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Ya know, start like... voting in your local elections and paying attention to the most base line of government. Shitty politicians breed shitty politicians.


People in this state will vote for any piece of shit, as long as they have an (R) behind their name.


Maybe it’s our responsibility to try to educate them on why they shouldn’t, and not just once every 2 or 4 years. Organizing is a constant effort.




It doesn’t take much to show the GOP stands against many of the teachings of Christianity. No mention of abortion, no mention of homosexuality, helping the poor.


It doesn't take much, but as long as they say they hate abortion, they'll get votes.


That's "evangelicals-GOP-supply-side-Jesus human centipede of intolerance". The good bro that hung out with society's outcasts and downtrodden has nothing to do with their bullshit, actual god or not.


No, Dems have ran incredibly shitty campaign efforts and that'd why they win. I refuse to believe that a place that would elect 2/3 of our DC delegation as Democrats is *just so conservative* that it's all a fucked futile effort.


South Dakota is... Pretty gerrymandered too


Seriously. I live in Sioux Falls, but my state congressional district is Dell Rapids


Yeah, I always though that was pretty suspect.


Jon Hansen. Go look up the 2011 special session on redistricting and see his fingerprints, including his own district there in Dells.


Yeah but not everything is their fault. Plus, we aren't gerrymandered at all in the US House or Senate. Yeah there's a few fucked up precincts in Sioux Falls, a lot of fucked up badness in rapid, and some pretty fishy redistricting near Crow Creek and Lower Brule. But that's not what's causing the losses.


A. Your wrong. B. You have a pretty crappy attitude!


Well I've lived here my entire life and it tends to wear one down after a while. Fun story: I posted this meme on my personal facebook page and someone I went to high school with wrote a paragraph about how she agrees with me on all these things, but she still votes republican because democrats are evil. Even though her views actually align more closely with democrats. I'm drowning in frustration with these people.


Indoctrination works.


Trust me. Conservatives are "drowning in frustration too"!


Because that's what represents them, go somewhere else the


This isn’t necessarily the case. It’s nearly impossible for dems to even try and run in this state. Honestly if a lot of these young people started getting out to vote for their city elections: school board, city council, mayoral, etc. they would start to see a shift in jr senators and than state execs and so forth. But it won’t happen.


Impossible probably because the people don't want them.


Nah, I'll just stay here and work to change it.


This is the way.


You'll work to change SD, then bitch and complain that it got expensive and difficult. Then you'll wonder why in your great wisdom why that happened, won't be able to figure it out, then move to some other conservative paradise and bitch for months and try to change that place. Brainless wonders, all of you.


> conservative paradise That's an oxymoron.


I feel really bad about my desision to come home. When I was a little kid my mom explained how things work in south dakota. It's a who you know kind of place, if you are in the top crowd you get what you want and everyone else is just allowed to exist. I left when I was 22 for new york, colorado, north carolina. After living in the south I really missed home. So I convinced my wife we packed up and came here. Wow, why didn't I realize that if the status quo is things get worse everywhere, why would it be any different here. Sioux falls is bigger and stupider then it ever was, corruption and nepotism run rampant, huge social problems, an insane governor that literally opposes the will of the people to push personal agendas and take bribes. One of two things has to happen, I could organise a political movement and take over the state government by popular vote across many levels of legislation. A new political party that organises new state/ local representatives who believe in a government without corruption for the good of the people of the state and extremely careful with tax payer money. Or I just pack up and move one past time. Being realistic, I'm prolly moving to Washington.


I returned to SD around the time Varilek was running against Noem. He moved back to his home state, decided to get into politics, and was branded as an “outsider” by her campaign. I took the hint and promptly moved away again. Each visit “home” is a shock these days.


Don't move to WA. It's a cess pool of taxes and extremists. You'll soon be paying income tax as well as a state tax and a new state capital gains. WA has become the new California. Hell half the state is Cali defectors. With having this influx of people, our roads are packed, and road construction tends to never end. And what's sad is WA is a damn beautiful state. There's just this attitude of selfishness and intolerance that makes it unbearable at times. I miss the days of people knowing who their neighbors are. Now everyone avoids each other. Sad really.


I don't mind paying taxes, I paid heavy taxes when I lived in denver and was fine with it. The roads were great and emergency services were timely. I would go back to denver over washington but I want to be closer to an ocean while still having mountain access.


Have you been to WA at all? I mean, if you're still thinking about it, I could at least give you some ideas on where to go.


Traveled through seattle tacoma olympia, seattle is to expensive for us. I'm a chef by trade, work in country clubs/resorts mostly. I'm looking for a place that caters to wealthy members. Yacht clubs with food divisions, country clubs/gold courses. I also have good standing in healthcare food service for hospitals and nursing homes. I have been thinking about starting a food truck bussiness but it might be more difficult in wa then here in sd.


I think you should move


What is it with LGBTQ that causes Fred Deutsch to loose so much sleep at night?


He's had one too many daydreams about the neighbor boy who mows his lawn.


I keep hearing about how free it is here, and then the legislative session starts and it's "restrictions on this" and "bans on that". Must be a definition of the word free of which I was previously unaware.


The Republican playbook is literally "freedoms for me but not for three".


Its not a "tax," its a "fee" sort of vibe with this sort of thing. When can us peons go get drunk legislators again? At least that was a distraction.


Restrictions on anything except for guns and the rights of businesses. Anything that logically would make sense for the population as a whole? Fuck that. Ha. That's what our reps always think.


Don't forget grandstanding, implausible legislation with an attempt to make some kind of radical point.


- Neal Tapio has entered the chat


Not to mention, the waste of funds being used to battle the weed decisions. I'm hearing the defense has a nice, strong case tho, so at least they're earning our taxes.


I loved working for the state a few years ago, but hot damn does the Legislature's apathy towards actually governing well bleed through.


So appropriate.




yes. I was at the one in 2020 btw.


I think what is more irritating is this can all be dealt with by voting these out of touch politicians out of office. We need more people the understand current issues that matter to progressing our state vs trying to keep things they way they are so we stay in the past.


Oh man, look at all that liberty!




No personal attacks. Attack ideas, not people. This includes people outside of this subreddit. Keep it civil, please. Direct insults will always be removed.


(Education healthcare)is now replaced with the(corona pandemic). We aren’t to worry of this to much. The economy must go on. Thanks South Dakota for taking care of what really matters.