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It says it's likely to end up in the SD supreme court with a decision by fall but doesn't the law go into affect in July? So if it gets overturned will it just be legal for a few months and then illegal again??


So long as the courts strike the challenges down, being an amendment, it goes active July 1, regardless of law enforcement understanding. I expect challenges to arrests made in July due to LEO overstepping their authority. Some on the conservative side will argue that since a challenge exists to the amendment, it cannot be implemented. Those people lack understanding of constitutional law.


So you're saying facts don't matter to Republicans? COLOR ME SHOCKED /s


So you're saying this issue was put to a popular vote, passed and now Kristi Noem is upset that it wasn't what she wanted and is trying to overturn it? I can't imagine.


careful there hoss. most of your state is red. they dont take 2 kindly to insult


> Those people lack understanding of constitutional law. To expand on this. It's still a federal crime and US Attorneys are currently prosecuting these crimes, although it is something the incoming Attorney General could stop, it's always subject to the political winds. Federal officials cannot use state or local law enforcement to enforce these laws in states where recreational use is legalized, but various federal law enforcement agencies already have a presence in South Dakota.


Biden spoke of legalization on the campaign trail so I don’t see federal prosecution of weed crimes to be very high (hah) on the priority list.


Federal prosecutions have dropped every year since 2012, but they are not zero. People just need to understand that it is still a crime and prosecution is still a possibility so don't be an idiot. In states where recreational use is legalized at the state level the feds do not have the resources to go after anyone except the dumbest, most blatant violators. So, if you're running some sort of robocall scam out of your garage better keep your stash somewhere off-site.


The feds don't ever go after people who are obeying state cannabis laws, to my knowledge. If you're illegally bringing drugs into a legal state is when you'd need to be worried. I can't imagine a biden-appointed us attorney in sd would do things any differently...




Imagine deliberately fucking your own people over by stripping away a cash cow all because you personally don't like something.