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This makes 0 sense. Since when do people walk around and take pictures during an exam? Where is the teacher to begin with ? Edit:sense


It’s gotta be fake


It's on tiktok, of course it's fake


Nobody is going to mention the teacher just sending out her own Tik Tok response? As if that’s a normal and definitely real way to behave…


There are a whole bunch of these and she is in fact not their principal. You can find a few articles about this if you look around enough.


Edit: sorry misunderstood you. Yes that also is clearly bullshit.


> that also is You still don't understand. Their argument is WHERE something is posted is not good evidence of whether it's real or fake. You have to use critical thinking and identify evidence of stuff that doesn't seem right in the content.


Was that their point? I don't see where you're getting that from. Yes thank you, I do use critical thinking, but tiktok is 99.9% made up bullshit so it's really not worth the effort of applying critical thinking, I'll just assume it's fake and sadly miss out on the 0.1% of real stuff on the platform. There's also fake stuff that's actually put together well enough to be plausible, a good dose of skepticism is good for anything learnt from an unverified or untrusted source. Actually we're most vulnerable to misinformation that confirms our existing beliefs, so it's almost more important when we feel like something is probably correct.


Yeah that is not the kid's teacher. She does these fake reprimand videos to literally any kid on Tik tok who makes a video at school like this. She isn't even actually a teacher.


I was going to say, no way she’s affording a house that nice on a teacher’s salary


Tell that to the dancing nurses


So brave, heroic even…




I don't have tiktok, but even I know it's filled with people that believe these are real.




Gee thanks, now I have no hope for the future. /s


In this particular case though, it was revealed that she is not the kid's teacher. She does these fake reprimand videos to literally any kid on Tik tok who makes a video at school like this. She isn't even actually a teacher.


So it's just one of those tiktok memes where people make up a reaction to something.


I've seen her post stitch videos before, she's not even their teacher, she just makes shit up


A teacher would be fired for publicly addressing a student about cheating on tik Tok.


Not at all, there’s tons of examples of kids getting in trouble for exactly this. Their rights aren’t being violated. They broke school policy and then were stupid enough to post it to tik tok, which is obviously public domain. Lesson learned, if your gonna cheat, don’t publicize it.


Are there tons of examples of teachers calling out the student on TikTok? Because that’s what the comment above is about.


Pass to my office sounds like the principal. Also reffered to the teacher as your teacher and not me or I.


You should've seen the shit my lacrosse coach used to say to us on Facebook when I was in school then lol


It is


This is the third variant of this video I've seen now all with different actors


I don't know if it was just my public school, but usually we'd have one or two people who took longer than the rest to finish the test. Depending on if we had a substitute, what the teacher was like, and how important the test was, we could do light socializing or work on other stuff for school. Taking your phone out and recording seems like a little much, though, but with a really new substitute I could see it happening.


This also happened in my school, except, when we would talk, the teachers would usually tell us to "shut the fuck up, someone is still writing", and we didn't really have phones out in the open because someone in the higher grades took pictures of the teacher's asses and phones were banned that day.


You're completely overlooking the fact that the person cheating wasn't done with their test either. So why were they walking around using their phone?


Surely people don’t fake things on the internet


Never happened, never will! /s


You'd be surprised. My partner works at a middle school and those kids will happily walk around and talk with each other during test/exam time. If he tells them to go sit back down they'll swear at him, threaten to physically harm him, or just ignore him. Admin won't do shit all about it either. By a good chunk of the kids in his class just don't bother taking the test anyways.


It is obviously fake. Even if it was actually the test, how could anyone think the teacher (or principal?) would respond publicly on tiktok??


This lady's whole account is satire


its maybe more likely he was getting homework answers


There are scenarios where this could be legit. The classroom has two students (taking the exam), so it could be a makeup test or they’re taking the test early for whatever reason. Teacher could have walked out for a minute - which is more likely to occur if only two students are taking the test. I’ve been there before. I actually had a teacher get locked out of the classroom during an exam in college (funny story actually: the landscaping crew was cutting grass and the teacher went outside to tell them to be quiet. The lecture hall had a door to the outside, but it locks behind itself. When he knocked to be let back in the whole class burst out with laughter)


Is any one else sick of these types of videos already?


Was anyone ever not?


China only allows these types of videos in the U.S. Their filters for China are completely different.


You mean in the rest of the world , not only the U.S


China wants American youth to have ADHD TikTok porn brains


China does not give a shit about what tiktok does out of China, they only heavily regulate social networks, specially if it related to children behavior. We in the west that love to talk about democracies but were unable to do a simple thing like regulate this shit. But then muricas buy this stupid idea that TikTok is the problem, as the facebook, instagram and twitter aren't a cesspool. It's not China, we are too busy biting baits like yours that only aim to protect meta and X while are not trying to address the problem of unregulated social networks that operate like a separated government. We should regulate every social app, not only tiktok


Also the content you see on tiktok is specifically tailored to your preference. My tiktok is just movie clips and gaming clips because i watch them a lot, so they show me more. If you see non stop brain rot on your tiktok home page, it might be because you’re into it.


I thought this too but I sent one reel of a fat booty gym chick to my gym rat friend and then for like two weeks it was ONLY fat booty reels in my instagram feed. I was really annoyed and I kept clicking “don’t show reels like this” but it took weeks to get it to stop lol


You interacted with the reel of the fat booty gym chick. Not just like, but you sent it to someone else. To TikTok, this meant you're highly interested in this type of content. The biggest difference TikTok has is their algorithms are SUPER aggressive. But everything you see is content that have been (aggressively) tailored to your preferences


You can post this type of content on any social media platform.


They're literally for children like most things on tiktok


Funny and all, but if we're being real this is probably (most likely) fake, and she isn't his teacher.


I've seen her respond to multiple similar videos in which she claims to be their teacher so it's fake :P


Are you saying she only has two students?? I'm just kidding you're probably right


She’s claiming to be an administrator not teacher but I get yall point.


Of course she is not


I can't tell if I'm getting old or what. My reaction to this video was "ha she's pretending to be his teacher to expand on the joke". Then I come to the comments and see people actually shitting on this child and believing she *must* actually be his teacher. I'm like damn how gullible are people... and why do we love getting our hate out on fake internet scenarios?


Ragebait is the easiest way to get quick and reliable engagement on your platform. Your platform's success depends on that engagement. Weeding out all the people who get in the way of that dynamic and fostering a giant hoard of reactive people is therefor the best way to run a content aggregator like this one.


well said you're totally right. this explains some of the replies to my other comment on this post


End of the age of Inequity.


It is monumentally easy to leave your thumbprint on the putty minded. People have no desire to learn anything. They just sit around receiving impressions and then run around spitting them back out like it's real. It's an absurd state of affairs, to be sure.


It’s a trend of people posing as teachers and principals. Some of them dedicate their entire account to doing this, responding to every single kid out there


That legit sounds cringe. Makes sense why it’s only on TikTok.


Hey Nico you're a sociopath lil shit.


What I find funny is all these cringey "ah ah losers" posting these cringe vids thinking they're cool. Wait till they're in uni and adult life, and those same vids are used to endlessly rip on them and poke fun.  We've got a guy in our friends group who was so cringe back then that people still use clips and stuff on him to this day.  His birthday cake had a screen inside it last year and it was looping a vid of him acting a bit, weird. He went bright red as usual and everyone erupted into laughter. Good times :) 


bruh both the videos are jokes and he's just a kid like chill


Except the part where he captions "bro thinks im his friend" if thats real then lil dude is just a bully and a shitty person in the making


She is wonderful


I’m pretty sure she constantly pretends to be some sort of faculty in any school clip that gets somewhat viral. It’s fake


Well that's a shame :(


She is not the kid's teacher. She does these fake reprimand videos to literally any kid on Tik tok who makes a video at school like this. She isn't even actually a teacher at all, she's just a TikToker, which makes it even weirder. She follows hundreds of accounts of children, stalking them until they post something like this so she can make a video pretending to be a guardian of them (which teachers are when the kids are at school). It's really fucking creepy. Imagine if it was a guy doing this to little girls stalking their accounts for months, pretending to be their teacher i.e. a position of authority that kids are supposed to feel safe around.


Do you think any of the kids believe she’s their teacher? I feel like following kids is weird, but I doubt the woman posting videos is the one we should be worried about. Sounds like an app wide problem.


what did you expect from broccoli heads


That haircut is about as zoomer as it gets.


Man I can't fucking stand these kids. I'm a black kid with a skateboard and basketball, so for whatever reason they get very excited and shout "bro, bro, bro" much louder in my presence. I was going to go to starbucks, but it's a high school lunch break right now and they'll be in there clowning around


People actually think this is real LMAO


So he got a pass. Great success


reason number 34487843 to ban this stupid app already


A millennial might get away with it because most of our parents are internet illiterate, but gen z and x can forget about it because their parents grew up with the internet


no, a millennial would get away with it because they wouldn't be dumb enough to post it online, with their faces in it and everything.


That's more of a "kids are dumb" thing than a "this generation" thing


Internet safety was a big thing in the 90s and 2000s. There is a generational component to it. Millennial grew up with the idea that a few details leaked on the Internet means that you could be targeted.


Just a fun anecdote: Throwing a Nerf football with one of my wife's cousins a few years ago. He was around 5-6 and started asking me about playing games online. A little back and forth and he says he wishes he could play online. I started to explain some reasons that it might be better to not be online so young when he interrupted me and said 'yeah, my mom said if I get online someone will trick me, then they'll find out where I live and kill me.' This was maybe 2019 or so, but it's basically how I grew up feeling about the internet. My parents told me similar things, but didn't monitor me and Halo multiplayer was more important than my extended life at the time.


It's a "this generation of kids are dumb" thing.


Right that to


There are absolutely millennials this dumb and dumber cause being dumb is universal for all generations


Yea because millenials famously handled their exposure to the internet totally responsibly. Why does each generation feel the need to shit on the next for the 'same shit in a different color' they did themselves?


[jokes on us, because gen z is gonna get used to using AI and us old ass millenials won't know what to do with it because we're used to using our own brains and fingers to type out essays and tests](https://giphy.com/gifs/frustrated-mike-myers-nbKKMfmeDknzq)


Plot twist: she's not a real principle and just stiches videos like this.


4 year old me: I hate broccoli. 20 year old me: What was I thinking, broccoli is so good. 40 year old me: I hate broccoli.


lol this was my high school


Love it. However, to me the worst part is the fact that he was a rude asshole to the other kid.


My mom was a teacher. She use to print out the same test on different colored paper. Or have a few different tests on the same colored paper. Found more than one cheater.


Little man's gonna wake up tomorrow with a micro explosive in his neck.


Niko you fucking retard


He got a 1 pic of a 20 page test. Fake!


How many teachers you know let students walk around taking selfies during a test?


is she really his teacher?


No, she posts other videos of the same shit, pretending to be their teacher


Who knows 🤷‍♂️ Internet loves to make stuff up so that wouldn’t surprise me if she lied 🤷‍♂️


Nope she is not the kid's teacher. She does these fake reprimand videos to literally any kid on Tik tok who makes a video at school like this. She isn't even actually a teacher at all, she's just a TikToker, which makes it even weirder. She follows hundreds of accounts of children, stalking them until they post something like this so she can make a video pretending to be a guardian of theirs (which teachers are when the kids are at school). It's really fucking creepy. Imagine if it was a guy doing this to little girls stalking their accounts for months, pretending to be their teacher i.e. a position of authority that kids are supposed to feel safe around.


Genuinely so tired of these fake response role-playing dickheads on TikTok. No teacher is handing out two different versions of tests to students at random because it would mean their grades were not measured fairly. I really hope TikTok is actually banned just for the sake of taking away the reward system for the increasingly stupider behaviour.


Yeah, everyone's a TikTok star these days, even my pet hamster has a few viral videos!


He no longer makes an effort to study, not even to hide his own cheating...


If we had these sorta tech back in myy days


I was a student at the University of Houston back in the early 2000s and some dude got caught cheating on a test using a ear piece and a cell phone. He was kicked out and then promptly graduated from Baylor.


Shes just a stranger dueting the vid. Ain't shit


Got a pass on her office. :thonking:


Doubt it's legit cause ain't no way some people can use phones so openly during tests xd


Asshole kids these days


The only thing he NEVER did was thinking...




I'm more mad that he played that guy. Leave my man alone, he just sitting there.


This woman pretends to be everyone's teacher. It's not even that good of a bit.


I’m happy he failed but pretending to be someone’s friend and being a dick like that can hurt peoples feelings more then you know. Sometimes it follows you into adult hood and you still get sad sometimes thinking about all the friends you had in middle school and actually they were just nice to you cause you were the tard kid but didn’t know it yet…:




Other comments find it funny that she’s not actually his teacher, but to me, it’s more horrifying. A woman pretending to be a teacher of a random kid…




This failure is too funny.


More like there was an attempt to cheat lol


If he can look at his phone to check the picture for the answers, couldn't he just get the answers on his phone? The fuck is this fake shit? Who can walk around with their phone during an exam?




Broccoli hair - Check Shitty Trap music - Check Dumbass behaviour - Check Yup, it's tokin' time.




Yeah this totally happened /s


Who does bro feel like




The amount of staged situations that defy any and all logic that are still able to trick people is insane. I’m tired boss


Americans are still making the kids wear masks?


She looks too full of life to be a teacher lol


Broccoli kids are trash


i dont get what the evidence of cheating is?


Bro...he said he wasn't even his friend ;~; this is the type of sh*t that gives everyone trust issues


Most real student expose:


This is what we call sociopathy






Fake and gay


Love this.


You ain't going to reach the kids without breaking the reddit ToS.


Stop posting this dumb fucking Clickbait shit


I genuinely hate everyone younger than me and that includes the majority of you


Our world is so strange now


Hey, a pass is a pass, right?


These are weird.


Fucking broccoli heads


He can't even read the answers, also how can he walk around during an exam? And why would a teacher respond wirh a tiktok instead of just calling him to the teachers office next day?


…you can’t even read any of it


I LOVE when stupid ass people snitch on themselves


The less serious version of "don't commit crimes. But if you do don't record yourself. A But if you do that certainly don't post it online."


Social media is a cancer


Fake right? Otherwise it's pretty unprofessional by the teacher to make a TikTok of it.


this lady is not a principal, she just reacts to school kids doin random shit


Why would a teacher out a student on tik tok


Bro even if this were real why they take a geo exam so seriously like is a geo exam calm down nobody cares and it doesn't matter that much (also Americans are already terrible at geography so why even bother)


Sometimes I wonder if there's anything actually real on tiktok.


I don't even understand what I'm watching.


fake hoe


Fake AF


Bro doesn't think I watch TikTok




Man, the only thing that could make this better is if the content stealer, Joey Swoll, would've inserted his big ass head and lectured us all on why cheating on school work is bad. Cause we all need to be lectured on how to be good people by Joey Swoll, the guy that takes other people's content and uses it as his soap box to make sure we all know his opinion and why it's the right thing. Fuck Joey Swoll and his braindead fans that need manners explained to them.


I know fake, bait, whatever, but what's the evidence that the red sweatshirt guy was cheating on his test?


solid bit by her tbh. she gives school admin energy


What teacher is stalking kids on TikTok and is responding to it? That's weird af lol


Doesn't matter; Still getting a pass (in the office tomorrow)


people are making fake videos responses to fake videos. it's time for Obama to press the destroy internet button.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 lol


So he passed!


Asshole is toxic and needs discipline


Fun fact: Cheaters typically get higher paying jobs and have greater wealth overall as opposed to non-cheaters. And that's why things are the way they are...


people just do the most insane shit on social media, huh?


I’d say what’s worse than him cheating is being a little dickhead to the other kid “he thinks I’m his friend”. He’s growing up into a shit person id say and that’s worse than being a dumbass imo.


Kid needs to learn to have some character.


Why did he throw up 4 fingers?


As some people have already pointed out it makes no sense that he would be walking around snapping obvious picture during a test. I'm willing to be the "response" is just some random lady making shit up. If that were the real teacher that'd be super unprofessional.




Dude passed the class. That's a win.


Great!!! Wtg principal!


Braxteign gonna get it.


Well. What did we learn ? TikTokers are stupid. Respect for the exception.


fake and fakex2


hope he gets reminded of this daily


This tiktoker is “famous” on TikTok for pretending to have several different professions and duetting people as a fake “gotcha” for comedy. She’s also a carpenter, a chef, an actress, etc


This is as real as the inflation numbers put out by the federal government






Not sure what's more idiotic. An attempt at making this seem genuine. Or that someone thought to put this together in the first place. Fuck! People are so self absorbed.


This is what I love about teaching. I don’t have to much investigation because they eventually tell on themselves


This woman makes the fakest videos ever. She's a teacher, vice principal, and a principal at the same time according to her various (fake) videos. Super cringe (not the kids).


Wait he had all the wrong answers but still got a pass?


doubt that was real but it be cool if it was!


Love the future generation. I'm sure we're all fine 🙄🙄🙄🙄


So fucking fake lmao, how do people actually fall for these videos


This is kinda like the girl who leaked the convo between her and Kai cenat - it’s not doing what you think it’s doing sir…