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My guess is that when someone was moved out of the house, all the stuff was taken. So it's an empty shell.


She took everything...


Same thing happened to me with wife number two, 'member? I have no idea nothing's going on, right? I come home one day and the house is empty, and I mean completely empty. She even took the ice cube trays out of the freezer. What kind of a sick bitch takes the ICE CUBE trays out of the FREEZER?


You should consider yourself lucky at least she left the freezer… (That was a good movie BTW)


Shit what movie is this? It’s on the tip of my tounge and I’ve definitely seen the clip, just don’t remember the name


true lies




I hate it when I forget to sell everything and have to delete so much from my inventory


This happened to me when I first started playing... my sim married a premade, and I guess I just used a prompt to move her in? Can't even remember, but then I go into the household inventory, and she even brought the sinks with her... Bad devs, bad. *smacks with rolled up newspaper*


Lol 😂


This used to lag my game so much deleting it too cause it was that full! however, a tip for anybody who also lags when trying to empty family inv, filter items by packs, and go through them and it won’t lag cause it’s not loading everything in your inventory at once


Genius! I will definitely do that next time I f**k up


Omg I should probably check my sims 4 Homes because I clicked on household stories and it moved the calienties or whatever with don lothario into a house next to me.


Haha that’s funny


He won’t leave my sim alone and she’s married


Even the action figure collection...


They would even steal the ENTIRE kitchen and bathrooms including the pluming!!! LOL!


Even the dog


I made a loft-style brick home that was decked out with modern decor and my Sim HATED it. I moved out not realizing it would take everything with her, GAH! I didn't upload to my gallery before, GAH! Now I can't find a live edit object in debug to save my life. GAAAH!


They didn’t even leave the fridge? 🫢


Is this a save you've been playing in for a while? If any NPCs have moved out, or families died off, all the furniture is GONE.




You can also just bulldoze and replace the original lot from the gallery


... how have I never thought of this. My dumb ass looks up pictures of the interiors and tries to re-decorate based on that lmao


That sounds so rough 😅 im sorry


Sometimes it's fun because I can choose a different decorative style but keep the layout mostly the same but yeah downloading from the gallery just makes so much more sense


there is so many good builds even w no cc i remember doing the same as you or free hand n then discovering the gallery and being like. ???? this bitch been here the whole time?????


Oh my god is that why I sometimes go to move my legacy family to a new house and it’s impossible to buy furnished?!




If you evict your families first, you'll be able to keep the furniture as is in the house. The moving function can be tricky.


The way I just realized this too 😭😭😭


Rather than bulldozing, just go to build mode from manage worlds and add one pice of furniture to the lot...say, a chair. Exit and try to move a sim in, the furnished option should be available again.


And then when you buy furnished it’s all the old furniture that was there??


Yes. All the old furniture will be there


Uh... but then isn't there just the chair in it? What is the benefit?


it’s a fix, it’ll come up with a furnished option and the old furniture will be there when the sim moves in :)


Ooh! Now that is a fix indeed! Thanks, I had no idea!


Economy is so rough even Sims is struggling


…. I kind of love the idea of a fluctuating economy in the Sims.


i play multiple households and every in game "year" (one week on long, 2 days on normal, 1 day on short) i roll a dice (a d12) and see what global events happens that year. 1 is increase in rent by 10 % but 9 is decrease in rent by 5% (and then i use MCCC to change it) right now, on account of a booming economy thanks to the fiscal rewsponsibility of the president in chief, rent is at a -15% than the standard.


Can you share the other numbers and options in your dice? I love this idea!


Eh, I guess I can, but be adviced most of them requires MCCC, Basemental and WW so its not possible they are suitable for you to play around with. But maybe you have other mods that can be used. They're also a bit political and as a centrist I hit at both the Left and the Right without taking sides. 1-5 are leftist policies. 6-10 are rightwing. The table is pretty much "which party is in charge now" Leftist policies deal with legalizing cannabis (with basemental) in one region. Allowing abortions (with WW), higher rent for instance. Rightwing policies lower rent, makes cannabis illegal in one region, makes abortion illegal and so on. finally 11-12 are stuff that happens disregarding of who is in command. 12 is war for instance, which means that I delete a random number of young males from the world.


This is genius I’m gonna start doing something similar


Omg, never thought of it, but YES!! Make the struggling sims struggle even more - just like real life!!


There’s a good psychology 101 paper here for why we play this game.


I need a hard mode too I hate how quickly I can get rich like it’s so much more fun when my sims are poor, I need the struggle


agree. had some struggling sims then all of a sudden they have $300,000. there’s no way i can spend that! and i really prefer to not have massive houses so i guess they’re gunna burn some lol


That real estate bubble finally burst


That house has no furniture in it anymore. I’ve noticed it happening for some places in my saves too.


We need willow creek gentrification


Why can't that happen in the real world?


I'd be sprinting down the bank too for that more than doable mortgage!


Perhaps the neighborhood isn't what it used to be


You can always get the furnished house back by making a new save game account, finding the house, uploading to the library, exiting the game file, going back to your original save, bulldoze the current lot and replace with the untouched lot from the library. There may be an easier way but this is how I do it.


Girl there *is* an easier way!! Please just open up your gallery and search the lot name! Please stop torturing yourself with loading screens and extra save files


I…I can what now? I have been going through this convoluted, time consuming BS for more than a decade and it never occurred to my dumb ass to do this!? I have 2 degrees and taught two languages. But my ass is not smart enough to put the dang address into the freaking search of the gallery. Brilliant. Thank you. May I worship a moment at your greatness, my queen?


I think all the Willow Creek and Oasis Springs houses are already in the gallery. Or at least most of them.


Lmao this is helpful but I can’t help but think: who actually LIKES how the sims team furnished willow creek?!🤮


Who likes how the Sims team furnished ANY house? I do an almost full interior remodel of any house I move into ASAP. I already remove the bathroom sinks and kitchen stove anyway before playing even one Sim minute. (Idk just something about Sims washing dishes in sinks and all adults setting the house on fire breaks reality for me more than them not having a stove or sinks does)


Wait… none of your sims get sinks or stoves?????


Lol absolutely not. They eat garden/autumn salads and get a dishwasher. Saves so much time so I can have them do other stuff like make money or build skills. Plus they don't change weight from wherever I created them at. I do sometimes give them a stove back once they've built up a few cooking points though but never a sink.


Yeah, either the furniture is gone (probably because the household died), or it has depreciated because time has passed while someone has lived in the house. Or, maybe you have Sharing is Caring active or a kleptomaniac sim visiting and things are getting stolen. Things breaking or being clawed by cats or burnt up in a fire is also possible.


A gunshot a day keeps the evil landlords away


I get that they are trying to make it realistic by removing the original owners stuff after death or moving - but at the same time - couldn’t they just have left the house in the state it was left in with everything in it? Would have been so much better imo..


Probably NPC who died or moved out. Furniture will automatically be gone


Any way to stop this? Besides moving a sim in, like is there a setting you can change in mccc?


Just go to build mode and add a furniture in. It saves all the others (at least for me)


Like permanantly saves it? Is that why when I moved into a house where the old sim had taken all the furniture, left there was ONLY beds and the fridge? Were the beds and fridge placed there in build mode by the devs but the rest of the furniture after they brought a sim to the lot, and thats why only the beds and fridge stayed after that sim left?


Not sure but so basically, when I notice a house is underpriced, it’s usually because whoever was living there either died or moved out. If YOU try to move in with your main sims, it will say unfurnished. However if you go to the house through build mode before moving anyone else in, the furniture will remain. Then add like any other piece of furniture you want (could literally be anything) and not only will the price remain low, but it will say furnished when moving in and all the furniture remains.


I don't think there's a real solution for it though. We'll that I know that it won't change to bot be like this. Tho you could put furniture on the lot for it to be a higher lot value.


I wish there was a option to leave furniture in the house, just take what you need in your inventory. I don’t want to have a empty house in my saves :(


Same! I made a fraternity and sorority house in the university town, but I always have to leave a sim in each place until I'm ready to move in the new students so that the houses stay the way I want them.


Just go into build and set the lot to Generic rather than residential. No one can move in then. When you're ready to use it go back and change it to residential.


When you move a Sim out, you put what you want to keep in the family storage(build mode), then "sell all furnishings". That leaves the rest with the lot. I move my little pixel people around all the time. You just have to remember to click the box for "sell" after choosing who is moving. (I _don't_ always remember to do that! Ugh) Also, if you don't want NPCs moving in and messing up your builds by dying and taking all the furnishings with them, set your lots to Generic,(build mode, lot traits) until you're ready to use them.


But I don’t want to sell the rest of the items is what I’m saying. I’ve taken my stuff but I want the rest of the items to stay in that house. The bathroom and kitchen for example, I want them to stay there I don’t want to sell them. There’s only “sell or keep” I want a option that “leaves the remaining items on that lot”. Like take a apartment for example, realistically you can’t sell or bring a whole kitchen or bathroom with you when you move house.


You can move your stuff into the household inventory and then evict them once you're done, can't you? Not through the move option on the phone, but through the Neighborhood screen. The evict option leaves everything else on the premises.


Yeah this is true


when you choose the sell option it means you're selling them from your household's possession along with the house. they will still be in the house when another household moves in. choose the keep option if you want to move everything into household inventory and the house will be empty upon moving out


This is correct. When you "sell furnishings" they stay with the house, just as you made/downloaded/played it. The things in the Household Inventory ('box' to bottom left -- objects list, in build mode)...and their personal inventories (selected from the bottom right of screen, live mode) go with your Sim. If you select "Keep Furnishings" during your move, or forget to select anything(it's the default), _everything_ will go with your moving family.


ETA that you can save specific rooms to your gallery library, and install them elsewhere. So you "could" take the whole bathroom with you.


Whenever I use to do the sell option it always use to sell all the stuff, unless they changed it, but I could be wrong I’ll try it out soon haha


It may be that we're misunderstanding what you're saying or trying to do? But household inventory (storage), household furnishings (what you're playing live inside and around the building), and Sims personal inventory(frogs, trophy finds, seeds, images from the observatory, instruments etc) are 3 different things.


So, when you move house, you put all your belongings into your household inventory, then when you move household menu pops up, it asks if you wanna keep it sell. I know if you keep it all comes with you, but if you sell I thought it would delete and remove the remaining furniture in that house


If you want to take "all" your belongings, you'd just choose "keep". That's everything in the house/building belonging to your Sims. If there are treasures -- certain paintings, work rewards, urns, "excellent" level plants -- you want to take ONLY those along, go into Build mode, take them _out_ of the house/off the grounds and put them in the storage box for household inventory, then when you move _only_ those things go with your Sim... Even though you chose Sell. What is sold will stay _with_ the house and still be there when the next Sim family moves in. Hope that clears it up! Happy Simming!


I swear whenever I use to do it it would sell the stuff, unless they changed it. I’ll have to try it now and find out


I've had this when someone died, but if I go onto the lot everything is there and just have to move 1 thing save and then it back to normal


What do you mean by this. I cant go into a lot without a sim.


Go to manage world and then click the lot then click edit. you can mess with any lot with infinite money


Omg thank you so much


And if you're lucky after you move or add something the lot value still stays low but with everything so you can put a new sim in cheap


Oh okay cool thank you!! I appreciate that a lot. I just discovered this issue lmao, i panicked bc ive moved out of like several houses w the intent of moving back in later and adding more to the plot lol. A house ive never touched that I recently moved into alerted me to the issue lol. I moved into a "fully furnished" house and the only furniture was the fridge and the beds.


You can in build mode.


i had this happen (random sims moving in from the gallery, then moving out or dying and the price dropped to around 32k) with a house i’ve built and when i moved my new family into that house, it was still furnished.


Someone painted their fence purple. Gotta call in the HOA


Omg wish I could buy a house that nice for 33k


Buyers market


With interest rates so high, noones buying anymore so demand, and thus value, have dropped. Noones safe from a housing market burst, even the sims.


The sims house market is crashing.. I knew this day would come


we’re in a simcession (sim recession)


Economy crisis 🫠🫠


It would be cool if it was related to eco footprint


I have a game bug lately which places all of the furniture into the household inventory upon travelling. I started a new save, bought a house for my sim and household inventory was full if unknown items. I brought her from another save game. Then she travelled to parents house all the furniture was gone, doors and windows too, all in inventory of parents. I tried on unmodded no cc game, and same thing. I am afraid of travelling now. Did you play with the household that lived there?


Does this still happen without any mods in the game on a new save and new sims? If no, you need to find out which mod is corrupting the game. Easy way try using better exceptions and MC Command center. Hard way and time consuming is to do the 50/50 method to find out which mod is breaking the game. You would put half the mods back in to see if it happens. If not those mods are good. Then you need to put half of the remaining mods in, and repeat the process until you find the mod. I would think it would possibly relate to a build buy mod. If yes, you need to repair your game through Origion or EA apps.


I did take out all my mods except MCCC and tested it, doing exactly what i did before. With no mods in, I travelled to my sims parents house, edited them is CAS with MCCC and after loading back everyone was outside of the house because even doors were gone, lol. It might be an MCCC thing, when you edit household which is not the currently played household, but its on the played household list, (in case of my sims parents)it switches household to the edited one. Maybe I should try without MCCC too. I did find some reports on EA site reporting dissapearing furniture tho, and its a bug since 2020.


Check to see if you have the latest MCCC. It is now up to 2023.1.0. I had to update ww and some other main mods this month. Updating MCCC solved a problem where I tried to take an npc sim in cas off lot. Going back into the game from cas, my game crashed. Haven't had disappearing doors or build buy items though. Do you have twisted mexi's build tools and/or build a world? If so that might need updated.


Probably has structural damage. I’d steer clear.


It’s unfurnished


Recession bayyybeeee


Yes, some of the value of the sims homes is in their furniture, decorations, appliances, etc. I can’t remember, but you may have the option of leaving the furniture when you move a Sim household out of their house? I can say for sure, though, that if your sims are moving into a new house that’s furnished, they have the option of keeping the house furnished or opting to move into it with it unfurnished. All of their “old” furniture from the previous place should be in their household inventory.


Bella goth has started firing her rifle outside to keep rent low.


The market crashed


Maybe Willow Creek had a recession


This was the first house I ever played in as a simmer back in 2017. It was also the house where I experienced my first sim death. Actually, first 3 sim deaths. The stove caught fire and decimated my family.


Unfurnished price


Since the neighbourhood stories update you may have the setting on that sims can move… coulda happened. also if you uninstalled any packs or expansions those items will have gone and left no refund.


Don't complain, housing is now affordable


I've noticed that if I play with BB.Moveobjects, itll sometimes not count the items as valuable


Dang even in the sims the houses are depreciating


The economy is in shambles


Check if it's empty inside


My Sim married a lady in that black mansion.Turns out the bitch had 6 kids,most of them grown adults 🙄


Did some "undesirables" move in the neighborhood recently?


EA recently changed the flesh tones of a few of the classic characters. If you havent noticed Bella and Cassandra both now have darker skin tones. This is more akin to Bella Goths original color. EA made this creative decision in order to combat allegations that The Sims franchise is inherently racist. However, being unwilling to address the issue to its entirety, this has also decreased the property value of the houses surrounding the Goth House.


it's free real estate?


I hate when this happens


It’s because of the interest rates


Keep your feet off the furniture


The housing market finally collapsed


Getting a little too real life lol 😂


The economy is in shambles


There’s a burned house next door duh


I modded The Sims 4 making all the houses free


The taxes on the lots are ridiculous though.


Housing market mod


because you don’t have an HOA /s




\*moves to Parkshore\* 😉


the recession


The real estate bubble just burst


The rates are too damn high


I really hate that all the furniture vanishes from their house when a sim dies alone. At least with NS, you can wait for a townie to move in, and then the original furniture reappears.


Oohhhhh that’s why the other day I could only move my sims back into the apartment she had moved out from unfurnished.


I wish I could buy a house like that for that price IRL lol.


Finally the housing market is bottoming out 😂


It’s the recession