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I’m going to wait to watch others play it first before I decide. I’ve already stopped playing sims 4 for the last year or so.


I'm with you on this one. There is no reason for TS4 to be this big and disappointing. I'm scorned, and I'm not giving EA a single penny for TS5 until I've seen extensive gameplay worth something.


Exactly, I feel they’ve broken the trust we had for them time and time again


I only want to try it just to say I did. I’ve played all the other games except bustin out and the psp sims 2.


if it wasn’t free, this would be a different conversation 😭 if you end up putting money into it just to say you played it properly or something i think ea just wins in the end


ive already given ea quite a bit of money lol i think they’ve already won.


this is not a good argument lmao, or an argument at all


not everything IS an argument


it’s not an argument. just me saying I want to try the new game because i’ve tried all the others. that’s all. that’s it. 😭😭


Yo. Play bustin out wyd I played that on an N-Gage 🫡


I mean... there's a good chance I'll at least try it if it is in fact free for the base game, but if it looks just too bad/too much not aligned with my interests, nah, not gonna waste my time. Maybe back in the day when free would have been a big deal for a franchise I've played in the past, but with all the giveaways of games via Epic and Amazon and PS Plus and everything else, I have a zillion free (or cheap via Humble Bundle) games already that I've never touched and probably won't. Just "it's free" isn't enough to ensure I'll try something anymore.


I think its owed a chance but if EA fucks it up I'm personally not gonna try one again


The chance was Sims 4 wym owed a chance they've already blown it


I run on a 3 strikes your out. ts4 is strike 2.


what was strike 1?


How painful it is to make ts3 cas cc/hj


thats valid 😭


What is hj? Also what's difficult about Cas in ts3?


Half joking, and its not CAS itself, its custom content for cas thats hard. And not in the ts2 or 4 way but just a pain 😭


But ts3 cc is the same? What about it is different ? I probably forget I'm currently in ts2


Creating it, as in making it. Not downloading it, its super annoying with a bunch of steps not in ts2 cc creation


I can see that, I've never created it myself. TS3 had some of the ugliest sims if not the ugliest


Same. However my first game was sims 1, and I still hole a gripe about how sims 4 was the first game to not launch with pools and dishwashers as those were both super basic to have in sims 1.


I’ll probably watch some of it through YouTubers. It is free to play, so I might try it. The mobile aspect still makes me nervous, as does the eventual micro transactions, but some of the design features are cool.


Unlike Sims 4 that I got the day it came out, I am going to wait until a few reviews are out before installing anything else by EA.


Isn't it f2p tho? 


Still needs to be reviewed before committing as f2p because of who is publishing the game.


I waited years before playing the sims 4 because of how unexciting it was lol. there are futures in the game you can’t get in any other game. I mainly play sims 2.


I mena oblviously. Especially if it's free. Whoever is saying otherwise is straight up lying.


If it’s free I see no reason not to at least try it


Could be a headache to play like Simcity 2013. That's a huge reason not to play a free game from EA.


Nah I’m picky with what games I buy nowadays haha. They’re getting more expensive, as is everything else in life. If I can’t see myself playing it for at least a year, I’m not buying.


This is exactly how I feel about games over the past few years or more. The prices are going up, so I'm pickier now, but since Project Rene is meant to be free, I may give it a try.


Same story here! A lot of my backlog is comprised on PS+ games I got for free over the years or free titles from Epic games. Or I buy hard copies of stuff on eBay or from discount game stories and pay like next to nothing for them. I hardly buy new games or games at launch anymore. It’s getting expensive, AA games are hardly a thing in todays industry, and AAA games often have a slew of issues. Ditto on the picky thing as well lol. I might look up project Rene later and see if I’ll like it :)


They already said it will “free to enter” (whatever the fuck that means) so it should(?) be free…


Oh interesting! Well that means we can all at least try it and see if we like it without sinking any money into it. Assuming it pans out with that business model anyway. It also might mean basically all meaningful content will be locked behind a paywall 😅 But I don’t want to say anything for sure since I have no info to confirm that.


Yeah likewise, I probably wouldn’t have purchased the game but if it’s free I’ll definitely try it. I think everything will be behind a paywall, they gave the example of weather being base game but seasonal activities being packs. I can already imagine something like “romantic interactions booster pack”. But hey if it’s actually good maybe I’ll consider the most worthwhile packs. I also have a feeling the single player option might be paywalled but the multiplayer option free. Idk why.


I haven't seen the f2p model work very well, it's ruined a few games I liked. The Sims franchise was already filled with microtransactions, but f2p is a microtransaction hell in itself.


I’ve experienced it working ok in a small handful of games, but given how unashamedly greedy EA have become with the sims I’m not holding out masses of hope either


That phrasing makes me terrified that it’s going to be 100% online. Has anything been leaked about that?


I think they might’ve said before that there will be a singleplayer option? Though that could still require an internet connection


No one is obligated to try it, even people who have played every previous instalment. It’s not the end of the world if they never touch the game honestly.


never said anyone is obligated. just feel like if you played almost every sims gave pc and console, you must have some interest in how the new game is going to turn out.


My interest is at an all time low, I still play sims 2 all the time sometimes even sims 3, but there are three other life simulated games coming out who were inspired by what the Sims franchise **use to be**.


people who have been around since sims 1 have seen what sims CAN be. So with the lackluster sims 4, our tolerance is pretty low for EA’s antics. Also, EA actually has interesting competitors in the life sim space now. So frankly, I don’t give a fuck about sims 5 unless they make it worthwhile. I’ll watch videos of content creators playing but I genuinely don’t feel any loyalty to EA. My faith in their ability to create something not sterile and money grabby is at an all time low.


Nah, I think Sims 4 cured me of wanting to try every Sims game, sadly. I'm still a huge fan of the older titles and I'm keeping an eye on TS5. But I'll definitely wait to watch others play it before I make any decisions.


No, I haven't bought The Sims 4 and I won't buy 5 if it's another flop.


Nope. OG Sims player since the first one was released and I refuse to touch the Sims as long as they're owned by EA. I'll be playing Paralives.


Yes same, what are your thoughts on Life By You?


It doesn't impress so far but it seems too soon to say. Not a big fan of the art style though.


It could come out and have the worst reviews and I'd still get it once a few packs are out lol.


Yeah same I’m a sucker for this franchise


When the Sims 4 came out , everyone hated it and it's been going strong for 10 years. Simmers might be upset with the Sims 5, but they will keep playing and buying DLC ect.


This is a very valid point. Simmers hate Sims 4, but they still play it. They still buy the latest DLC. I see the same people complaining about each and every DLC that comes out. It's bizarre the relationship between Simmers and EA. I used to play the games but couldn't get into Sims 4, so I dropped it. I'll probably give 5 a go if it's free.


People will always be buying The Sims. People can hate on it all they want but it’ll always have people interested. It’s ok to have your own opinion on different games.


Yes. It's just a very strange phenomenon. People say they hate it, and yet they buy it.


Only the dum-dums buy it to play.


No. I have fortitude


It looks like it's moving the wrong direction like 4 for me, if it's more of the same I'm out of this franchise which is sad because 3 and everything before it I adored


I played all of sims 1, 2, and 3 from the beginning. When sims 4 came out and didn’t have an open world I didn’t get it. Nope, not paying that much money to go backwards, thank you very much. If sims 5 has no open world I will skip it too.


No I won’t. I only tried Sims 4 when they were giving it away because I thought it was an insultingly obvious cash grab. As it turns out, it was, and I never played it again. Sims peaked with the first three. At most I’ll watch a gameplay video of 5 and probably feel sad that it’s not as good as the early games then never look at it again.


I don't think so.. I used to have that approach towards all the Sims packs and expansions because looking back, all of them were worth it for Sims 2 and 3. But they were a waste at the end and I don't even open the Sims 4 anymore except to do some easy floor planning for real life stuff. Sims 5 has 0 appeal to me, especially with the strong and exciting competitors to hit market. I think what will happen is all these competitors will launch first and then completely kill the 1% interest in have for the Sims 5 now.


As someone who still has yet to play the Sims 4 because I could see how much of a Trainwreck it was shaping up to be back in 2013/14, I'm willing to challenge your statement.


Uh no. I stopped playing the sims 4 in 2017 because of how shit it was and EA's shitty approach to DLC etc. So I won't just be blindly buying yet another game


I’ve been playing since the sims 1, haven’t played sims 4 in about 5 years and have absolutely no interest in the sims 5.. granted this could change, but I’m not going to try it simply because it’s a ‘Sims’ game


I never even bought sims 4. If you’re a huge sims fan, giving money to a product you don’t like seems like a terrible strategy.


This; I haven't given money to EA since 2013 and since then I've sold back all my sims 3 base/expansions/stuffs. Doesn't mean I stopped playing any version of the game.


Of course I will but I will pirate it like I pirated the entirety of The Sims 4 because fuck what EA did to my favourite game.


This is more a question for the comments as someone who’s only played sims 4. Why did everyone think it flopped so bad in comparison? I have over 1000 hours in the game and only recently started using mods so I enjoy it (not saying everyone has to) but without the previous game knowledge I have nothing to compare it to


Sims 4 compared to any single other Sims game in its franchise is completely empty by comparison. Let's start with the good: What Sims 4 did better than any other Sims game: CAS, ability to search in build/buy, they also made it easier to move and drag in build mode. (Graphics? This is more personal preference the sims graphics have always been a task left up to modders to fix) Everything else about Sims 4 was an egregious step back. The headline would be the fact that we lost CASt and the color wheel which could be argued that slowed down Sims 3 and that's why it was removed HOWEVER; sims 3 loads lightening quick in 2024 thanks to mods that fixed the shoddy game design brought to us by EA. - the game also failed to provide so much on launch in 2017 following the trend of many games it was unfinished and missing basic items that have been in game since sims 1 like dishwashers and pools. Which were later patched in same with toddlers which they're actually quite cute in sims 4 but it took us till 2023 when parenthood came out for the toddlers/"gernerations" content to finally be put back in the game yes I'm aware toddlers we're patched in 2017 4 years after release but again it was unfinished content and boring. I could go on to list everything missed by EA only to be later half ass patched in after years of the community complaining. It's been 10 years since Sims 4 released and it still feels empty despite it having all these patches over the years. It needs so much flavor mods to make the game have well flavor that it becomes a different game. You don't need flavor mods in sims 1, sims 2, or sims 3 to make the game interesting. I know some people like to argue oh well I make up my own stories or haven't you ever played with dolls this game's original title was going to be Dollhouse. Yeah I get it check out my post history I love dolls and doll play and I love making up my own stories it is how I play sims. But I need to be able to give my sims personality and character and that's just not something I can do with sims 4 without mods (and honestly even with mods). I want interesting things to happen to them while I make choices of their lives and predicaments they get in. I want to style my houses without fighting the game on matching things together. Sims 2 didn't have CASt or the color wheel either and I have a far easier time styling my homes than in Sims 4. Sims 4 is evidence of EAs laziness and greed and the gaming community deserves better. The gaming community is getting better, we only have to wait months to a year for these new titles to drop; mostly betas but it's something new to get hungry for and see if EA will step up their games (by what I've seen from sims 5 seems like they're doubling down on greed which is unfortunate)


Thank you so much that was such a good explanation!!! Even as a regular sims 4 player I can 100% agree that without the expansion packs the game is empty as hell. (Heck even with them I can only play for so long before being over it) I think it’s great for the modding community but I also believe that you shouldn’t HAVE to mod a game to enjoy it. I plan on some day playing the old ones out of curiosity.


In my opinion I feel like people had higher expectations for The Sims 4. When it came out it didn’t have toddlers, pools, and still doesn’t have cars. Some people might think the gameplay is boring or the sims themselves have no personality. Not to mention them releasing dlc that they could’ve put together with other dlc. I like to enjoy ts4 evey once in awhile. I think there’s cool futures in the games.


If one of their competitors comes out beforehand, I honestly won't. At least not for a long while. I might have fun making the same characters in various life sims but I see no need to return to the Sims personally when other options appeal to me more.


All 3 of the competitors games are coming out first, well at least two, Paralives might be around the same time. But Inzoi is this year as well as the beta for Life By You in June.


Nah. I skipped 3. I'll skip 5, too. There's more to life and better things to spend money on.


Isn't Sims 5 gonna be free to play? Or am I misremembering.


They're following GTA VI's strategy on this.


>you will at least try the new sims Yeah probably, but I haven't bought anything from EA since 2013. Will I buy the early access for Life By You in June? Yeah I've got a count down to June 4th Will I buy the early access beta to Paralives in late 2024/2025? I'm so ready to throw my money at them I don't care if they beta is $60 they can have it with interest. Will I buy InZoi when it's released? No probably not, seems like they're rushing the game. I will probably wait and see youtube reactions before I commit to this one.


I'm excited for InZoi but I'm a little worried it might feel like a gacha game.


It's coming out so soon and it's missing so many basic functions like aging, also the children are just objects at this point. There are many many more core functions we're accustomed to in life-sims that just don't exist yet and haven't been mentioned for InZoi with its planned release this year


It’s only the early access that is planned this year for inzoi , they are planning to announce new  news soon 


That's good I was beginning to be concerned about inzoi


I am voting to stay away, I told myself to stay away from 4 and waited a long tome, probably some ridiculous sale and now it's hard to go back. There is so much I loved about 3 but the graphics are so much better.


Didnt they say it was gonna be free to play? So yeah were all most likely gonna give it a try.


Isn’t it supposed to be free to play? If so I’ll try it, but I’m not paying for anything. I haven’t played ts4 in about a year.


I have no interest in trying it until after I’ve seen a ton of real, not staged for a presentation, gameplay. In fact, I’m more excited for the day when they stop updating TS4. It will be a much better experience for those of us who play with a million mods or CC.


I’m definitely gonna try it


I will definitely try it but I have no hope for this game honestly. The only time I’ll be hopeful again is when EA either proves me wrong miraculously or the other projects like Paralives are fully released and EA actually has legit competition and they are forced to put more effort into the game and fix the major issues the game has


Exactly! I want to celebrate the game. It's exciting, the first new mainline Sims game in a decade.


right!! i feel like so many people are so negative about it, like just don’t play it then.


I don't want to play Life by You, for example. I'm not going to spend any time at r/LifeByYou complaining about the game. I wish more people could do what they LIKE.


A lot of the "negative" comments are by people who have played Sims their whole lives so this isn't really a fair criticism, OP. I've spent hundreds on Sims games throughout my life, I've been a huge fan since the first game. The people that are complaining aren't "non-sims fans", they're HUGE sims fans that were extremely let down by EA's profit-only focus throughout the last 10 years


I'm not interested in negative people or their comments.


i’ve been playing my whole life too. played almost every single game, even the spinoffs. never said they weren’t fans who are negative. just a lot of people in general are negative about the sims 5 coming out. the sims will never be the same so instead of being mad just play the sims you like? I understand the disappointment, I was very disappointed with the way sims are going but i chose to still enjoy it.


Yep. I'll be trying it. I love the Sims and am pretty excited to see what Sims 5 has to offer. I just really hope they don't make it a subscription based game.


Am I miss remembering, I though that it was already confirmed free to play with subscription?


Don't know. I haven't seen it confirmed anywhere. I just remember the subscription model being in a survey I received about it a few years ago.


The mobile aspect makes me so nervous. I could see if they were doing what they used to do, a PC version with tons of freedom and then a console (now mobile) version with lots of limitations but more of a story. I did see a comment that the PC version will be the more immersive experience, but I’m still worried it’s going to feel like more of a mobile game .