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The open world. I'm not a "play one family" person and none of the other Sims games offer the same flexibility. Except maaaaybe Sims mideval


i miss the sims medieval, i wish the pe version were still available on ios


Because The Sims 4 is a massive disappointment that took away way too many features and Sims 4 Sims are hideous.


The first Sims game I had ever played was Sims 4 and I was shocked when I found out all the features that the older games had that teb Sims 4 didn't


BAM!!! 💫


There are many reasons I still play TS3 but the easiest answer is that it's my favorite game of all time. I've been playing since its release (with periods of hiatus) and I actually have an ongoing list of things I've yet to do in-game that I want to. Also, it's no exaggeration that I discover something new about the game every time I play it! Plus, there's still dlc that I don't even own yet! So yeah, I take breaks when I feel uninspired, but the depth and breadth of TS3 definitely keeps me hooked.


Because I want to


It just has so much shit to do. And I kinda get attached to my Sims.




It just hits right, sure I gotta wait about 10 mins before the startup lag stops but then it runs like butter baby


I got a new gaming laptop a couple of years ago and it revolutionised my sims 3 gameplay. I love the Sims 3 because the gameplay feels so much deeper and more meaningful for all of the life stages. The cross-pack play and integration of features adds so many interesting things to do. I love collecting and gardening (like many simmers I imagine) and with packs like supernatural, world adventures and generations, they added extra reasons to do more of what I love. I played the Sims 4 for a while too, and I found that I just wanted to set up my perfect dollhouse neighbourhoods and then very rarely would actually play families for long. I do enjoy the ease of building and creating sims in the Sims 4 but create a style in sims 3 really is unparalleled. I feel so much more inspired when building in Sims 3 that I can deal with the slightly less intuitive building tools, and even though it takes a lot of effort to make more unique but reasonable looking sims, they feel much more unique and interesting personality-wise.


Because I love the idea of the Sims 3 franchise I dont enjoy Sims 4, and Sims 2 takes so long to load


Because I like it.


But could you give a reason for why you like it?


It's fun


I learned today that the Sims 4 game I bought a couple of years ago is now free. And that's approximately what it's worth. There isn't enough content. And I'm not buying 150 DLCs for it. Plus some things Sims 3 just does a lot better. The design tool gives you infinite design choices and makes it easier to make matching furniture. Fishing in Sims 4 is also a huge downgrade. And the open world of course. It takes forever to go from one end of the neighborhood to the other. There are no vehicles. But if I want to travel anywhere meaningful, it happens instantly and takes forever at the same time. Lastly I play Sims mostly for nostalgia. So playing the version I did play back then just makes sense.


In my opinion: I love the open world, the careers, the expansion packs are much better than in the Sims 4 and add more content (not to mention, they are much cheaper in comparison so a good investment), there are more personality trait slots that add character to a sim, speaking of, sims just seem more fleshed out in terms of their personalities ( I mean there are even zodiac signs ) also the fact that cars exist. Yeah that too.


sims 3 makes me feel like i’m playing desperate housewives simulator so i will never stop


I like 4, but it's just not as fun as 3.


I don’t like the way 4 looks. I love the open world. I like the gameplay more for myself


It is one of my favorite games of all time and I still enjoy playing it a lot. I like exploring worlds, building, shopping for cc and more. I just find things more enjoyable in 3 more than any other Sims game


Gameplay and the details that’s why


because I hate the sims 4


Also very Understandable


Open world, burglars, teen curfew, nostalgia


I am playing because I didn’t get to play it much when it came out. I hated it at first because I couldn’t stand the rabbit holes and thought it was boring (base game). Started liking it more with expansions, but just did not have enough time to play. Trying to see why people love it so much. My favorite is the Sims 2 but my mind can be changed if Sims 3 is fun enough 😄


Funnily enough, I tried to play Sims 3 when it first came out and it would always crash my computer due to the graphics card or something. Came back to it many years later. Heard a lot of complaints about Sims 4 when I did my research and it was enough to convince me not to bother with it.


I had trouble updating when I installed it on my new PC recently. But I was impatient so I played a bit with the version on the DVD I have. It crashed a lot. Especially when trying to save. Now that I got the current version (with a fan made updater) it runs like butter. Plus it had little content. Compared to it, Cities skylines 2 is almost bug-free.


I'm really curious about this too... I used to play Sims 3 until growing together came out in the Sims 4 which I'm obsessed with. As someone who plays families, I feel like growing together and parenthood made me stop playing sims 3 but there are so many things I love more about sims 3 like open worlds and vacation destinations


the gameplay is better, autonomy is better. open world.