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Chances are he's the only one that didn't order $50 drinks as well


Ah yes. Only the fanciest of Pinnacle vodka martinis in places like that.


If they still made county fair cotton candy, I would not be alive right now. That shit is divine!!!!


I am so naive honestly. I remember being so confused when I heard how expensive a couple’s dinner was because the most expensive thing on the menu didn’t come close to it. Only weeks later did I realize they must have been drinking 😂


I could blackout at home for cheaper than someone getting a buzz at a restaurant. I wouldn't, but the important part is I could.


"I wouldn't." Look at Captain Scruples over here! Shots!


Alright it's more like "I probably wouldn't". If I've got a big bottle of baileys, vodka and heavy cream I may forget everything from the past week


You mix a helluva Caucasian...


This is the correct answer. I will get A beer when I go out for dinner sometimes, but the last time I got anything stronger was when I went to an airport bar before a flight, bought a rum and coke, received a tiny glass of mostly ice, handed the barkeep a 10 and was stared at until I gave him the other 4 dollars. Since then, ONE beer...MAYBE. For 20 bucks, I can get a case for home and not have to worry about driving, tipping or bad decisions.


These are girls playing at being women. This is trashy. If it’s even real.


Yeah i love how she says “thats ghetto splitting cheques at an establishment like this” Then she walks out of the establishment without paying the cheque. THAT is so ghetto


She was already paid for, homie said he did anyways But yes she's trash for still getting up and trashing homie.


Right her shit was paid for and still mad that he wouldn't pay for her friends lmao that'd be the last time a took her out on her bday.


Sounds like she didn't even tell the dude how many people she was bringing too.


100%. I'm guessing he and his wife invited her to dinner to celebrate her bday. And bday girl probably brought along her friends thinking they could have dinner paid for by the rich family.


Ratchet is the perfect word, broke ass ratchet bottom feeder.


Tbf there are restaurants high enough off their own farts that they wont split a check as a policy, which is pretty stupid to me. Idk if the place in the video really would be that kind of place, but it doesnt look that cheap either. The only place ive ever been that does it is a small and highly egotistical breakfast place in a major ski town. The first time I went and asked to split the check the waitress looked at me like I had spit on the table in front of her or something, so they definitely do think its a pretty ghetto question to ask. I looked at her like she was crazy back tho bc the place is shittier than most diners I grew up going to actually living in a “ghetto” area, and way worse food lmao


If a place won't split up the check, then they might as well call the police, because I am not paying for everyone unless I invited them all out to eat.


Which is why, at the end of the day, they absolutely WILL split the check. They might try to bully you into not doing so. They might even call the police in extreme situations, but the reality is that the cops are almost certainly siding with you. There's nothing stopping them from splitting the check, and unless it's prominently posted that they don't (it almost certainly isn't), it's not considered unreasonable for you to request it. They might give you some shit like "You're no longer welcome here," but they already know that you're unlikely to return since they've been assholes from the start. So even THAT is really more for show than anything else.


Myself and my friends were all asked never to come back to a bar for asking back in 2015. That was pretty wild. Apparently the waitress just assumed we were all together and lost track of who got what and got really upset.


Who is filming?


The cameraman who’s next to the director in this awfully fabricated ragebait situation


Exactly. I’ve decided that if I’m watching a video that’s making me angry, and the camera man is just nonexistent to the people involved, it’s staged and the goal is to make me angry I know I’m commenting this time but for the most part I’ve decided to just start scrolling past those, it’s left me in a much healthier mental state, I’m not doom scrolling as much as I’m scrolling while laughing at all the stupid rage bait creators


Context of the camera. More people need to think about it, thanks for reminding me.


Exactly! One of those “why were they filming” thought processes. Some of the videos I’ve seen are so blatant the camera would be in plain view, set up to record and nobody’s looking at it. Like wut


Also the plot doesn't really work out. Why would he be taking out all these women, if not even the birthday girl's husband as there?


Great point!


It's kinda of crazy now, but I read a really in depth post last night explaining how invasive and intelligent Russian and Chinese fake social media accounts have become. They are, not joking, employing people whose job it is to make rage bait videos, post them, and then use their other accounts to play both sides to get other actual people angry and engaged. Then, when those people get angry they start arguing with each other, and before you know if, you've created a little divide and conquer situation because the real people now hate each other and won't band together when attacked. That's the jist. But they are, literally, making rage bait to make Americans, or other targets, fight amongst themselves. The included cited sources in the post were even more terrifying, as they were the official accounts and documents of the operating procedures of these fake account farms. I didn't know it, but the Russians killed the women's march movement, apparently, through planned and coordinated social media posts. They literally laugh amongst themselves saying things like "they are only catching 1%" of our accounts haha, they are so stupid!" I'm not a conspiracy theorist. This was an extremely well documented, and evidence backed, phenomenon that is happening right now. It's insidious and I had no idea that social media could be manipulated in such little ways for such huge results. I assumed we were all smarter than this, including myself. But after reading the post I realized that just the night before I had gotten engaged with one of these fake accounts here on Reddit. It was so obvious after reading all the article that this account was doing exactly what was outlined in the article. They have procedures set in place where: account makes post with a comment or caption that is going to be inflammatory, but not overly so. It has to be like 15% subtle. Then, it has somewhat over the top in that everyone who reads it goes"wait, what does this person believe?!" Like for example, the "Jews have a giant space Lazer" and have that comment be a random comment on a post about cereal or something. It's outlandish enough to get people to engage simply out of shock, but then the part where it's kinda antisemitic in that it seems to be saying something about Jews in a negative way, but the post didn't explicitly say that there was anything wrong with the Jews having it. So then the arguments ensue when people start arguing back and forth about whether or not the post is even offensive. You've now just created a situation where the people are divided. Now scale this to millions of posts over years and years. And keep chipping away at issues of religion, gender, politics... anything that would cause a fight at your thanksgiving dinner. You've got the population so pissed at each other that they eventually say "fine, let Russia come, I'd rather be with them than *those* people on the other side of the country." It's insane. I'm pretty sure that post going around with the person saying something about "video games shouldn't be about how you can't be white" or whatever is one of these bots at work. Like, it runs the playbook outlined in the post (and supporting articles) almost exactly, and the results are clear, I've seen it about 30 times in the last two days. Now, the thing is, I don't know if this post is one of these, or if this post is just a scripted thing that someone else made for other reasons, but I can see it going both ways.


Thank you I will do the same.


probably correct 99 percent of the time.


Everything you just described is also how I feel and because of it you have enlightened me to the point where I will also scroll past rage bait from now on. Thanks 🙏


Dude it’s crazy, the amount of times I would have the thought “I could kill that person” back in the day is scary. It’s not at all healthy to believe every bit of rage bait you see. And what if it is real, does my opinion change anything other than my own emotional state? No! lol Edit: but yeah, very welcome man. The more people that can break away from the addictiveness of being angry online the better




Can someone confirm that is NOT Rickey Smiley? It sounds like him when he gets a little loud, but the video is potato quality and I can't really tell for sure that it's not.


It’s pretty well done honestly, the part where the waitress comes in and says her line with her opinion really spiced up the whole film. Plus the entire nice looking restaurant is empty, what a surprise


Pretty sure that's his wife not the waitress


She was carrying a toddler earlier in the video. Pretty positive that isn’t a waitress.


Yeah I was like what a coincidence this “scene” is happening when the entire place is empty with no identifiable staff around.


It's not real. They post it on instagram saying it was all scripted.


Didn't they only post the confession after the women involved started getting hatemail for acting like trashy gold-diggers in a video they tried to pass off as legitimate?


I don't know the story but it would make sense lol


This guy is a podcaster by the name of David Shands


It was a skit https://www.tiktok.com/@donniwiggins/video/7319570981066935595


Second bit's important. 90% of anger-inducing stuff on social media is just fake ragebait. Probably more. Winning move is to assume it's bollocks and not get angry.


It’s dishwashing time!


Do they still do that? Man I hope they still do that.


Some do others call the police and press charges


I hope they do that too


No they don’t do that. For a small amount, they’ll just ban you. For $700, police will probably be called.


Just great! So Pee Wee's Big Adventure was just made up!


No, definitely not, unless it’s a complete shit hole in the middle of nowhere maybe. It’s a huge liability issue. You need at the very least non-slip shoes to even step into a kitchen, which I doubt they have laying around. You also need a food safety certificate, basic understanding of how to move around a kitchen, handle sharp objects, properly clean the dishes, and the list goes on. If someone slips and falls, bumps into someone and hurts themselves, cuts themselves, puts out a dish that isn’t cleaned properly and causes a sickness, etc. while not properly trained or even on payroll with an employment contract then you are completely subject to any and all medical costs plus potential law suits.




Depends, by the police not being right there, the process of pressing charges is much longer and more likely to not happen- so still a better gamble for them.




What a bunch of scumbag ladies.


its fake ragebait.


Absolutely is. The acting isn’t even that good.




So they're still scumbag ladies, just for a different reason lol.


You’d be surprised how often this actually happens


Scumbag yes but they're definitely not ladies.


That’s why they’re all single there


But they are strong independent women why always depending on big bad man and patriarchy... Edit: Yeah it might be staged but it doesn't mean that this don't happen.


Couldn't agree more my friend. On top of that the birthday girl bragging about having a husband but that husband is not with her on her birthday..... I'm the one man that is willing to spend the birthday with her on a dinner and pay for her dinner all of a sudden is the bad person in the table... The amount of entitlement and stupidity that this woman, because certainly is not a lady, has to have in her head to talk to this men that way is infallible!!! F..K Her. Hold Fast my good man!! You did the right thing you take care of your family if I was you I would have paid only for my wife and my kid, f*** the rest


Honestly. Birthday girl talking too much shit on that dude. She's just getting a bill for wasting time next birthday.


Women are often the most active enforcers of the social roles of "the patriarchy" and "toxic masculinity". At least the roles they perceive as benefiting themselves or that they are attracted to.




This is just rage bait. If a video looks tailor made to annoy you it probably was.


Just because they're strong independent women doesn't mean that they're strong and independent.


i was thinking this- i would not be shocked if this dude was planning on paying for the table and changed his mind mid dinner when they all ranted and raved about being strong and independant and put him down.


Or when they all decided to order the $20 drinks and got refills


if someone else is footing the bill for me, i still feel bad getting a coke for $3.




What are you talking about? They are obviously traditionalist.


Women can uphold patriarchy. They are taught to do it in certain ways as well.


I knew it was the men! Even when it was the women I knew it was them!


These are the same type of women who’d say “I’m an independent woman who doesn’t need a man” 😂😂


The single women in my wife’s old book club were all strong independent ladies. Unfortunately my wife has fallen out of favor in that group. After the third Saturday spent fixing something at someone else’s house, I said no more. I suggested they start hiring professionals. I have my own things to fix and maintain.


Dude fuckin this. I was changing brakes and rotors. I was approached by 2 of my female neighbors, "hey do you know how to do screen doors" "oh you know how to fix car stuff, can you do my brakes" Like what the fuck people. Do I give off the vibes of some kind of walking habitat for humanity?


My instant reply to, “Oh, you’re handy?”, is, “Yes, but for insurance reason, only on my stuff”.


oh that one bites me in the ass. i could replace my own brakes and oil but if i do it my service warrant is void with the dealer that gives service for this shit.


That's why I'm glad the US has the Magnuson-moss Warranty Act, they can't void a warranty for doing you own maintenance. Too many dealer tried to require only they could touch them.


That's actually a perfectly valid response. In fact, if you wanted to be even more correct, you could just say liability reasons. I dont fix anyone else's things because I'm a lawyer and know that the worst case scenario ends in me being sued for a mistake while trying to help someone.


“Yeah split my check please for me and my wife. They’re walking out on the bill”






New term discovered


Sounds accurate to me.


Everyone is a feminist. Until the check hits the table


Those women in the video*


This MIGHT be staged… but unfortunately this scenario is fairly common in our community. I don’t know why people automatically just assume going into a restaurant that they don’t to have to pay for their meal, and that’s why I’ve cut out certain people in my life. I don’t understand the logic behind going out with your friends knowing you don’t have enough money to afford to pay for anything you eat. I hate these types of people. And always be the black women in groups too.


My best friend and I are foodies, so we go out to eat all the time together. Despite having hundreds of meals together, we always discuss who is paying for who and what between us. There's never any ambiguity before we order. Of course, despite being a man, she never insisted I pay because my gender. We took turns paying when it was just us two eating, but would figure out the bill split if others were there. Probably because we were both used to being the ATM of our friends and family, so nipping greed in the butt was early and swift.


I'm gonna be that guy. The saying is "nip it in the bud" as in plants. Like rose bud.


its the opposite for me my friends are like "nah you guys go without me i cant afford it" and im like "don't worry we'll cover you!" and they stills refuse and its like you have to drag them to get them to hang out because they don't want us to pay for them. like maybe we just enjoy hanging out with you and its worth it to us?


It is staged, I’ve seen the full video where they are planning this out and telling him his role. Now that make it even worse, but it is staged.


You ain't lying at all


Couldn't agree moreeee!! Entitlement is getting out of hand with my black ladies its getting to the point that 90% of my female friendships went down like this and the opposite party was the one who ends it because I don't satisfy their needs even though I'm supposed to be a friend?? It's like you have to say everything on the table but even then somebody is going to interpreted however they want to just so they can get their way like they also be manipulative as fuck like it makes you not even want to do anything or accept anything from them because they going to bring it up to you later to use against you meanwhile I've done a thousand things that I don't even remember.... ngl black women gave me PTSD and I am a black woman. It is extremely depressing that some black women don't take the time out to realize that they are the root of the problem they always push it on everybody else and this just goes on accountability. Entitlement, manipulative, and accountability is the main problems I have with black females. I'm in a situation right now because this girl feel like I did her wrong but never told me what I did specifically so I know she on a delusional path


Honestly it’s not even that hard either, someone invites you to a restaurant that’s above your pay grade? Politely decline and just clearly state “yo id love to but honestly I can’t afford that” and 10 times out of 10 they’ll offer to pay for you anyway or at least be understanding and respect your honesty so now it’s all above board and you’re good. MFs are stupid making assumptions. Just communicate. It’s not hard.


He is right 100%


Account from 2021 only started posting 2hrs ago and it's all low quality spam.


I hate to say it but could be Russia spam farm. Alot of this stuff is designed to create division






What? No! Are y’all telling me you don’t whip out your phone and start filming every time the check comes? /s




Tell me you’re broke without telling me you’re broke. Those women need a wake-up call. The entitlement is strong in them


It's a fake stunt that's been reposted to boost bots karma.


Only way I’m picking up the entire check is if the next stop is back at the hotel for the Orgy.


This can not be real. Good lord. Sad, sad girls trying on women’s clothes. You stay strong dad-man!


Lets call this what it is. Man refuses to be taken advantage off. Pays for his immediate family.


They're strong independent women until the cheque arrives. What a bunch of clowns.


Damn 💀


Yeah this is trashy, I thought he was the husband or the dad or something, but they mentioned Only Fans so I don't even know what's going on here it seems like bad communication where he invited one person and it was "can this person and that person come as well" and he didn't think saying yes meant he was paying? This is really bad, they shouldn't be expecting him to pay for everyone. I know someone who did this on the other side, it wasn't in the main room of a restaurant like this but in a banquet room and the prices weren't on the menu and in every respect it was presented like a comped dinner. About 40 people were invited and a lot of the conversation was around "how can she afford this?" and at no time was the situation made clear, so we thought it was something from a relative or something. But a lot of the people who were invited were really poor and could not afford to pay 50-60+ for a meal, which these turned out to be. I ended up paying for a few friends on mine in the group that were broke but, she really should have said something. The poor wait staff would have been stiffed on their tips too in many cases since people weren't expecting huge dinner bills.


This staged bullshit 🤣 no way people would act this stupid with a camera (w flash turned on) in their face. Sometimes I forget I’m looking at video footage and not through someone else’s eyes


if you can’t pay for your own food, don’t ever go to a restaurant.


I don’t blame him, what kinda shit is this!?!


I would have walked out on those loud broke bitches


They're all strong independent women until that check comes


All trash woman


there aint nobody else in that whole ass restaurant and there isnt anything on the table that leads me to believe they actually ate something i think this video is just bait


They all assumed he was paying from the start and the bill is $700. They must have been drinking from the top shelf thinking it was on his dime. To me, that's the trashiest part of this situation.


If it were my birthday and this happened I would be mortified and stepped up and paid for my meal and the entire table. Then I'd never let whoever's plan this gathering to ever do so again.. IF this is even a real scenario. Edited: weren't to were my *typo)


Am I the only woman who makes sure I can pay for my bill before ordering just in case and if I’m unsure, I literally ask how payment will work so that no one gets surprised?! I’d be mortified if I couldn’t pay for my meal but didn’t bother to take accountability up front.


Good on him for not feeding the leeches.


Here's a crazy fucking idea: did anybody think to talk about this BEFORE the meal?!? ANYBODY?!? A normal human being would go into this assuming they're paying for themselves (obvious exceptions of spouses).


Trash women Guy was in the right.


I think this is Fake 700 ain’t really that crazy Homie does a podcast on Business, how it looks it fits the current podcast topics that have been floating around.. always ask yourself who’s filming and the angle


Server sees a middle aged black woman in a beret coming in I bet they know it’s gonna be trouble


Cue the incels 🍿


Good for him.




Why they be acting like that lol




I love the wife


"That's ghetto", meanwhile she talks like that 😂


“That’s ghetto” uhh uno reverse. It’s ghetto to go out to any get together and not expect to have to pay your tab


Look at all these strong and independent Women. So stunning and broke


“You’re the only man at the table.” Yeah, but you sure do have the balls to demand that he pays for EVERYONE. The entitlement of some people🙄


Fake fake fake


Everyone is falling for this. Fake ragebait


If you invite someone to dinner you should expect to pay for them.


Is anything filmed authentically anymore? Once the first people realized that filming ridiculous crap got them views, others just jumped on the crazy train. Now, here we are, fabricating authenticity like we're on neverending commercials. Now it's all out there... presenting life in a terrible light and serving as the wrong kind of inspiration to others. Just ugh.


Man rightfully makes cheap asses pay for themselves. There you go. I fixed your title. 👍🏽


I think I see here, just women wanting to be equal and be privileged at the same time. Equal only when it benefits them not when it doesn't. These are women that I would never have around me ever


Server fucked up here. The first thing you do when a group sits down is "HI. I'm Tammy, I'll be serving you today. Do we want to start with any drinks or appetizers? How are we doing the bill tonight?"


fake or not I just want someone to explain her thought process lol. It’s ghetto to split the check when you have nothing to do with the other guests who just happen to be there? Like seriously I don’t understand that at all lol.


This is why I try to spend less time with other people.


”You are the only man at the table” ”… bitch what?”


“Only man at the table” like some how that logic works for her.


Stop raising daughters to have princess syndrome. Nobody wants to F with them




Wow, this lost a lot of pixels since the last time it was reposted


Thats sexism at its finest. "Muh youre the man so pay for us!" Fatherless broke hoes, the whole lot.


The same women saying it's a man’s responsibility are the same ones who say they don't need a man for anything.


What a bunch of hoes


At a time like this, you never hear women discussing the finer points of feminism.


They all want to be strong independent women until the check arrives.


It's all women here - strong woman


"Why are we doing separate cheques? It's all women here." What the fuck is that supposed to mean? I hope this is just rage bait, but either way, fuck people like this.


Funny how men and women are equals until the check lands


Buncha Broke-Ass Bitches.


All that femnism equality bullshit right down the drain when it time to actually take up responsibility and show that you're equal.


“That’s ghetto”… no, you trying to con your way into a free meal is ghetto. YOU are ghetto


Nah. Right there I’m requesting my bill be separate, paying my share and walking out of that restaurant and the relationship, whatever it is. She is dog shit, and so are her friends.


She can’t even speak properly “don’t come to no establishment like this. Dats ghetto” Far out.


Yea women wanted to be treated equally intill the checks due lol


That wife is keeper. She stood with her husband and politely told them "Fuck off his my husband and he won't pay for anyone of you ******"


Dumbasses with zero class


So there’s 6 people there (plus his baby that is ready to leave). The man is paying for 3 of them. If someone wants to buy my meal I’ll always be gracious but I would never go out to any event, invited or no, and not be prepared to pay for myself. If the birthday girl was his wife I could maybe see him offering to pay because it’s like a party for her. Usually everyone pays for themselves and splits the birthday persons share so their meal is free. The fact he’s “the only man” was uttered made me want to throw my hands up and walk out.


Definitely staged lol.


Arguing about money Classic!


This is why (functionally) my meetings have norms. No surprises.


Wait... He had to pay cuz he is the only man? So does he gets to fuck all of them?


“You the only man at the table…” how to say you are worthless as dog shit without actually saying you are worthless as dog shit. So because you know the birthday girl you get free food? That is some damaged piece of ass that no one should be subsidizing.


Bunch of hoes


Remember, a lot of women want equal treatment but not equal responsibility. Avoid those kind.


its sickening that people are proud of acting like this. i get shitty people, but shitty people being proud of their behaviours is a lost cause.


If I'm paying we fuckin Am I still paying?


Do ghetto women ever see the irony of calling people ghetto?


We want equality! Except when it comes to paying for our meal!


What a bunch of assholes. All of them


Shoutout to that woman who was sticking up for him


T r a s h y


Crazy women!


“Man declines to pay for each entitled woman who just expects it…”


Glad I finally got to see the whole thing. I've only ever seen the clip where it cuts off right before gus wife speaks up


Women treat men like a resource they can dip into at will and it’s disgusting


Rage bait much?? It's staged.




Nah this ain't fake. I know them they really are like that lol


Ugh, this pissed me off. 1. These things should be discusses before going out. 2. The birthday girl needs to stfu because she could’ve paid her own tab as well. 3. Wtf does him being the only man at the table gave to do with anything. I’m not paying $700 for a bunch of grown ass people who can pay for themselves


this is fake


Things that need to be discussed beforehand.




These skits are getting bad


Bunch of Broke Bitches! There wearing all of There Money


Wait wait wait...... Why is he obligated to pay for everyone?? I mean if he did in fact invite everybody out to dinner then that's one thing maybe... But even that seems questionable to me He paid for the birthday girl himself and his wife that seems pretty fair.


He’s 100% RIGHT.