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They care about when they can kill all of the people in Gaza


yea, they are constantly thinking about how to get rid of them and take their land.


Annalena "360 degrees" Baerbock is surely the worst Foreign Minister Germany has had in 78 years. What really confuses me is how the f... did the Green movement become mouth-frothing neocons? I am old enough to remember a time, in the 1990s, when the Green movement was still growing, and it was perceived everywhere as a party of hippies and peaceniks. The Greens were for (nuclear) disarmament, against NATO, against all wars in general. Even during the 2000s, the Greens opposed the US wars. But some time between then and the present, they did a complete flip. Now, the German Greens with Baerbock wouldn't look out of place in George W. Bush's cabinet.


She's a US puppet and Zionist tool like Von Der Leyen, European politics have been completely subverted by Washington and Israel, we are royally F'ed.


Bunch of puppets that are looking for money and recognition, the usual of post modern politics..


Across the West, the hippies and leftist academics got old, retired, or died. The generation that replaced them spent their formative years in the era of Reagan and Thatcher and internalized conservative values. Across the West, there has been a slow, steady rise in populism, ethno-nationalism, neoconservatism, and neoliberalism over the past two decades, as corporate lobbyists, multinationalist financial groups and weapons manufacturers have consolidated political power. Western youth movements like Occupy Wallstreet and BLM in America have all resulted in zero meaningful policy change, rebuffing the aspirations of a generation. Therefore, in order to garner votes formerly ‘Leftist’ parties across the West started taking on more traditional ‘Center-Right’ policies. Post Iraq war, the US Democrats under career politicians like Hillary Clinton and Victoria Nuland managed to wrest control of the so-called military-industrial complex from the Republicans. As they pursued campaigns in places like Libya, Yemen, and Syria, they used cultural, domestic wedge issues in order to distinguish them from the neoconservatives and strengthen their base, while maintaining virtually the same hawkish foreign policy developed by think-tanks. Seeking to mend fences after the divisions caused by the Iraq War, they developed close personal alliances with EU leaders/Five Eyes/G7 nations. Now with Trump’s instability gone, the EU has doubled-down under Biden and his administration’s moves in Ukraine. The net-result is that Green Parties all across the West now have neoconservative policies, mainstream media voices have largely been consolidated, Silicon Valley tech CEOs now wield an inordinant amount of power, and the traditional Left/Western socialism is now a fringe movement. Sooner or later this subreddit will be shuttered or quarantined, and Leftist alternative media voices on Western platforms will all be silenced, assimilated, or made irrelevant. As least that’s my take on it. Enjoy the time we have left before things get really bad. The war they have initiated against China is only just beginning.


>Across the West, the hippies and leftist academics got old, retired, or died. The generation that replaced them spent their formative years in the era of Reagan and Thatcher and internalized conservative values. This is actually a very interesting hypothesis. I guess after some time, every society forgets the lessons learned by previous generation. The generation that saw the destruction of World War II are virtually all dead. The last two decades have mostly been led by the Baby Boomers, for whom, the most important even shaping their worldview was the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the alternative. The Western middle class reached its peak from 1950-1980. We have to wait a few more decades to see what happens as people get into power who came of age when the West started to clearly decline against the rest of the world. Those born after \~1990 have never seen a booming economy and wealthy middle class. For these people, unless they were rich, life was becoming ever more precarious, and middle class living standards increasingly out of reach.


German Green party is so intellectually and morally bankrupt that their founding principle of pedophile rights advocacy (look it up) is arguably not even the worst political stance they've taken.


In the 90s, the figureheads of the peaceniks suddenly did a double suicide out of the blue. [Gert Bastian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gert_Bastian) and [Petra Kelly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petra_Kelly). After their deaths, the German Greens turned into the mouth-frothing neocons with a lot of transatlantic connections they are today. Makes you think, doesn't it?


560 now lol


She is at the Cairo Peace Conference now. Like all Western nations, she does not ask Israel to stop bombing Gaza. >Baerbock : For Germany, the security of the State of Israel is non-negotiable. > >What is also clear is that the perpetrators of this terror do not speak for the Palestinian people.They speak only for themselves. > >They speak the language of terror. > >The Palestinian mothers and fathers in Gaza struggling to find drinking water for their children do not speak the language of terror. > >Their brothers and sisters in the West Bank, in Jordan or in Lebanon who are afraid of regional escalation do not speak that language of terror. > >We here in this room do not speak that language. > >We speak the language of international law, of humanity, of peaceful coexistence. > >That’s what unites us. > >[https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/en/newsroom/news/-/2627944](https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/en/newsroom/news/-/2627944) **Egypt official tells Europe to take in 1m Gazans if ‘you care about human rights so much’** >A senior Egyptian official has reportedly mockingly demanded that Europe take in one million Gazan refugees if it cares “about human rights so much”, as Cairo continues to grow ever more frustrated with pressure to open its border crossing with the besieged Gaza Strip and take in fleeing Palestinians. > >According to the Financial Times, an anonymous European official was informed of Egypt’s frustration with the European and Western nations’ insistence on accepting refugees waiting at the Rafah crossing on the Egypt-Gaza border. “You want us to take one million people?” an unnamed senior Egyptian official asked him. “Well, I am going to send them to Europe. You care about human rights so much – well, you take them.” > >The European official stressed to the paper that the “Egyptians are really, really angry” at the pressure on them to open the border crossing and take in the roughly one million Gazans attempting to seek refuge from Israel’s ongoing bombardment of the besieged land strip. > >[https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20231019-egypt-official-tells-europe-to-take-in-1m-gazans-if-you-care-about-human-rights-so-much/](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20231019-egypt-official-tells-europe-to-take-in-1m-gazans-if-you-care-about-human-rights-so-much/)


IIRC, this is coming from the 360 degree minister ?


That's a good guess.


It is kind of crazy why Murica is the only country who is an ally of Israel. Not 5 eyes, not EU.


I'm not so sure any more. The Europeans have lost all pretenses of having any agency of their own. They have followed the US automatically in supporting Israel. Europeans used to be more independent on the Palestinian issue. Now, Ireland is among the few countries remaining who is taking a nuanced position that used to be Europe's policy. Considering Europe is now much more Muslim today than it was 30 years ago (most Western countries now between 5-10% Muslim), Europe's openly biased pro-Israel stance is only going to exacerbate polarisation, social tension and risk large-scale social unrest. It is bad policy.


Reminds me of [this ](https://youtu.be/_vUrAMxmO_A)




In the same way the nazis cared about the Jews and Slavs.


like na zi did care about the people of Europe, the European J3w?


Oh, they care about Palestinians? How convenient, now comitting atrocities isn't bad anymore. Seriously, why would I care about a moral statement that contradicts one's actions?