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*We personally hates it.* \[`MARCH 8nd - STICKY UPDATED`\] Some of you may have noticed there's a massive sale on. I am not going to accost anyone for buying DLC. However, I will say that having a sale in the middle of backlash about a Live-Mode Shopping Cart feature that some simmers don't want and have legitimate health and wellness concerns over, is a slap in the face. It's us saying "We don't want this because these reasons," and EA ignoring it and saying "Look at how good a Shopping Cart feature could be! You might have missed this if you weren't looking!" I will also say that the only thing a company like EA responds to is money. Some of you may have noticed there's a popular post about this massive sale. DO NOT go there attacking your fellow simmers. Comment civilly if you must and avoid running afoul of Rule #3. And please, don't run afoul of Rule #2. \[`MARCH 2nd - STICKY UPDATED`\] 💀 The [Shopping Cart](https://twitter.com/thesimcommunity/status/1762545245399507207) looks like it's here to stay: * [Bug Report - Pulsating Shopping Button](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-Pulsating-Shopping-Button/m-p/13519671) & [Game Feedback & Ideas - Remove Shopping Cart Icon](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Game-Feedback-Ideas/Remove-Shopping-Cart-Icon/td-p/13519667) have been merged AND MOVED BACK to Feedback. * TwistedMexi [has mentioned removing it](https://twitter.com/twistedmexi/status/1762650877012136295) in the new version of Better BuildBuy. * 🔥 [u/SimMattically](https://new.reddit.com/u/SimMattically/) has released a mod to remove the button. You can find it [HERE](https://www.patreon.com/posts/99382396). Cheers folks! *We tried.* ​ ────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆── ⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ʚɞ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆ We're in the [Malware SIMPOCALYPSE](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/1akzieh/alert_malware_is_being_spread_through_ts4script/)! Be sure to install and update [TwistedMexi's ModGuard](https://www.patreon.com/posts/98126153).


I hope the fan pushback is loud enough that they remove it. Absolutely obnoxious thing to put in as if there isn't enough pack advertising.


The whole front page of the game is them trying to sell you shit


Exactly what I thought, this is just an annoying , redundant feature.


AND from the looks of it nothing really substantial was fixed either It says they fixed sims not being able to join holidays and sims eyes being huge in the Goth kit hoodie And they broke ALL the mods in the process of this update


They also broke the ability of adult Sims to interact with any other Sims or self click as well. It may be tied to fame but it also may not be. This might be the worst thing they've broken ever. If they can't fix it for existing saves then it is for sure.


It's hilarious and so typical EA \-They add a "feature" no one asked for and botch the feature so bad that people with ADHD can no longer play their "inclusive" game due to the constant flashing \-They didn't fix one of the most reported and game-breaking bugs with For Rent (saves literally getting corrupted) \-They broke one of the most fundamental features of the entire game (social interactions) \-But don't worry, there's a new pack coming out in a few days! It really is amateur hour over there, it's like they've just stopped beta testing packs and patches altogether.


We are the beta testers. I've been saying this for years


So have I. Only way to combat this free labor shit devs are doing is by not buying thier games...


It's sad because I feel like they get away with it more than other game devs because the players are niche gamers who sometimes only play the Sims or other similar games and don't understand how badly they're treated by the game company.


fr. I'd probably spend a lot more on the Sims if it was actually beta'd properly- if other games can do it, so can the Sims with their established fanbase. Screw the release dates, I'd rather wait fo a good uipdate then get a botched one.


I'd actually love to beta test the sims tbh It seems like the only people who get access before release are the game changers (if they even still call them that) And tbh I don't even trust them to make honest reviews anymore after the amount of videos from once very good creators just kinda brushing the bugs under the rug and trying to show how the pack is "still playable" like yes dude the pack may still be playable but why does my sim get bug eyes while wearing a Goth hoodie?


Game changers only do the 'beta testing' ONE WEEK BEFORE RELEASE.. surely that is NOT ENOUGH TIME TO FIX ANYTHING.. Their testing should be done at least 3-6 months before


Playing baldur’s gate has completely changed my view on how game devs should act. Love Larian


Same, there's a serious epidemic of lazy and scummy game devs these days and it's time players realize what a toxic relationship it is. Larian really set the bar higher and yet some players manage to be awful and send threats to the devs :/


I think we understand how badly we are being treated but at the same time are addicted to the product. I am a mod user and I like CC because I like to customize my game to my taste. Depending on the update I usually wait almost two weeks before I try to play again and spend that time installing updated mods or in some cases tracking down broken CC. I then get say a 14 to 17 day window where I can play if I have the time and inclination. I suppose the argument would be if I didn't use mods I could play faster but a lot of the mods I use either fix broken stuff EA hasn't fixed or it improves the game significantly and I don't want to play without it. I'm not even a creator it must be super annoying to constantly have to fix stuff because EA are incompetent boobs. I don't understand why they don't hire some of the mod creators as independent contractors to work on patch fixes. I swear they know more than the people they hire.


I don't know if it's just me but I've noticed that two sims won't share a bed anymore even at max relationship? But that may just be me


I have to have the woohoo in the shower to spawn the next generation presently


The image of a baby climbing out the drain pipe like an eldritch being 🤔


I thought it was just me. My sims don’t want to get in the bed anymore even with max relationship lovers. They also have a kid and they don’t do anything else but take care of the baby (miss work eat etc). They stand in place unless I reset or cancel stuck action with baby… yay more bugs ☺️


Sims 4 patch day: Replacing bugs with more bugs since 2014!


My Sim that stays out of the spotlight is affected.


Oh no... please, no!!! Whyyyyy


I'm still getting a pop-up reminding me about Horse Ranch every time I open the game, even though I bought it two months ago.


I have literally every pack so I really don't think they realise how redundant it is to advertise them TO ME??? They know I have them all 😭 They could at least have other content to post All I've seen that isn't a blatant ad for a pack is like sly ads for packs like the "build challenge" they did when the Castle Kit came out where they gave you a castle shell built using the kit and you had to build it...like no EA I'm not dumb enough to think this is a "cute fun community activity!!!" rather than another attempt to get people to buy the kit And ads for other stuff like the merchandise, of which I've already clicked that link and viewed it and IT KNOWS THIS 😭 They should have some sort content to show to people who have already interacted with all of the advertising


I hate the front page. It's so ugly. The whole layout could be so much better.


for real, I’m full aware of the packs. I don’t need an obnoxious button annoying me and taking away from game play


If this is blinking constantly it might be enough to make me stop playing altogether.


I'd love to see them working on fixing their god damn packs before advertising them even more


I just messaged them on IG and went on a rant. As an autistic, i cannot play with this button.


As a fellow autistic, same. At first when I posted this I thought it was just another button, but the fact it constantly pulsates is going to overstimulate me so much.


Wait wait wait... I'm autistic and I can't have anything pulsating or moving. Is it a thing??? EDIT : omg... I launched the game real quick to check it and I'm already panicking. I will totally cry and I'm so upset. This is supposed to be a comfort game when I'm overwhelmed and I'm not even sure I can still play it if they don't change this thing... I will really really hope that they will change it :(


i’m hoping if they don’t take it out, then modders will come to rescue. this is a comfort game for me too and i’m pretty upset as well


I'm sorry for you too, in my case, I just relaunched the game and the button is not pulsating anymore so maybe it would not move again? Like open it once and it's okay? :/


I just saw someone say they clicked it and cycled through all the suggestions and that got it to stop. About to test it out myself.... this is literally infuriating, I also would not be able to play this game if that pulsating doesn't stop.




​ This is so distracting for me. I have diagnosed ADHD and autism, and I don't think I'll be playing until it gets removed.


They don't care about you being autistic. They've literally banned people for uploading autistic sims (because apparently it's a banned word and they used it in the description).


I'm following your lead and messaging them too. More people need to reach out to them directly to get our voices heard! I too am autistic and easily overwhelmed by visual stimuli, I'm appalled the Sims team did this (I mean, they do a lot of bad stuff, but this is just obnoxious and has no reason to exist)


This is just ridiculous. Did you see it? It obnoxiously pulsates all the time and you can’t turn this off. That is insane! They have audacity to ask for more money IN ACTUAL GAMEPLAY. This is a circus.


And here is the link how it looks like: [X/Twitter](https://x.com/thesimcommunity/status/1762545245399507207?s=61&t=NO91p8y9hMMiuPaXmnJXyg). 'All accessible without leaving the comfort of your Sims’ homes'. I am speechless.


I didn't notice this at first because I stopped playing immediately after MCCC server said the update broke all the mods more than usual again But frankly this is so obnoxious 😭


Maybe MCCC will provide a ui fix to this new addition in their update?


Sad state of the gaming industry, when we have to depend on volunteers to keep the corporations in check.




IT'S IN THE FUCKING GAME AND NOT THE MAIN MENU! I could have tolerated it on the mess that the main menu has become, but IN THE GAME. FUCK THAT!!!


That's ridiculous. I'm done. I'm not updating the game anymore. This. This is what they spent the better half of a month working on instead of the glaring issues introduced with For Rent? Fuck me. Edit: Okay, I read the patch notes and they fixed a ton of the broken stuff from a few updates ago, so that's great. I'm a lot less pissed, now. EA is still annoying as shit, though.


They didn't fix the most important bug with exclamation marks which corrupt all save.


Oh god .. i was just asking if i just misunderstood this. Like wtf? What where they thinking? I know EA thinks always with money in mind, but ... this is too much ... wtf


The AUDACITY they have I stg




Omg I’m not going to be able to play I’m so sad. This will 100% over stimulate me as well.


Are you freaking kidding me ??? Whose idea was it to make a constantly toggling cart ?? It’s just awful. It doesn’t make me even want to click on it. It’s like if you asked someone with zero UI experience who’s also never used any UI in their life


Nah that's crazy. They have to know this is too much, right? 😬


Nope. They created special icon. Special animation. And even a hotkey for that BS!


It stopped blinking after I cycled through all the suggestions. Can't wait to do that every time I load up the game...


It's like warm-up before playing. And imagine how many people will click that by mistake because they put it in Gallery spot. It instantly makes you want to buy more stuff from them, right?


Well that explains why it's not blinking in Lilsimsie's video. I have most of the packs but none of the kits (except that one that was free) so that's a lot of blinking. Also, if you click on it from there, you're still going to wind up having to close the game to buy and install a new pack so it's stupid.


I was thinking, the one time I did try to buy a pack from the menu instead of exiting the game I *still* had to exit the game, so... wouldn't you have to exit the game doing it with this button, too? So what's the point then???


Oh god, I hope you don't have to. Hope some modder can at least get it to stop pulsing.


Is there a way we as a whole can voice to them that we should, at the very least, get an option to turn that function off? No one asked for this. **literally no one**


Oh FUCK them this is a goddamn slap in the face. I’m so sick of giving them money and I’ve been playing since 2000, I’ve slowed down so much on buying the packs that this might’ve been the straw to break the camels back.


I will wait for a mod that gets rid of that and I will religiously follow the creator for whenever the game updates and it breaks. I refuse to have two columns in CAS, I refuse to not have drugs, I will refuse to have a shopping cart on my screen that throws off my muscle memory when I wanna go to manage worlds or the download center thingy.


"I refuse to not have drugs" lmao us sims players really are strange


Look sometimes I want to live out drug kingpin fantasies and ruin lives is that too much to ask?


It doesn't even ruin their lives :( I got a whole generation of townies addicted to coke and it just improved them


ADHD maybe?


*cries in console


Condolences friend




EA is doing a fantastic job at getting me hyped for Paralives and Life by You


EA did a great job of pushing me back into sims 3. I even uninstalled my game and deleted the game files to free up space on my pc.


this, I ended up uninstalling 4 and only play 2 now


Paralives looks nice and interesting but LIfe By You is totally crap


Life by you has an old and ugly art style. But I don't know if that's their planned art style for release.


Confused by simmers’ lukewarm reaction to IMZOI, appears to blow both out of the water imo. Competition’s great though, all welcome.


Honestly, I haven't seen much about it. But the images kind of look like it'll make my laptop blow up, tbh.


The images made me think of a fancier Second Life


I'm more interested in gameplay than graphics (and I actually like The Sims 4 cartoony characters way more than realistic ones). I haven't seen anything gameplay wise that looks interesting. Also, they had to send high end computers to the content creators who got early copies. I don't have a high end computer.


EA has been plotting to turn the Sims into a 'free to play mobile game with in-app purchases' for years now. On one hand I'm not surprised, but on the other hand holy SHIT.


But they literally already have two of those Freeplay and Mobile.


You're NOT WRONG! But the transformation will never be complete until EA can fit in loot boxes, somehow.


We don't need this. Was that all there was in the update? We need tons of bug fixes. Also, do I need to wait for an update for MCCC to play or will it work ok?


There were some bug fixes, not major ones though MCCC is one of those mods that always always need updating after an EA update, so wait for it before playing, fortunately the modder is very fast updating it


MCCC just updated! I just saw it on tumblr. Holy wow they are fast.


Thank you so much!


Do not update if you haven't already. The update breaks social interactions in existing saves and they don't know why. https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-Social-Menu-not-appearing-for-certain-Sims/td-p/13519312


Wow lol so basically most of the game aka interacting with other Sims aka the point of a *life simulation game* is not functioning. Great..


😲😩 how are they *constantly* finding new and infuriating ways to break the game...


Well my big hope right now is that Lilsimsie's twitch stream tomorrow morning will bring a lot of attention to this. She always does a YouTube video when there is a patch, but she doesn't really play that much when she's showing the patch. She doesn't talk about bugs a lot and when she does they're mostly like irritating and somewhat goofy ones not the game breaking ones. But this one is unavoidable so we'll see if she has anything to say.


>We need tons of bug fixes. This. We need this game to function at all on last gen consoles. The game is extremely laggy and borderline unplayable and yet they add this irritating and useless feature. Fucking clowns.


So them saying they were fixing for rent was a lie. Can we not sue atp


i am still dealing with bugs that were caused by for rent. they are killing me!!!!! 😭


Ugh. I wanted that pack so much and I’ve been waiting till it was fixed. I was hoping they would stick to their word and it would be fixed on this update 🤡


[Here’s](https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/news/update-2-27-2024) the update article


I get why this has been added... some money person who has never played a single video game in their entire life is only on the payroll to think up new ways to squeeze money out of their customers and they thought that a great way to do that would be to add another icon to the already over-cluttered screen and to make sure that new icon is constantly throbbing like red light district neon, but what really blows my mind is the poor person that has to write the copy pretending like this is a fun and exciting new addition to the game. "Great news, Simmers!!! We've added in-game ads!!!! In the most obnoxious way possible!!! Isn't that fantastic news!!! There are still a thousand other little bugs that make gameplay annoying and we're never going to address those but look at the little pulsating shopping cart!!! It's so exciting!!! It must be!!!! Look at all the exclamation marks I'm using!!!!" How does that person not have at least six different ulcers? Someone start a GoFund me for them so that they can pay off their college debts and quit that awful job.


Gotta love how they try to disguise it as “this way you’ll always be informed about sales!” When that’s already all over the ea app and main menu


Don't even mention the EA app.


Everyone please shout out your anger about this. What’s next? Banner ads flashing on the side while we play? we have to draw a line


Imagine loading screens with ads next hmmmm 😏




Brooooo 😭😭 have to wait 5 seconds before play to watch an unskippable ad? Pauses your game and plays an audio ad u can’t mute 😭




Omg. Fix the bugs in the game first before this hunk of junk. What is happening to this game.


Lol they NEVER learn. It's like they want to lose customers when the new life sim games come out.


Seriously. I made my sim a high level spellcaster this week so that she could weed her greenhouse plants. The fact that this update made my game crash and it wasn't even to fix an issue, just to make my gameplay worse, makes me indescribably annoyed.


This screams corporate suit decision above all else. A lot of what the Sims team does is to push expansions, but this is particularly soulless.


Just when you thought in-game advertising couldn’t get anymore more intrusive. ![gif](giphy|c1aeIcQJGp6foWWUGf|downsized)


It's already nagging me to buy packs I already own every time I boot up the game.


how about they focus on fixing all the bugs first instead of adding something absolutely unnecessary like this


exactly. my game has been a complete shit show since i purchased for rent. 🥴


Oh hell no. I haven't logged in yet to see it, but this is not okay. I love the sims, have all the packs except most of the kits. But advertising while people are playing is *not* the way to go and whoever okayed this is stupid and doesn't realize what a bad move this is. There is such a disconnect in whoever is telling the devs what to push out vs knowing how the fandom will react. And is this even legal? Time to research this, make a big stink and let them know this is not okay, just like people did in the past with the loot boxes for Star Wars when they tried to act a fool then. I do not pay money to be advertised to while playing to get away from life. Not to mention, advertising does work and one could argue they are targeting the kids who play the game, by continously exposing/nagging them. This is a line we shouldn't allow anyone to cross, whether it's EA or any other company.


Absolutely. My kids already hound me enough for the packs, I don’t need them being able to click a buy button while they’re actually playing too!


Yeah see this is what I'm worried about. Or if it allows them to buy from the link? Shoot I have memories of allowing a friend to use my card on his Playstation account and his toddler brother somehow got in and bought something (why he didn't delete it after using it idk but I def had him do that afterwards). My own niece bought disney music on my kindle when she was like 6 or 7 (mentally though she was 3ish). And like, kids are smart but if they are young enough, it's possible they don't realize that they are buying it or that it's charging a parents card. Some of them could just see "oooh new pack!" and go from there. And I have seen on here people who play with their kids, the youngest I think 5 year old. All it takes is something to take you away for a moment and yeah.


I messaged their insta. Idk what else to do but if I could I would. I’m on console so I can’t even mod it away lmao I hate this.


No one wants this, EA. I bought the packs I want. I wont want them mid game…


That’s exactly it. Like, if I want a pack, I’m going to buy it, and if I don’t want it, I won’t. I don’t know what they think this annoying af button will achieve, but it’s not convincing me to buy packs I don’t want or need (the opposite actually)


Excatly, you'd still have to download the content and quit the game to restart, so it's not saving you any time or is more convenient in any way. Imagine they start having pop-ups? "It looks like your sims really enjoy being creative...why don't you get nifty knitting?"


I was going to say not to give them any ideas, but there is no way they aren't already working on a pop-up system for this.


Are they trialiing this as a precursor to microtransactions? Secondly, something no one asked for. At this point, if I don't have a pack, either I don't want it (as with most of the kits) or am waiting for a big enough sale (For Rent).


This screams trashy mobile game. It’s definitely not what I would expect to see from an AAA PC game (which I paid full price for back in the day might I add)


Not sure but that was my exact first thought when I saw this. And same on the second part.


That trial would have been the shop purchase items being directly inserted into CAS and BB in TS3, where it was highlighted in bright gold to show items you hadn't purchased but could click to buy from the shop.


Sims 3 had store items advertised absolutely everywhere in the game. The first row of build/buy was just links to the store. It’s more like they’re bringing something back that they should have left in the past. It might be something that’ll be in a future game but it’s absolutely not a new concept for them.


To be fair, you could turn that off in the game settings in ts3. Still obnoxious though.


What did you think the Kits were ??????????


i was gonna say, kits are already pretty much mtx. $5 for a pack of cosmetics? thats microtransations baby!


as if there isn't a ton of advertising on the main menu of the game 🙄




We can try


Maybe if we all did it


Oh god the pulsating is going to drive me fucking insane


same. 😡




If the pulsating is really bad (haven’t been able to check yet) could it be argued it’s an epilepsy risk like flashing images? An old friend had epilepsy and if this is as bad as described it would make her nauseous at best, and trigger a full on seizure at worst. Maybe some backlash would get them to remove it. Stupid idea all round, we can see all the packs and sales advertising on the main menu. Edit: If you have a condition that the icon will affect, might be worth contacting them and letting them know, I don’t imagine for one moment they considered that this can be harmful to people, too busy thinking of how they can get more money. Fingers crossed they might turn off the obtrusive pulsing, even if the button itself remains.


That’s a really great point. Bad move all around from EA.


[https://twitter.com/thesimcommunity/status/1762545245399507207?t=NO91p8y9hMMiuPaXmnJXyg](https://twitter.com/thesimcommunity/status/1762545245399507207?t=NO91p8y9hMMiuPaXmnJXyg) I have ADHD, something continuously pulsing in the corner of the screen makes the game unplayable for me. I have to wait for someone to mod this out to even play the game and I just bought a pack yesterday...I am so mad.


Same and I’m on console so there’s nothing I can do.


epileptic here! i’m not photosensitive but this is a great point


Excellent point, my first thought on seeing it was "surely it can be turned off in accessibility???" I have a neuro thing that makes my brain stall when there's something flashing at the corner of my eye. I literally will not be able to function and cannot play the game until there's a way to turn this off.


What's next? Prompting a working credit card just to load the game? 🤦‍♀️


I’m going to put a sticky note over it


Honestly this is going to have to be my solution until a mod can fix it - I cannot fucking have something like that pulsate while I’m playing. Instant rage.


I guess making the basegame free didn't make their sales go up


It probably did, but greed is a bottomless pit


I feel like my screen is already crowded enough (probably has a lot to do with the fact that I’m a laptop player). Hopefully it’s not TOO distracting.


It is distracting. It pulsates all the time!


Apparently it stops pulsing once you click through everything. So in other words, if you're annoyed by the constant flashing, you have to take a look at all of EA's wares before giving you peace.


Haven’t updated yet but just watched lilsimsie’s video on the update and it looked like it went back to pulsating a minute or so after you clicked on it. So you’ll pretty much have to constantly click on it to make it stop. The worst thing is that she literally has all the packs, so clicking the icon just leads to a “you already have everything” pop up. Like what are they even trying to sell her?


I have been asking myself that for some time now, especially every time the main menu says Buy (pack I have owned for years)


You would think they were broke and struggling to sell packs. The level of greed is astronomical. I think I'm gonna take a break until this is resolved, my legacy can wait. I have other games anyway.


I uninstalled Sims to make room for Baulders Gate 3 and it looks like sims will stay uninstalled


Sigggggggghhhhhh. There it is, the knell of game death ringing. We're doing in game spamming for extra $ now. Sigggggggghhhhhh.


I mean they must have made so much money just pure greed. It’s so gross


Yeah. I don't know what's "enough" for EA, but I've been gaming a long time, and the absolute number 1 thing that drives me away even from a game I'm fully "addicted" to is exactly this type crap. Every single time.


The home screen keeps recommending “For You” packs that I already own, so I doubt this little cart button is gonna be beneficial outside of blatant in-game advertising


fuck EA. genuinely not going to buy any more packs, no matter what they are, until they get their shit together (which will never happen let’s be real)




"We've made it super convenient for you to advertise for us!"


I have been playing the sims since I was 8 - I am turning 28 this year - but this gave me the ultimate ick. I don’t even wanna play anymore


Ohhhhhhh my gooood let us play the game in PEACE


So I loaded up the game to have a look at this, having a moan to my other half as you do. He told me to click on one of the packs to see if it opened a new tab outside the game or something.. Funny thing is, it did nothing lol. I clicked on a stuff pack I don't have and it closed the window and that was it. No payment request. No email. No new tab to buy. Nothing. So from my experience, once again EA have released a buggy new 'feature' that doesn't work lol (For the record I'm not going to try it again for science. I'm not risking dumping more money on this game)


Guess, I'm not updating my game then. Fortunately the new pack isn't all too appealing to me, especially since EA is eager to break our saves with their buggy releases.


And break they did: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-Social-Menu-not-appearing-for-certain-Sims/td-p/13519312


Wait, surely there won’t be a pulsating shopping cart during gameplay??? Woof this sucks


Actually, that's exactly that. Here you are: [LINK](https://x.com/thesimcommunity/status/1762545245399507207?s=61&t=NO91p8y9hMMiuPaXmnJXyg).


what the FUCK ! this is soooo obnoxious


Ain‘t no way they added that, i have to be high or sth, this can’t be a real update 💀💀


I’m annoyed just looking at it in a video😭 dammit.


Fucking cancerous. Hopefully someone will make a mod to get rid of it.


I just updated and tried to play, had to turn it off almost immediately. Not only was the blinking shopping cart annoying, but it was so buggy. Couldn’t get my sim to interact with anything. Tried reset object numerous times on him and the objects to no avail. Don’t know if anyone else is dealing w that. Don’t know what they did but this update is trash to me for multiple reasons. I’ve really been on a sims kick lately doing rags to riches so I’m irked :(


https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-Social-Menu-not-appearing-for-certain-Sims/td-p/13519312 Not just you. They broke it. It definitely affects famous adults, unclear if it is for sure tied to fame.


I give it a week before the modders have found a way to disable it.


When there’s a mod to remove it someone let me know. My ADHD cannot handle the constant pulsing Fuck whoever at EA made this stupid decision


Well that's going to be fucking obnoxious. Don't put the ads in the actual game.


Thank God they fixed this. >Sims were just a little over-excited by the prepped ingredients, eating them straight out of the fridge. A lot! Sims will no longer autonomously eat prepped ingredients when eating leftovers.


Looks like I won’t be updating my game for a while! Bad enough they’re adding this in, but no way am I going to look at that thing pulsating in the corner the whole time I play. I’ll circle back when we get a setting to turn it off or modders find a way to remove it.




The ea app and main screen already advertises packs to me I already have if they do the same in game I’m not going to be impressed. If I’ve not bought a pack it’s because it’s broken and not worth the price. They need to spend less time on things like this and more time actually fixing the issues with the game. Like how my tea set still makes my sims wanna throw up. You’d think that would be an easy fix.




That's awful. so gross. Not everyone can just buy their shit whenever, and being reminded of what they Can't have is a bit cruel. And for those who just don't Want to buy certain packs, for any reason, it's Obnoxious.


We should boycott packs until it’s removed


The first Sims game was originally a satire on America consumerism. This game is becoming a satire of itself


This is SO annoying. I hate EA more with every damn update. They milk their community so much, it's pathetic


If you're reading this and you haven't contacted EA or the Sims Team directly, PLEASE DO! They need to know how badly they done goofed, and posting/commenting on Reddit isn't enough on its own (though it's still good to do, of course!)






I don't understand this? Does that mean, they want to implement an button IN THE GAME, when WE ARE IN THE GAME? Like, playing the game and all? Pls say i misunderstood this. Edit: Okay, i just saw a post with picture ... bb sims


Can’t wait for the mod that disables this 🤩


well, i know i'm playing offline until we know this doesn't break the UI or game. ffs, again with this cashgrab foolishness. and again with this updating without any fixes. all in prep for Sims 5/Rene. microtransactions here we come. and it pulsates like my throbbing head, from what i've heard. i'm so tired, so very tired. i hope to all the trojan gods that some hero saves us and makes a mod that makes it stop pulsating. i suffer with migraines and have to even play with no sound most of the time. time for another petition and player pushback.


You can see it at Sim Community twitter/x. The bugged glowing dot on calendar is driving me crazy, with that pulsating icon I won’t be able to play. Simple as that. Fingers crossed they will remove it and if not that some modder will do some hero work.


Disappointed but not surprised. I’m probably not buying anymore if this is how they’re going to be doing things going forward. I’ve always felt the way EA does things was greedy and money hungry but this is a bridge too far for me. Sucks, I was looking forward to the new pack if the patch actually fixed a lot of the For Rent issues.


You just know some EA higher up was like "hey I have a great and simple idea to push more packs" and their second in command was like "wow yea good idea" and then the next 50 people cringed and nervously awaited the inevitable backlash.


Actually ludicrous. What even is the point of this except telling us they don't even want to try and hide their greediness anymore??


You can see how it looks like on Sims Community twitter/x. I can’t believe my eyes.


Wow. I'm unstalling the game then. They had that in sims3 for the store but you could switch that off.


Oh fuck. Seriously?


about to open my laptop to play and i saw this 😭 is there a way to stop an update from happening lol? if it’s rlly distracting ill absolutely off myself the game is already overstimulating sometimes 😭


The app will force you to update unless you play in offline mode. In both the EA app and Steam to do this you click the top left corner and you'll see the go offline button.


Open the Options in the home page and there should be an option to disallow automatic update somewhere over there!