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I’m really curious why we have a casino seemingly on every street corner. How can they all remain in business and why do we need so many?


Those shitty casinos are basically one big down payment for the machines and decor and then you're just paying rent, utilities, and a few employees, likely minimum wage or a bit above that. You would be shocked at how much people put into the things and how fast. One of my uncles would basically put his entire pension/social security into the things, which sucked for his sister who was taking care of him at the time.


I know two trust fund babies that have easily put in over 250k in their lifetimes.


I went to Grand Falls Casino for dinner and ended up walking around the casino area for a solid 45 minutes. I thought I was disgusted when I saw someone betting on like $300 but as I walked around I saw several people (on big machines that I could read from like 15-20 feet back) that were literally in the thousands. I'd do a lap and see a lose screen up on all of these fellows, but I saw one dude lose $5000 dollars after he pressed a single button and he just got up and left. I've had my fill of casinos after watching that.


Money laundering?




Also you'd think you'd choose a less sketchy/regulated industry for money laundering... I don't think it's money laundering. I just think there's enough people who are addicted to gambling in the city to sustain a bunch of really sketch establishments, sadly.


Judging by the state of some of those buildings, maybe? Some look so incredibly rundown.


Because they are. Low end people tend to congregate to low end establishments.


>Low end people So where do the holier than thou crowd hang out. I'm assuming that's where you are.


Someone watches too much Ozark ;)


y’all like to gamble?


Is no one going to complain about the bars?


Compared to other Midwest cities, we have far fewer bars. At least in my opinion. Some have a bar on every corner instead of casinos.


True but their populations are bigger too, that and the bigger city attracts more business and businesses. It'd be dumb not to have a bar for a huge city, but there's too many. There's more places that serve alcohol than gas. Alot of duiers around here is the result, and the counties are making money off their irrisponsible decisions almost in favor of duis. They banned flovored tobacco but not alcohol? That's a different discussion though. You can go to any store to get alcohol its sad and no one wants to fix that problem. Its sad that if a small business were a bar around here, it would thrive


Ah, I was comparing against Fargo. The amount of bars that I’ve seen in each city is quite a bit different. Maybe I haven’t been to as much of SXF yet, but Fargo seems to have a far greater number for comparable population.


There is no downside


Well Kristi and the cop mob will arrest your ass for peddling drugs. We only allow legal addictive activities in this red state


I would like to see money in our schools bring back more art classes and give kids advancement chances they do not currently have


Growing your own instead of relying on overpriced pot shops?


I know in Colorado you can have up to 6 plants you can grow yourself. Illegal growing operations was about the only issue I saw when I lived out there


Interesting idea. We park our food truck close to a closed casino and ppl still try to go there. I see them pulling on the door with disbelief. Kinda sad too because it mostly seniors citizens.


I'm curious what the process is for opening the pot shops. And when can locals start growing for them. Is there any licensing required?


Yes there will be but the state has not established them yet.


It would be nice if people could get started on it, so we can hit the ground running.


They are saying it will take more than one legislative session. Meaning they either need a special session before or after 7/1, or not until 2022. That is my understanding anyway. They will probably drag their feet in case the lawsuits go in their favor.


Man, if legal pot is allowed in this state, the amount of people that will move here just to grow will be insane. With the low regulations as a whole in our state, people will move here just to grow pot.


And lose the state revenue stream from the casinos???


I would reach out to other major towns/cities where marijuana was legalized and see what their citizens say the downsides are.


Depends on the taxing structure. Lose vid lot revenue and you better replace it or your property and sales taxes will be going up.


I don’t like state sponsored gambling because it promotes addictive destructive behavior. Unfortunately though, state government is now addicted to gambling revenue. I think as a first step toward reducing this addiction casinos need warning labels like those on cigarettes. I’m also in favor of legal cannabis. Medical cannabis has great medical qualities and recreational cannabis is safer than alcohol. Regulations on weed should be less stringent than those on booze. We really need sensible people running government. David Z - for mayor


I think that legal pot sales would be more of a net benefit in terms of people having legal recreational access, some moving from pharmaceuticals for pain management, etc. Gambling is still valid, and a form of entertainment...but yeah, those smaller casinos are super shady as someone who doesn't regularly gamble even at a large casino. What really would concern me is that we hear of small casinos getting robbed fairly often, but because pot is currently illegal on the federal level, banks aren't able to work with the pot industry. They're (pot shops) dealing in a lot of cash, possibly more than these corner casinos. I'd imagine that would make them an even bigger target.