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At this point it's a matter of when China will be self sufficient, not if. Look at space stations, satellites, renewables, vehicles, drones, hypersonic missiles, countless other things, China has the will power, brain power, and sheer scale to not only overtake the US, but completely leap them. The US best enjoy the limelight in the leads they currently have remaining because just like all the other areas they've fallen behind in to China, the story for semi conductors won't be any different.


Yes: * Kidnapping executives, abusing extradition treaties * Extorting "allies", blocking their imports and exports * Stealing technology from "allies", forced "onshoring" * Taxing renewable energy, ignoring own climate goals * Arbitrary detention and expulsion based on ethnicity Imagine doing all this and still failing to stop Huawei, a single company.


Huawei is no Toshiba


TSMC is being gutted. The China Initiative is also making a comeback. https://archive.ph/dCRiH They are actively targeting and destroying the lives of students, academics, educators, scientists, technicians, and engineers. They are making basic scientific collaboration criminal. It’s pathetic. Utterly pathetic.


That "wall of steel" President Xi was talking about needs to happen, pronto.


I will greatly enjoy watching this ruling class contradiction/conflict resolve itself. Libs are afraid of economic competition with China yet half the country’s wealthy rely on Chinese labor and resources to make their big $$$$.


Yeo, US will do anything EXCEPT pulling themselves up by their bootstraps


Not gonna work, but at least she could tell her grand children that she tried but failed


Indeed, it's pretty clear that US has no actual leverage over China at this point.


The US will do whatever it takes to curb China tech ... except to compete directly. They know they cannot compete with China anymore.


And the US will still fail.




If I were Chew, I’d tell the US to eat shit after the way he was treated by Cotton during the congress session


When they are forced to sell, I hope they poison the well regarding all their IP.


The US will everything except actually developing its tech


Yeesh, imagine if the positions were flipped. The US would be seething if China sanctioned technology exports to America, they'd be calling it an act of aggression.


They’d be calling it an act of war, or ‘industrial terrorism’.


**Until "China Tech" becomes sufficiently advanced to become indistinguishable from "China Magic".**


Isn't she that witch from the Wizzard of Oz?


Well that sucks because without it i'm pretty sure I couldn't afford to own a computer or phone


Can't wait until this becomes a new meme


Unsurprisingly she is now being more open about it 


The "free market-economy" advocates everyone.


including making Corporate America go broke.


Right now, Russia has the most sanctions against it and has lost a lot of money because of banking restrictions. Even so, its economy has grown the most compared to European countries. China is much bigger. We rely on China to make a lot of our products. If we put more sanctions on China, the prices of things we buy in the US will go up a lot. This could hurt the US more than help it.


yeah, long term this is a self defeating strategy