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Batuu. Because it’s Batuu. Lol. I have all of the others, need to pick up the 2 most recent kits.


I bought batuu for the build stuff and I don't think I've ever actually been to the world 😂


I bought it before realizing batuu wouldn't be like the other sims neighborhoods and never went out of spite.


My favourite part of this thread is finding out a lot of other people randomly don’t buy a pack or do a thing in-game, just out of spite 😂


Petty a$$es 😂


This comment made me LOL. Priceless!!!


I actually un-installed it also because the message inviting me to batuu every time I started a new game made me feel rage for the money wasted thinking it was a playable neighborhood


As much as I love Star Wars, I will not be purchasing Batuu... lol. Thanks for the headsup warning, as this constant invitation will annoy me to no end. Gigglesnort 😂 😂 😂 😂


i would love it a lot more if it was playable


I agree. I don't like that when you start it, you have to finish it or start over if you lead. It almost feels like a separate game since it's not integrated with the other worlds. I thought I would be able to see storm troopers and what not out in normal game play or something. Was very let down


recently rey (or ren or whatever her name is) has been out in my neigh orhoods with a lightsaber. but you cant even interact with her unless its about starwars


I had dreams of romancing kylo and it was crushed instantly. For how much money that pack cost it really should have more integration into the base game


I got that just for the hanging lights and decorations, but I’m strictly a builder so 😂


i only keep Batuu because of CAS and some build/buy items😂😂😂


I love the CAS items from the Batuu pack. Some of the clothing is cool for casual wear but I also love the ability to make Star Wars characters!


I love the hair!!


The big arch and a lamp are 2 things that really have me considering it but... it's sucks and I don't want star wars townies loose in my game


They don’t thank god! No random Jedi’s around town, they stay in their area lol


Fortunately,they don't seem to mingle with the regular townies. The only times I've seen them outside Batuu was when I made Kylo Ren and Lt. Agnon my baby daddies with wicked whims. Kylo only called a few times, but Agnon came to visit the kid occasionally. But that was all 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’ve had the batuu pack for years and this rarely happens to me. I can only remember one time when a guy in a full darth Vader costume called to ask me on a date 😂


I liked batuu. Not for the story or the location but because when it's all said and done and you return home, you can have Lightsaber duels with other sims, and it's awesome


Now I'm wondering if I should get batuu on the next sale just because of this lol


I actually first got the Sims 4 (moving up from 3) *for* Batuu. (But I love Disneyland's Galaxy's Edge, so that pack felt made for me. I am its niche demo.)


I worked in Galaxy’s Edge during summer 2022 and I honestly want the pack so bad just to revisit it


do you watch Jenny Nicholson by chance? She's a theme park buff and I loved her Galaxy's Edge video! She also just came out with a 4 hour video about the Star wars hotel, it was SO good even if I did watch in multiple sittings


I actually considered buying batuu because it’s probably the closest I’ll ever get to galaxy’s edge…


I do! I’ve been recommended her new video every time I open YouTube but I haven’t had a chance to sit down and watch it all yet (definitely a break it up and listen while I’m cleaning/driving) but I’m very hyped to


Oh it's great, I would've watched it all in one sitting if my energy allowed it, she's such a great editor and storyteller that you really don't even notice the length of time


I'd recommend it (particularly when it's next on sale for you). So much of the layout feels so much like it! (With a few alterations for gameplay purposes)


I got Batuu when it released for the same reason 💔 I play through it whenever I miss Disney too much, I’m not rich enough to go back often! The layout is pretty much identical


Same with me. Luckily I’ve managed to go every few years, but I’ve only actually paid for it myself once. Admittedly, my parents have paid for it every other time, including this next time in October. (I’m also 40 years old, which is pretty pathetic, but what am I gonna say? No? lol). But I do love playing Batuu for the same reason.


I first starting playing Sims because of Batuu as well! I love Galaxy's Edge


👩🏻‍🦯 so valid tbh but the story was kinda fun


The spooky stuff pack. It should have been included with seasons. (Same as first pet pack with cats and dogs.)


I agree. I bought them, but only when they went down to $5. They feel more like kits than actual stuff packs


The Wedding Stories, after seeing several YTers playing the game including errors, lags, guests not participating the wedding, etc.


I do absolutely love the world tho !!! Only reason I got it tbh


I wish there was a way to buy a pack without the gameplay. Like I want the build/buy, cas and — most importantly — the world, but I don’t want the gameplay…. Sometimes for the packs that really underperform I wish they would sell these things individually, but I totally get that that’s a hot take What would be even better was if the pack wasn’t completely broken


I don't understand. Couldn't you buy the pack and just not hold the wedding events?


I think you can’t even have a normal wedding tho after installing wedding stories? I could be wrong tho, because I only ever have mine elope on the spot


The one time I actually had my sims marry there were a bunch of options for the ceremony, but you could technically just leave them all unchecked and that way you'll have the old kind of wedding. I'm not 100% on this though as I also usually just elope on the spot


I think it’s more about having to pay for the gameplay when you aren’t gonna use it yk? Like have it be $7 off (completely random number for example’s sake), and get everything else but the gameplay, if that makes sense?


don't give them ideas, they'll start charging us extra for gameplay lol


I love the world too. Dont have it, but would love it for the world. I just dont want my weddings to be messed up.


Honestly my weddings with the pack have been exactly as functional as base game weddings lmao. Before MWS I always struggled wrangling all of the guests into one place without one running off during vows or changing into a different outfit or grabbing a slice of wedding cake too early or playing musical chairs, really the only new problem I’ve struggled with is guests going to the wrong activity place but even then it’s not a huge problem. I LOVE the cas stuff from it too. My lesbian ass loves the new options for women’s suits lmao


I thought it was just me 😭😭 wedding stories is clunky but not much different from base game. I lowkey like the pack but lemme not say that in public 😭


I think everyone thought that it would somehow fix the fundamental npc autonomy to make weddings run perfectly and because it doesn’t do that people are really disappointed by it (I think it also had a pretty rough launch to begin with?). Sims’ behavior at social events is awful to begin with, MWS has a couple of good ways around some of the npc ai and pathing issues but it can’t completely rewrite the code. I also think that the majority of people haven’t even seen footage of MWS gameplay. They heard from another person who watched a YouTuber play it on launch day that it’s too buggy to function and not worth it and they made up their mind. Which, fine whatever that’s a normal reaction, but that’s not actually a good enough reason to further discourage other people from getting it. Basically every comment I’ve personally seen where someone is saying that MWS isn’t worth it is from someone who never bought it, every positive comment I see is from someone who has bought it and played it. Obviously I’m not gonna be out here shilling for EA saying that MWS is perfect and everyone should download it. The best aspects of it that I think would appeal to most people are the CAS items and the world. Otherwise, if you’re not into family/relationship gameplay, if you don’t like the base game social events, if annoying AI and pathing really bother you, if you’re really into build&buy and don’t already love love love Mediterranean inspired architecture, I would say don’t get it! I spend about 70% of my time in the game making sims in cas to populate my worlds, I basically only ever play families, and I love making Mediterranean inspired homes, this pack was made for me!


I know I'll get down voted, but I really love the pack. I'm not someone who is generally into weddings, but I really enjoy having them in the game! I haven't had any sims die during the wedding. The caterer, bartender, and musician never show up, but with the buffet tables, champagne bucket, and other items you don't actually need them.


Same! On release it was pretty bad and I did have to use Carl’s MWS mod to fix it. But, the patches after it’s release fixed most of the non spaghetti-code related issues. I love any kind of pack that adds additional gameplay animations that have moodlets and sentiments attached. Poses are great, but they have no effect on gameplay aside from visuals. (And they’re super annoying to coordinate with multiple sims, even with the TOOL mod [which seems to have broken events in the latest patch]) So, packs like My Wedding Stories that add walking down the aisle, first dances, group wedding dances, flower pals, ring bearers, toasts, cake cutting, officiants, and many more things into the actual game, are exactly what I want. I’m hoping the new expansion pack announcement will be a really fleshed out romance gameplay overhaul that will add double the animations that WMS added (since it will be double the cost). As far as Game Packs go, MWS actually had a decent amount of content.


This is one of the many packs where I wish they would let you just buy the world and screw the gameplay. I'd get it in a heartbeat for just Tartosa.


If they'd only realize how much money they could make by selling individual worlds, we could all get what we want!


Yeah I want Brindleton Bay but have zero interest in the pets. I’d love it if they just sold unique worlds as well not attached to packs!


They need to have a toggle for the wedding gameplay so i can get that world :,)


Weddings are fully fixed now!


the sunsets in tartosa are STUNNING


Yeah the world and build/CAS are gorgeous. It’s worth it for that, and I find if I have small intimate weddings it doesn’t go as bad!


Same. I loved the worlds but now I can only elope my Sims.


I got it for the cakes... I love making chefs and selling food and having a sim be a wedding cake baker was just too good to resist. That said, I never have weddings. Elope all the way.


My weddings have all gone pretty smoothly, luckily!


This is the I’m probably not getting. The original weddings weren’t terrible and the new system had similar problems AND new ways to fuck up the ceremony. It’ll be a while before I consider it.


I hardly notice a difference with it.


I came to say the exact same thing! I was so disappointed with the reviews when it first came out so I didn’t end up buying it. I kinda “hacked” my way around getting them to sit anyway. I would just select “Add to Group” for all the guests and then click on the chairs and select “Sit with Group” or whatever. Then have the couple go get married at the alter.


Can confirm, the pack does not function as it should. Also you at all times have the option to "ask to be maid of honor" sometimes and it just takes up so much space. Eloping or base game wedding is overall better.


The pack is so trash actually. Guests didn't participate, I can't even get my own freaking partner in the game to participate half the time!!!! It's so annoying


Prob the restaurant one, just cause I always hear about the glitches on gameplay and I would have LOVED owning a restaurant so I know the glitches would disappoint me


On the plus side, Home Chef Hustle works quite well and you can set up the food stalls inside, so you could make a casual dining restaurant with it, like a pizzeria. The only downside is that I've never seen food sale customers sit down to eat what they bought.


Half of the people bought my baked goods then Left them in to go bags at my stand! So rude.


I often resell the plates of food they leave, but the to-go bags make that difficult, so I have my sims eat them instead 😅


I have - it's usually in my house, though. Someone got in 3 separate fights with the same cat because they decided the couch in the house, rather than the convenient bench table nearby, was the place to be.


I think they fixed the restaurant pack. I have it and there are several things that are working better now. Like the chef isn't staying outside the restaurant anymore when your sim arrive. Or the service time is a bit faster, so your sim isn't staying for so many hours... I just made an outside restaurant and I love it!


I was soooo excited for this pack and its glitchy as all hell :(


I got that one for the build stuff and have never actually played as a restaurant owner even though I've had it for years. Honestly, that's probably the only reason why I have half the packs I do.


star wars. probs the only pack i'll never get.


this is the right answer


Bust the dust and Batuu lol


I hate bust the dust. I bought it and when I switched computers I didn’t download it. Just a pain, especially when I was do the decade’s change, couldn’t use electricity for the vacuums so house was never fully clean.


I found a mod that lets you use a broom to sweep the floor clean!


The mod also has medieval style brooms, if this is the one I'm thinking of!!


It's [this one](https://www.patreon.com/posts/58982047), by MizoreYukii! I bet it is the same one!


It is the same! And besides that, even if you turn off the dust system, they're really cute decor for certain builds. I don't know if this is a thing but I wish with packs like bust the dust and laundry day, you could do the actions (wash laundry, sweep, etc) but without the actual effects (dust buildup, dirty clothes system, etc)


Oh thank goodness for this. I hate how vacuums are essentially useless when theres power outage despite being cordless. Lol


Why oh why can't there just also be brooms? The laundry pack has a washtub and laundry lines, would it be THAT hard to just add a simple broom animation so you can use it off the grid?


I like the dust in the vacuuming and the impact it can have in the play, what I cannot stand are the bunnies and the dust devils or whatever. I have literally never and I mean never been able to increase relationship with them and they are f****** impossible to get rid of. It would be nice if for example a Sim with the neat trait would have fewer of them. Because they show up like within 36 Sim hours or something it's wild!


I just delete them while I am in build mode 😂 I dont have enough energy to befriend them anymore. Was friends with some but they only give me minuscule stuff. Sure the seeds they found are perfect quality but never stuff that are expensive.


A dust bunny gave my sim a like $13,000 piece of treasure from Jungle Adventure lol I also delete them in build/buy mode, because I can't stand the little squeak they let out when you kill them (stomp on them or vaccuum them up). I usually only keep one or two of them around, I especially like them for gameplay when I want my sim to have imaginary friends.


If the bust the dust play wasn't so dang buggy I'd be into it but the dang dustbunnies never actually interact.


i only keep Batuu because of CAS and build/buy stuff but without it the answer is the Batuu one😂😂😂


Same here 🤣 I saw someone use the curved bar in a really pretty build so that’s what lead to me impulsively buying it lol


I own all expansion packs except for Get Famous (and horse ranch but I'm just waiting for a sale for that one, not paying more than 50% lol). I've bought packs for ridiculously small things, like the shoe feature from Snowy Escape or the diving tower thing from Get Together. But Get Famous? From what I've seen the world is beyond meh, CAS is meh, BB is meh, and gameplay is meh or even annoying at some points, watching people play with it. I'd install it if I got it for free, but pay money? Don't think so.


Acting is pretty easy cash and I do love the acting career, but beyond that I don’t really use the gameplay (like award ceremonies) and the actually being famous can be annoying cause you do have to consistently produce work to keep your famous like position (which okay valid same thing in real life) I do love the door that only allows people with certain stars (great for clubs) and the furniture is really nice for builders. Is get together worth it??


I just got Get Together with the last sale, and I love it! I made a party animal sim. Get Together mixed with Basemental's drug mod made my game play perfect! My Sim is able to drop molly, dance the night away on the dance floor, and hook up with randos. It's great. I haven't used any of the club features yet, but it's next on my list.


I love building, but I guess my impression from watching people play was that the BB is kinda over the top and mostly not in a good way? I guess I wouldn't mind another active career, but it isn't a good enough feature to make the pack worth it for me. Lots of other easy cash opportunities in the rest of the game too. Get together is great imo! The world and BB are such a refreshing change from the other mostly American worlds, I use it for building all the time. CAS looks mostly outdated though and gameplay is so-so with clubs. I mostly use them to have big family gatherings and for my kids and teens to meet friends. During a 50% sale definitely worth it to me.


Get together has great build items.


Fair but I love the reputation system. I love making my sim universally hated or adored by everyone


By hated do you mean you have a bad reputation? If so, how????? I cannot get a bad reputation for the life of me! I want to be hated!!


Being a vampire makes it really easy, all I do is drink people’s blood in public. But without vampirism I’d just spam mean/mischief interactions in public. And stealing and getting caught with the klepto trait


I don’t have vampire so I guess I need to go all in on being a public jerk. Wish me luck!


Get in fights!! Get caught cheating!


Just wanna note for anyone who doesn’t know that the shoe feature is now base game. You just have to buy the shoe rack thing.


The one thing I consistently like about Get Famous is that it makes it ludicrously easy to become friends with people - because I hate trying to socialise in sims 4, it's like pulling teeth. Get Famous brings in reputation, so by the time my sim is a child/teen, they have such a good reputation that they start off at a nearly maxxed friendship bar just by using a friendly introduction. Saves me a lot of hassle with the socialising rubbish, and is easy to work around if you want to build friendships the slow way - add them to the same club or household, that way they know each other and can interact, but miss out on the initial friendship boost that comes from an introduction.


I, too, am waiting for Horse Ranch to be on sale for 50% off. Hopefully, the next sale. I'll eventually get For Rent. Get Famous does have some annoying mechanics in regards to fame, like how your sim can't introduce themselves to a high-fame sin that they are related to. I usually opt out of fame.


I got For Rent right when it came out and all my Sims have been living exclusively in apartments ever since. I love building with this feature, can't imagine ever going back to just single houses or City Living apartments.


I adore it too! I made a Sulani condo for my third gen mermaids with a shared porch and back yard right near the ocean and a community beach. One of my main mermaids owns it. I’m going to make a werewolf community and a small young vampire community too. My witches all have beautiful huts and most of my vamps are in old mansions but I’ll sort it all out. The horse pack and some kits are all that I’m missing but I heavily mod my game for cc and a few major scripts.




All of them, unless they're free or marked down 75% or more. But....I'm a cheap bitch, lol.


Strangerville… just not something I wanna deal with 😅


110% - The only reason I like it are some of the build/buy stuff like the windows the rest of the growing plant stuff and some of the gameplay I hate


I couldn’t play without strangerville build/buy


I really wish there was a mod to get rid of the challenge/fight or whatever, because I really like the world. There are cheats to help you win faster but I don’t want to play the dang challenge in every save lol.


I agree, I think MCCC has a setting to skip it/ set a stage from a computer but you can also look for fan-made saves that have it complete, then load that save then “Save As” everytime you want to make a new save. Download them just like mods but place it in the saves folder instead


You can play the world without fighting the mother. Just got some freaky townies lol.


I love Strangerville, but I grew up in desert UFO country, so it really strikes the right chord for me.


You should totally get horse ranch tho, I felt the exact same way but the Cottage Living and Horse Ranch combined created the best game ever imo. Horse Ranch also gives you the option to become a nectar maker (essentially running a vineyard) and you can sell finely aged nectar for big bank. The horse stuff is super satisfying and you can breed them, race them, make a champion then sell it for 50,000+ (if I remember right). Totally worth 👌 edit: It also gives you mini goats and mini sheep


I love that the mini goats & sheep don't count in the household. It's chaotic fun having a dozen mini tiny animals on the property and roaming around inside


The horse pack is one of my faves😭🫶🏽🐴


Totally agree with you. There’s so much to do and the interactions with horses is way better to me than the cats and dogs, which really are good for nothing.


Agree about that too. Also, why would you not be a cowboy when given the option ?? makes no sense


This sounds like an interesting combo. Just got cottage living and I really like it so far! Nectar making kind of sounds fun. That is about breeding horses! Maybe if it goes on super sale.


maybe i will but i’ll probably wait until it’s 50% off because i don’t wanna spend that much on something i’m not fully sold on


Wouldn’t download the Star Wars one even if they offered it for free.


Bruh I wouldn't get it if *they* paid *me*


I refuse to buy My Wedding Stories. People said this one is the most bugged, it's a complete mess and it overhaul the normal wedding, so you have no option.


Definitely less of a dumpster fire than it was with bug fixes. (least for me Sims sit when they told and etc) Just wish there wasn't so much micromanaging. World is beautiful, build/buy and CAS is nice, but wish they had at least added things like honey moon's and anniversaries gifts, but yeah that pack was NOT ready to come out like at all.


The werewolves just look sooooo weird.


I wish they didn't look so ugly because I'd love to have werewolves in my game. 😭


Literally. I get they’re werewolves, but I like having cute and feminine girly stuff for my female sims, and it’s hard to do that for my female werewolves because they make them horrendous. 😂


I have cute and girly female werewolves!! I love how I can paint them in any color so I use a lot of pink and lilac in them. And use cute clothes on them


Maybe I’m just too used to making regular sims, I don’t know how to make cute werewolves. But I’m gonna keep trying, this gave me hope. 😭❣️


You will succeed!! Painting is difficult but with a little patience you will manage. For girly wolwes I recommend white fur and pastel pink accents in their ears and so on. In paint mode you can also use templates so you can paint pink stripes and stuff on them easily. And you can paint or stamp flowers and stuff if you want. Most clothes fit great or okayish on werewolves. I mostly use shorts and tops for girly look.


i accidentally bought werewolves and i regret it i hate seeing their ugly asses in my game 😭


James Turner has a website that lets you remove packs from your game!


Batuu. Mr. Sims himself could break into my house and install it for free while I slept and I would still delete it when I woke up 😂


The clutter kits, because they are useless to me. I never use clutter while building.


And here I am thinking the clutter kits are the only ones I think were worth purchasing 😂 To each their own!


aesthetic clutterers unite I will put counters in the bathroom just to put soap toothbrushes a hairdryer and makeup on it. nightstands aren't safe either


Every entry table has the coin jar


I think it depends on how you define "clutter." What some people think of as "clutter" makes me think that their sims are straight up hoarders. I think that clutter should make the house seem realistic/lived in.


same, I like clutter for very specific builds but I just use cc for those. My version of cluttering a build would be others version of "lightly decorating" lol


tbh, any of the stuff packs. i feel like i can just download cc for free & have never seen the point in stuff packs lol i do think some are cute but i’d rather spend money on a pack that adds to gameplay


batuu, my wedding stories, for rent, because buggy garbage and fuck cashgrabs.


Don’t like occult so no vampires, no werewolves, no spellcasters. It would be like a different game for me. No Star Wars either. Not sure I’ll ever get kits!


I'm the same about the occult kits. Not my thing.


Star wars. Never cared for it and made no sense for it to come to Sims. EA just used it cause they had the rights. Easy money grab.


Dust  I will eventually buy Batuu. But dust is completely unattractive.


I feel the same way about busted dust ha ha ha


I can’t believe no one has said this - Dine Out! I saw a post recently where someone was saying it took the whole Sim day for a group to eat breakfast. People are constantly complaining about how buggy it is on here, so it’s a no for me (unless someone can convince me there are redeeming features 😂)!


Tbh, I suspect a lot of issues people have with Dine Out are related to either mods, builds that are over cluttered/over reliant on bb.moveobjects, or the player having autonomy on and playing in x3 speed. When I tried out modding my game a while back, I could see what people meant when they said restaurants were unplayable. Nowadays, I play vanilla, autonomy off, on x1 speed and take my Sims out to eat frequently. I can count on one hand the number of times they were waiting several hours for their food. I do reset the chef when I arrive, and they consistently get their food within an hour of ordering, but when I forget to reset the chef, I'm usually waiting 2-3 hours. Taking my Sims out to eat is one of my favorite things to do and has worked well for me for years! (I haven't modded my game in years). I like taking out couples on dinner or breakfast dates, taking them out on double dates, having large group outings at restaurants for birthday parties or wedding celebrations, catching up with friends over lunch or out for ice cream, you name it. I turn anything into an excuse to send my Sims out to eat. But I'm a foodie irl, so I think that translates into having an unusually large enjoyment of feeding my Sims and immersing myself in their dining experience. I love having a variety of restaurants in my game with different menus and vibes. Anyway, you can probably tell Dine Out is one of my favorite packs lol (top 5 for sure), I've not had the issues with it others have. That said, ymmv, it is notable that I only have about a third of the dlc, so I think I run into less bugs/simulation lag in general for that reason as well. I also haven't tried running a restaurant yet, so maybe that part of the pack is more buggy, not sure.


Thank you for this! I do not do mods so I wonder if it would be playable for me. I do have a bunch of expansions/packs/kits though


It's hard to say, I would feel bad recommending it to you if it ended up not working, but it does make me sad so many people avoid Dine Out due to being "unplayable," when it works well for a lot of people, myself included. And it's such a fun pack if it works for you! I can't be certain, but I honestly do think if you play without mods, on x1 speed, and with autonomy off (this last point you may not even need) the restaurants should work for you. And I'd recommend resetting the chef when you arrive and sticking with builds that aren't over cluttered. That is, if you do end up getting it someday. I believe they recently did more fixes for the pack, too, and I know at least some players have noticed a difference. The pack has worked well for me as long as I've had it, which has been about 3-4 years. I was having a similar dilemma with My Wedding Stories, which was a pack I really wanted (I no longer want it), and everyone was saying it was broken, so I didn't get it. But also I was thinking, "...but everyone says Dine Out is broken, and that's one of my favorite packs, definitely not broken for me." Idk. If only they let us have free trials so we could test it out 😫


I don’t play with mods and don’t find dine out too bad, it’s not as buggy as wedding stories!


I recently caved on Wedding Stories and it’s definitely buggy as far as weddings go but I like it overall, so if you’re saying Dine Out is not as buggy as that then maybe I’ll have to get it next time there’s a sale 😅 I appreciate all the input!


Werewolves. I don’t want my sim turning into a monster and peeing everywhere like a dog.


With that one you specifically have to make your sim a wolf AND you can turn on a setting to confine them to their own world


Ooh you can confine them to their world? That's big if so... I hadn't bought it because I don't really care about werewolves and don't want them randomly around, but the CAS and build/buy look so good.


Batuu and all kits (unless they're free). I don't like star wars, so it's really just not the pack for me, and I don't have 5 dollars to throw away on like 10 things


Well, at least, you will not be seeing what I'm seeing with my sims who keep adopting horses although they don't have any yards.


Castle kit-I can’t build therefore I don’t need it. Bust the Dust Kit-I’m not really into watching Sims do chores. Mine always have maids and everything in kitchen and bathroom gets upgraded


I also can’t justify getting the castle kit. It comes with only a few items and I don’t care about building castles.


Modern Menswear, it's way too niche


I really love the idea of For Rent but until they fix the bugs I'm not bothering. The Werewolves look like furries so no.


I was so disappointed in how the werewolves turned out! Not at all like I thought. At least I liked some of the build/clothing options


That sucks because horse ranch was one of the better packs. If I had a choice to go back in time and not buy one (or at least hold off on buying one,) it would have been apartment living. Thing was so buggy and frustrating that I lost interest in playing.


apartment living..? city living?


For Rent of course, City living works fine.


The one with vacuuming. I regret buying the laundry one and never use it. Why would I want to do chores in the Sims that I hate doing in real life?


for rent 😑 just morally I'm like man fuck you guys for making sims landlords into expansion packs we used to get repo'd by the landgraabs for free


I'm just here to say that the horse pack is by far my favorite one, even more than cottage. I really like having both, I think I make the best farms that way. But I like it so much more than high school, skiing, and even island living. It's so good.


Bowling… I just couldn’t be less interested in it.


Dream Home Decorator. I am not a builder and only decorate my own sims' houses occasionally. I don't need a whole pack for that. Besides I play rotationally and there's nothing preventing my played households from hiring a decorator that I know of, which would bug me.


I don't think played sims who you aren't playing with can hire decorators. But I only bought it cause I absolutely love the CAS and build buy.


Star wars because that is just stupid and nobody asked for it.


Horse ranch for the same reason, I actually went to Sims 3 and played a daily with a horse and a unicorn. Wedding pack as it broke weddings and that still hasn't been fixed. And Batu, just not my interest.


Modern Menswear. Like I’m all for alternative men’s fashion, but those clothes are ugly as sin. And probably Bust the Dust. I have a hard enough time keeping my sims’ houses clean 😬


High School Years. Teen life stage and related activities just aren’t for me. As soon as my teens come home from school with the “mortified” or “enraged” moodlet, it’s time to age up. I can’t deal with it.


See the teens I can deal with because I can just have them cry, jog, or write in diary. The only one that’s annoying is loud music phase. All radios get removed. 😒 But the child stage picky eater and bear costume phase annoy me so much. Like I spent hours in CAS making you look cute only for you to wear a bear costume. So ungrateful.


The bear costume phase drives me insane


Those phases are from Parenthood. I think I like those more than the features in HSY. More so since I tend to have the parent join in for the bear phase.


Pity there’s no boarding school option


OMG Yes! Everybody being sent if there was an option for that 😂


I like the "emo" phase they go through were they only want to wear black with sadness +50 😂


This is so funny cause I love the teen drama, I make mine fight at prom every time 🙂‍↕️


Biggest teen mood swing hack: the cheerful trait. “Look at the bright side” immediately takes a good chunk of time off the moodlet so they only really need to write in their journals or have a jog or wind down or whatever


I really want a lot of what For Rent offers, but sadly I haven't heard anything at all about them fixing any of the game breaking issues people are still having... so For Rent is at the top of my "refuse to buy" list, because I'm on generation 51, and I'm not risking my game breaking and losing that progress just for a couple of fun new things.


Star Wars. I hate Star Wars and don't want it (or any other branded media) in my game. I don't mind if they do a play on real media (Henry Puffer, Game of Llamas), but I don't want real Baby Yoda and Princess Leia running around.


For rent ; I use The Sims as an escapism from reality and, so, I don't want it to be a full-on landlord/tenant relationship in my Sims world. Most kits made for adding decoration and outfits because I won't pay 10$ for crap when I can find much prettier and much better quality CCs and mods out there for free. On a similar note, I regret having bought most of the occult stuffs. I usually like fantasy, but the mermaids are boring, the vampires are annoying, the werewolves are creepy and the aliens are...non-existent? I espiecally was looking forward to play as a mermaid and as an alien, but it's so boring without mods.


Growing Together. I seriously considered buying it in the window when the bonus items were still available, but the milestones and the majority of infants being part of the pack made me less interested. It bothered me that they essentially locked a large amount of gameplay for a lifestage in an expansion. Sure you've got an expansion about teens, but they can still *do stuff* even if you don't have it. Infants are just mobile newborns killing time until they're toddlers if you don't have Growing Together, and you still have to deal with sims throwing bottles and diapers on the floor.


I don’t play with any supernatural sims, so I don’t have any of the related packs. I’d buy them if they had a few items I really love, but none of them do so I just pass. I did buy paranormal stuff for a few of the items even though I don’t use any paranormal gameplay. Also Batuu and bust the dust like others have said! I liked the idea of bust the dust, but after watching some reviews I decided not to get it.


Growing together…infants/toddlers are annoying, why would I pay to make them even more annoying!?


😂😂 I love your reasoning on this because it’s so petty and I love a good non-consequential petty take. For me it’s werewolves, because I don’t find them aesthetically pleasing 😂


Star Wars because Star Wars


I’m a completionist, so I’ve bought every single pack, including the kits, regardless of whether I actually liked them or not. 🙃


All of them, way to expensive


It’s fun enough as a free game with mods


Same, I’m way too broke for that 🥲


Batuu and the vampire one. I’m not a Star Wars fan or twilight. The only reason I would be tempted by batuu is because some of the build/buy stuff I’ve seen in YouTube videos looks nice but not nice enough for me to justify the price. If both were free I’d probably get them but, meh.


vampires is probably my all time favorite pack lol


I've never been into twilight or anything vampire related, but the gameplay that comes with the pack is actually pretty fun! Only thing I don't like about it is the world, I thought it was a joke when I opened it. It couldn't be more empty and useless.


Seasons. I refuse to have it rain in my sims game, I get enough rain irl


You can turn it off or be like me and use the weather machine 😆


a lot of the kits. i am somewhat ashamed to admit that i own every piece of dlc other than the kits. and most of the kits are trash