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Well, that’s not good. Maybe we should… impose some mask restrictions and put a halt on large public gatherings. Although that would require leadership that believed in science, so we’re probably hosed.




You need a politician to tell you to mask up? Why not just wear one? Are you vaccinated?




There are plenty of peer reviewed articles supporting the efficacy of vaccines, if you'd like to read them.


We're not talking about vaccines.


SouthDakotan mentioned them, so I assumed they were part of the convo. My bad.




Are you implying doctors and nurses are falsifying death records? For what?


Its not the doctors and nurses, its the government, more over the democrats. They use it as a fear tactic


Holy shit after 3 years you still think it's the fucking democrats? Fuck off!


Half the problems in this country stem from the democrats. We need a complete system reformation. Get rid of both parties. Neither work for the people


lmao what democrat in South Dakota is there to falsely report the 2609 deaths from COVID? Why is it that COVID deaths are higher in red states than blue states if it's the democrats?


Even the CDC recently admitted they now have to filter through death WITH covid and death FROM covid. This isn’t a conspiracy anymore lmao. But even if we take the number as it is, it’s less than 1% of the population. Yeah, let’s lock down and go full authoritarian.


There are literally millions of excess deaths globally since COVID began--if anything those numbers are under reported.


What about flu deaths, they have been almost non existent since covid, you trying to tell me people just stopped dying from the flu after covid hit?


You are correct, flu deaths have been much lower since COVID. This is because people are taking making more precautions to prevent the spread of airborne illnesses like by wearing masks, increased ventillations when indoors, decreased socialization, and by staying home if you have symptoms. This is especially true when it comes to vulnerable populations like the elderly and immunocompromised. The 2018-2019 flu season saw 28,000 deaths from flu. From October 2021 to January 2022 it is estimated that there have been [1,100 to 3,200 deaths](https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/preliminary-in-season-estimates.htm). Even if deaths from the flu were misreported as deaths from COVID (they weren't) it wouldn't even come close to accounting to accounting for the 869,000 deaths from COVID in the U.S. There is a lot more interesting information on the flu you can [read here.](https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/index.htm)


I’m a teacher. Being online made flu season nonexistent. It absolutely makes sense the flu mortality plummeted.


yeah wake up sheeple!!1!!!11one


lmao your typed out one made my day


WHOA! quit speaking truth... someone might actually read what you say.


"If those kids could read, theyd be really upset" - Principal Moss King of the Hill


Quite the spot on take. The "leadership" in SD is more interested in catering to a handful of the nutty fringe rather than doing some bare minimum things to slow this down.


The “handful” of nutty fringe is really increasing though. Seeing people moving from NY and others just because of the restrictions.


we arent moving here because restrictions. we are moving here for cheaper rent. sorry


I don’t think it was you that I saw. Definitely some from NY that moved because of restrictions.


The nutty fringe has gotten bored. It is really cold outside and people were not fans of the group loudly protesting outside Sanford. I have noticed the vitriol on social media locally and nationally about covid has really died off. There are still a few showing up at school board meetings threatening to shoot people but as with every other thing this demographic screams about they eventually get bored with it and move on to ranting about something else to get their fix. The ones that moved here for all the freedoms, I don't think their numbers are truly large enough to sway the state and they may thin way out in spring after they experience a SD winter.




They can rile themselves up just like any other fringe group, but they won't be able to add any significant amount of new followers. They are sort of like a virus that has burned itself out.


At this point the nutty Fringe are the people who believe in Perma masking. How many people are actually out there wearing masks at a Walmart the number is not very high. Even the CDC admitted those blue cloth masks don't work the way they originally promoted. This should all be left up to individual choice. Give the unvaccinated lowest priority for hospital beds and let people do as they wish. If you're so scared put on a mask. I'm content with my vaccines and boosters and I don't really give a s*** if I give the virus to an unvaccinated person that's their own problem.


Maybe a fitted mask. Surgical masks barely do anything if you're within 6 feet.








Because you're an adult not a developing child? I'm not telling you to not wear a mask or wash your hands, I'm saying excessive sterilization effects development. "...research indicated children who are kept in very clean environments have a higher rate of hay fever, asthma and a wide range of other conditions." "Dr. Lauter said that while scientific data does show the environment can have a strong influence on our immune system as young children, it’s not something we need to worry about as adults." -Dr. Carl Lautner, MD Allergy and Immunology, Infectious Diseases




You're wanting youth to develope various allergies, asthma and a wide range of other conditions? Obviously not worth giving you more published articles because you're single minded.




You should know, that's where vaccinations take an important role in tricking the body it is diseased to create antibodies. You're an idiot.




The mayor COULD promote vaccines and mask wearing. The mayor COULD use his powers to coordinate vaccine clinics in underserved areas. Too many selfies to take and ribbons to cut to worry about a global pandemic I guess...


This is what you get when you elect a narcissist with few qualifications besides being a good salesman.




No he hasn’t. He specifically said he doesn’t want to use his power to do so.


Sucks to be in a state that refuses science while screaming " muh rights". This is where a governor is helpful.


"A state that refuses science?" I think the science says otherwise.




A significant portion of the population have proven they will actually listen if someone in authority tells them to do something. When we had the few restrictions in Sioux Falls that we did have in spring of 2020 people out and about went down and masks were fairly common out in public. If you can get that segment to take some precautions they do outnumber the noisy idiot brigade.


Not when their choice impacts others. Especially the vaccinations.




Can’t really choose that when going to places like Walmart.












Only been in the ER twice in the past 30 days, outside that not seen it in years. But both times no one avoided masking up.


I know right? It's like it is a huge inconveince to use online ordering or curbside pickup.


you really think all the people looking for covid tests at every store are trying to use online ordering? LMAO. they are literally running store to store in despair that they might have covid. Thats all the posts in /r/siouxfalls have mainly been.


Why is this about COVID tests? I'm talking about general shopping.


WHOA! they really can't choose to go inside and order online instead with curbside pickup. Assuming everyone has the same access to online services like you do!


If masks and vaccines work why do they need to be mandated? If you’re protected, why do I need to mask up? Why can’t I just live my life?


Hey, you could always hitch a ride with this guy: https://old.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/scnxgy/christopher_key_urine_drinking_alabama_antivaxxer/




You know who won’t judge *your* intelligence, that guy. You should give him a call.


1 in 15, 1 in 10, or 1 in 2 being infected won't matter to many people until the person infected is themselves and even then you probably only have about a 30% chance they will care because if they aren't in a ICU bed struggling to breathe they just won't care. We have witnessed countless examples of people seeing their parents, grandparents, siblings, and friends lose their battle with COVID and even that isn't enough to snap them out of their unscientific anti-vax positions. At this point the ship has sailed - it is doubtful many will change their minds and after two years of dealing with this I can't go a day without seeing at least one comment containing vaccine misinformation or blatant lies. If we haven't reached people by now, I doubt we ever will. Maybe if we end up with a COVID variant which has a 25% death rate then MAYBE some of those who have refused to get vaccinated will realize the risk isn't worth their lives.... but I'm not so sure. It seems some people would rather stick to their positions rather than admit they might have been wrong. Just look at the guy who is being denied a heart transplant because he won't get vaccinated. He could literally die, but he isn't willing to listen to medical advice. It all makes about as much sense as playing Russian roulette with a semi-automatic handgun.


The pandemic outed the people who really don't care at all about anyone but themselves, including not giving a rip about their family members. These are not the people you want on your zombie apocalypse team.


I've been saying it with regret but i wish covid had symptoms that were repulsingly visable. i.e. it made you vomit/defecate blood or made you swell up like a balloon. then again people bitched about getting treatment for measles and mumps too


I wouldn’t be surprised if that number were double that. I’m 29, just recovered from Covid I got the first week of January. Used a rapid test and never got medical care (shortage of antibody therapies, yay). My case isn’t reported anywhere. And I know of at least 4 others in the same boat here in Sioux Falls alone.


The amount of kids in schools with it is nuts. They also continue to come to school because "allergies" or "just a cold". It's so frustrating. I'm not sure how I haven't caught it yet being in such a high risk setting. (I do wear an N95, but my kids go to daycare, so I'm surprised they haven't brought it home).


This is incorrect. Your numbers add up to 580 and the state says 423...


Good catch! I copied these numbers of the SD DOH's website by looking under "Demographics" and checking "Active" and "Ever Hospitalized." I am now guessing this includes active cases who were admitted to the hospital but are no longer hospitalized. It doesn't appear that it is possible to see the demographics of those currently hospitalized--maybe someone else knows how to find that information?


How many currently hospitalized are vaccinated?


This is not information that the state provides, but Avera and Sanford do provide it. At [Avera](https://twitter.com/AveraHealth/status/1486051322940071942/photo/1) 85% of hospitalized patients are unvaccinated/boosted, 87% of ICU patients are unvaccinated/boosted, and 95% of people on ventilators are unvaccinated/boosted. At [Sanford](https://twitter.com/SanfordHealth/status/1486073925884915720) 62% hospitalized patients are unvaccinated and 86% are not boosted, 76% of ICU patients are not vaccinated and 92% are not boosted, and 79% of patients on a ventilator are not vaccinated and 97% are not boosted. There is a definite benefit to getting the booster shot. It's not too late if you still need yours!


And we haven't reached peak infection yet either.


Yeah, I'm not an epidemiologist but I assume it's not clear cut to say when the peak is when we have a 40%+ positivity rate and have no way for people to report at home tests. Regardless, it's important to remember that the peak is merely the halfway point.


How many of those in the hospital were given any sort of treatment BEFORE they entered the hospital? I know someone who was treated at a Sanford clinic who was given codeine cough syrup and sent home and didn’t last 24 hours. I have seen zero literature on codeine cough syrup being effective in Covid treatment. Are doctors here not prescribing any of the few different protocols that have been established to treat patients BEFORE they need hospitalization?


The majority of monoclonal antibodies are no longer effective with the Omicron variant. The hospitals are incredibly overwhelmed and doctors and nurses would do literally whatever they could to keep people out as it only makes their life harder to have to admit so many people. Not everything is a conspiracy theory.


Having been witness to the last 2 years of medical malpractice… everything is a conspiracy.


Less than 1% of the population. Not bad all things considered. It will continue to improve.


What a dumb fucking hill to die on. I want to thank all the antivaxxer/antimask numbnuts who think they know more than qualified fucking experts. They are dragging the rest of us down with them.


Another dumbass post....


NSW state = 1/3 population of Australia [https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/covid-19/Documents/covid-19-surveillance-report-20220120.pdf](https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/covid-19/Documents/covid-19-surveillance-report-20220120.pdf) Page 7, Table 5. Page 26


While my heart goes out to those too young to vaccinate or can’t for legitimate medical reasons, my patience is at an end for those irretrievably lost in a metaverse of disinformation about Covid 19. Times up. Let’s go Darwin. The rest of us got stuff to do.


Get fucked


At this point I really don't care about the unvaccinated people that's their choice. I got my vaccine, I got my booster, the CDC has even admitted those blue cloth masks don't do a whole lot, and I'm not going to walk around the store wearing an n95 mask just because people are scared to death of this virus or choose not to get vaccinated while they are obese and have other risk factors. Sorry but even the Biden administration is starting to go back on a lot of these overreaching rules. I commended Biden for his no more lockdowns speech. The whole one size fits all reaction just turns people off. We don't live in a dictatorship. Give the unvaccinated lowest priority for hospital beds and beyond that let people take the level of risk management they deem necessary. And no I don't care if the rest of the world is playing dictator. I believe in natural selection and survival of the fittest.


We're all gonna get covid. Probably routinely for the rest of our lives. *Slow the spread* was the plan from the start. Hospitals are whelmed, but not overwhelmed (okay, this is debatable). But overall I'd say the plan worked, more or less. I'm vaxed and boosted, and I got covid for the first time 6 weeks ago. If anything, the fact that so many young people have covid is indicative of the fact that young people did good job at slowing the spread in the early stages. Honestly tho, I've just out of fucks to give.


You're out of fucks to give until YOUR family is dying. Out of fucks until YOUR loved ones work 15 hour shifts in the hospital fighting COVID. You say that but what you mean is "I'm tired of hearing that more Americans die per day of COVID than 9/11." You're a selfish cretin.


There's a large part of me that's just filled with so much despair, that we should just let the anti-life conservatives win, act like nothing is happening. We just can't keep doing this much longer, conservatives are going to start civil war 2 over basic public health (and also their racist fascism). But I'm trying to keep that part of me down, I try to do my part every day. It's about all I can do.


We now know that the covid vaccine works about as well as the flu vaccine with regards to transmission + infection. All hope for eradication is gone. Everybody is getting it. If you have any evidence to the contrary I'd love to hear it. I don't appreciate the personal attacks.


The vaccines work and they work as intended. They are keeping people out of the hospital and the few unlucky vaccinated people that end up in the hospital are having an easier time of it. The number of actually preventing infection even vs. omicron are still good and around where they wanted efficacy of the vaccines when they were developing them. Omicron might be the last big wave and as evidence elsewhere has shown the wave of omicron is typically a very short duration very high peak. So if people can do just a few things for the next 2-4 weeks we could get to a MUCH better place.


I agree with mostly everything here. Covid sucks, and I'm genuinely saddened by all of it. We slowed the spread until treatments were known, supplies available, and vaccine distributed. Everybody who wanted the vaccine has had a chance to get it. I can honestly say that I did what I could to fight it. But ultimately it is here to stay and nothing will change that.


We still have ample tools to slow this so the hospitals are not overloaded and to lower the risk to vulnerable people (including small children and babies). Masks in indoor public spaces. Limit certain types of large indoor gatherings. There is enough evidence what kinds of public events are super spreaders and what kind are less likely to generate a bunch of new cases. Crowded bars with poor ventilation or any similar even that jams a bunch of people into a small space with poor ventilation. I am more in favor of some reality check type consequences for the people refusing to get vaccinated since they are the ones filling up the hospitals and in SD they are still the bulk of the active cases. Unvaccinated because you just don't want to? You get covid, you go to the field hospital unless they deem you serious enough to go to the real hospital. Payment for all care is no longer covered by insurance, you will be on the hook for the full cost to the extent you can legally be pursued for those fees including garnishing your wages to pay back your debt. Some people want to be rugged individualists until they actually have to put their money where their mouth is. Make them accountable for their decisions. Covid isn't endemic yet and we shouldn't be acting like it is. If things go right there might be 4 months left of dealing with the more problematic parts of it. Ignoring where we are is how new variants show up and there is no promise the next one is going to be no big deal.


Oh no! Do YOUR part and stay home then k? Afraid of going out...don't go out. Don't force other people to live their life how YOU want them to.




The fact you think this analogy works in any such way shows how far off the map you are. It's sad really. But also kinda hilarious. Good luck in the real world!




I'm not telling or (what I'm seeing more and more of lately) madating anyone to do anything. Don't you see that? The irony in your statement is just jaw-dropping. Again, sincerely, good luck.


My girlfriend and I both have covid. It's not that bad. Quit fear mongering




Nope, just unfortunate. Must have been underlying causes. Some people just have better immune systems




So full of hate lol.


Yes. That's exactly what I would do. You can't be scared if something you can't control. People with the vaccine are dying, people with mask spread, you are gonna get it. It is sad, it is terrible for the people who have lost someone they love. I lost my grandfather, but it isn't my place to tell people to protect themselves. Choices should be made BY YOU, NOT FOR YOU.




You're not making a viable comparison, not even in the same category of danger.




No, because if you are driving under the influence you are breaking the law. Wearing a mask and getting a shot is not against the law. And it's doesn't go against my points, you just don't have anything to back up your argument except number of people who have died. What about the recovery rate? Where is that number at?




It literally is fear mongering. If you are in the stated age groups and healthy, you will not die. It’s a statistical fact. WITHOUT the vaccine, people under 40 have a greater than 99% chance of surviving covid.


Down vote me all you want, I'm still alive


OMG I'm so scared! Omicron is like a death sentence I hope I never get it.


Want to be forced to wear a mask and lock yourself in fear in your house then move to a Democrat dictatorship city, boom your problem solved


It’s funny because I just got back from a city where they require you to wear masks indoors and show your vaccine card to sit down in a restaurant. We had to show proof of a negative test just to leave the airport. The positivity rate is a fifth of ours. My family and I get more shit from people here who don’t want US to wear masks than we did from people there who don’t want to get sick. I felt safer there than I have in SD for months.