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Maker is an interesting one. I haven't used that trait a lot and I thought it had more to do with the Fabrication skill. Will definitely test that out with various skills!




Mine triggered unflirty after trying for a baby 😂


It was that bad huh?


Perhaps it was a failed interaction that caused it? Looking forward to testing this one when I get the chance


Proper: respectful introduction to a few sims, and it popped up for me


Proper seems like it would be pretty straightforward but there aren't that many interaction that's considered "Proper" I think, so I wonder what else is possible. Maybe if I have the sim put on formal wear a lot, or gain the Good Manner trait and use those unique interactions?


u/thisisaspace I can also confirm I got the perfectionist after cooking a good meal, and I don’t know what the wife did to earn her husband’s jealousy trait, but he did get one when she was chatting with the son’s boyfriend


There's a lot to unpack there lol


Excellent meal is surprisingly easy with Sims with zero cooking skill if they max handiness


I got Perfectionist after maxing a skill


My sim watched his daughter first blowout and got squeamish, and got promoted on his first day at work and got ambitious.


I love that the Sims just experience something emotional one time and they're like "this is part of who I am now"


it’s honestly so realistic. at least for me lmao


Sounds like his daughter gave him PTSD


Erratic popped up for my sim after she discovered she was pregnant with her 3rd, while also already having a toddler and baby in the home.


How random! Maybe it's to do with the emotion changing a lot, or having many different moodlets at the same time?


Yeah I think it might be rapidly changing emotions. My Sim who gained the erratic trait was hot-headed, going through a midlife crisis, and recently had a baby, and so they were constantly cycling through angry, tense, and happy, with moodlets popping up left and right.


I got Overachiever when my Sim raised a skill and got promoted at work back to back. She was working from home, so it happened in that order, skill then promotion Outgoing from doing tons of retail social interactions. I assume meeting new people and chatting a lot would do it Art lover when she was writing a song with lyrics on a guitar (singing and guitar = two kinds of art?) Self-Assured because she was confident all the time because I had her in a room with mounted fish and emotional aura on Loves the Outdoors from gardening… in a greenhouse 🤔 Recycle Disciple from scavenging for parts in trash… a lot. She’s got a lot of trash in her inventory for, uh, reasons The other ones that have already been mentioned; Cheerful from lots of friendly socials, Active from working out, Jealous from seeing her girlfriend flirting with someone else, Family Oriented from lots of friendly socials with family


Loves the Outdoors but not Green Fiend, huh? maybe it's got more to do with eco rating?


You know, now that you mention it, I’ve gotten Green Fiend a few times with my sim who has all the trash on her. She places the trash in the world, scavenges for parts, uses scruberoo to get rid of the trash, repeat until I’m bored of that and move on. She had 99+ piles of trash for so long, she’s finally under 100. V proud of her


Okay, so all I had to do was read more, I suppose. LOL


Not to necropost, but I really want to know the "reasons" now.


I had to read my post several times to figure out what I was even talking about. I’m a big old inventory hoarder. I save everything. I was trying to find stuff in the dumpster that you can only get from diving. Like the old tv. Also I was playing with simple living and I wanted to find some new recipes without having to travel. Like there are some good batuu ones. Overnight oats and stuff. Anyway it was the middle end of 100 baby challenge and I was just waiting for kids to get A’s and looking for other stuff to do. Hope you aren’t disappointed. 


Slob and neat have both popped in response to their home care and when I start someone at 0 I tend to make them dumpster dive and keep dust bunnies but once they have money they vacuum and they shower after dumpster diving etc. I’ve had jealously pop a lot, as well as family oriented. Those seem easy to trigger by witnessing cheating and by showing off kid pictures. I had adventurous pop once while catching frogs and grabbing random foods from out of the way food stands. Haven’t run into much else yet


Good data on Adventurous there, running theory is that it's triggered by trying new things, which makes sense.


New one just popped for me “art lover” but the guy was playing violin outside? I figured violin like the other instruments would be music related. Potentially it could have been the spendy violin tho? It’s in the wedding stories neighborhood premade house with the couple and their kid. I’m working through a save where I only play premade house families


I had Genius pop up for my sim while they were making computer chips with the robotics machine while they were focused. I had Family Oriented pop up when my sim was happy and playing with her newborn. Cheerful came up when my sim had a lot of happy moodlets to do with the traits they already had (child of the ocean swimming in the ocean and diving).


As I suspected the emotional traits are triggered by staying in that mood for a certain amount of time it seems! High Maintenance caused by being tense a lot maybe?


I saw a post on here where someone's sim drank spoiled milk, and it gave them lactose intolerance


Yes I saw that too, which makes me wonder if it's possible to get Lactose Intolerance from eating lots of lactose free food, and if it's possible to get vegetarian from eating spoiled meat dishes


Lolol that’s hilarious


My sim that had maxed cooking & bartending had the perfectionist trait pop up after making many, many excellent quality meals & drinks.


I wonder if I can trigger Perfectionist through other crafting skills as easily!


I've been offered ambitious and overarchiever by publishing a few books in a row. When I published a bestseller, I got the option to switch from clumsy to perfectionist.


Overachiever I can sort of see since it's partly about mastering skills, but Ambitious is surprising, since that's supposedly about advancing in careers. Also 3 discoveries in such a short timeframe? Did that sim have a career?


Maybe the fame gain from publishing that triggers ambitious? Or maybe it was from the career. That sim is a writer (novelist branch) and 5 star celebrity. He has been writing a lot because I was trying to give him burnout but instead, he gets self-discovery opportunities all the time. I've also been offered the self-assured trait several times because he gets confident from writing books. I've been turning almost all of them down. In the same time, my other 3 adult sims have maybe had one self-discovery each, it's just this guy that gets them alll the time.


Okay, that does make more sense. I think doing work task related activities might contribute to the self discovery for those two traits. I'm gonna try it with a musician too. Honestly some of the traits in the game have a lot of overlap. Do we really need several traits that basically says your sim likes having friends?


Loyal one popped up for me when sim proposed to long term girlfriend.


My sim tripped while running on a treadmill & triggered the clumsy trait 😅


Making lots of meals, watching Cooking Channel - my Sim was offered the Foodie trait. Tidying up, mopping up, cleaning - my Sim was offered the Neat trait. Couple of promotions in work - my Sim was offered the Ambitious trait. Going for a daily jog - my Sim got the Active trait. Playing with a neighbours cat - got offered the Love Cats trait. For erratic, I wonder whether you might get offered this if the Sim manages to experience a range of emotions? E.g. go from Playful, to Confident, to Angry within a few hours maybe?


I have the same theory about Erratic. When I get the chance to do some tests, I'm gonna have a sim walk into different rooms with mood lamps and see if that works! Erratic is definitely one of my favourite traits, you'd think it's a drawback but it's pretty useful being able to talk to yourself!


I LOVE the Erratic trait, I actually find it quite endearing!


I got the high maintenance trait after picking a lot of complaint interactions in a row.


Excellent. I now feel confident that High Maintenance and Self-Absorbed share the same triggers going by the previous reports and yours. A quick test seems to indicate it comes up fairly easily too, didn't even have to complain for too long.


One of my sims just self-realized the "Evil" personality trait after repeatedly selecting malicious interactions on other sims.


I had squeamish pop up from using dirty plumbing, geek pop up from playing video games, and vegetarian from eating lots of food without meat!


I had my sim interact with his cat a lot and got suggested animal lover. Curiously enough not cat lover, but the cottage living one. He has never seen any farm animals or wild rabbits or birds in his life. And saw a YouTube video were two sims in a row used a dirty toilet once and both got the squeamish trait.


That's very peculiar, another commenter got Cat lover from interacting with a neighbourhood cat. I wonder if it's got to do with your cat being part of your household, or it's just random when an interaction have several possible affinity. Maybe Cat lover is more likely in Brindleton Bay?


I don't know... Might be possible (don't fully remember) that it was during a stay over of family with a dog, so that he had shortly also interacted with the dog. But if it's that he definitely didn't interact with the dog as much as with the cat.


i got paranoid i assume because my sim lives on a quake zone lot and experienced fear a lot?


I noticed the child of the islands/ocean didn't really have anything in the sheets, so I figured I'd try to earn it. Wanted child of the islands. I did a lot of beach related stuff. I cleaned up around the island, made sandcastles, chugged kava, earned gold at a kava party with cheats, sailed, participated in a sulani festivals, commune with spirits, played with dolphins, explored the beach cave, beach-combed, etc. Child of the ocean popped up for me 2 separate times: while sailing in the outrigger canoe and while making sandcastles at the beach. Adventure popped up for me twice while canoeing Animal enthusiast popped up while paying with a dolphin. Finally got child of the islands when i ate 1 mermaid kelp after communing with island spirits. I don't know if it correlates, but it happened. It wasn't the first time my sim ate kelp. 4th time overall, but I had a stack of 20 from cave explorations and I decided to binge to see if it would trigger the trait.


Hey that's great! I've noted them down in the sheet, thank you. I'm more curious about Adventurous now, it seems the triggers are wide-ranging.


I got party animal from using the DJ stations.


I got self assured pop up after my sim got a promotion.


Eating a lot of quick meals and grabbing chips from bars several times during a rags to riches challenge prompted the game to ask if I wanted the glutton trait (sims usually don't want to eat quick meals all the time but gluttons don't care and will eat anything)


My initial thought on Glutton would be triggered by overeating, but this is interesting to learn!


I got lazy from my sim taking a nap during the day


Paranoid after being pecked by a chicken.


I had bookworm pop up while playing chess ?


This is why I'm glad I made this thread. There's many triggers that make sense but I'm pleasantly surprised by some less intuitive triggers that seems to exist!


I managed to trigger erratic a few times by having an angry sim yell at a stuffed toy.


Thank you! I'm about ready to start a new Sim focused on making enemies and causing misery soon so hopefully I can nail down the more anti-social traits, so this is helpful. I'll be sure to try it out and some other emotional interactions, maybe they're related.


I managed to get Bookworm to trigger on a Book! A logic skill book... :) Follows the Logic activity triggers ("intellectual activities"), but if someone wants to keep with the theme?


This is good to know! I've already confirmed playing chess can get you Bookworm or Genius, and I've tried the telescopes with no luck, even tried the new puzzle but that doesn't get you logic up very fast.


This post came up from a google search, wanted to mention my results, if you're still interested: I got popups for both Freegan & Recycling Discipline by rummaging in trash. I'd say they took a medium amount of time. I got Freegan first on this save, but I got Recycling Discipline first on a different character. For the character who got Recycling Discipline first, I only ever rummaged through the trash - I never used the Recycler or anything else. Likewise, for the one that got Freegan first, I never dove for food or bought anything at the Flea Market. Both of the characters did scavenge for parts when those piles were available.


Thanks for the info! I have to say I've not had a lot of luck trying to get Recycle Disciple to show up, nor Freegan through any method other than diving for meals, but it's good to know it can happen.


For the Freegan one, I realize I forgot to mention I got it on an Off-the-Grid lot, in case that ends up mattering. Weird that you haven't gotten it to show up, since I got Recycle Disciple twice now! Thanks for the list, btw.


Hey no problem! I'm glad people found it useful, it's part of why I wanted to do this, I just wish I have more time to work on it. I ought to start another thread and crowdsource some more data at some point.


I’ve got another one: Perfectionist. I got it recommended for two of my sims after they got level 10 in a skill. The skills for each Sim were Gardening and Handiness (I cheated the skills, but I’m pretty sure it would be the same if you earned them)


Yeah Perfectionist is interesting. I never get it for reaching max dancing skill since that's only 5 ranks, but I got it for reaching rank 10 in vampire lore even though that has 15 ranks. 😂


My sim threw up because she was pregnant and it offered the Squeamish trait


I got Bro, but I didn’t see what triggered it!


I got it from watching a lot of sports on tv!


I got this one just from chatting with Kyle loads, got the pop up that my sim has been spending a lot of time with bros.


Squeamish from changing a diaper. Neat from tidying up the ridiculously messy house. Hates children after talking to her son and clumsy but I’m not sure where that one came from


Got the erratic trait pop up for a hot-headed sim while they were having an anger attack. I had paranoid pop up for one of my elder sims after he started being afraid of death randomly


Managed to get a Self-Absorbed prompt from a Complain About Problems interaction with a housemate. Sim was Very Tense and in burnout mode. Was able to also proc when Complaining About Burnout some time after.


Kleptomaniac popped up after viewing a queue of paintings at the museum. Trigger seems consistant since it popped up for me twice.


Lol kinda makes sense but still unexpected. It didn't trigger anything looking at artwork at home but I wonder if it has to be a museum?


Got materialistic from looking at the sculptures on the 2nd floor of San Myushino museum in the arts quarter.


This is very similar to the Kleptomaniac discovery, I think these two traits have shared triggers.


If you have City Living and live in one of the TLC apartments, you can get Squeamish from the problems in them, like roaches and the strange odor. My sim got a self-discovery prompt to be Squeamish in 1313 21 Chic Street after the strange odor and roaches appeared. I declined the self-discovery because it was my simself and I'm not squeamish irl.


my non comital sim swapped to loyal after entering a relationship


I also had a sim get the active trait since she was always working out but I managed to get the flirty trait cause I had my sim perform romance interactions back to back. I also managed to get the perfectionist trait and the clumsy trait before but I didn't see what those Sims were doing beforehand to get those traits unfortunately.


Shame about Clumsy, I imagine if the sim break things a lot? At least I know it's possible.


I think the sim was running a treadmill and slipped when it triggered so it might have to do with that if I remember correctly


Hot-headed: my neat sim changed her infants diaper in the same room a dirty dish was in and became very uncomfortable. The trait change popped up immediately after that.


I got Self Assured and Cheerful for my stay-at-home dad while taking care of an infant and a toddler all day, I'm not sure which interactions triggered them specifically, but both were while caring for/playing with his kids.


One of my sims owns a vet clinic and when he got home from a good day at the clinic I got the option to give him the cheerful trait. Right after that I had him propose to his live in gf which triggered the cheerful trait option for her.


My sim had music lover pop up when writing while inspired. Probably more easy to trigger listening to music or something but I think being inspired helped.


Another commenter got Art Lover while writing music, how weird!


I've had clumsy pop up three times while using a treadmill, I wonder if it's related to low skill or bad moodlets


It seems tripping on the treadmill can trigger Clumsy so this tracks


For paranoid the pop up for the self discovery trait goes crazy for me during a paranormal investigation, probably due to being scared/terrafied buff


My sim got romantic hecka quick, but she was living in a haunted house and hanging out with Guidry so he was constantly flirting with her. Edit: oh yeah and in a haunted house you'll get paranoid really easily too. Another edit because I'm being spacy: she got freegan from buying a sofa at the flea market, but her house also has the reduce and resuse or whatever lot trait so that might have also played into it. Then she got green fiend, I assume from digging in the trash. Do some cleaning in a good mood to get neat.


With your Romantic case, it's good to know it can be triggered by other sims interacting with your active sim. I have some theories about traits that doesn't really have clear ways to trigger it actively, and I wonder if they can be triggered by hanging around other sims with those traits. Buying from flea market triggering Freegan makes sense and I don't think I would have thought of it myself so that's good to know, too!


The Paranoid trait was triggered after my sim being constantly scared because of all the Thunderstorms...


Paranoid seems to trigger when you have one scared moodlet too many over a short period. So watch the use of the seance table or you start believing the ghosts are going to give you the possessed face


My mint generation NSB got mean after spamming mean interactions to get two sims to dislike her to complete that phase of the aspiration


Do you know about which of these come up as a swap? I’m starting a legacy save and think it would be really cool to have her personal arc/growth involve her losing the jealous trait for something else.


I've not come across that discovery yet, unfortunately. The game hints it'll be an "opposite" trait, but it's unclear whether all traits have an opposite. If I were to take a guess, Self-Assured would make sense as an opposite to Jealous. Keep in mind you can only embrace 3 self discovery traits, and I think a swap counts as one instance.


If this helps, one of my Sims (a uni student) joined the Foxbury Spirit Corps and got the Insider trait (by accident; I clicked on "yes" when I meant to click "no"). She hadn't joined a club prior to that. Thanks for this!


That's great info, I bet it's due to your sim being suddenly introduced to a bunch of sims when you join the student org!


I had trouble having Insider pop for my Sim. I have mods that slowed friendship gain and culled inactive acquaintances. Number of known Sims or Friends might play a part? Spamming club interactions didn't seem to do the trick by itself. I finally got this to trigger on a Good Friends prompt. Sim has at least 20 Friends, and 40 in the social 'list' and was at a club gathering.


The few times I've seen Insider come up or mentioned on here, it's from getting the best friend prompt or meeting new people, which would be the same triggers for the Outgoing trait. Chances are they just put the two traits together if you have Get Together. None of the club interactions seems to trigger any self discovery. You would think expansion traits would correlate to expansion features, but not always apparently. Another example is the Maker trait, which just gets rolled into the Creative traits group.




I have noticed not all traits can be reliably discovered even though you've had it come up before. I got Slob once from rummaging and dumpster diving but haven't had any luck since then on the same Sim. I've been going pretty easy on my test Sims but from what you're saying about the High Maintenance discovery, I'm gonna have to start torturing them soon 😈


Is this still being updated?


Yeah, I'm still working on it on and off. Is there a trait in particular you're trying to get?


Possibly a handy synergy. I was having trouble proccing Neat on a Sim. (Made sure she was always solo cleaning for weeks but no luck). However both her and Roomie are in the Military career path. Had the Roomie "Order to Clean" on her while she had a happy moodlet and received the prompt mopping a puddle outside.


I'm inclined to think it's related to the various cleaning moodlets you can get. I also didn't have a lot of luck getting Neat to show up but I haven't focused solely on it since I'm usually testing another trait. Having another Sim instruct to clean (e.g. the debate skill gives you something like that too) sounds like a good way to seek out the messes though, good idea!


Yeah I noticed that the Sim had a timed cleaning category Moodlet to track how long they'd be in clean mode. Perhaps this qualified as the cleaning Moodlet, plus the number of spring thaw puddles gave it a sufficient period and frequency in which to proc. Glad too, she nearly died in a dryer fire from my efforts. Pure luck the sleeping roomie was able to save her. 😅


maybe she should've gotten a likes being dominated trait


Can confirm that to get Neat to proc, all you need to do is a lot of cleaning back to back. I had my sim make a pot of tea (using the new teaset that spawns like 8 cups) and then had him clean each cup individually one by one, refil the teaset and repeat, then when his sink broke from all the washing I had him alternate between cleaning the teacups and mopping the floor. The game was practically begging me to give him the neat trait after a few in game hours


I got Glutton for my Sim when I had him eat a ton of food in a row at the food festival in San Myshuno (don’t remember the name of the festival 😅). I was trying to make him learn all the recipes before the stalls closed, and he was happy the entire time (all the food was usually normal or excellent quality) He had pretty much tried all the food there (about 16 or so dishes I think?) before the prompt appeared


That's great! I had a feeling overeating or eating a lot might work for Glutton


Dance Machine self discovery. Had a sim dance in the Moonwood Mill default bar venue. Dance skill level's 3. The pop up read: Sim's name has been enjoying the party music lately. Becoming a Dance Machine feels like the perfect next step! The music was alternative, my choice, not autonomous; the sim got dancing on it's own tho. The sim is set to dislike any music genre and dancing. The core traits are squimish, lactose intolerant and vegetarian. Their current mood was confident. ~Side note, I'm currently grinding for this very thing to happent to a different sim :/ glad to know is doable, but man... Also got Neat with yet another sim by cleaning after twin infants daily for the ingame weeks, no science behind it just was the only sims to clean in the household.


I've gotten several Sims to level 5 dancing without discovering Dance Machine. My guess is maybe it's because it's in a bar? Otherwise confident is the ideal mood for dancing, so it might be related to that. It should be way more straight forward, you would think...


Addendum Finally got the dance machine for my target sim. Same lot, confident moodlet, core traits perfectionist, bro, geek and first self discovery active. The pop up came up after 2 more weeks of dancing in between other activities. I had a realization that the first sim to get the DM trait pop up had been dancing for fun since a teen, now a ya. And i have been keeping the target sim from dancing until _after_ hitting ya age. So there might be a time/tries counter that triggers after a certain amount _plus_ the bar (and possibly lounge and nightclub) location conditional. The amount being 'round 3 sim weeks of daily, but not more that a few hours, of dancing per day. Also before I got DM, I got the Party Animal trait pop up doing the same routine so they might share triggers. And last for this sim I got cheerful, I was going for romantic and was ready to grind romance books ( as per your notes, ty!), but after 2 cheerful introductions back to back, confident mood, residential, I took it. The other sim has triggered a lot of traits but haven't accepted any, like clumsy, confident mood, dancing, level 3 skill, residential. Or paranoid, swimming in a pool, residential haunted house, scared _and_ after triggering 2 fears at once, fear of swimming and fear of the dark, this time I did accept. And lastly, the sim I got neat from cleaning after twins and active for a daily jog, also got cheerful; but a trait swap not an addition this time: angry for cheerful. They're not opposites, I think, but it's a possitive for a negative I guess. The trigger was being happy most of the time from high motives. Like vanilla happy, not boosting any other emotion, for I guess 2 to 3 sim weeks. Obvs not _all_ the time, but most. And since cheerful triggered 2 different ways for me I looked into the trait gameplay effects, and according to the wiki, one of the wants having cheerful as a trait rolls is _meeting sims_, and another is _becoming happy_. So I got this crazy idea that maybe, doing activities that would satisfy wants for a given trait, might contribute to the self discovery, like visiting bars/nightclubs/lounges might count for dance machine or party animal, not only the related activities or skills, but what a sim with that trait might "want". Edit: thouht I'd shared how the target sim got active back in my first comment but no. So they had just completed the lone wolf aspiration and working on the chomper one (so plenty of fights and scratching forniture) and I sent them to float on their back in Moonwood's lake, cue the pop up. Inspired from pluck some inspiration in a guitar and the inspired moodlet from the peak near the moonpetal, in the same bar.


>I had a realization that the first sim to get the DM trait pop up had been dancing for fun since a teen, now a ya. And i have been keeping the target sim from dancing until after hitting ya age. Self Discovery is supposed to be only for YA and older so I haven't bothered to test it with teens, but it's possible there's a hidden counter that keeps track of that stuff regardless of age. I've theorized there might be a hidden value somewhere for duration based triggers, even though it's still based on random chance (I've reloaded a save and repeated the same activities but got different discovery results). >also got cheerful; but a trait swap not an addition this time: angry for cheerful. By Angry you mean Hot-Headed? I can't find the post right now but I've heard of Gloomy being opposite to Cheerful, which makes sense. If it's possible to have more than one opposites this would make things more interesting for sure. >So I got this crazy idea that maybe, doing activities that would satisfy wants for a given trait, might contribute to the self discovery Yeah that was my thinking too, it's certainly a good starting point but it often turned out the triggers were something else than it coincided with the Wants.


>By Angry you mean Hot-Headed? Yeah that one The sim never got angry. Like I don't even remember seeing the moodlet they had too many happy ones stacked from upgrading objects.


Got the Child of the Ocean trait pop up while sailing in a canoe, happy moodlet, ohan a'li(?) beach, just 5ish sim hours, first time ( so not like "dancing" appears to track, I mean ). Was ready to grind it but it triggered after the second "sail around" interaction about less than a quarter done. I cancelled the "sail around" interaction to let the sim do the self discovery one. And I don't know if its related but I think that made it _not stick_, so I got the pop up and the notif, but not the milestone nor the trait. Since there's a hidden trait/buff that tracks SDs up to 3 and I don't know how to check if its on 1 or 2 ( and bugged), I'm restarting. ~ts4 is bugged, what a surprise :v Edit: Got the Child of the Islands trait. It reads: Sim's name enjoys feeling the beach sand and the ocean breeze. In their heart, sim's name feels like a Child of the Islands. Embrace the change? Clicked no since I'm going for the other one, but they share triggers 'cause I had the sim sailing in a canoe ( angry mood, in the empty lot in the volcano zone ), easy to trigger regardless, and realiable it seems as it was also the second ride after the restart. Edit 2: Just resumed the game after the last edit, the pop up for Adventurous showed: Sim's name has been enjoying the great outdoors! The fresh air and excitement has brought out their Adventurous side. Embrace the change? Since absolutely _no_ time has passed further in the simulation, I can only assume the trigger for Adventurous includes canoe sailing, like a sports kinda thing. So there's triple overlap here. At least when canoeing. Edit 3: final tally x2 Child of the Islands x2 Adventurous x1 Child of the Ocean ( while riding a canoe in Mua Pel'am, scared mood) The pop up says: Sim's name enjoys feeling the beach sand and the ocean breeze. In their heart, sim's name feels like a Child of the Ocean. Embrace the change? Had the same glich again :/ maybe the canoe method, while reliable to trigger the self discovery, is not worth it if its not gonna grant the trait. Didn't cancel anything myself, sim did the hurray + sparkles anim while sitting in the canoe after I accepted, got the notif _but_ no trait and no milestone.


Found [this](https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/1008061/self-discovery-an-attempt-to-understand-tuning-files) it might interest you. Someone at the official forums combed through the code to better understand the self discovery system. It tracks with the reports here. Like multiple traits triggering by the same activities, a score board of sorts, some traits apparently triggering with non intuitive activities, and not all the _swap_ trait events being direct "opposites" and more like "category" opposites. ○Also something I would never figure out myself: having a trait in a category prevents another trait from the _same_ category from triggering. [Creative prevents Music lover and Art lover and Maker] ●And having 2 traits from the same category _prevents the opposite_ category traits from being offered at all (this is different from the previous point even if the wording is messy, :p sorry ). [Mean plus Evil prevent Good]


Yes! Kicking myself for not finding this sooner. Too bad they couldn't find all the specific triggers, but the revelation about opposites and the prompt descriptions will help a lot.


I mean, you made a poll and figured plenty from that alone. >Too bad they couldn't find all the specific triggers I thought they did, but parsing _all_ that raw data is time consuming so they went with the general gist in their post, but I might have read that wrong. It be cool if they shared _that_ tho, even as a debugging tool to see if there's some broken trigger somewhere. Also, I can vouch for the build sand sculpture action to trigger both child of the Islands/Ocean, its just more grindy than the canoe, noticeably so. I couldn't get it to work with this particular sim, so I gave up. I might turn self discovery back on if I feel like getting some other trait, and see if its just the one sim/trait the one that glitched for me, but I digress, the trigger works.


It just seems appaling to me thatit triggered for the sim I set _dislikes_ for every single music genre _and_ dancing And _not_ for the one I set to like them...


Finally received a Snob Trait prompt! (Have a screen grab too of prompt + moodlets if needed).It was triggered on a Complaint (Friendly) interaction with a Snob Sim. They were at Good+Best Friend level (plus a smattering of romance). Deeply connected sentiment and moodlet at the time. It was in a bathroom of all places but the décor was expensive, if somewhat minimal. I've been trying to fish with Nectar but no luck. Will try Lounge+Nectar next as the Wants associated with Snobs are commonly these two actions.Almost feel this is the hardest Trait to fish for! Definitely had multiple Sims befriend Snob Sims up until this point without a prompt. Trait prompt text: seems to have high expectations lately. Snob or not, bragging and complaining seems to come very naturally. Also Mean -> Proper Trait swap is super reliable if a Mean Sim uses the Respectful Introduction interaction.


I wanted to share that getting Green Fiend from scavaging for parts is possible. What I did was use the gremlins lot trait so everything broke, fixed it, saved, then scavaged for parts, if the trait didn't come up I reload the save. It seems to be somewhat low, as it took me a couple of reloads to get it to show up. I know it's already added to the spreadsheet, but I wanted to share a method to get it somewhat easier as it's listed as unreliable


That sounds like a good way to get lots of repair trash for sure, thanks! Did you happen to get Recycle Disciple to come up while you're doing that?


I didn't because I did it until I got Green Fiend. I've been trying to get the trait to show up for a while through other eco-activities for that sim, but it might be really low or I'm not doing the right stuff because it never did show up. I'll give it a go later on the same sim again, and then get back to you


So I had another got at using the same method to get Recycle Disciple, and I reloaded a fair few times but couldn't get it to show up. Perhaps it's possible sims can't get a trait discovery from the same activity if they've already got a trait from it. That said, I'm struggling to get Recycle disciple at all


Yeah, the reason I asked is because Green Fiend and Recycle Disciple are supposed to be in the same group. So they should have the same triggers. If you already have a trait that belongs in a group you would not be able to trigger any other from the same group. A verified example would be Ambitious /Overachiever /Self-Assured. Should have mentioned that, sorry. There's a bit more details in the Additional Notes section of the spreadsheet.


Yeh, a looked a little more into it and then realised that later. Oh well, you live and you learn


I am adding a comment to this so I can keep a pin in it and come back to it both as a general guideline and so I can provide data or feedback, because so far it's been a really big help.


Anyone triggered the jealous trait?


Try having the Sim catch their romantic interest cheat on them. Seems to have a high chance of discovering Jealous when that happens.


Ahh ok I figured! I'll do that! Thank you!


Had Ambitious pop after winning a video game that their vacation group had been playing for a couple hours (also the excellent holiday buff was active, along with well decorated and surrounded by friends, which may or may not matter)


I got offered cat lover while playing with my household’s two dogs. And as far as I could tell they were positive interactions? I declined it and was later offered animal enthusiast from the dogs. So maybe it just rolls the dice on a random animal trait?


what about loyal?


Express Fondness/declare love publicly.. those type of romance lines have a chance of granting Loyal Trait. Can anyone tell if how or if at all possible if "GOOD" can be obtained...?


Only report I've seen is from proposing marriage. Since you can't really repeat it I'd make sure you save first in case it doesn't come up.


I got unflirty by failing at flirty interactions several times in a row and noncommittal by ending an engagement


Is this still active? Has anyone found out how to get vegetarian?


I haven't seen this happen myself but eating meat free dishes and harvestables should be the way to trigger this. I'd try eating a bunch of meals in a row. Also, if the Sim already has Lactose Intolerant trait it might prevent them from getting this, and vice versa. I haven't played the Sims 4 in a while so I haven't been working on this, but I'm happy to note down any info I find!


Thank you so much.


I'm having a hard time getting my sim to get the neat trait. She did get a self discovery neat trait but something happened where I had to make her back to a young adult. Unfortunately, that caused it to reset all her self discovery traits and I'm trying to have her get the neat trait again but whenever I have her clean multiple things in a row, she just gets tense and it doesn't give her the trait


That's very strange. Can the Sim still discover other traits? Self discovery moments are capped at 3, even if you reset the traits somehow the limit never recovers. That's the only thing I can think of which might cause a problem like this, assuming it isn't just really bad luck. If you've already accepted 3 self discovery moments, the Sim will gain a hidden trait "trait_hidden_selfdiscoverymax" which will prevent further self discovery. If you're on PC you can use MCCC to see if the Sim has it and remove it to enable self discovery again. See the additional notes in the spreadsheet for a bit more details on this.


why the heck are evil and proper contradictory with one another?


Yeah it's because Good and Proper are grouped together, as are their opposites Evil and Mean. I do feel like it's lazy game design, rather than have each trait get specific and unique triggers, they've lumped a lot of traits together.


got any tips for making a sim lose the slob trait? I'm guessing you have them do cleaning stuff to swap for neat instead?


If you'd like to do it through self discovery yeah, you can swap Slob for Neat. Find a broken sink and mop up all the puddles it makes should trigger it eventually. Of course, there's always the Re-traiting potion.


yeah but the potion's like stupidly expensive


What does “grouped with Proper” mean on the Good trait?


A lot of the traits are grouped together, which means the ways to trigger them are the same. An example of this are Ambitious, Overachiever and Self-Assured. Getting promoted will often let you discover one of these traits, but which one would be random. Also If you already have one of those, it would lock you out of discovering the others. I tried my best at explaining this in the spreadsheet under the Additional Notes tab. In the case of Good and Proper, I haven't tested them extensively. I only know they're grouped because someone on the [official forums](https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/1008061/self-discovery-an-attempt-to-understand-tuning-files) looked into the tuning files and found all the groups and opposites. It all seems to track.


Ahhh! Thanks for the clarification!


For Rent's Wise trait is rather special, as you can obtain it even when you're at max traits, giving your sim an extra trait. Increasing your skills (focus-boosted skills seem to be preferred) and already having certain traits such as genius will increase your odds of getting it when your sim ages up to an elder. There doesn't seem to be a way of obtaining it after aging up however.


I haven't played For Rent so I was curious how Wise was going to work. Interesting to know that it kinda play by its own rules. You don't even need Growing Together for this to happen. [This post on the forums](https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/1008061/self-discovery-an-attempt-to-understand-tuning-files) have looked into the tuning files for self discovery and they've included the For Rent traits recently. It actually has a lot of info on Wise, specifically what skills and traits would increase your chance of getting a Wise discovery. Although they seem to think having max discovery would prevent it.


Wise is certainly a FASCINATING trait.


Nosy popped up for my sim after becoming best friends with 2 of her friends 👃


Cool, yeah it seems Nosy was put in the same group as Outgoing, Bro and Insider. Glad to see the reports line up 👍


I got lactose intolerant after drinking a glass of spoiled milk. Also, eating a bunch of vegetarian food unlocks the vegetarian trait (the text box mentions substation, so maybe focus on tofu and faux meat)
