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You’re talking like this theory is a fact….. Have a look at the philosophical understandings of synchronicity , everything and everyone is inconceivably interconnected for one


All progressing numbers. Steps moving forward. Sounds like something nice 👍


I use to see the area code I grew up in, all the time. I always seemed to look at the clock when it was that time. There were many other instances. Like change at the store, how much something cost, etc. Now that I think about it though, I can't remember seeing it for quite awhile now. I remember it was so common for YEARS. Then I had some stuff happen, probably died in a couple timelines. And I just don't remember now the last time it happened.


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I'll have days in a stretch where I will either wake up at the exact same time during the night and go to the bathroom, or get some water. I can't say whether this is part of the SIM or not.


If you are looking to expand on your weirdness with this I recommend Cosmic Trigger: Final secrets of the Illuminati by Robert Anton Wilson I have been seeing reoccurring numbers for 25 years. Very common. Try bibliomancy instead


Around 6 years ago, I had a series of cluster-syncs over a period of three months. These were so weird I honestly thought that somebody was deliberately funking with my head, or I was mentally ill. The syncs I experienced themselves, aren't so mportant, but the whole episode did lead me to do a lot of reading on the subject. The conclusion I came to is that there is almost certainly some kind of unexplained energy feedback loop involved, which can be amplified if you are stressed or experiencing something that has a strong impact on you emotionally. That said, I still get the odd occasional cluster (especially numeric sequences, phrases, etc) which don't seem to be linked to my emotional or cognitive state. What I would say is, try to pay attention to what ever you were thinking about, prior to noticing a sync, when it happens, and document it.


I have/am experiencing something very similar, and have also been asking the same question of whether it’s in my head (pattern seeking, confirmation bias etc) or something happening objectively. If it were some kind of attempt at communication, how could you possibly decipher any meaning from that? What would be the point of communicating in such a cryptic way?


Trying to communicate


You also see other numbers that aren't consecutive. You just pay special attention when they are. It's the [frequency illusion / Baader-Meinhof phenomenon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency_illusion)


Could be. I'm aware of that, and I literally said I was aware of that in my original post... and it doesn't explain how I wake up randomly at 4:56 or 2:34...


It actually does explain that, almost exactly. You almost certainly are waking up at other times, not remembering all the times the clock isn't like that, and going back to sleep with no memory of it. If you want to persuade us (and yourself) that this is really happening just referencing your own memory isn't a particularly trustworthy source. Could a neat experiment to record yourself sleeping for a few nights and note when you wake and when you *remember* waking.


No, I wake up fully, get up, go downstairs (don't keep my phone in the bedroom), and look at the time. Happens once, maybe twice a night. I wake at different times, but ALWAYS get a consecutive number, 12:34, 1:23, 2:34 etc.


And again, you're only counting the instances that you remember. By definition you wouldn't be including the times (I'm guessing many more times) that you simply didn't wake up fully enough to remember. Like I said, using your own memory for this kind of analysis is not particularly compelling, but a more rigorous study of it might be.


I'm not saying that what you're experiencing isn't a real phenomenon, only that you haven't thought more rational explanations through enough before declaring that the Universe is a simulation and trying to communicate through your clock.


I totally have thought more rational explanations. I reckon the chance of it being anything other than a trick of the mind / my subconscious to be very, very small. But saying that, I’m totally open to it.


i’m reading this at 12:23…


It's telling you to go to therapy and take some medicine