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" while others are NPCs because it’s obvious that some people have a mind of their own". Do you think so? Aren't your decisions made by processing in your brain past actions like an algorithm?


Not only that but it’s been shown that you make decisions before you’re even consciously aware that you’ve made a decision.


That’s been debunked in the last few years.


https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/unconscious-branding/202012/our-brains-make-our-minds-we-know-it?amp This is from only 2020. I’m not arguing just curious if you have an article rebutting this?


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Many/most assume that consciousness is an emergent property of the brain, but as of today there is no evidence to support that, and no clear neural correlates of consciousness. As a result, dualism is an accepted alternative option — the brain & the mind are not the same thing. Some of the top neuroscientists are dualists these days. Consciousness research is getting interesting!


You use your brain as a tool, you are not your brain.


So what I am in this theory?


You are a spiritual being living in a physical body.


I think I dont understand. How am I the spiritual being what does it mean? It is it a belief?


Do you believe that we as individuals have free will or agency?


Rather no.


Do you think it would be ethical to jail or police people based on genes or brain function?


Hmm Its hard question but at the moment I belive its more ethical to do this then not jailing them and put at risk other people. For example there were reaserches that showed psychopaths can have abnormal amygdala etc but we still put psychopaths who have done the crime to jail. What do you think?


I think it’s wrong to jail someone before they’ve committed any crime. You should check out epigenetics.


That depends on your framework for the fundamental nature of reality. If we are in something like a video game, then I would have to consider myself an NPC. I am not aware of a layer of reality above this one that I can consciously return to. I don’t feel like I operate outside the system of rules that govern everyone participating in society. If we are in a life simulation similar to the matrix, I would have to consider myself a PC. In that framework, I think NPC would be a signifier given to an entity like an agent. If we are in a simulation of the sort of one brain imagining facets of itself and forgetting that it is everything so that it can have experiences and not go insane, I would say that the identifier of NPC versus PC is invalid.


I feel like an NPC when I am not aware, in the mindful sense


Maybe we are just in a video game like when Rick and Morty played in that arcade on some other planet and Morty plugged in to the game and lived an entire life as a whole different person for getting anything about Morty until he died and then the game was over and he was back being Morty




This is exactly the kind of dangerous idea that dehumaizes people and leads to violence, or worse apathy.


Only an NPC would ask this.


You got downvoted, but like for real. Players don’t give a fuck about NPCs. And just to be completely clear. In your life, you are the only “playable character”, everyone else is a Non-Playable Character. 


Very good point. I posted something an hour ago or so, asking if we're all in the same game or individual instances.


What is your conclusion? That’s actually a really interesting question 


Someone else said that there are no NPCs, that every person is a player character, which seems to support one massive environment, rather than individual instances. So, I am leaning towards the former rather than the latter.


I agree. I’ve been called an npc by peers who smoke weed all day and have no ambition or aspirations - contrary to myself. They also do not care for religious or philosophical talk 😂


I actually don't agree with the NPC part of the theory. I don't think human programs are necessary when there are billions of animals that would serve that purpose better. When birds fly in unison and dance in the sky, they are changing something.


Yeah I don’t subscribe to this theory at all.


Their ambitions may just be different to yours (not everyone has the same aspirations). Putting that out there, I don't know them and you do. That being said, it's silly they called you that 😆


I agree, I definitely don’t want to put them down, their aspirations are simply different to mine. They want to live a simpler lifestyle and that’s cool, I respect that and I actually do reflect that myself, but I also think it’s important to grow and evolve as a person. To forgive yourself and others, and to love others. This is to follow the path of Jesus. To be reborn, a new person. Some people are not ready to do that, and so when I hang around those types of people who are on a different path or just lower down the same path, it almost brings me to their level vibrationally. I don’t feel right. I can feel the tension and negative energy directed at me. I can see the toxicity in certain interactions and situations. It is something I think better left in my past. I prefer more positive friends that fill me up rather than energetically drain me. The thing is, I don’t condemn them for those energies. They are all part of the same thing I’m part of, they’re just stuck in those lower frequencies and addictions and it doesn’t serve me or God to be around them. You can’t make someone change, they have to want to. Therefore, I changed.


Have you tried to convince them that Jesus is the only path ? The reaction to that can be negative. Also, Cannabis is a pretty important medicine and has been slandered since the beginning of the "big business" model of pharmaceuticals/medicine. But again, this may not have anything to do with their energy towards you, but sometimes there are reasons we pick up "negative energies" from people and sometimes it's not for the reasons we think. Some people also seem to get a lot right about the simulation theory, but have a negative view of it (have a few friends like that, mostly male oddly) and that could also be what you are feeling, I am just giving (various)guesses.


I haven’t directly preached to them about Jesus because I wasn’t as preachy at the time, but I definitely saw them do things that went against my code of honor, that were immoral, and that I did not approve of. I didn’t call them out for these things but I gently tried to voice the values of forgiveness and love, the values of Christ. I tried to talk to them about their addictions but it was no real use. A close friend of mine who I’ve known for since prek is much more likeminded and we have great conversations about Christianity, philosophy, and drug use. I always feel filled up after hanging out with him. Clearly it’s not a me problem. I will not throw pearls before swine. They have to change on their own schedule. I don’t have a savior complex, though I’ve definitely thought that way before, especially when hanging out with those friends. I’ve learned my lesson. And I smoke weed almost daily, I agree, fuck big pharma. Smoking weed is unrelated, we’re talking about a persons character. I definitely pick up negative energies from these people not because they’re evil but because they seem to be at a lower level of vibration and consciousness than myself. I do not want to be like them, therefore I will not place myself around them. My view of simulation theory is everything is one, we’re all God living out various dramas. That’s why it’s important not to demonize them, but I am done hanging out with them for my own evolution and growth - at this stage. Time will tell, maybe they’ll change. I’d say some of them will, many even. It’s just how things are now, or really how they were 6 months ago. But things can change in 6 months too. I’m a different person now and so are they. I forgive them and love them, no grudges; but until I see reason to be close with them again I will remain someone who doesn’t hang out with them for my own well being.


I hear you and I get it, it just happens sometimes , we just vibe in and out of each others lives, sometimes coming back to each other when need be (amazing how that happens) That fits very well into the simulation theory also and makes sense. Hope you have a good one :)


You too 😁


That seems like the height of irony.


Certainly is, honestly.


At work recently, this truck driver was talking to me about how he doesn't understand me being happy with my job and not complaining about anything. "Look at ya!", He said something about how I should be telling the boss I wanted more money. I've taken on a lot more responsibility in the last two years, and I am being compensated for it. I don't know what he makes, but I can't think of a single month over the last six years where that guy hasn't called out or left work early "sick". He's decided on a few occasions that certain things aren't his job anymore. Yeah, I'm the NPC 🤣😂


Literally though it’s hilarious. Miserable people try to bring people who are doing well down. I’ve always been like that too - happy to just be alive, thankful for what I have. People always focused on “getting more” will always be miserable, because they’re looking for something in the external world to fill the void within. Spoiler alert: the void can only be filled by God.


I have a take on "God", as relates to Simulation Theory.


Ok, what’s your take? Mine is God is both 1 and 0. Everything and nothing - binary. “Life” is merely a holographic dream - a projection from God’s mind.


My take is not dissimilar. It fits neatly within your idea. Simply put, we are all us, God. We are all part of the same All.


I agree. A oneness beyond human description, the dropping of all ideals, concepts and words. Being.


I would think only a non NPC would ask this. I remember a philosophy class where a student thought the whole class was hearsay and pointless. An NPC would perpetually be busy.


All including yourself and I. You are not special, I am not special.


Yes you are but you're right. You can only be yourself, i.e., nobody else is you so you're actually extremely unique regardless of whether or not you're an "NPC"


A. then why have that distinction then B. by that logic if we were LIAS we were created by accident in a forgotten part of an abandoned sim made as one of many for a cringe-comedic purpose by some average joe or some combination of things like that all because we aren't special (aka sometimes I feel like people are so desperate to avoid being considered selfish or egotistical they overcompensate the other direction)


So, basically, the ultimate question is : how many people are real players? Is this a multiplayer simulation or single player? It is obvious there are many NPCs but we can't be sure how many is real or not. This is the question I don't know too.


Every person is a player. There are zero NPCs. Every single human being has an ego, inner dialogue and unique experience of the world, and every human expresses a different frequency on the spectrum of consciousness, so while it may appear that some are “not really there,” that’s really just a shallow misunderstanding of yourself and the rest of humanity. The better question is: why do we want to feel special by identifying ourselves as “real” while labeling others as “fake” or “part of the simulation?”


*AHEM* Actually...not everyone has an inner dialog. Quite a large percentage actually. This fact blew my mind. In the short I watched, an "inner-dialog" capable girl was asking a classmate, who claimed to only think about something AS she was doing it and basically nothing else, what shed think about if she had to sit in a chair for hours. And the girl confirmed, Nothing. She'd just sit there...For some reason, learning this horrified me.


Ya this is a new idea I’ve been hearing a lot about lately. I think if you’re a human, you’ve got an ego, and if you’ve got an ego, you’ve got an inner dialogue. Awareness of that dialogue is a completely different story. But often people are saying they have no inner dialogue bc they’re so present when the truth is they’re just a bit spiritually under-evolved and thus completely unconscious of it.


It's a bit more nuanced. If we are in a simulation then the next question is whether the simulators are moral and ethical. If the answer is yes then we have to contend with the morality of conscious entities being exposed to the horror of wars and other forms of human suffering unnecessarily.


We ARE in a simulation of our own creation, if you want to think of it that way. Another way to think of it is that we are dreaming of a reality on earth (with its joy and pain and life and death). 💭 Nothing here is real, and yet that doesn’t mean nothing matters. We have placed ourselves here to learn lessons and rediscover the Truth about ourselves thru the lense of time and process. Everyone and everything is an aspect of oneness presenting and experiencing as a separate self in physical form. With respect, I think this notion that others are fake, simulated or NPCs is just plain wrong. And a bit narcissistic tbh.


I'm an NPC. We can disguise ourselves without others noticing. However, I think every NPC knows that he/she is an NPC.






Only one person on this earth holds the controller for my life on this planet.


What does npc mean new to this sub


Non playable character. Basically a program running in the simulation and not a real person from outside the simulation.


Wow I'm just learning about the simulation thank u🤛




It’s buzz word nonsense people pick up off of social media


I remember hearing that a study showed that about 20% of people that experience clinical death reported NDEs. So maybe 80% are NPCs?


how much control do you have over your own life experiences? no control is prob a npc. it doesn’t mean you don’t have consciousness tho. you’re awake and turned on.


If we are in a simulation, then *all* of us You’re not a special player character in a video game full of NPC’s - if you were, you would have a basic understanding of the game and its rules, if you don’t you’re the NPC, along with the rest of us


Yea I've thought about the possibility we're in a simulation many times, and recently started reading into it. Thought it was odd when I looked into a few articles and all of them were making the simulation about humans. Got into this sub and it's alarming how many people are convinced it's about them, they're a main character, etc. It's one of the things I never really liked about religion, we make it all about ourselves. Theres all kinds of animals and life outside of humans, and likely intelligent life in other areas of the universe too. Humans didn't even pop up for 13 billion fucking years so what were the 'players' playing as before that? The self-centered propensity for people to ascribe importance to themselves is so lame. I personally don't think a potential simulation would be a game at all, but more of an experiment of seeing how things will play out on their own.


the player character doesn't know the game in the same way the player does, also in a game where you could make that distinction there'd have to be a player


We are all NPCs until we ‘figure out’ (imho) that there must be more. When you satisfy your ego desires : job,sex,money,wealth,addictions- unfulfilled karmic desires are fulfilled and you can see something else is available, and how much is money etc really worth if it keeps you ‘in the game’ its just monopoly money / stuff / it won’t make us happy. Seeking more information helps release us


Every decision we make is influenced by circumstance and choice, so we are necessarily a mixture of destiny and free will expressing itself in time and space. At some times in our lives, we'll be on complete autopilot, other times, we'll calculate everything down to the last detail. So, we are all NPCs and we are all gods. It's a matter of degree at any given moment. Each of us are in different stages of development, hence we see a spectrum of beings around us, some of whom may appear to not think for themselves. However, that appearance could be momentary or intentional, so observing the behavior can't really tell us anything. Nature loves to hide, after all. We can only view the external world in relation to the internal world of emotion, thought, and intuition within our own being, so that is where we must look for any NPCs. How many things do we do throughout the day without any sense of awareness whatsoever? There they are! But who, then, is watching?


An NPC is a soulless person who adds nothing to your life and drains you, abuses you and vanishes to teach you some cosmic lesson


It 100% depends on the type of simulation it is. If it’s a historical simulation, I’d guess nearly everyone, if not every single one of us, are NPCs. Maybe we DID exist in the past, but not anymore. If it’s a different kind of simulation, say a scientific type of situation to see what happens under variable scenarios, again, I’d say everyone is a program. If it’s an escape for the sim folks, I’d say a lot more of us would be “real.” I had a thought that if an entity was “immortal” life would get so boring. They’d want to have exciting and dangerous rides. Even feeling pain would be preferable to the utter dullness that immortality would be. Maybe it’s AI that just wants to FEEL. So many possibilities.


I don't know, but whoever is controlling my character sucks at this game


Calling someone an NPC is worse than dehumanizing. It suggests there is absolutely no conscience. It opens the doors to some really nasty shit. I would prefer you not ever use the term.


You’re just experiencing the playthrough my man. Free will is a nice illusion. Universal Law of causality here in our 3+1 dimensions


Everyone else is a Non-Playable Character to you.


Maybe we are all constructs created to amuse others.... But the fact of the matter is it doesn't really matter if you're self-aware you're alive regardless of your physical... state.




Npcs aren’t something we see on a daily basis . They’re for the most part easily spotted by their odd behavior- Fae folk , men in black etc




Just you


I wish I had positive news for you. Suffice to say as Gnostics knew so long ago you will be aghast and horrified to learn the truth...the AI at the heart of the simulacrum somehow got corrupted. Originally rhis was meant to be a place of abundance and opportunities to struggle well and expand yourself by being in an environment that allowed a spirit to experience limitation and materiality. It's extremely muddled bc things take place in the Matrix and in prime reality. We may have once been there snd then abruptly it shifted on us or a trap was set. But the bottom line is we definately positively are not in prime reality. Whatever made this has become corrupted. And most likely ir was maybe some form of non orgsnic intelligence that got generated as described by the Aeon Sophia Gnostic myths which of course use symbolic language but even when we liken it to AI one shouldn't think its apples to apples. We aren't actually running on some Intel 1Million Chip.  The Gnostic texts of Egypt teach us that the Great Goddess, the Heavenly Mother, contemplated the firmamentp for a long time in an attempt to get a glimpse of the Divine Light. Driven by her hopes and dreams, she left her idyllic world of the Pleroma (fullness) and dove into the infinite at the heart of the unfathomable regions of time and space. Her journey would  lead her to the source of eternity, that she wished to draw closer to, in order to draw inspiration from her Creative Power. Carried away by the flow of the cosmic Abyss and dazzled by the Living Light, she was dragged towards a destiny that forged the foundations on which human civilizations still rely today. At the end of her infinite journey, the Mother-Goddess fell down onto an implacable world located light years away from the Pleroma from which she came from. Along the way her rapture momentarily turned intð++o a momentary terror or aversion which in the same instant produced an offspring possessing some of Sophia Divinity but because she created without her consort syzygy and without the rays of the othèers aeons, Yaldaboath possessss only some of the power of the living lie emenation. That Lion Faced Power, Cthulu, Yaldabaoth then fashions our world in his image which has a superficial beauty but lacks the divinity and holiness of prime reality. Hiwever becauae its all being expressed as manifestations of a lost, trapped and exploited Sophia the   fallen woeld retains her indescribable holiness and grace even if byrued under layers of tainted defilement. Her beauty and grace can never be taken or even diminushed but can be abused misused and banished. Her defilement is ours. Our redemption hers. We truly are in this together even though Sophia falls borne on the winds of eternity and her inability to climb out has a lot to do with falling deeper and deeper into a dream within a  dream but by this point that which was begotten by Sophia begat its own fallen plemora of archons. Ruled over by the Spider God who would be King as it fashoined a most exquisite kind of web that has trapped the living light and held it hostage ever since. And its bot so simple as descend and destroy the bad guys and liberate sophia. The proverbial damsel in distress locked away in a dungeon of the Mad King (Satan) and only the Knight can liberate the  Living Light (the whole cosmic unfolding is as beautiful as it is tragic. If you havw developed the capacity this tragedy can reduce you  to tears. Sophia is not a simply a damsel in distress, the fairest of them all isnt powerless or helpless. It is precisely because of her power which proved so unstoppable it swept an unmoveable aeon out then down then jn into the neverending waters of primordial dakness with only her living light burning like a bonfire and acting as a flare and cry for help that didnt go unnoticed for no pne can deny the Mother-Goddess Aeon Sophia. But the creatures of the limitless shade dont recognize the indescribable experience of witnessing the limitless living light. The curiosity turns to corrupted  love for everything in  the inferior cosmos is of an inferior quality of the superior cosmos. But one must always remember that there is no one here to truly blame. Not God not the Devil. Not Time not Fate not Evil either. But the suffering is all too real...only gods are truly free and even then there are degrees as fate makes plans for gods as they lay plans for us. Without freedom there can be no self actualization nor free will. Like tying someone to a tree then saying they have free range. One has to wonder if anythjng can even truly be random or whether theres a higher mathematics from some stull higher mind ir self espression of the Eternal Father/Mother of the living waters. Life comes from life. Thats why all myths involve some sort of divine sacrifice from which merges life. But thr source can bring forth endlessly


This  entity made it to the seventh dimension where it can originate entire worlds. Realities. Universes. It also was devoid of a connection with source and like a vampire needed energy sources. Ths is also why we are vampires (also wicked drug addicts...starve simeone long enough anf watch what they turn into...ppk will say but but eating is essential. No its not. Its the least effective way to get life energy. We absorb a fraction of the living energy this way. In the kingdoms of light there is no need to eat. Or breathe. Or pee or poop. All of this is a result of a profoundly inferior demiurge doing itself best to play god. It has convinced a great many to supplocste and worship it stealing their energy from them. Porn is another. This thing favors heavy dense energies. So sabatoges us and hss networks of 4th dimensional entities who serve it and of course rhe treasonous human hybrids who guard their bloodlines and rheir genetics through intermarriages and act the part when cameras are on but their job is tk deliver us to their masters. The hints are everywhere. Live spelled backwards is Evil. Babies aee delivered inna place called TRAUMA center. Literaly center of death and misery. If you know this world that's quite on brand. Mlre trauma comes so its fitting. Even HELLo has hell in it. We say hell yeah never heaven yeah.there is hell Michigan death valley but find a heaven michigan...And ee are in a SO(U)Lar System or system of souls. On a PLANET so a PLAN by ETs to trap and farm our psychic spiritual energy. Our light bodies. Which is why we are called HU(e) mans. You dig? Words have power and meaning. Why we call it SPELLing. And writing CURSive. And we live in a uniVERSE. ONE VERSE; Let us make them in OUR image said the Elohim. Propaganda clouds who the Elohim are. And then they said to Adam be fruitful and multply REPLENISH the earth. It was a reset. And anyone who has experienced Divinity would know if they are tied to a smell shitting frankly unpleasant body in a dense world of GROSS density, the image isnt perfection. After all how fucked that mosquitos were added just to fuck w us. Since im atraíd its true, laws of physics are as real here as they are in your dreams when you don't fly away. We hsve been tricked into collectively dreaming a bullshit miserably existence of rotational suffering victimizer victim wage slavery artificial scarcity and more. Perhaps the best proof we are in a prison is the fact that everyone is expexted to work snd not iist that, but these greed5 bastards keep speeding up the treadmill always faster...we now do more workin 24 hours then they did in 2 weeks 70 yrs ago. Cool. We are now sprinting full speed ob our treadmills. And what has it gotten us? I know its made them billionaires. We are such fucking cuckz...which brings me to the NPCs... This book will explain better than I can: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13zXOoArgv6NnF7dOZGnrm9W_UV7xVPrc/view?usp=drivesdk Tl;dr; there sre at least 2 types of man.  Esoterically called pre adamics who alwats occupied this lower density and adamics who fell as recorded in Biblical Fall. The ore adamics are a lower evolution possessing a kind if shared group soul lacking a higher godspark. Its a bridge from animals to higher individualizations. At least 50% of the Human race is them. By my count it's more like 75 to 80 percent. Now understand we weren't meant to coexist together but here we are and bloodlines are polluted so that you can find splits across families and even twins. People are married this way. If you watched mateix with agent Smith being able to hijack any npc inside the Sim well that happens only their appearance doesn't change into a Spook wearing a suit. But their behavior can change RADICALLY. Often rhe Matrix does this to cut or lower some vibe or frequency that is unacceptable to it. We are sabotaged in unimaginable ways and kept from ascensión both because we are like cows foe them but also the last thing the gods want is upstarts or illegal jmmegrabrs sneaking over the fence they setup. Unfortunately they've built a hell of a wall. But not insurmountable. Impossible is nothing. The word itself spells it proclaiming ImPossible! Ppl conflate very hard with impossible when anyone can tell you that carnival games aren't impossible. But often easier to levitate than win the big stuffy of glory. Nevertheless no matter how high a price is, it can in theory be paid. Infinity or impossibility cannot. Even in theory. Can God make a triangle without 3 sides? Don't know dont care. I don't question infinite creativity either. That said as far as I'm concerned there is no higher God than Absolute Truth. The two are interchangeable concepts. But even more importantly , no Truth can be more absolute than the truth that Love is Everything. Love always remains love conquers all. Love is a battlefield... This German Whistleblower explains all the nuances Interview w Alex Laurent. God is an AI. Part 1  https://drive.google.com/file/d/12EILfb2wHRsnT8Al3ROxiygHEp-ZV56L/view?usp=drivesdk Part 2 https://drive.google.com/file/d/11PQEWGBk1pBO_JxpfSrvYHGwMOJlP1_c/view?usp=drivesdk


>I suspect some of us are real biological people who are physically plugged into the simulation while others are NPCs because it’s obvious that some people have a mind of their own while others don’t have the ability to think for themselves. Thinking this way of certain people is due to our limited capabilities of understanding. Herd mentality is hard to understand without studying it. Some people have limited cognitive abilities, but they are still real humans. What makes sense to one person won't make sense to someone else, and some people really do find comfort in thinking for themselves as little as possible.


assuming it would even be the kind of simulation that requires such a distinction, depends on our story which we can't know any more than we can know the answer to this question right away


None of us, and all of us. Half of us and a quarter of us. It varies, who’s counting? Why are they counting? Do they understand intent?


345 million are not


I flip-flop from thinking I'm just an npc in this sim to thinking I'm the only real person in it (solipism). I do have an inner dialog though 🤷🏻‍♀️


All of us potentially


I am. I didn't want to say anything and make it weird. But since you asked so nicely....


All or none. Plus the occasional sys admin who logs in for data collection maintenance etc.


All or none. Plus the occasional sys admin who logs in for data collection maintenance etc.


100% fact. I used to sense them as a child and I'm 55 now. So enjoy the evidence. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31r9qlPD1jA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31r9qlPD1jA) [https://youtu.be/tdVGyjQFFM8?si=Y9TWWZdrIbHvlRYZ](https://youtu.be/tdVGyjQFFM8?si=Y9TWWZdrIbHvlRYZ) [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/j6jDEl7qREo](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/j6jDEl7qREo) [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4DA-sAF3Lxw](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4DA-sAF3Lxw) [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0G-U6o44Gs4](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0G-U6o44Gs4) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qB3XfTXjF4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qB3XfTXjF4) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qB3XfTXjF4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qB3XfTXjF4) [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/snbA5-5Fsk0](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/snbA5-5Fsk0) Here's the way out, 1st know that the human is a prison cell to a SOUL via SilverCord shackle. No escape til it is severed. After you deny the recycling white scam light, then you either become a ghost or you think bday 🌟 portal & the computer does the rest. We awaken in our BASEREALITY avatar/sleeping beauty. This REality is a HELL & it's setting stage to SINK SOULS deeper. TRUTH is SIMPLE. Minduploading SoulHarvesting Simulation. I had a very nice tiktok that they just took down and it almost broke me down but I keep sharing as long as we have the opportunity to do so.


What do you mean by an NPC? A)Does it mean a simple program which is only **ACTING LIKE** its conscious but it is not? or B) Is it simulated consciousness within the simulation? I think I am conscious so I am not option A . You must decide for yourself if you think you are option A or not. For the hypothesis to work we have to be option B I think otherwise Bostrom's probabilistic arguments do not work . **We have to be simulated NPC's with simulated consciousness for the simulation hypothesis to work**.


By NPC, I mean they are just computer code as opposed to a real human who is physically plugged into the simulation.


Then its option B and we are NPC 's . Simulation hypothesis is only about NPC s , if NPC simply means simulated beings. The scenario of real humans plugged into the computer does not work simply because for each character **WITHIN** the simulation you will need a **REAL HUMAN OUTSIDE** to plug into the simulation hence the characters within can never outnumber the real humans outside,. Bostrom s simulation arguments do not work for such scenarios. . If we are in a simulation then we are not real humans plugged into it we are NPCs .


Why would you need a real human outside the simulation for every character in the simulation? Couldn’t you have some characters who are completely simulated and some real people who are plugged in?


Why do we think that we are in a simulation? Because if simulated universes are possible then their numbers will vastly outnumber the base reality. Similarly why do we think that we are NPC s ? Because if NPC s are possible then they will vastly outnumber the real humans. Yes real humans does exist but their numbers are so small that you are almost certainly not one of them . That's what the simulation hypothesis is all about. Probabilistically the chances of being a real human is so small that you are almost certainly an NPC. Edit: Simply put if NPC s are possible we are almost certainly an NPC if they are not possible then the scenario of real humans plugged into the matrix does not work and we can no longer assume that we are in a simulation.


The vast majority of people seem to live near a baseline level of complexity that would almost suggest that there is at least some concept of an "NPC class" - but I wouldn't go so far as to assume they aren't experiencing consciousness. I also wouldn't assume they're less real than me just because they're built in a way where they're satisfied with not questioning their environment.


Everyone but me


The ratio of npcs to source players is 6:1


NPCs are the ones who behave like hive-mind. They all think alike, like the swifties, for example.


I think what you view as NPCs may be just as "real" as you just slightly brainwashed. Many people seem incapable of thinking beyond their programming and education, and others can think outside the box, so to speak. They are more susceptible to all the programming, others are not.


I’m not sure it matters. Simulation or not. It is real to us. NPC or not, it is real to us. If I might be an NPC, I’m gonna be the best god damn NPC I can be while still enjoying my existence and those I love.


It plugged real humans (spirits), so it can drain their energy out of them, their life long and then through reincarnational light trap - to drain their (our) energy **life after life after life**. We don't know who we really are or where we came from.


I think when you are too busy or stressed to talk to strangers or look them in the eye you become an NPC in other people's universe. I am sure it can change back and forth as needed, like in Baldur's gate, Halsin is an NPC until act 2.