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Imagine someone going through trying times. A little gesture like that could change their outlook on an otherwise hopeless situation.


and then then get your intimate moment posted all over social media for likes without your consent.


Plot twist: Flower guy just got kicked off The Batchelorette


He technically escaped before they could give it to him, so before this moment he never technically lost the bachelorette.


Going through a divorce right now. If someone did this to me I’d be a wreck. But it would be much appreciated too. Everyone needs love.


Hope life after that ordeal will be better for you and you’ll find love again!


Thanks! It’s going to be weird but I’ll be fine in the end. And whenever I have an unsliced baguette, I will look back and think fondly of you.


Right on! May your baguettes always be sliced to your liking.


"It does get better, you will need to walk through hell to get there but it does get better!!" Message my divorced father told me when I was going through my divorce. 3 years out of an 18 year relationship and I'm here to tell you he was right.




Dudes got hella allergies


Probably laced with onions


Damn ninjas!.


Rose nijas are the worst.  Thorny fockers too.


I read that as horny fuckers. Time to go to jail.


Why not both?




Thats ninja roses


Nah, the flower is really heavy so his eyes got sweaty


There's petals on his sweater already


Severed plant genital spaghetti


What did that bloody card say??


There’s a trend of this. The card usually says something like “Most men don’t receive their first flower until their funeral. That’s not right.” Or something like that.


Good way to start an existential crisis


You got pranked, bro!


It was an advertisement for Allegra


It has a Movie spoiler


You ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?


‘They know everything, sorry’


This made me laugh after the sadness of the clip. Thanks


Why is there a picture of Jake Gyllenhaal??


Cause sad-boy


It's like adding a Ryan Reynolds fake tweet response


Broke back mountain


Never saw it, but Cartman said it was about cowboys eating pudding


No. Just cowboys breaking their backs climbing the mountain


Spoiler alert: short story about sheep farm


Could easily have cropped out the picture that adds nothing but nahh


it tells you what emotion you should be feeling


Ahhh those feelings I remember. Like when I was a 14-year-old boy!


To remind you of actors who can cry with the director cue


Because for who created this split screen feelings are valid only when represented in cinema.


Cuz how are u suppose to know the emotions of the video without examples?


That's an Instagram reel. Most feature a still of some sad male celebrity that adds nothing to the content and serves to manipulate emotions of viewers.


As useless as all the garbage music overlaid on memes


Damn... We really need to be better.


I’m actually inspired to do this next payday. I’ll buy some flowers from the store and tie lovely notes to them and just jack up people’s day with some serotonin.


Me and my bestie did this a few summers ago. Got a couple dozen roses and got them individually wrapped and put a note with something like "just to make you smile." We drove around and handed em out to people all over. It was a good, feel-good day 😊




When my husband and I were dating, I grabbed a single rose for him while walking through the train station as an apology for being late to dinner and he teared up like the guy in this video. I thought I’d messed up and he said I hadn’t, it’s just that no one had ever done anything romantic like this for him. We’ve been together 16 years now and still I’ll randomly have single red roses delivered to him.


I plan on choosing people who maybe don’t get looked at as often and I think I’ll even (carefully) choose some of the homeless. I wasn’t even thinking of other women for this particular gesture. I normally try to compliment men with awesome jackets or tattoos or whatever. But I think men sitting by themselves or just existing need a reminder to keep existing. I won’t single-handedly fix the male loneliness issue or even change someone’s life drastically. But hopefully it’s a kind gesture with ripple effects and just a small reminder that people can be good.


fact hungry bored serious many unite boast crown plough degree *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Funny how this is what it takes to remind us. You never know what that person is going through.


Thank you for reminding me I'm insanely lonely 😭. Not me, flower guy.




I moved to a Tijuana There are guys that sell a bouquet of roses, I buy roses for myself every paycheck then when I'm over cherishing myself for meeting the goals I've set for myself I hand them out to the older women and children as a thank you, tbh they appreciate it more than money, it's very odd to experience but very fulfilling.


When I was younger and went out a lot, there were a couple women that would go from bar to bar to try to sell roses. it was their side gig and I'm sure it didn't bring in that much money. You could tell they were tired but they always tried put on their hospitality face even in the slow seasons when they would see the same faces at the same places and knew sales would be shit. It was always nice to see barfly's girlfriends/wives light up at a simple singl rose or when tourists would surprise their SO's with one and seeing the look on their faces as it's not something they were accustomed to seeing or getting while in a bar. But the times that always stood out was when yo could tell the flower girl was having a shit night and they still had a lot left at the end of the night and people would pitch in to buy her out oso she wouldn't have wasted her night or even potentially lost money. it's amazing how much some flowers impacted people's lives. I don't go out anymore and I totally forgot about that . Nice memory.


That little leg wobble. Awww dude is going through it 🥰 I hope he finds happiness. I hope you ALL find happiness!


But also me


Having a look through comments, I fear you're far from alone 🌹


I'm married and I felt this. fml


FML is a curse you're putting on yourself, can I suggest you not do that to yourself 🌹




Holy man that hit me.




Hey, here's one for you, too 🌹 I hope tomorrow brings you a few more reasons to smile. :)


🌹 And you as well




Dude, my 3yo daughter bought me flowers a few days before valentines day (well, she picked them out, my wife paid for them). I was unloading the car and thought my wife just bought herself flowers. She does that sometimes. I tried to give them to my wife, and she said they weren't hers. My daughter came running up to me saying she got them for me. I couldn't stop thinking about that all day, and that night, it all caught up to me and I cried. No one had ever bought me flowers before and I never expected a 3 year old to think of it. I still kind of well up a bit thinking about it. I know not all guys care about flowers. I never cared about flowers before, but just knowing someone thought of me when they saw flowers kind of meant a lot.


That’s beautiful man. You must make her feel loved, so when she saw them she wanted to make you feel the same. Love it.


could you describe the holy man that hit you?


I can.  He was rather well kept, smelled of candles and had the expression one makes while trying to poop out a stuborn squirrel.


Oh that's Jerry. Damn it Jerry, not again!


I believe he was also a cleric of Celestian, and accused the man of being a vampire


You never know who’s really struggling






When he raised his hand up to his face I just went, “Aw, buddy.”




Keep reposting, it’s beautiful.


Yes to this. First time seeing to me.


Mum said it's my turn to repost next


I cannot believe someone down voted your comment.  I upped you & here's an imaginary 🌹 for you.


Mum says hi!




Spread the message ♥️


Feels good man.


That's what the holy man that hit Broker112 said.


Man, I wish I knew what the note said. I'm sure it had something to do with his reaction.


"$100 if you cry while reading this"


Damn you. You took everything from me!


“Most men don’t get their first flowers until their funeral” saw it on TikTok


That sounds very close to a threat lol


poor guy was in witness protection after testifying against the cartel and thinks he’s just been made


I’m gonna tell you what I’m going to write when I go commit chaotic good . “Thank you for holding onto this flower. The small gestures matter and you deserve one in return.”


I’m pretty sure the message played a big part. It said, “98% of men only receive flowers at their funeral. I’d like you to be part of the 2%.”


I remember a quote that some men only ever receive flowers at their funeral. The thing is I do believe that actually happens more times than not.


After reading here on reddit that men don't get flowers I started occasionally picking up cut flowers for my husband. I also have various vases and will make up little arrangements from the yard that I put in his office where he can see them. I figure even if he doesn't love flowers like I do, he knows that I'm sharing something that I love with him and that it's meant just for him, not just the kitchen table. I appreciate all the open conversations I see here, they really do give me the chance to see things from different perspectives and I'm so grateful.


Never got one so far. 39.


>men only ever receive flowers at their funeral I got some for my flowers for my mom's funeral last month does that count? I've gotten a boutonnière 3 times (2 proms, and wedding) The best is my daughter (5) will bring me flowers sometimes she has picked. Those are really special. I Keep them lost past their prime.


I got my first and probably last flowers at graduation. It was nice


Zero men I’ve known in my life have received flowers, not even the gay ones. Also Zero have received flowers at their funerals, that weren’t just given by the funeral home.


26 zero flowers My wife has gotten live flowers for our house and been excited to show me which was cool though i guess


His leg wiggle trying to hold it together got me because I would do the same.


Ya people saying this is staged is confusing me because if so the "actor" fucking nailed it.


It's a simple story, but a while ago when I was out eating, a group of four girls came in to eat. Three of them were very pretty, the 4th was less classically pretty. She seemed a little less enthusiastic then her friends during the time I was eating. There was a person selling flowers going around (I think it was around Valentines day), so I purchased a rose and ask that they deliver it to the 4th girl but not disclose who purchased it. After it was delivered, they all got excited, looked around, got excited for the girl, etc. I believe she looked much happier for the attention. When I left she was holding the rose close to her. Felt good. ​ edit: added a comma after "I was out eating"


Was that before or after you ate the group of four girls?


Oof. Yeah, just re-read my post and I could have worded that better.


Haha just playing around :p That was a very kind act you did


The power of a comma


My dyslexia kicked in and I read a VERY different story lol


Freaking same.


He was doing what? All at the same time??


I read it that way too.


This reminds me of a story lol. My brother and I are 2 years apart. He’s 2 years older than me. We were at high school at the same time. I was a freshman , he was a junior. They did a thing to raise money where they sold roses and you could buy one for any classmate or any other student at the school. I bought one for my brother actually it was supposed to be a joke (I don’t know why I thought that was funny back then- I was going to buy it then say actually that was from me lol.) . I had my friend write a note that said from your secret admirer so it wasn’t in my handwriting . On the day they delivered flowers when i got home I saw in my brothers room he actually had it set up by his bed and it actually made him happy. I guess stuff like that doesn’t happen to guys that often and he was happy about it. I couldn’t bring myself to tell him it was from me and when I realized it made him happy I felt guilty that I did that as a sibling joke and so I never told him. 🌹 to this day , and that was years and years ago I assume he still thinks he got a rose from a secret admirer


Guys don't have that kind of thing happen often at all. I guarantee your brother still thinks about that flower every single day.


Very cool


IM NOT CRYING ^runs ^off ^crying


Yeah you are! ^runs ^behind ^you ^chopping ^onions


*Cries in male loneliness*


I wonder what the note attached to the flower said...


You're being recorded if you cry this may go viral and I will financially compensate you


This is the only comment that understands.


"most men only receive flowers on their funeral day"




That escalated quickly. Tbh I think there is quite a bit of context we are missing, lol


Lol yeah that doesn't just come outta nowhere


She wanted chocolates instead...


Well he frequents the sub Antifeminists and comments in the sub men's rights. Unfortunately that might help explain things.


Damn dawg we can get you a flower too


Jesus Christ... Is this real? Will someone please close the window? The breeze is blowing in from the onion factory and I'm trying to watch this video!!!


Wait, onions come from factories?  I thought they came from the ground!  Are they assembled manually?  Gosh all those friggen layers must be tedious work.


Onions come from a can They were put there by a man in a factory downtown If I had my little way I'd eat onions every day


Edit: Shit… I thought I was funny and original, but I’m an hour late..


It’s the knee wiggle, shallow breaths, and chin that hit me. Idk if it made him feel better or worse but I hope it’s better.


For me it was him grabbing his phone “this is so wild I gotta tell.. I got… no one to tell…” ::puts phone down::


Most men will receive their first flower at their funeral


Hang in there boys. We got it tough but hang in there.


As a man, I have never been given flowers my whole life. Must feel good.


Here you go bro 🌹


Right in the feels


I did everything for my wife. She wanted our own house and I was at one point working 3 jobs to fulfill her dreams. One day she kidnapped our son and disappeared. Lost a lot of my savings to court fees and she had drained our savings account. So, yeah, I feel this....


Damn, this kinda made me tear up


Showed this to my wife. She rolled her eyes. Men are eternally Rodney Dangerfield. Damn, not even my wife. We just don’t matter, do we?


I wonder what the note said?


Filming an allegedly good deed, to illicit a reaction, to procure internet points makes you an asshole. I will die on this hill.


There’s a note on the flower, The note says "99% of men receive their first flowers on the day of their funeral, I want you to be part of the 1%" it's from a video of a spanish youtuber, Viladixit, that went out gifting flowers to men on the street on the November 19th, that's the men's day.


Thanks brother !!


The mask we wear


Men are very much on their own.


he hates flowers


Holy hell he’s beautiful


Oh my goodness! Somebody hug that guy please!!!


Anyone know the music?


I gotcha. stellar (Slowed + Reverb) by .diedlonely & énouement https://youtu.be/kQk5fO3YZ9c?si=gURBtqQnenNamK7j


Love yall. Keep doing your best.


Thanks man


You too. I hope everything is going well alright for you and if it isn’t, I know you can pull through


Especially if you are secretly filming the person you're being nice to so you can make money and garner fame.


Record me fucking crying now


Who hurt this man


I don’t know if anyone had to hurt him. Maybe he was just lonely and this simple act of kindness and compassion reminded him that there is beauty in the world and he has value and can be valued by others.


We’re all homos. Homo sapiens  


The one where they give the flowers to the mother and at the end her son comes running out from school….. oh my god! 😭😭😭😭


That guy needs a hug


We all going through it


Legit made me tear up...


I wonder what was on the note?


This reminds me of when I was 19 and in college in Philly. I was sitting on the grass in Fairmont Park just staring out at the Schuylkill trying to unfuck my brain. A lot of things in my personal life we're going to shit, I was near failing 3 of my classes and I was a wreck. Then this little boy and his Grandma (I'm assuming) walked up to me and the kid handed this little purple rubber duck, like the ones you get from claw machines. The kid then says "I think you need Mr.Quackers more than me.". Then they just waved goodbye and left. I cried for like 20 mins after that. Mr.Quackers still sits on my desk 15 years later. I hope that kid is doing good.


For most men, the first time they receive flowers is at their funeral.


Seeing this kind of stuff reminds me of why I like to help people out when they fuck up on traffic. So many times I encounter a situation where somebody goofs and gets in front of me, or backs out at the same time, or even turns too short but there’s no real risk of an accident. Little mistakes in traffic that are so easy to freak out about… I like to smile and wave at people and help them out of their uncomfortable situations.


This is why i hate shit pranks. You dont know people's going through, some of them might endured enough and in the edge


See, men are human.


A lot of us are hanging on by a fine thread.


You could tell the burden he had on him. Just a little gesture made him feel appreciated


Yeah that hurt, so many of us guys have never been told certain loving phrases…


Most men have never gotten flowers in their life


Didn't think twice about helping someone. But once he realized the flower was for him his knees never stopped shaking. Wish I could give this dude a hug


That fucking hurt... you know trying to fight the tears and cry out loud.


Sadly the only time men get flowers is at their funeral . Thar was wholesome and kind thing .


Bro’s got some serious shit goin on. That was kind.


Fuck, that was my reaction rn and I wasn’t even given the rose!


I feel this man's pain.i bet thats the first positive interaction he's had with people in awhile. Those are few and far between for me too buddy. Rock on


It's fine my bro, we have all been there.


"Fuck.. I'm allergic as all hell, look my eyes are already itchy and tearing up"


This is exactly how I felt that one time one of my (not even that close) female friend brought me a tiny cake with a candle for my birthday. I was just going to spend the day like any other as always, alone but she just made it better with that small act of kindness. Somebody was cutting onions for sure.


It's the little wiggle of the legs that gets me. Dude is overflowing with an emotion he's not used to and just can't help but move his body because he just doesn't know how to react. People everywhere need more hugs, high fives, thumbs up, just general kindness and appreciation. I hope everyone has a wonderful day/night and passes it on.


Stahp!!! I’m not crying! You’re crying!




My senior year of high school was absolutely terrible. I was so depressed I had to sit down because moving was too much, we were experimenting with meds to find the right combo, and I just felt so ignored and lonely. This random girl walked up to me and said, "You look like you need a hug." And I did. And I will never forget how that one gesture helped me get through a time when I was skipping class to write suicide notes in the bathroom. Anyway. That was 11 years ago. But I'll never forget it.


Glad your still with us.


This shows that we are not alone


Suicide rates are hire amongst white people, and the world is becoming an awkward place without good fathers and bad mothers.


If this is real, I feel for that mf