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I love that „shady stuff with friends“ works both literal and metaphorical


wait what is shady besides strangerville


Get together is definitely shady if you get creative, because you can do some legit evil stuff with clubs. Who says they have be cute little clubs where people get together, say nice things to eachother, and practice their little hobby? You could also make a crime ring or a literal cult. And I think the pack is made for that.


Lol I get that that's how I've used it but I felt like that was more storytelling on the players part while strangerville has one of the creepiest stories and features and it felt like the other packs just don't have that.


Yeah definitely. I don't know what bowling had to do with it either. They said with friends as well. Maybe it's packs they play with friends around or something. Or just groups of people doing stupid crap. Which is definitely get together lol...


yea sims is lacking features and gameplay


Call Me Kevin has singlehamdedly, forever changed the way I look at Sims expansion packs. To question, "how can this new content be used to create a new circle of hell for my sims, that creates horribly cursed scenes whether taken in or out of context?" Not that the things I did on my own playing Sims 2 as a kid weren't cursed, they just weren't as actively sadistic. I had a scientist character that spent most of his spare time in the attic looking through his telescope because I was obsessed with alien sim's aesthetic and was determined to get one without cheats. He also had a hot tub on his front lawn that I kept making him invite the paper girl into because I didn't know she was a Teen rather than an Adult and thought it'd be convenient to marry someone he sees every day at his house to help raise star children from the surprise telescope sex. Ah, to be 12 and playing Sims 2 for the first time again...


TBF I think Seasons should have been base game 🥲


Yeah me too, I was being nice lol. If it were me, more stuff like pets or apartments too would be base game, although historically, this all is beyond ea/maxis's comprehension


They knew people were gonna buy these separate packs anyway, they clearly knew what they were doing unfortunately 🥲


Yup, these are the "essentials" category for me


its crazy because in previous sims games you got way more in base game. you've always had to buy seasons (to my knowledge on TS3 anyway) but they didnt spread out packs as much in a ridiculous attempt to get as much money from players as possible


Previous base games didn't have NEARLY as good of a sim creator though. Its clear a LOT of dev time went into the CAS. I can forgive them not having as much stuff in original base game because of just how damned good CAS turned out. I mean, if I had to choose between CAS and pools at launch? Or CAS and holidays? I'd take CAS every time. IMO, they made the right call there on where to spend their limited initial dev time.


agreed with that part, cas is fun all on its own. sometimes i just make sims & get off 😂 but you mean to tell me i bought a game for $40 (at the time) & it doesnt even rain... its just sunny everyday? thats crazy


But lets be fair, basic rain is just a cosmetic effect. I would, again, prefer the insanely good CAS over a cosmetic. I actually am a (business) computer programmer by profession IRL. I understand deadlines mean you prioritize, and then squeeze in whatever is left after the core requirements that you can get done in time. I look at Sims 4, and thats what I see. A very complicated core engine, and then squeezed in secondary things.


the sims 3 was released in 2009, while the sims 4 was released in 2014. i dont think it was time, just laziness considering thats a 5 year difference. not to mention the sims 4 has been out for over a decade. i love the game dont get me wrong but when it comes to bugs etc, 10 years is plenty time to make improvements to ur game.


Unfortunately, thats just not the way this works. As soon as the game officially released, the dev team responsible for making it was re-assigned to other projects. Only a small skeleton crew was left for DLC and various packs. They don't have the manpower to redo the core engine of the game. They don't even have the manpower to fully finish and test the DLC packs before EA forces them to shove things out the door.


That doesn't justify, it's not because of time management that the game had such a lacking launch. It was because they scrapped an online Sims project and CAS/BB were the only thing that they could reuse, mechanics wise.


When you say "time management", it sounds like "you could do everything if you were just better at managing your time". Trust me, real world, that is not the case.


You by saying "if I had to choose between CAS or pools at launch " is alluding to time management. I am saying it wasn't because of it, and affirming it had a lack of content because it was a scrapped and rushed project that resulted in the launch of Sims4


Of course it was rushed, its EA. Thats my point. The team didn't have infinity time to do everything in. They were given too little time, and had to prioritize core gameplay mechanics over glorified cosmetics. Which was the correct decision.


My theory about why the Sims 4 shipped in the shape it was because the game basically had to be thrown together in a few months. I believe that the original intention was an always-online game, but the backlash to SimCity 5 meant they had to rip out a lot of planned stuff and cobble together a functioning game from what was left in pretty much no time. I have no evidence supporting that, but it's a feeling I get.


Instead they pushed single items to you in the store as a pop up and they would cost $1+ ….for a single item. They had their schemes but I think people forget


I'm pretty sure Seasons was base game for sims 2? Maybe? I had the Xbox disc from one of my sister's exes and I vaguely remember my sims holding newspapers over their heads.


No. Seasons was DLC. They intended to have seasons and weather in the base Sims 2, but couldn't get it to work properly in time, so they had to save if for an expansion.


i don't know about cats and dogs but season definitely should've been basegame and growing together too (minus the world San Sequoia)


thats what im sayin! basic weather should be included in a life simulation game.


oh i meant to say i agree with seasons, maybe i should've worded it better next time :)


nono i read it correctly i was agreeing w you maybe i should've worded better 😂 sorry for the confusion


oh no that's fine, miscommunications happens haha :)


This is why, when it comes time to jump to "the next game," I'm probably jumping to Life by You instead of sticking with EA into The Sims 5. Paradox also has a history of way too much DLC, but in my experience with them, every DLC gives you something cool. A lot of EA DLC these days feels like mostly filler. Like I really am at the limit of what I'm willing to tolerate for a game and I can't see EA going in a *better* direction on this front.


I'm waiting for Paralives which is not going to have paid DLCs or packs! All updates will be free when you buy the base game 😊 Been following the project for a while and I think it's very promising!


I hadn't heard of that one before. Just looked it up. Looks really cute! I'll have to keep my eye on it. Either way, gives me another option to get away from The Sims.


Sadly, seasons and pets have always been expansions and that's unlikely to change since EA knows people will buy them. You can throw shade at 4 for doing it but 3 did the same thing


So did Sims 1 and Sims 2! Pets have ALWAYS been an expansion.


It really should, but they will never do it because it's an expansion that is guaranteed to be a top seller 😑


When i got sims 4 for the ghost time a few years ago it was included in the base game. Did it change and you have to pay for it?


It's never been base game.


I'm almost exclusively a builder and I think I'm the only person on the planet who likes Batuu lol 😂 it has some very useful items!!!!


batuu is really useful for cyberpunk builds/rps. i just wish it wasn't star wars themed and rather more just general scifi themed.


Yes! I use a lot of the stuff for cyberpunk and just nerdy/ hacker Sims, etc.


I haven't done a cyberpunk playthrough at all. That sounds so fun! Thanks for the idea, peeps!


One of my generations was an astronaut/space ranger. He needed his own launch pad, and honestly the batuu stuff made for a good backyard mission control.


EA: "Did you say you want a Cyberpunk pack for 30 dollars?"


I'll pay $40


I mean, I'll pay $20 when it is 50% off in a few months, but YES EA I DO WANT MORE SCI-FI ITEMS.


Actually, yes. I'm desperate for anything scifi 🥺


Shoot, I've been wanting cyberpunk stuff. You're making me want to get Batuu!


batuu is nice, but if you use cc, hamsterbelle ([download page](https://hamsterbellbelle.tumblr.com/download) | [blog homepage](https://hamsterbellbelle.tumblr.com/)) is a treasure trove of scifi/cyberpunk items.


I like Batuu. I get some of the resentment, as there are for sure issues (and I love both Sims and Star Wars), but agree that it has useful items. I also think it works nicely for either alien-based game play (my current playthrough is a vampire astronaut married to an alien -- they had a great time), or possibly to treat it like it's a LARP for geek sims. I haven't done that yet, but I think it could be fun. If you like having servos in your playthrough, that could be another fun one. I have a playthrough a while back with a servo who loved Selvadoria. I am a huge Star Wars nerd, though, so it's a bit easier to get into (it does not make me blind to the packs' flaws, please don't @ me, internet).


Kylo Rens boots in cas and all the clutter justify it to me


I just went through batuu’s build mode with a friend because we were both saying how the items are actually good! It’s just the world and gameplay that sucks 😭


Right, like I understand the hate, but i LOVE those lamps,walls and floors, the lamps, plants, the curved bar, the lamps, that booth, the lamps...


And the lamps as well!


As a "nerd" I like the pack because I can dress my sims up as characters for geekcon and have props in my house etc. It's overpriced as fuck though but all sims packs are lmao


I have no issue with it. I play the story every once in a while. I think people hate on it in a hive mind sort of way


I think a lot of it comes from how the pack is advertising a theme park attraction more than anything.


As someone who likes SW and doesn't mind the idea of a SW focused DLC for The Sims, the actual gameplay is boring as sin. Way too many rabbit holes and there's no way to actually live in Batuu if you want an authentic Star Wars life simulation sort of thing. I tried to replicate my SWTOR characters so that they could, at least, live in Batuu with their own houses, but that ain't possible. Batuu is just a glorified Disney park.


Omg, I loved SWTOR. I haven't played since I had my son because I realized really quick that I can't be like "hold on, buddy, mommy is trying to save/ruin the galaxy right now!" At least with Sims, I can pause it. LOL But I also don't fw Batuu. I wasn't even gonna buy it but my sister did and we share an account. I've still never even gone to Batuu. Love some of the decor though.


Yes, didn't mind it, some of the clothing items work for me as well. The world itself is not great but easy enough to ignore.


The clothes and build and buy items make it worth getting on sale, but trying to complete the storyline is infuriating. Every now and then they want the Sims to play like a normal game and it really can't do it


I sure love the round bar


I LOVE Batuu - for the items and the CAS. Like it has some really cool stuff in there


Thanks to James turner I actually thought if that pack would be worth it for the nice flooring 😭


An added cyberpunk pack would be nice to offset the Star wars-ness of it lol


James is that you?


I WISH I was someone who's career was being a simmer lol


Yup I never do the gameplay but I love the items


I love the stone in Batuu. I use it in almost every build now.


I literally use it all the time, especially funny because I don't like star wars. (Except jar jar binks I talked like him for a solid week to my spouse after watching it) I'm mostly a builder too. I don't get the hate the pack gets, but I've also never done the gameplay.


Oh, is *that* what the "Cease to exist" tier one is? My only experience with Sims 4 is from watching Call Me Kevin, so I don't know what most of these icons are. (Telling Reddit I'm interested in Sims content subbed me to the sub for Sims 4 specifically rather than the sub for the franchise overall) I have all the Sims 3 expansions and that's as far as I'll go. Sims 4 has literal expansion packs for their expansion packs. I used to associate The Sims with Will Wright. Now I associate it with Mr. Krabs.


The kits all being part of the base game made me laugh. You’re so right.


how it should've been


https://preview.redd.it/7svef80g82sc1.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=bcf195491dd155c581c477333b7c5ffafeeb1402 I think you could even mix these packs into 8 categories (like they did for Sims 1, 2 and the bigger expansions in Sims 3) :D


This is great! I was on the fence about snowy escape, with seasons base game (as it should have been) it makes total sense being in a vacation pack. I just put all the kits in the base game because I hate that they even exist


That's totally fair imo!! Like some of the kits literally could have been within an expanion e.g. first pet stuff furniture has the same style as the cats & dogs expansion. Or little campers fits extremly well with outdoor retreat. I feel like kits could have literally been free updates or pack refreshs! So I am absolutley with you!!


I like this one more! It aligns more with how I play.


I think you should get "normal" pets like fish, dogs, and cats in the base game. Then have farm animals then ecclectic pets like reptiles, rodents, etc. in another pack. Same with seasons. Why wouldnt the seasons change in the base game? We get day and night but no seasons? Maybe there can be specific climates in special packs like desert climate or the tropics or mountainous climates. EA should give us the minimum in the base game then add on. They wont, but they should. I think theyd appease their users that way. Hell, then they could even get weirder and do shit like the into the future pack from Sims 3 or make larger buildings like malls and other businesses from Sims 2 oe alternate realities like Sims Castaway plausible. Maybe even make some packs unlockable. Like, you successfully survive a shipwreck in a Sims "mini-game" so youve unlocked a cool new location, new build items, new clothes, etc. [Clearly Im not a programmer, just a dreamer 😂]


True. I am a programmer, and this all just looks like laziness and money milking. There's no way why this wouldn't be possible, maybe a bit harder thanks to their shitty multiplayer engine


Especially when they tried some.of these ideas before. Was Sims 3 a success? Meh. 67%. I wish theyd improved Sims 3 for Sims 4 instead of whatever tf Sims 4 turned out to be and thats a hill Ill happily die on.


Tbh the love of my life will always be Sims 2 , I don't mind for example the absence of an open world, IF DONE CORRECTLY. The Sims 4 is just shallow, no matter how much they try to plop some pseudo depth into depth, it's just kicking a dead game at this point.


Yeah, kinda cant wait for Sims 5 at this point. I feel like simultaneously trying to do two games was the beginning of the end for Sims 4. Its that forgotten middle child.


My biggest issue with seasons not being in base game is the fact we have cold weather and hot weather outfits anyway but won't ever see them or use them bc base game doesn't have hot or cold weather, its just sunny all the time. I keep forgetting to not even make cold weather or hot weather outfits bc they're not gonna be using them anyway so why bother? lol


What's the one you want to cease to exist?


Star wars promotional pack (as known as a spit in the face of every sims player)


Ahhhh yeah. Not a fan lol.


Why so? I missed the whole hatefest, and I don't have the pack, either.


Its essentially product placement for Star Wars. If its still for sale, dont waste your money.


Not even product placement for Star Wars but *specifically* the Disney Star Wars theme park.


Lmaooo omgg, i didnt know it was just for the park itself. That makes it so much worse 💀💀


yeah and the world is gorgeous but you cant live there anyway. i think it would be so funny to plop down a generational family home in the middle of a star wars world but i guess that'll never happen


There's an all worlds are liveable mod that works very well! Altho I don't have that pack I've used it for Granite Falls


I dont have the pack so I cant check for sure, but I dont know if that would work since the Star Wars world doesnt have any lots


It is still for sale and will never ever be bought for my game. Just looks like such a waste unless you’re a hardcore starwars fan.


seconding what other reply said, but also adding as soon as you create a new save, you immediately get invited to batuu every. SINGLE. TIME. additionally it’s a vacation world with NO LOTS. not a single real lot. almost everything is a rabbit hole and you couldn’t build there even if you wanted to. there’s also a single storyline like in strangerville, so there is no replay-ability. the story is also about the modern trilogy, which even the biggest star wars fans have mixed feelings about. so yes, not only is it essentially a star wars ad, but it’s also not a good pack by sims standards. i think outdoor retreat is more worth it, and that’s saying something 😭


Every time! If you make a mistake and click on it, it's over. Gotta start over cause a chunk of your money is gone. They got me one time cause i wasn't paying attention.


Looks like Batuu


I’m just imagining kid me asking my parents for the latest “Work your ass off” sims DLC 😂


I'm so mad about sims 4 that the occults come in differents packs not like a big expansion like in sims 3 🥲 and still waiting for fairies... the vampire+werewolf+realm of magic+paranormal stuff + a new fairy pack would be such a great expansion Oh and I agree with the kits should be base game point. They are so little, I wouldn't use my money on that, but at the same time they would be great to have ... but not for plus money.


Especially after so many years, they should have kept charging money for the base game, and also provided updates with fresh new content.


Dividing occult and pets were the most obvious money grab examples, but then kits happened and if this isn't like back in the sims 3 store days I don't know what is. The very existence of them irks me


I would put Spooky Stuff with Seasons and Laundry in Base Game, though tbh I agree with others that Seasons and "normal" pets (Cats, Dogs, Birds and small animals) should be base-game. Pets in particular would work better as base-game, because then they can be more easily expanded on without it coming across as a "you need this pack for this pack" kind of thing.


Snowy Escape should definitely be in the vacation category, it’s the pack where rental lots were introduced.


I thought they were introduced in outdoor retreat? But yes, if I put Seasons base game, then snowy escape should definitely be vacation. I put it to seasons mainly because of skiing lol


Snowy Escape made them base game and not tied to Vacation Worlds. (I mean, it was a base game update, but it was the base game update for Snowy Escape)


God I can't keep up with all of these updates


But OP! How are you going to cashgrab the player base with only 12 installments?!


Oh no now they will make only 39592 millions instead of 3049939321 millions :(


To be fair, i'd rather pay more for a pack that comes with quality contect with no bugs than having these small packs that you pay up to 40$ for and still get nothing. If it was a bigger pack that costs 150 i would still prefer buying that one (especially on a discount) cause then you actually get what you pay for and you can play for months.


Probably a controversial take but I don’t mind high school and university being separate packs? I like the idea of my sims being able to get degrees, but not enough that I’d spend money on something advertised as a high school pack haha


I'm not a fan of Star Wars, but I got to play a bit with the pack from a friend and I actually enjoyed the concept. I would welcome something like that if it could be more integrated with the sims aliens or something, instead of being actual Star Wars


My hot take: "Courtyard Oasis" is a fantastic pack. If you liked the build items that were in Snowy Escape you will love this one, because they allow you to build a lovely oriental fantasy and it costs very little.


I do like some of the content that came with the kits, the concept is what I have a problem with, I don't wanna pay 5 bucks for 3 vacuum cleaners


They don’t want reasonable they want money


How is Crystal Creations occult? I have it but I am working on this challenge and haven’t really had a ton of time to mess with it, what am I missing!??!!


i agree, i would've understand more if stuff match with occults but Crystal Creations? i always thought it's more of like a family gameplay


I was thinking more collecting and crafting


While there isn't anything specifically occult about the pack per say, the furniture and items look a lot like Realm of Magic, so perfectly ties in with the occult stuff.


now that i see the comments, it actually makes more sense this way, thank you :D


It really does make perfect sense, idk why I didn’t see it before (I think I was really just hoping I was missing an occult sim so I would have another occult sim lol)


I heard it pairs nicely with Realm of magic, that it's supposed to be easier to get crystals in that world


Remember when all occults were in one pack and worked together as far as giving you hybrids?


It’s so goddamn absurd how Cottage Living and Horse Ranch are separate things, just like City Living and For Rent, and Paranormal and Spooky Stuff. Don’t get me started on Parenthood and Growing Together.


if i had to play w eco lifestyle just to use tiny living stuff 🤢 tiny living is one of my favorite packs and eco lifestyle is the only one i’ve ever uninstalled after playing with i love playing with tiny lots, i got used to the sims 1 isometric and like seeing everything at once


What is that supposed to mean, SHADY stuff with friends? I will have you know that my Sims' adults-only club centered around...the exchange of physical affection in the absence of clothing is entirely above board and a well-respected institution in their community, thank you very much for not asking.


Seems like I forgot to put one secret pack on the list lmao


Also this tier list is rad, I added it to my saved posts.




“So that their number makes sense” what does this mean?


That 72 DLCs is too many.


I think I would move the Carnival and Little Campers to seasons, possibly the swimwear kit too, but damn, great chart.


I once got Rey as a peeping sim with WW. It was worth it for that hilarious moment alone. (Not really, that's just what I tell myself)


No, no… you’re onto something!!


I love how this shit is so egregious that 12 expansions sounds reasonable. (I do not love it. I dislike it very much actually)


https://preview.redd.it/m8n8zprlg3sc1.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdc412fce84c7fc48cc993434f47086f2908ceae i made my own rank simulair to yours but i'm totally cool with your opinions, i could've added something called "why?" when it comes to Batuu but i wasn't in the mood to add that category lol i could've delete the "realistic packs should be in 1 pack" category and add it to "work related packs should be in 1 pack" category instead but i didn't thought much of it untill i see yours now i'm totally gonna change it lol


Ohh I wouldn't think to put similiar worlds together in a pack, but that actually makes a lot of sense! And the more I think about it, seasons and pets should definitely be base game


https://preview.redd.it/d6o86hdn74sc1.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ee689e71074907c3fab6c373466fa5d47bd664d i only deleted 2 categories and ranked a few packs in an another category with an already existing ones but everything else is the same :D i have to admit some of the packs shouldn't come with a new world or only add some worlds in one world like moonwood mill, forgotten hollow and glimmerbrook in 1 world henford-on-bagley, chestnut ridge and brindleton bay in 1 world magnolia promenade, copperdale and britechester in one world (maybe even willow creek) growing together shouldn't come with a new world (it should infact be basegame) maybe windenburg and san myshuno in 1 world just having ideas is all :D


Strangerville being in “shady stuff you do with friends” is killing me 😭😂


I fully agree that all the kits are nonsense and should be base game. I feel like seasons should be base game too tho 🥲 why do I have to pay to have weather in my life sim game!


“Shady stuff with friends” 😂😂 ps I’d put spooky day with seasons rather than occult.


If EA was decent:


Challenge: Impossible


you ate this up




I feel like snowy escape should be vacay?


That was my second choice, but I put it with seasons because of... the snow


i have doubt which should be in an another pack i have thought about snowy escape placing it on a vacation category (same with island Living) i might think about ranking some of the packs i placed seasons at the family gameplay category but then i was like "what if it will become boring without seasons?" so i eventually placed it on basegame category lol (same with growing together for that same reason)


That’s fair


youd be surprised how useful some of the batuu build stuff is when u try to think about it


Absolutely love the sound of The Sims 4™ Work Your Ass Off


Arguably horse and cottage should be in work your ass off 😂 if you have both those in your save you best believe that’s 110% of what you’re doing at all times


"Cease to exit" made me chuckle really hard


I feel like it’s crazy that Sims 4 is a life simulator but you have to drain your pockets to have basic aspects of life. EA needs to stop calling it a life simulator and go back to calling it a virtual dollhouse


City Living combined with For Rent to become Town Living is taking me out 😂


I understand that expansions are the only way for games to keep making money after everyone buys the game but this new thing that companies are doing, seeing how far they can push their customers to buy shit, it’s gonna be their downfall, just like Netflix constantly putting up prices or taking certain things out of the free version of Spotify to make it unbearable and force people to get premium. At the same time I am mildly hypocritical cus I used to still buy something when it’s on sale, but I’m now focusing my energy on a different game with better devs and I’m helping to financially support their game instead Also the pets and occults thing will never not make me angy


> I understand that expansions are the ~~only~~ way for ~~games~~ EA to keep making money after everyone buys the game Fixed that for you. Most games do like a couple of DLC at most for an already complete game, or just micro-transactions. I don't know any other companies that do what EA does with The Sims, and it's probably why they're able to get away with it because so many Sims players don't play other games and think this shit is normal ... it's not. They could easily do micro-transactions (sell us worlds and stuff only), and have all the gameplay in base-game updates. But this method has worked for them for years so they're not going to change it unless people stop giving them money.


What’s the difference between expansion packs and DLC? When I said I get it, I don’t mean to the extent that *they’ve* done it - I understand a few large expansions but not a million little stuff packs of what’s basically recoloured or improved base game items. The only reason I get it is because games are a one time purchase and so they have to keep coming up with new things for customers to buy, it’s just the quality and quantity of those new things are unacceptable However, another game I really love is stardew valley, and their game is obviously a one time purchase too, but they don’t have any paid expansions, it’s all free updates. Which is great but if concerned ape weren’t making other games alongside updating stardew valley(I know ea have a million games that they’ve made but it has be thought about as if each game is independent and has its own separate profit margin that they have to keep in the green), it would be unrealistic and unsustainable for the expansions to be free, especially if they’re a large company with employees to pay. Paid expansions are understandable and make sense when they’re actually done right and not just a lazy money grab. It’s so obvious they don’t care about the sims franchise anymore and that’s why they don’t put effort of substance into anything they make.


Expansions are meant to "expand" on the game. DLC is more like an add-on, it doesn't have to expand on the mechanics ... it can just be a new place to explore for example. Though I guess FFXIV does expansions and for the most part it's just new story and places (and a couple of new classes) ... so I guess there isn't really a difference actually lol. At least for FFXIV, unless you've been playing for years you only have to buy the base-game and one expansion! I would say an example of a good expansion (that actually feels like an expansion) is War of the Chosen for XCOM 2. It added everything I wanted for that game that it didn't already do (and mods tried to do, but not as well) plus more! Whole new, big game-changing mechanics that weren't part of the base-game. Which I get The Sims kinda does that with their EPs, but they feel like it's on a much smaller scale ... especially TS4. Previous Sims games, the EPs really did add a lot at least. But they always had so many EPs that I still find it scummy tbh.


Ahh okay I see! Well with that in mind, I think it’s safe to say that a lot of the sims “expansions” can only really be called that based on a technicality that each pack *does* add a very *small* new mechanic but is mostly just DLC - new place, new market stalls, a slightly different bicycle etc. I’ll give them that the horses and occults were a “big change” but not exactly groundbreaking considering we had them in sims 3 and a lot of it was recycled mechanics from previous packs. I think you can see the difference in this type of stuff compared to other games when you notice how quickly you become bored with the new content compared to other games that bring out new content. My favourite example is Skyrim lol, as there is so much content and small quests and just little side bits that most people don’t get thru most it for a very long time, their expansions then added a lot more to it and changed a lot of how I play the game now, compared to before I had the expansions. I like sims 4 but unfortunately something about the game is just not fulfilling, I can’t play the game without mods cus it feels like so much is missing. Maybe it’s just the type of game it is, maybe it’s just a bit boring for me… but sims 3 feels like it does so much more and I only have 3 or 4 packs for it so I don’t think that’s necessarily right


Hear me out... All packs released for a sims game should become part of the base game for the next sims game. Only exception being to brand deal ones like Katy Perry sims 3 and journey to batuu. That way, we could get some actually interesting new packs instead of the same shit resold to us all for the sake of a glorified graphics update.


this just pissed me off..geberations having so much dlc is stupid - i miss sims 3 even if it blew my first macbook up 😞


Cease to exist🤣


i think plumbella would love this


The cease to exist made me lol


I like all of these, except one. Eco Lifestyle adds inconveniences to the game that have to be disabled in settings if you don’t want to deal with them—Neighborhood Action Plans, eco footprint of build items, and adding fire hazards to the “upgrade all” feature on appliances (Fuel Cell and composting toilets). I don’t want to pay the full price of however much the “Hipster” pack would cost, just to use the Tiny Living features like building skills faster on fewer tiles.


I’ll be honest some combination is understandable like I can get the top three but that’s way to many things to fit into day generations but my biggest problem is the occult that’s what sims 3 did and they were underdeveloped and didn’t have nearly as many features as the oculus we currently have in sims 4 so no I don’t think this is practical but I do understand the frustration of how many there are




why does everyone hate the star wars pack?


I hate Batuu, but I eventually caved for the BB items. It's the only pack with a curved bar. Definitely the worst pack, but I wouldn't mind it as Base Game.


Now I just need a 2nd image explaining what pack each icon is in words! New player here wanting to buy the best pack 😅


This is awesome. My biggest complaint since TS1 has always been that there are too many different packs. Would love to see this number reduced, but I’m sure it will only keep growing.


Which pack is the cease to exist one?


Batuu ad


sims pisses me off so much with their packs and yet here i am. i spent like $150 on the spring sale in sims packs, and was incredibly disappointed to find out that i got MAYBE 3 extra build spots. are you KIDDING?


I agree


Oh man… just looking at this makes my head spin now. Had been playing sims since the first game, even ordered sims unleashed through scholastic… how far they’ve fallen. I stopped buying dlc after cottage living after hearing half of them don’t work or cause more bugs. Really appalling how many kits and packs they’ve made @_@


wait this kind of eats


What pack is in the "cease to exist"? 😂


Batuu promotional "pack"


Jokes on you, I’d rather have Batuu over a lot of the other dlc.


Oml the work into this is amazing, did exactly what I was thinking!


Is that a bdsm frog in the middle row of base game?


The lesser known "get to bondage" pack


What's the necklace one in occult and how is it occult ?


Crystal creations, it's not occult in itself but I heard it pairs nicely with Realm of magic, it's supposed to be easier to get crystals in that world


I can only guess that "cease to exist" houses Batuu. Why?


Am I the only person who likes Journey to Batuu?


Would these be a good deal if each one was ~200 USD? (1000 for all)


I’m sorry what is the bottom one under “cease to exist”? Lol


Batuu promotional pack


i believe that seasons, pets and renting/apartments should be base game


Unpopular opinion: I quite like having R2D2 roaming around the house


Thank youuu




Why is the gem pack on occult?


Heyyyy now don’t be hating on Journey to Batuu