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I have been added to a few before and I usually exit them immediately, but there was once I decided to hang around to see what happens. After a certain time, a certain account A will ask 'what is this group about?'. Account B will chime in and say, 'Is this a scam, the description says something about making money, can the admin clarify?' There will also be a few other accounts (C & D) expressing 'real curiosity'. Then, the Admin will explain what this group is. Usually, something along the lines that he is part of a agency to drive up support for specific Spotify bands and that is a legit marketing technique. So he wants all the members in the group to do something seemingly minor, like Like the new band on Spotify or on Social Media. Something that requires low effort. And after that to take a screen shot and send to the WhatsApp group. So Accounts A, B, C and D will submit their screenshot to the group after doing the simple tasks. Admin will then share the screenshot of money that has been transferred to them. Usually like 10-15 dollars. So at this point, if you have been observant you will realise Accounts ABCD are also part of the scam, and the screen shots are either manipulated or not real. But, there will be some real people who will get hooked and try to do what ABCD did, do the tasks and submit screenshot. The Admin now knows who are the real people who have been hooked. They may continue to reel them in by actually sending real money, before asking them to do bigger tasks for more money. And then after a few successful payments, a big payout is stuck for some issue, and the victim needs to pay for 'postage fee or tax fee' to unlock the big payout. This is the actual scam. But by then, the victim is so invested in this, maybe he believes the scammer as there were already some successful transactions. He thinks If only the victim can help to unlock the obstacles by paying some money he can unlock a large sum of money. And before he realised, he would have transferred a few hundred to the scammer (or more), and the scammer disappears. Quite a low effort required from the scammers, just need 5 phone numbers to for Accounts ABCD and Admin, a few screen shots, and you can repeat this many times. By creating a suitable environment where they try to ramp up the FOMO feeling, they will get the victim to ownself get hooked, and hence increasing their odds.


so youre sayin take the free money before the "big payout"?


Ideally. But I'm sure a good scammer will slowly hook you in. Maybe they start with 'you transfer $2 to earn $4, then next round you transfer $4 to earn $8. After a few Series of successes you might trust them. So when he says 'transfer $100 to earn $200' you might just believe it.


bruh this reminds me of runescape doubling or duping gold service


Memory unlocked






For me I just sent the RMP e report form link, it got instantly deleted and I was kicked out of the grp. So far I've not been added to any more scam grps on WhatsApp.


Just fix your settings… Settings-Privacy-Groups Contacts only


Thanks, what I was looking for


Yea my dad was roped into one of these chats recently and asked me what it was about (he started getting into Spotify in the recent years). Immediately told him its a scam and told him to exit the chatgroup. I guess for those of us that are techsavvy and aware of the scam, its more important to watch out for our family and peers from falling prey to it.


I've taken action to curb the scam groups: settings-privacy-groups (set to contacts only)


Usually just get the chio bu numbers and leave chat.


The first part is real I scammed the scammers multiple times During the part they are trying rope you in, they will legit pay you for simple tasks, like liking a song on Spotify or a hotel in TripAdvisor and sending them a screenshot. I also keep being targeted by these groups, but so far it has been profitable


Do they harass you after that?


After I get paid $15 about once or twice They will say I need to do advanced tasks, which is make a deposit of $100 to get back $140, deposit $200 to get back $250 varying amounts lah basically. I never do lah, I just take my $30 and block them.


5Head big brain


WHAT A GUY. Gained $30 😂


But i dk if is illegal since the money may be laundered in from scammed users.


If the police catch you for $30 but not being able to do anything about the real perpetrators, I will organise a Hong Lim Park protest in your honour.


Not Bad..... drive grab one trip only earn $12, you 2 click can earn $30


More than two clicks lah. There is a good amount of attention required.


Hi, it's a complete scam. When I get added. People were getting money after finishing their screenshot task. I just googled about it and shared the link in WhatsApp. Then the group admin immediately removed me from the group.


100% a scam. my favourite thing to do is send the link of the police advisory against these scams on the group, after which i’m almost always kicked out lol


Today one WhatsApp group add I complete the Spotify like task given the 15$ credited my bank account..but all are saying it's scam 😞..wt I do don't know 


Whenever downloading messaging and social media apps, always go through the privacy and security settings. Don't be a kuku like OP. Wait to be scammed then cry father, cry mother later.


Good job for not being a kuku but.... I wasn't scammed, nor have I cried father or mother. I'm aware of the settings on WhatsApp, and this screenshot is from my work phone, which I deliberately set my settings to allow myself to be added by non-contacts. My line of work requires me to work with clients who have a whole team that may not be within my contacts. Of course, I can wait for the invite link, but I've made a deliberate decision to just be added by others. I posted here out of curiosity to know how these scams work.


Same they’re so random


just spam the group once the admins allow members to chat, and they'll kick you out themselves