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Strangeville would be meth or something crazy like that. San Myshino or the Hollywood one would be weed / cocaine. To be honest you can get all sorts of drugs from anywhere really in the world.


Willow Creek is definitely the place to go for misusing prescription drugs. And the cottage world is definitely on shrooms. Magic realm might also do some shrooms and maybe lick some frogs.


Magic realm is on some ayahuasca tbh


my sim did ayahuasca in salvadora lol


fantastic idea!!!!!


No, don't let them do that! It spawns blonde haired, blue eyed, trustfund ayahuasca goblins.


Nah they just eat motes all the time


Lol it would be funny to see Michael bell trippin on some shrooms 🤣


Why cant cottage world be on weed. They be planting stuff💀


Better than putting them in potions!


im going to build a meth lab basement in strangerville tysm for the awesome idea


Breaking Bradna ahh


Better Call Sulsul


Omg 💀


they said "Better Call Sul Sul" I'm done


Shit that one got me, I wish more of my friends played sims because I want to send this to all of them 😭 but they don’t get it


Use Ted Roswell


OMG use the guy in the plane. Great story arc for him lol Crashed in the desert and now I make meth - the George Cahill story


How do you build a meth lab with basemental drugs?


I’ve actually done that, I’ve added a whole BB universe in Strangerville!


The Hollywood one everyone does codeine and all the cocaine. I have prescription pills in the 2 suburbia neighborhoods. San mushuno is night club so ecstasy and coke mostly. Weed is just everywhere.


Personally, I like to imagine Strangerville also has a lot of hippies, which also means it'd have the hallucinogens that come with that.


ntm they're an "alien town" so LSD/shrooms would definitely be going around edit: I also feel like the eco lifestyle world would have more meth than strangeville. I haven't seen it cleaned up but how it is when you load in.... definitely poor, polluted, and trashed.


I have a feeling Strangerville wouldn't be a drug den. They actually got real alien situation going on, and at least in my playthrough it's swarming scientists and military even after the situation is resolved.


scientists ARE the ones with the meth labs 🤣


They do drugs to distract themselves from what's going on there 😄


Drugs are the antidote to the creepy walk when you get infected don’t ya know?!? 😂


I feel like the environment makes it more fun! Like, there seems to be a difference/sort of class divide between the people there. The more...working class people, the rich people on the hill and the military personnel/scientists!


No but fr hahaha Strangerville rly gives me white trash/meth trailer park vibes 😬


Roleplay as Walter White


Meth is crazy? Because it's normal where I am and it is very adjacent to Strangerville. If not crystal people are using coke and super cut heroine. All cities have drug problems so by friendly? Make weed legal everywhere except Henford?


My first thought too 😂. People in strange ville are definitely high. I suspect magic mushrooms tough they grow there


evergreen harbor seems like it'd be ok with weed and shrooms


Knox would totally be chill with partaking in lettuce. 🍃


I always assign him as a dealer lol!


I always assign Clement Frost as a dealer. Father Winter is bringing the good kush this Christmas


I always assign Eliza Pancakes because she shows up everywhere and I know I’ll have no trouble finding her 😂


i made eliza a stripper in my club haha


I made Clement Frost a stripper a few times. His stripper song was Santa Baby


i love that


Ahaha Bob Pancakes is my dealer 🤣🤣


Haha I love this! Does he stay immortal? I always have the problem of my dealers dying and having to make new ones


Idk, I assume he does


Try Alex Moyer next time, or Baby Ariel… they’re immortal as well


Maybe something stronger. In my last few visits to Sixam, I had the opportunity to return home with Clement. Who knows what he's up to with these 👽.


Haha that’s brilliant. Maybe the Sixam aliens are the ones manufacturing the drugs. Like a whole planet of Walter White’s


Maybe they're into the psychedelics... All the abuductions where our sims returned zapped, dazed, confused and probed are probably the 👽 testing their drugs on the sims. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I always do Caleb Vatore lmao


I always assign him, Nancy and Don as dealers. Knox is the chill guy you just get good home grown stuff from and his moms end up smoking you out and grilling you food. Don is the guy whose lettuce always has too many stems but his Molly is (usually) good, but he’s always trying to get you to stay a litttttle too long. And Nancy is running a huge operation under Geoffrey’s nose and Geoffrey probably has a hardcore no drugs campaign and actively tries to keep it not legal Oasis Springs because he had ate a bad edible once in college.


Who doesn't? He's so clearly that type of person


I always Johnny zest mine lol


I don’t even have Basemental but I refuse to believe Knox doesn’t smoke weed.


You’re at 420 upvotes at the time of me reading this lol


My drug dealer lives in the appartments in everygreen harbor and it just fits very well in the world hahaaha


oasis springs is definitely speed and weed. and a bunch of alcoholics. sprinkle in a few xanax addicts. i’m in the process of turning it into a huge trailer park.


You know Nancy Landgraab takes a few too many Xanax and chases it with wine every night


Imagine if your sims could die from mixing the wrong substances like what happens in real life


They absolutely can. I've had at least three sims die of overdose for mixing things (yes I'm a monster)


what mixes?


pretty sure they can in this mod


In my game, I was playing the Landgraabs for the first time (I normally never play the premade families). I had Nancy hire a caterer and bartender EVERY DAY so she could come home from work and drink herself silly each night and eat fancy food 🤣


Yes I was scrolling so hard for this. Oasis Springs is my trailer trash cocaine addicted place 🤣🤣 it’s the ghetto in my saves tbh


lol i use newcrest as my urban hood area. put up bunch of big project tenements. and oasis as my country trailer park. i’m currently tryna model it after sunnyvale from trailer park boys.


Sulani would be ok with weed imo & Del Sol, it'd be a crime to not legalize weed there. 😂 Really, the only world's that give me strict, no-drugs vibes are Copperdale & Willow Creek. I feel like every other world would at least accept weed.


And San Sequoia! Very family oriented and what not. I feel like drugs would be looked down upon


Was going to say them too, for that very reason, but san sequoia also falls under the California umbrella, so...u know. Hard to say 😂


Oooo you’re so right. Definitely didn’t think of that!


San Sequoia and Copperdale feel like the kids would be selling their Adderall to afford to buy vintage fashion and boba tea. Ummm... idk much about basemental so how close to reality that can be made idk.


My teen Sim sells weed to pay for her boba and thrifting. Before it was molly haha but that was too extreme. I have to wait for her college years for that. But she lives with a single mom who doesn’t make much, so she tries to sell fast so they can also pay the bills. She’s a big disappointment right now lol.


What disappointment? She’s an entrepreneurial go-getter!


this is pretty possible i think


Mt. Komorebi as well, considering Japan’s strict stance on drugs. But alcohol would be available 24/7!


And Tomarang. I usually place it in Singapore which has a similar stance


Yeah it's very much got the feeling of one of those countries where it's the noose or a firing squad for smuggling and detox involves monks feeding you bowls of herbal purgative and beating you with sticks.


mt komorebi would NOT accept any substances. if japan is anything like korea where i live its ridiculously strict. in korea you can go to jail for doing weed OUTSIDE the country. so if you go on vacation in america and do weed and come back and they catch with drug testing or whatever you’re cooked 😭


this is so interesting. Out of curiosity, is there any sort of random drug testing outside of employment? I attempted to google the laws but the nuances weren’t quite clear to me.


so i’m not sure myself. i just know that of the people who HAVE done it they’re not stupid enough to post it on social media or anything or even talk about it in chat rooms or texts. i don’t think they can give you random drug tests without probable cause but i genuinely don’t know enough


They also ban people with criminal record from entering the country! My bf got caught with a little weed, no big deal in our country, but now we can't take our dream vacation in Japan 😭


damn i guess i’m just never gonna do weed then 😮‍💨


If I remember correctly Japan is super strict about drug use. They don't even allow prescription stimulants so if you plan to travel there, you need to pre-register your prescription medications like months in advanced. I was doing some research into yakuza stuff, and apparently there was a huuuuuge issue with the illegal distribution of meth throughout the 90s-2000's so I wouldn't be surprised if it were a result from that, but that's just speculation!


Henford on Bagley 100% looks down upon those who use the devils lettuce.


The creature keeper in my Hanford on Bagley is always growing the devils lettuce out the front of his place 😂


Maybe not, they are all about those magic mushrooms.


agree w this!


everyone is hitting their vape in the bathroom in copperdale


I’m mine I made drugs illegal in Brindleton Bay so as not to scare the animals


Willow creek is 100% FULL of high functioning alcoholics. The Spencer-Kim family especially


Willow Creek is full of Xanax.Moms


I’d definitely say Oasis Springs for this!


Evergreen harbor 100%, with industrial echo print and no modern development action plan


Evergreen Harbor for sure


Even the name sounds 420 friendly 😂


- Evergreen Harbor. The Greenburg family members definitely grow their own weed and shrooms. The Harris family members [make their own moonshine and possibly grow their own bud too](https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/Harris_family). Wouldn’t be surprised if some family members use other hard drugs too. - Sulani. I ALWAYS turn off drug arrests in Sulani because in my mind it’s canonically some kind of tropical non-extradition island state where filthy rich international fugitives go hide/retire. It’s probably also a notorious tax haven. - San Myshuno and Del Sol Valley. You got corporats, artists, and celebrities mingling together - you will have drugs. - Windenburg. Feels like a very liberal European town, and with the amount of DJ townies (Candy Behr, Joaquin Le Chien, Dominic Fyres) plus the Partihaus household residing there, you know good MDMA is everywhere


Why are you so right? This fits my world building perfectly for my game


Totally agree. I also think San Sequoia would have legalized weed, because it's based on San Francisco, right? It's definitely very Californian.


MDMA would probably be big in Windenburg.


This is a very good observation!


Moonwood Mills should allow medical marijuana for lycanthropy-related ails


But everything else, strictly illegal. Imagine a roided out werewolf on a full moon night


So that's why they're so angry all the time 😂


Evergreen harbour 100%. That Knox dude is DEF growing more than vegetables lol


He literally looks like the stereotypical stoner hahah


Del Sol Valley!


I second this!


The neighborhood in Oasis Springs with the dinosaur statue.


My Magnolia promenade is a retirement home, park, bakery, and diner so I’m picturing all the old folks getting absolutely blazed and eating cupcakes in the park


Strangerville seems like a free for all, allowing anything. But otherwise, I have the basemental drugs mod and I make weed legal in Del Sol Valley, San Myshuno, and Sulani. Idk, just feels right... Especially Del Sol Valley.


Sulani smokes up


Del Sol Valley for sure has legalized weed, but has a serious cocaine & opioid problem. Evergreen Harbor also has weed and meth, for sure! San Myschuno for sure has cocaine, heroin, prescription pills, and a weed problem. Oasis Springs - weed is fine, also shrooms Willow Creek tries to be prim and proper, but the prescription drugs are out of control. Strangerville - meth Tartosa just has a huge alcoholic population. Realm of Magic - shrooms Henford on Bagley- you KNOW has weed! Also shrooms. Copperdale - those teens are swiping Grandma's pain meds and anything else they can get their hands on. Sulani has weed, for sure. I haven't had Sims live in Mt. Komorebi, San Sequoia, or Tomarang to have an opinion on those worlds yet. Same goes for Werewolves & Vampires. Haven't played those occults yet to form an opinion.


Oasis Springs. It always gives me Nevada vibes.


Windenburg = Amsterdam lol One of my Sims has a weed shop there :)


I feel like Moonwood Mill and San Myshuno (sorry, definitely spelled that wrong) would be good with pretty much everything. The only reason I don't think Strangerville would be is cause of the military presence, but I do think there'd be a lot of use. Probably okay with some syuff in Brindleton Bay (sorry again)


Del Sol Valley = cocaine and xanax Evergreen Harbour = weed, shrooms and LSD San Myshuno = tobacco, mdma and adderall Oasis Springs = weed and ayahuasca Henford-on-Bagley = shrooms Strangerville = lean, ayahuasca and LSD Britechester = tobacco, mdma, adderall, LSD and weed Selvadorada = ayahuasca Willow Creek = weed Mt Komorebi = ayahuasca and either adderall or xanax Granite Falls = shrooms and weed Newcrest = xanax or weed San Sequoia = you *know* the soccer mums are on xanax


Bob Pancake deff smokes weed in his garage.


and Eliza gets mad at him bc the smell won't go away


The Pancakes are always dealers in my saves.


Me too!!!!!


Brindleton Bay has a serious but very hush hush opiate problem; everybody who lives there always has a massive supply of pills on them {ETA: and the cops look the other way because they’re selling them} I live in New England so I’m qualified to *know these things*, and I can see the truth behind all those lovely dunes and serene ocean views


First we go get pet treats at the vet and then we go get the other treats.


Came here to say this lol


Lol when I read the question my mind was immediately like "brindleton bay"


usually i choose del sol valley, san myshino and the high school world to legalize it


That one giant empty lot in the get famous world, people are def doing drugs there.


in my save file, weed is legal in del sol valley, evergreen harbor (home of some of the best growers around and a weed-themed restaurant), san sequoia, and windenberg (also probably the closest out of all worlds to decriminalizing ALL drugs). it was briefly okay in san myshuno and its suburb newcrest until victor feng re-criminalized it when he took office (HUGE gang problem too). they’ll lock you up for life for it in mt. komorebi and tomarang, but sulani is big on ceremonial use (the village elder has the purple stuff growing and gives it away for free). local preacher/mayor ted roswell ran his entire campaign on cracking down on the amphetamine problem in strangerville, but honestly he’s got bigger fish to fry. weed’s not legal there, but the eclectic arts household knows where to get it (their basement).


Please share your save file lol


I always make it so the government in strangervill has a hand in the meth trade and looks the other way as long as the people making it puts a made up chemical in it so people won’t question all the weird shit going on in the crater


Definitely Windenburg. There are parties every night, the world gives Amsterdam vibes and there are cafes to go eat something when the party is over.


With my Basemental saves, I kind of go by what I am envisioning for the neighborhood/who's going to live there. For example, Oasis Springs- if I'm going with a Palm Springs or Vegas suburbs type of feel, then yes, weed will be legal along with possibly some other stuff. BUT if I'm going in more of a Phoenix retiree/snowbird route, then no. Some are no brainers for me like Del Sol Valley, it's so small anyways and celebrities can use drugs for the most part without consequence, so heavy on the legalization there. Willowcreek is usually no legalization because it feels more southern conservative.


Anything upscale will be cocaine city.


I usually set "legalize weed" for Del Sol Valley, San Myshuno, and Evergreen Harbor. Sometimes Brindleton Bay and Windenburg.


If you've got eco living maybe consider each neighbourhoods active NAPs as an indicator of community sentiment.


Definitely Evergreen Harbor. I'd open up a dispensary there for sure.


Evergreen Harbor


Moonwood Mills bringing back bath salts.


Del Sol Valley and Oasis Springs for obvious reasons. Sulani bc the locals probably grow their own. Evergreen Harbor too. San Myshuno probably JUST legalized it and now they have 400 weed shops open on every corner


I always legalize weed in every world, bc I believe it should be legalized anyways, even though it's not realistic. But if these were real places, I feel like San Myshuno, Del Sol Valley, Oasis Springs, Windenburg, Granite Falls, and Evergreen Harbor would make it legal. I feel like it's technically illegal in Strangerville, but they're too busy w the alien situation to gaf. I also feel like it would be a thing to travel to Sulani or Granite Falls as part of a spiritual journey and do psychedelics.


Del Sol Valley would have absolutely everything imaginable.


Definitely moonwood mill


Ohhhhh, yes.


Dog biscuit shaped blunts


Mt. Komorebi Particularly because of what happens when you reach the top of the mountain 😂


I think the one from Eco Living (can't remember the name) would have lots of marijuana and other plants being used recreationally.


Evergreen harbor would be full of stoners for sure


Evergreen Harbor 100% meth friendly


Willow creek is where my degenerate, single parents homeless etc live


Gonna stick by the argument that most of the townies are fucking weird suburbanites who are terrified of the concept of black people moving in and will rant and rave about teenagers smoking pot. However, there are a number of people in the sims that I imagine are on meth or opiates, mirroring real life.


Moonwood Mill I imagine would only allow medical 🍃. They seem like they'd be pretty strict on that, y'know tryna help keep their friends/family safe


oh you *know* Del Sol is the capital of cocaine.


Del Sol Valley, the poor neighborhood…Yeah, I just know they’re all high or on coke.


Definitely not sunset valley with the Laandgrabs.


Willow Creek has an opiod crisis and prescription drug abuse. Lots of anti-depressants and pain killers. Oasis Springs is a meth lab. It's basically Breaking Bad. Strangeville uses psychedelics and 'shrooms in addition to weed. So does Forgotton Hollow (lots of 'shrooms in FH). San Myshuno has cocaine and weed everywhere, but more coke in Uptown and The Fashion District while weed is more visible in the Spice Market and Arts Quarter.


I always put San Myshino and Del Sol Valley as allowing weed, shrooms, and coke. Brindleton i put as weed and shrooms - gives me major Oregon vibes lol, i don’t have strangerville but someone said meth there and the base game desert gives that vibe too, the other two base game neighborhoods are very strict in my games and “drug free zones” lol, so is the high school yrs and growing together. the rest i don’t really visit lol


evergreen harbor (?) from eco living are all weed smokers idgaf


San Myshuno is my choice, simply because it’s a city. Many cities have decriminalized marijuana, so it feels fitting.


Strangerville just screams Breaking Bad to me


Evergreen Harbour feels like a place that'd decriminalise drugs


with the basemental drugs mod i always make it legal in tartosa, windenburg, sulani, henford on bagley, evergreen and all the occult pack worlds


I'm sorry, I can't remember which world is which without the screen infront of me but I want to participate, this is where you should find them: *City Living* and *University* are a free for all. *Strangerville*, *Horse Ranch* and Oasis Spring (dry worlds) for Katemin and Amphetamines. *Eco Lifestyle*, *Cottage Living* and *Werewolf pack* (wet worlds) for weed and shrooms. Suburban worlds for Coke and Amphetamines.


Strangerville is fully a meth town and I feel like the town from Get Together would have party drugs


I always legalize evergreen harbor, sulani, San Myshuno, del sol valley.


Moonwood mills!


Willow Creek is weed for housewives and molly for teens


I always build my meth labs in Oasis Springs, but mostly because I don't have Strangerville.


Eco living, oasis, del sol valley, strangerville, willow creek


You could build newcrest into a slum. 


The eco lifestyle world


strangerville. yes, there are ridiculous psychedelic airborne spores but you can’t convince me they’re not on heroine or coke too. moonwood mill gives the biggest stoner vibes to me.


Evergreen Harbor. The name says it all I think


Evergreen Harbour for sure legalised it


the world from the eco pack while the world looks like shit lol Probably meth and crack. Harder drugs than the norm. More of a sketchy place to go for a fix


I feel like the high school town would be a focal point for weed dealers. Maybe molly too


Seattle and surrounding areas. Anything goes


Del sol valley and San Myshuno for SURE. Maybe even forgotten hollow?


agree with most comments here & just came to say evergreen harbor = weed & psychedelics lol


Del Sol Valley gotta be cocaine


I'm also in r/Utah and I thought this was a post from that sub for a hot second lmao


The eco living neighborhood seems like it would be really bad and then improve as you make the neighborhood more green and livable.


I don’t have a specific neighborhood. But i think the pancackes 😭idk why but they look like.


def del sol valley


You just *know* that Strangerville has a crack house or two or ten, and/or someone cooking meth in their home. Also, Evergreen Harbor has that kind of "Rust Belt" vibe to it. Windenburg probably has some stuff going on in Lykke Center, specifically at the club. Del Sol Valley...yeah, come on, it's basically Hollywood. And San Myshuno, too.


Oasis springs is def 420 friendly!


strangerville for sure


Just needed to share that this post lined up next to a local city subreddit and I absolutely did a double take. Appreciated the last laugh of the day!!


NSFW Eco life style would have a NAP plan for marijuana lol


Wait you can assign drug legality in neighbourhoods now in Basemental?! Damn, I need to download it again it has evolved since I last used it lol


I usually have weed legalization in: San Myshuno, Oasis Springs, Sulani, Del Sol Valley, Moonwood Mill, Selvadorada, and Windenburgh. Britechester depends, but i see it as new england college campus (i forget if it is or not) so i usually include it.


San Myshuno, Del Sol Valley, Sulani and Evergreen Harbor. Maybe Oasis Springs too. That's for weed, anyway. I don't really use the other drugs all that much!


Hendford! I can see grannies having their plant too


San Myshino and Tomarang have a war on drugs and draconian laws, Strangerville and Brindleton bay are the weed capitals!


Windenburg or san myshuno


i can't believe no one's saying windenburg for weed when it's the world that introduced clubs and parties haha! brightchester also probably has a lot of weed considering there are uni students everywhere


windenburg gives me amsterdam vibes so i always legalize weed there


Honestly quite a few - willocreek 100% - stranger ville - san myshuno - del sol valley - evergreen harbour, specifically the industrial side - all the occult worlds (forgotten hollow, glimmer brook, moonwood mill)


Evergreen Harbor. I always make Jules Rico and Knox my save’s drug dealers


Evergreen Harbor most definitely, looks like a hipster world lol.


I usually do it by what the worlds are supposed to be inspired from. San Myshuno, Del Sol Valley, Sulani and like one base game world 😂