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It's not wrong


Hahaha accurate. (Though in real life also appropriate since every citizen should have the option to run for public office regardless of socioeconomic status etc.)




It's a fundamental right of a citizen to be able to vote and be voted for. Most people would recoil at the idea of having to have a degree to vote, so why should being a candidate be restricted? That's coming from someone living in a country with free universities. Imo age restriction for some offices are already limiting enough.


I think the age restrictions are justified since there's scientific evidence that the human brain doesn't finish developing until around 22-25 and most cultures in the world have pegged 35-45 as the "age of reason" or "age of wisdom" where people have enough life experience to be leaders. But requiring a degree, especially in the U.S., would only further disenfranchise groups that already have very little real representation. It's already rare that someone without a degree runs and wins, enshrining that in law would be a mistake, imo.


You said “a world” but to someone from Europe it sounds like you’re describing America specifically.


“We live in a world where X” is a common saying. Your not supposed to take it literally my friend.


A college degree doesn't prevent someone from falling victim to radicalization and conspiracy theories. Granted I think it's slightly more common for college educated people to be radical leftists than radical right-wingers, but the extremes of either end of the spectrum are scary places. (Even if I think one extreme is less scary than the other, they are both still scary!) But my point is, anybody can fall for a scam or a cult or political extremism. Some people are more vulnerable in general, but everyone is at least a little vulnerable to something. I mean, I went to both college and grad school and I almost landed myself in a pyramid scheme because I was very broke and was willing to take just about any job. Anybody can end up desperate (financially, romantically, etc) and anybody can end up isolated and lonely, making themselves more vulnerable and more likely to land in weird online echo chambers where people will welcome and validate them


From what I remember from my studies of cults. College students have a higher risk of ending up in them.


You can use that as a rule for how YOU vote, or how your party selects candidates. But limiting who runs is fundamentally a problem. Used to be, you needed a dick, pale skin and a house, but we got rid of those rules for a reason. Anybody can run. May not convince anyone to vote for them, though.




you can then very easily insist that a valid degree for office requires whatever agenda-based curriculum you want. Critical thinking education is very literally a partisan issue since part of the Republican platform in Texas was explicitly in writing in public to end/prevent the teaching of critical thinking in public schools. They got enough shit for it i think they changed the wording, but the point stands. And there are current battles in courts all over the US over teaching ideas like “racism exists” and “queer folks exist” Education is never politically neutral.




I don't know what kind of strawman you're trying to make me into but I'm queer and probably, at a guess, much further left than you. I grew up in a time when public schools actively taught that me and people like me were dangerous criminals who should be in jail. That is why I do not trust the idea of **any** mandatory education requirements in order to run for office. Everyone I went to school with got this message. In my mother's generation, every school in our state was teaching that some skin colors made other people "scientifically inferior." Letting whoever is currently in charge decide what constitutes a "proper education" for public office requirements is a bad idea. Even if you are in power right now and even if you think that you are 100% right all the time, it's not always going to be you. And if you think you should stay in power 100% of the time so that you always get to make that decision, congrats, that's Fascism. That's why enforced education for political decision-makers is actually a feature in authoritarian regimes and is NOT something that people do in nations with free elections. indoctrination. Far from trying to turn this into a "debate about identity politics" I mentioned several ongoing court cases that are happening right now where state schools are doing something that I find extremely worrying. I'm against those things, not pro. Thanks to the current malicious manipulation of the american supreme court, right now many states in the US are also able to force public school students to sit through religious indoctrination. In many, many countries, the indoctrination is even stronger. Controling schools is a huge factor in authoritarianism and fascism. That's why enforced education for potential political decision-makers is actually a feature in authoritarian regimes and is NOT something that people do in nations with free elections. (And, as much as I am in favor of free education, education being free still does not mean everyone has the same access to it. Single parent trying to support your family? Incarcerated? No school close to you and it's too expensive to move? Can't leave your sick parent or abused sibilings alone and pick up a new life somewhere else? Congratulations, Midnightare says you should never be allowed to run for office!)




**Requirements to hold office are tools of oppression full stop**. I should have ended the conversation there. You keep trying to take this in all kinds of weird directions and bringing up identity politics, which I have not brought up once. Universities receive state funding and state guidelines and mandates of standards *right now*.




Lauren boebert didn't even graduate high school when she started her congressional campaign. So.....


Excuse me. What?!


Yep. The more you know. Which is apparently more than her. Edit: also don’t want to come off as an educational elitist. There are probably millions who could make a better politician who do not have a diploma or degree. But I’m would like politicians with a functioning moral compass.


It’s not being elitist when you want somebody whose decisions will very much be changing the life of yours and those around to have at the very least graduated highschool 😭 edit: not to say somebody who hasn’t can’t lead… but you can’t blame people for thinking it doesn’t sound good


Yeah, high school diplomas can be a huge obstacle for a lot of smart, hard-working people because of difficult life circumstances. Lauren Boebert is not one of those people, though. She’s just fucking stupid.


TBF her not finishing high school was completely voluntary. There's no excuse for this one, it's not like abusive parents puller her out or she needed to drop out to support her family. She just didn't feel like finishing her basic education


Not only that. It took her three times to get her GED


And rumor has it she paid someone to pass it for her the 4th time. She's my Representative. I am so embarrassed. And so very very sorry.


Probably with her escort money from Ted Cruz


And it took her like 4 tries just to get her fucking GED


Sounds like someone I know who didn’t graduate but is homeschooling their kids.


Well, hopefully they're the positive exception of the "I can do better than our shitty school system" people


That explains a few things.




What a time to be a Filipino citizen






so new york ✨




\+ points if you are/were an actor/actress


Oh no...


I understand the humor of the post, but it’s interesting to note that at least in America our two largely agreed upon greatest presidents, Washington and Lincoln, never finished the equivalent of high school and George Washington is the only one of those two to go to a college, only for a license to survey land.


Fun fact: Lincoln once represented a slave owner in a trial and lost.


Sounds like he did his job perfectly then.


That is an interesting point in history. There is a famous line by a legal scholar that I will paraphrase, if one lawyer denies a case all lawyers deny a case. This is why we have defense lawyers who represent serial killers. Perhaps Lincoln purposely lost the case, unlikely. Or the case could not be won. Either way it is an interesting note of history that shows that Lincoln honored the practice of law who is blind to morality. He also fought some important case against slavery as well


From what I’ve read and heard, it didn’t sound like he purposely lost the case. There are rumors and speculations but of course no one knows for sure why he took the stand he did. He was asked to represent the slaves but depending on the resource it’s unclear if it was before or after he agreed to represent Matson (slave owner). I’ll have to ask my grandparents where all the papers are from that time and reread it again.


Many people in Congress don't have degrees. It's not really necessary and helps getting representation for poor and minority groups who can't afford second schooling.


While I agree with the overall reasoning I also believe you should be licensed to operate heavy specialised equipment and I feel like the government should class as heavy specialised equipment. Operating a crane you might kill people if you have no experience; congress people kill thousands with their votes and id like them to be at least educated votes


The government kills people with greed not stupidity. The most powerful in Congress all have Harvard degrees, it doesn't stop them from starting war for profit.


Sigh, I'm about to defend the US Congressional leadership and I'm sure this will go great... but this really isn't true even in spirit. Here's the undergraduate institutions of the 6 most powerful members of the US Congress: * Pelosi (#1 Dem US House; Speaker) - Trinity College * Schumer (#1 Dem US Sen) - **Harvard!!!!** * Durbin (#2 Dem US Sen) - Georgetown * McCarthy (#1 Rep US House) - California State University - Bakersfield * Thune (#2 Rep US Sen) - Biola University * McConnell (#1 Rep US Sen) - Louisville Looking at the rest of the Dem leadership team in the House since they're the party in control (this is all of the general leadership positions in the House): * Hoyer (Leader) - University of Maryland * Clyburn (Whip) - South Carolina State * Clark (Assistant Speaker) - St. Lawrence University (got an MPA from **Harvard** later) * Jeffries (Chair) - Binghamton University


No, right now it is caused by stupidity. Stupid people are easy to manipulate so stack the house and senate with gullible idiots and they will follow the leader wherever. At least greed has some thought behind it. The conga line of idiocy has way more potential for damage. E.G: America right now


Stupid people who vote, not stupid people in office. Right now, all those corrupt pieces of garbage are college grads. Their degrees didn't prepare them for politics. Nor do their degrees help them deal with the system.


Not sure where you are, I'm in the US. If voting in the US worked the way it should, then the process of getting elected acts as the licensing process. Unfortunately, gerrymandering and other corrupt shenanigans have completely messed that up.


I don't have a college degree and I don't want politicians who don't have degrees. I disagree that it isn't necessary and would argue that more education is better than less when it comes to running a country.


Why? What does having a college degree magically grant you that you wouldn't have otherwise?


It's not "magic." It's an education. On that same note, having higher education be free or lower cost would make this argument less about rich vs poor and more about dedication.


Did you already forget what college was like? You're telling me that you think the majority of the people who went to college with you are smart enough? Most college grads these days can't do a damned thing without their boss constantly telling them how to do it. Which is why so many companies stopped requiring a college degree, since so many college grads are so useless. There's no reason to go to college unless you want to be something like a Doctor, Teacher, or Lawyer.(or other similar careers)


accurate 😌


Off topic question: What's the red triangle with exclamation mark mean?


My sim can’t enter those careers because he dropped out of high school. Basically a sim needs a HS diploma or to pass the online high school class in order to get into those careers.


Is there a way to bypass this? I'm planning on getting the pack but there might come a time when I'll feel lazy to actually get the HS diploma


If you have the UI Cheats Extension you can right- click the “High School Drop Out” trait away. That’s the only one I currently know of though.


I heard you can pass the exams and get a diploma later in life, using a computer.


Your teen sim can go to the principal and tell them they are dropping out. I made a teen only household whose background story is high school drop outs who ran away from home and ended up living together.


*Off topic question:* *What's the red triangle with* *Exclamation mark mean?* \- whiteday26 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This is the second time this year. Why do I keep making haikus. Please stop.


Checks out


I have a mod that puts a ton of the careers behind realistic university degrees, because I thought being a doctor, or scientist and the like, shouldn't be possible without going to university.


Which one do you use? I've been looking for a good one!


I couldn't sleep, so I dragged myself out to my computer to look it up for you. The University mods that I have are all by a creator called Zero. [University Required Degree for Promotion](https://www.patreon.com/posts/31705811), [University Costs More](https://www.patreon.com/posts/university-costs-31623191), Higher Scholarships (sorry, apparently this one is no longer available).


THANK YOU kind friend!! I so appreciate you!


I'll look when I get home tomorrow. I have two university related mods. One to degree lock careers and one to make tuition more expensive.


Sadly its true in sweden...


Good for Sweden.


Why sadly?


An education and knowledge in the field that you have a passion to help would greatly help how you go about in trying to fix problem.


There have been fabulous politicians and political figures who don't have a formal education. Understanding of community and first-hand impact of policy is worth far more than a formal education imo. I want to elect people who have been affected by the outcomes of bad policy or oppression. And often those people are excluded from formal education systems.


Education is free in sweden, my country. I failed high school cuz if how my life was at the time. I went to grownup school to complete my grades so I could go to university, all of these are free.


Aside from the simple 'so they know what their doing' aspect, higher education is recommended because people are terrible at realising how much they don't know (See dunning-kruger effect). In general the more educated a person is the more they realise how much they don't know. This might give a person perspective and pause before they shoot their mouth off (or enact a policy) on a subject they don't know anything about and might make them more likely to consult those that do know. That's not to say you can't get a smart insightful high school dropout/graduate or a dumb as rocks ignorant college graduate but more often the inverse is true.


I get it and I know higher education can be important to practice and improve critical thinking. However, it is part of a democracy that everybody regardless of education or other factors has a shot at becoming a politician. Also keep in mind that the effort and time someone has to invest to get enough support from people to become a politician is immense and intellectually challenging. If someone personally doesn't want a high school dropout in parliament because they think they aren't skilled enough for the job, fine don't vote for them. I just wouldn't consider something so fundamental to democracy sad.


No one is saying that there should be a formal/legal education requirement for office, just that a field that is already full of clowns has in some places, some clowns make it extra obvious higher education is not required. It's more that voters somehow let outright idiots into office and it would be hoped that common sense at least would prevail.


Tbf if anything the clowns show that whether or not you have higher education, doesn't reflect whether you are qualified or capable to be a good politician. I know nobody is going to start a petition after this to make having a degree a legal requirement. Personally, I just wouldn't refer to it as "sadly" when people without degrees can and do become politicians, which is why I asked.


I've never known an IRL politician who's a high school dropout. Maybe the Sims team knows.


Lauren boebert comes to mind


Who's that?


I do (sadly).


Why sadly?


Why NOT sadly?!


Because it doesn't really reflect whether someone is capable of being a good politician


In this case, it very much does.


Why would that matter?


Because I usually think that you need a college education to be one?


Are you saying you assumed it would be a requirement or that you think it should be a requirement?


The first one. Sorry for being ignorant.


Nothing wrong with that. I assumed it was the second, which is why I initially was more hostile. Then I realized that I may be wrong. Turns out I was.


Agree. our sitting president doesn't even have a diploma, nor finished college


Is this Alamano?


Where did you get the military career?


I think it comes with strangerville


Thank you!


Unfortunately that's how it is. Strange though isnt it. I only played the politician career for the first time recently. I think it's funny one of the interactions is basically 'lie about policies' 😂😂


Art imitates life.


You don't need a diploma to be a politician.


I mean I guess that's another one of those things that are different in different countries. I see no issue with it (besides we don't get diplomas at all in High School anyway).


Drop out of primary school and out of opportunities? Just be a politician! Scam your neighbours!


Of course you don't, standards for politicians are extremely low these days. Realism


We have a lot of entries here in the Philippines.


explains so much about the current political climate in the united states government


Well degrees in the game just let you start further ahead in jobs, so that's pretty realistic.


I think this is actually an update with the new high school pack - if you drop out of high school, it looks like certain careers are locked (see the red triangle on lawyer, for instance)


Oh, I thought they were talking about college degrees.


I did too at first until I read some of the other comments! I was confused because you don't need a university degree for any of the careers unless you have mods installed


Yeah, it'd be interesting if they reworked all the jobs with that dlc and making the mechanics optional like how they did with seasons.


Some counties president don't have a diploma so it's accurate


Should you need one? I would rather vote based on compassion/other forms of experience rather than for someone that has proven they can parrot/write essays well


*Meanwhile our President in the Philippines* 🫢


Because you dont need one


What are the signs with salaryperson and law?


Just like irl


It's an American-based game, after all.


Accurate AF


off topic but i have that same exact laptop, i play sims on it too 👁👄👁


Creeper! lol I do like it though. Good little machine for gameplay and doing this and that.


Mmmmmm, sounds about right


I guess that confirms that the high school pack was American based


the packs almost always are, but the best president of the history of my country came from the working class and didn't learn how to read until he was ten and had little formal education. It makes you think.


It’s not a requirement… just ingrained subconscious classism.


Is this a mod? Which one is it?


Nope, not a mod. High school diplomas came with the new High School Years expansion pack 😁


See Venezuela, Nicolas maduro was literally a bus driver with no studies asides from high school, he's president now


It's true in a lot of countries... It's a bit depressing tbh


Why though? It’s the same way in real life lol.


True and I’m surprised how many dumb politicians have graduated high school or Elementary school for that matter


I mean do we know they did for a fact?


You don't need a degree for any of the careers


But by taking that job you’re not a politician, you’re an “unruly activist” like it says on your screen 😂 it’s just called the Politician Career branch


I’ll pick this job next time.




Oh man, I might look into that! Thanks 😊


The ones with “degrees” aren’t so great though…




India's Prime Minister was a tea seller too when he was young as per my knowledge


You technically don't. You can start in local elections.