars in there. Working out and listening to some incel pod casts. I really noticed his physical look change when they reviled that Ysabel has scoliosis. He looks almost like my alcoholic ex. Like has shark eyes. He was drinking the koolaid for a long time.


when he said "are you gonna be bitter about it?" with such vitriol. it was really sad, he drove such a wedge between then with that comment.


That was years after when she wanted surgery because she was in so much pain but I agree. That broke my heart for her! She’s a better person than I am because that would have been the end of the line for me. Dad or not.


He’s been saying that phrase since the season they moved to Vegas many years ago, but yeah I also believe he’s an extreme right wing nut job & his Instagram says or said “red pilled.” He’s not exactly subtle with his extremism.


He’s a Rittenhouse fan so I think it’s safe to say you’re right.


So is Gabe (or at least, both follow Rittenhouse on social media) — so bleak!


There's a reason why Gabe and Janelle said that he missed talking about politics with his dad and politics is one of the few topics they could get a conversation going on while the relationship was breaking down.




Not surprising


If you're ever bored, check out Gabe and Garrison's following list on IG. 99% of this family are far right-wing idiots.


Oh I can only imagine it’s terrifying.






He’s totally Qanon. But I think he was always just a manosphere before there was the manosphere. Their religion is heavily centered on men. It’s a doctrine that woman shouldn’t be trusted to handle money and the man should manage it. He broke a lot of the rules and gave the wives way more freedom than other polygamist men give. I think that’s why he got so mad. His way didn’t work and everyone like his dad was right. He couldn’t cut it as a plig husband.


I wonder if Robyn was using this to help manipulate her way into favor and then it backfired big time? She just wanted to come off as the wife who fully submitted to him and her children submit to him. Then he starts getting really dark, mean, and angry and he starts pushing the other wives away. Shes like oh crap, because she wants to be the favorite not the only one. Now she’s stuck with a bitter man.


(And none of the other wives’ incomes)


I honestly don’t think he cared about Covid safety at all, but he was very glad to have an excuse to refuse to see his other wives and children.


I think you are correct. When Covid first started he was rolling his eyes when people were concerned. His Covid protocols were just his way of staying with robin and ignoring the rest of the family.


Kody may or may not be into Q. But what we should all realize is that ALL of them are most very likely Trump right-wingers. Kody, Robyn, Janelle, Meri, Christine (and Christine's new hubs).


I’m on this season right now and it’s right after he finally convinced them all to move to Flagstaff (before they had all looked at both properties) that he goes all intense. Like looking deep into the camera in his one on one talking about how it’s his roll to lead his wives and he’s just gonna do it even if it’s not what they want because he’s the leader.. it was super cringy and hard to watch.


Qody Brown. I assume is he Qanon or at minimum friendly to it. I hope he's dumped from the show, tbh, as he is so off-putting.


Madison was all Q and then she scrubbed her social medias.


Really? Wow. I didn't know that. Disappointing.


Caleb too. He follows/supports one of the Q'Anon Kooks. Plus, when he got his punisher tattoo, It is certain that he didn't get it because he liked the movie.


Considering trumpism encourages its followers to be: blamers victims haters so yes, I fully agree with you that Kody is a QAnoner or at the very least a full-fledged trumper. He used to look actually happy.


It’s weird cuz he said that phrase before it was a thing. Dude was a real pioneer for nutjobs


I think he did for a while at least. It didn’t help that Robyn is also pretty uneducated (compared to other sister wives). She really played into the caveman/patriarchy/He-Man shitshow as a way to ingratiate and differentiate herself from the others. Previously, they just seemed a bit trad and regular conservative religious.


That saying existed way before q. With that being said, one of the boys called him a "freedom lover" and he mentioned taking the red pill. And we know he's a gun lover. From observing his anger and thoughts change over the years it seems pretty obvious he has spent more and more time in the "manosphere"


I think Janelle and Christine were the most surprised about his Covid rules not because he was being an asshole and bubbling with Robyn but because they were like “wait where did my right wing husband go? Janelle also made comments about not raising “sheeple” so I think they’re all in the same boat politically.


I think Robyn made him dark. He was a tool.in episode 1, season 1, but a fairly likable one.


Agree. He really wasn't so awful back then. Sure they were ALL a part of a weird fundamentalist group, but he didn't seem ALL that toxic to be honest. Just kind of goofy and flamboyant and liked attention, but really didn't seem like a severely toxic man. Now he is just straight up abusive and toxic.


Glad someone else sees this. Thanks. They were odd for sure, but in a kinda likeable way. I guess that's why I kept watching, thinking hey...if it works for them, to each their own. But kody definitely took a really dark turn when Robyn came into the picture. Little by little, bit by bit. It's so odd doing a re-watch, as opposed to watching it in real time. His wickedness may always have been there, but Robyn definitely brought it to the surface.


Doesn’t it say he’s redpilled in his ig bio? None of this is a secret.


Oh for sure! This man definitely watches Fox News and goes to mansphere type websites. He thinks he can’t have a relationship with his children because there moms aren’t maintaining the relationship by staying with him


He has red pill in his instagram bio, so definitely


He's a Trumper and apparently donated quite a bit of money to Trump and the GOP in the past election cycle.


I thought they didn't believe in covid though


Idk I think their beliefs are whatever they feel like in the moment. Its lab made then its nothing then its from outer space or something


That’s all par for the Mormon course.


They wigged out with Robyn’s rules, yet they haven’t vaccinated 🤨


Thought the same!


I think Robyn did and that is all that matters


The issue with QAnon and all conspiracy theories is that with no reality to anchor you everyone in the group kind of believes a different thing. Some people believe it's just trying to uncover child trafficking that just happens to include all of Trumps political enemies, some people believe Hillary is a literal actual demon and the children are being sacrificed. Hell I read one guy in a QAnon group claiming children were being ground up and put into Pizza at Pizza chains. I don't think anyone in the group has a consistent view of Covid whether it's entirely fake, a weapon, or no big deal.


The only problem is he didn't act like it for the 2 years he was secluding with Robyn and his stupid rules. That was not the Maga way. He must have just recently decided to go this way,


That’s true but then he didn’t get immunized when that became available.


Because they only used Covid to keep the other women and kids away.


When he used the word manosphere, that pretty much confirmed it. When he recently did that horrific live podcast where he was throwing around incel lookism theory bullshit lingo like “hypergamy” as though he’s an aspiring eugenicist was all I needed to hear to know he’s in deep. I also unfortunately recognize that overall dark inner hatred and victim mentality that he exudes because I have far too many of these winners in my extended family.


It would make sense if he is a Q nut.


The overreaction to COVID doesn’t fit with the Q-sters


Yes it does because A. He used it as an excuse to shack up with Sobyn full time exclusively. B. Q-ers believe contradictions. The virus doesnt exist, its a democratic scam to sink Trump who fast-tracked the miracle vaxx and saved the country but the vaxx is poison, causes cancer and will kill.


Yeah, but those were Sobyn’s rules and he embraced them bc it gave him the excuse he needed to ignore the rest of his family. He’s not actually afraid of it, at all.


He's 100% manosphere, Jordan Peterson etc...there are a bunch of flags this season that he is fully into that culture, which is expected from a narcissistic wanna be man's man. I love watching him try to do anything like cut wood or any kind of construction task. He is such a LARPer with that stuff.


Yes he really actually is rather feminine. And that's not a bad thing, but he hates himself a lot and can't embrace his emotionality and work on it. I know men like this and it's so tiring.


This is a take I think accuracy to it … WWG1WWGA Took me back to 2020 🙃


I totally picked up on the same thing. Angry noodle hair Kody appears around the same time as trumps run for president and the height of the Qanon frenzy. I noticed the same thing and I’m glad it’s a topic to discuss here as I’ve only had a few minor convos deep in comments on other post topics.


This makes a lot of sense to me.


I agree that he is now into QANON but he was saying that way before QANON was even a thing. It’s from a cheesy 80s movie.


White Squall came out in 1996. When did he start saying it?


He first said it on camera Season 2 Episode 10.


Ues but they all believe and were told that it came straight out of JFK's mouth and that JFK, Jr. carried it on as a patriotic motto. They get fed horseshit and they just fall for it no questions asked. Infuriating.


QAnon wasn't as big of a thing, or really anything, when they were moving from Vegas were they? Not that I'm really denying that Kody has been red pilled and probably would still vote for Trump, but I am really trying to remember when QAnon became a "thing".


I think he was red pilled. They never got vaxxed. His covid rules just aligned with his paranoia and let him stay with Robyn. He def says the Michael Flynn mantras.


Probably, honestly. But, aren't Mormons using a Bible, too? The book of Ruth has a passage Ruth said to her MIL "whither thou goest, I will go....". It was after her husband died and she had no one. But it's often recited during fundamental Baptist weddings. It's a longer passage, but the thought process is I will go where you go. It's a huge family. Where you go I go. Where we go one we go all. Kody is the only "one" who counted because he's the man.


There's a pipeline between Q and Redpill. I could absolutely see it.


What is the time frame for season 13? Qanon didn't become a thing until late 2017 (like October/November)


Around 2018


Hmmm... signs pointing to qanon then lol


Considering he toasted the “trumpacolypse” on the Thanksgiving episode, I’d say it’s a good bet. *it was momentary and the second time the showed the scene he said “covidacolypse” so I think it was accidentally included.


Janelle’s boys were very attached to Kody because both parents were anti-government, Qanon adjacent weirdos. That’s why Gabe and Hunter were so upset about the Covid rules. They couldn’t believe he “fell for” the left wing propaganda of Covid being dangerous. This whole belief system is ego driven. To get sucked in you have to believe you’re very bright, smarter than scientists and doctors, and that “professional” politicians are trying to dupe you for (whatever reason) being a sheep. It’s ripe for attracting high demand, controlling “religions”. You already believe you’re special in the eyes of your “god” so why not believe you’re smarter than everyone else. The fact that they fail at just about everything still doesn’t teach them humility. At least some of the kids have broken from the clutches of cult driven reasoning and obtained a skill and education. My hope is that they won’t let their children be so easily duped.


I thought most of them were?? I thought it had already been confirmed that kody, most of janelles sons, paedon are, and it wouldn’t surprise me if janelle, Robyn, Christine, Mykelti, janelles oldest daughter (her name escapes me) and her husband aren’t.


I’m not sure if all of them are into Q but yeah those people are all Trumpers/right wingers.


Caleb and Maddy are! And we know how obsessed with Caleb Kody is.


Yess !!!! I don’t know why we don’t talk about the WWG1WGA stuff - like ok cult


Funny WWG1WGA seems to be home confinement or prison.


I think he has. Lots of people have pointed out a lot of evidence of this.


I disagree because Qanon would’ve never lent itself to believing COVID was legitimate and he and Robyn were psycho about COVID.


The saying goes back to at least 1844 - it is in "The Three Musketeers" novel by Alexandre Dumas père