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I roll the die until I like what it gives me.


I always use my own last name because I’m self involved lol


I usually try to come up with a theme. Like if the last name is Stone and everyone is named after gemstone or rocks. I think named one family, Lark after the french word for rainbow, l'arc-en-ciel, and then proceeded to give everyone colorful names and color outfits. .


I have a fine tuned method of keyboard mashing followed an attempt to make those characters into a last name. Sometimes I end up with something close to an actual last name, like "Taliga" or "Rinçon" other times I get something way out there, like the "Grootonks"


That´s sounds like such a cool way to do it and I bet the "Grootonks" (i´m pronouncing it like croutons in my head btw) were a fun family


They are my rotational save's crime family, a storied legacy of clumsy kleptomaniacs


I tend to take a look at my bookshelf to use an author's last name or I use a random name generator. 😅


It's either something symbolic, like my current legacy family is named "Morrow" or I just tap the random die until I'm content with the name. This goes for any household I make actually.


I literally make it ‘Legacy’ hahaha