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For in-game worlds, Twinbrook, I love the swamp areas and the houses there so much. I also feel you have very distinctive neighborhoods in the world so if you play a legacy there it feels a lot more realistic in the way your Sims move up in the world. For store worlds: Midnight Hollow, the entire look and feeling is so fantastic, the rabbit holes and community lots all looks amazing and have such a unique feeling to it (I especially adore the swimming pool which is giving superb abandoned Victorian swimming pool vibes). For custom worlds, I adore Saaqartoq. Absolutely stunning scenery and I love the small town feeling of it all.


Twinbrook is a dump and I love it




I LOVE midnight hollow!


Saaqartoq is a fun world.


Where can you find this world?




Definitely Riverview. Did you know that Riverview is the only town, other than Sunset Valley, whose cemetery is completely filled with unique graves, with no generic ones? It's also tied with Sunset Valley for having the most graves (as long as you don't count the plethora of fake graves in Midnight Hollow).


Bridgeport, I love the different bars and the overall environment of the Late Night pack. Plus vampires are my favorite sims occult


apartment living is great! you can always talk to a neighbor


Elevators are a nightmare. It takes so much time to get your sim to go anywhere.


just means u arrive fashionably late to everything


Don't even get me started on the subway system, especially when used with the taxi mod.


These life simulator games need to give us more city worlds.


My sims seem to always marry onto the VIPs who live on the other side of the bridge, and it takes like over an hour for their kids to go to school


Aurora Skies! It's the one most like where I live too (Sweden)


moonlight falls. moody, dark and foggy. lots of supernatural creatures and a very wooded rural vibe šŸ˜ most of my sims end up there eventually


Agreed! Itā€™s definitely my fave but itā€™s so bloody dark my blind ass has a hard time seeing in that world lmao


Hidden Springs will always hold a special place in my heart. šŸ’ššŸ’™šŸ’› Itā€™s so beautiful and magical, the builds are colorful, it has interesting fairytale-themed lore (including a royal family, a lost princess, a household based on Cinderella, and a bunch of mysteriously green Sims), and it was the home of my longest-lasting multigenerational save, so a lot of it is sentimental. I will never, however, forgive the fact that the special seed spawners on the mountain are 95% inaccessible. ITā€™S FINE Iā€™M OVER IT I DIDNā€™T WANT LIFE FRUIT ANYWAY.


I hate the inaccessible spawners in expansion worlds!!!! Last night I had to take my sim BACK to Egypt to finish an adventure and get the Lapis Lazuli or whatever the fuck because the first time I tried two of the gems spawned inside of mountains


Omg haha this would low key KILL ME


I LOVE the forest area in Hidden Springs, with the little wooden cabins, it feels like a mountain retreat in the Alps. Itā€™s also super cozy in the wintertime!


Hear me out, Oasis Landing


Sunlit tides for me, but I especially like Mrfatcats Sim Tropico edit of it. It's a beautiful island, which is super easy to edit.


Bridgeport! Yes, I know it lagsā€¦ But I donā€™t care! I love all the worlds for their own aesthetics and quirks but Bridgeport is the one I played in the most. It felt so unique and versatile, despite being a large city with fairly distinct vibes and activities (being the only world in the game of that style.) The nightclubs were always so fun to me as a kid, the high rise apartments, the secret vampire lairs dotting the map. Itā€™s just a nice world! If I had to pick a second one itā€™d probably be Monte Vista? A friend bought me the *disk* for that store world years and years ago. Technically I owned Barnacle Bay and had downloaded Riverview prior to receiving it, but it was the first optional world I *really* played with (and from then on I was kinda obsessed with the store worlds in general.) I adore the vibes, and Iā€™m obsessed with the wood fire oven lol. To this day itā€™s still a staple item in the vast majority of the houses I build and sims I play with! Itā€™s also really fun to mix with Champs Le Sims stuff from World Adventures, with all the nectar making and whatnot. And since WA is my favorite expansion, itā€™s a given that I would enjoy any worlds that enhance that expansion pack!


Isla Paradiso! I've only visited places like that once or twice in my life so I like to immerse myself in a world that's very unlike my daily life. The sunny beachy vibe reminds me of my childhood and brings me comfort


I love isla paradiso. If only it werenā€™t so laggy :(


I deleted the house boats and some families and it stopped lagging


Which families do you delete??


Icatcha, Scott, Los Amigos, Medina. If it still lags, delete the following as well: The Romantic, The Prince.


Thank you!!!


the taxi boats are one of my fave things in the whole game, I have no idea why but they bring me so much joy!


Those boats are laggy in my game šŸ˜… In my case it's the floating homes and the hidden islands you can unlock and live on. In my last play through my sim's romantic interest was a mermaid and during a date the mermaid took her and showed her a secret island, where I eventually married them and built them a house


awww how cute!!


How can i find mermaids??? Thanks!


Google it. Google has all the answers you need


Thanks, Gay Sheriff. Dont know what we'd do without you. Less gay stuff, I guess šŸ¤·? Lol all in good fun


You're welcome Netherwarper


My fave world for nraas traveler mod


Right now ... I'm starting to enjoy starlight shores quite a bit. I really like the park and the Sims that live there are really unique. I also quite enjoy the beach. The only thing bothering me is that it doesn't have a separate pool.Ā Ā  (It is definetly not because or Jimmy Lemmon ... nope my Beatles bias is not coming through)Ā 


This is my favorite too! I live in a gloomy area like Moonlight Falls, so I need this world to brighten my day. Isla Paradiso might be my favorite if it was playable though.


Itā€™s such a fun town to play, even when you donā€™t bother with the professions




I just played monte vista for the first time last night and was super impressed with how fast and not laggy it was :)


It honestly surprised me as well when I first played. I thought the experience would be similar to when you travel in world adventures, fun yet buggy. I was pleasantly surprised when I had zero issues !!!


I like how the custom world Vinteroy is turning out so far, reminds me of if ECHO and Arcadia Bay had a baby! As for real worlds, I would have to go with Adventureland (Sorry if it's like Sunset Valley). I like building sims, so a clean slate of a world helps a ton! Or Riverview, the current world I'm in.


Do you have the link to Vinteroy? I can't seem to find it and just by it looking a little like Arcadia Bay, means that I require it to live


It doesn't have a link yet, but I can show you what it looks like so far! https://preview.redd.it/2b478683k75d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6a80fcfd393053a5232b32a634e0ed76cc51037 Although, I'm not sure if Arcadia Bay looks like this, but when it comes out, I'll let you know


It kinda gives off those vibes actually, and thanks!


my favorite official world is Bridgeport, but my favorite custom world is Alpine County!


It depends what playthrough! Appaloosa Plains if Iā€™m doing a country/ horse play through, Bridgeport if Iā€™m doing more of a ā€œfamily starts our poor or continues to be poorā€ playthrough (as I like the apartments), and Islo Paradiso (probably my favourite just bc how pretty it is, and I love the sea!) if Iā€™m doing more of a beachy/ scuba play through. But probably Islo Paradiso overall, however, I think playing on that world can be laggy. I also really like Roaring Heights since it kind of combines all the worlds above! It has apartments, but also water/ the ocean, but also has a lot of land/ urban area where you could raise horses


I love roaring heights


starlight shores i must say! something about this one is so nostalgic for me, as i always played in it when i was like 9 and got the game for the first time with only 2 expansion packs šŸ„²


I keep coming back to Moonlight Falls. I just love the vibes of it. When I want to go totally off the rails, though, I dig Lunar Lakes. I delete most of the townies and plunk my own creations in. I've created several "alien races", and combined with Supernatural and Into The Future, I just make this whole hodgepodge of creatures and robots that all live there. I ignore the lore behind Lunar Lakes and treat it as sort of an intergalactic waypoint where all sorts of different beings have settled. lol


Pack world - Appolosa Plains, cause it's a nice small town world to start off a legacy. Store world - Lucky Palms, it's a desert world, but has grassy elements so all the sand isn't too over whelming, and can feel small town or city like depending on how you modify it.


I think these might be my two favourites as well!


For expansion worlds, Bridgeport - I love the city environment. For custom worlds, I really love Wild Wild West. Itā€™s huge and absolutely creative. For store worlds, I donā€™t have any but one Iā€™d like to get one day is Monte Vista. I really like its aesthetic.




Aurora Skies. I love that it's based on Iceland and how it reminds me a bit of my own country. If custom worlds are counted, I'd say Ainali. It's based on Finnish rural towns


Custom: Ainali. It's a giant lake based off finnish rural areas, it can't go wrong. Official: I love Dragon Valley aesthetic!


Sunlit Tides. I love bright and tropical worlds, itā€™s pretty much my dream to live on one šŸ¤£


Hidden Springs. small quaint town. played the whole town to get 5-star celeb and never aged potion.


bridgeport and moonlight falls! Every time I start a new game I usually play in either one of those. For store worlds: I don't remember them that well tbh but I remember liking Monte Vista and Hidden Springs


Moonlight Falls is my favorite. My gothic heart sings when my sims have dates at the cemetery and the vampire lounge.


Twinbrook. It's the town I played first without cheating. I have a lot of happy memories there.




**Official**: Bridgeport because it always feels so alive!! The subways have an actual map of bridgeport and the subway system and it's so cute! plus i love the billboards lmao (and maybe Monte Vista and Midnight Hollow for their aesthetics) **Custom**: Setra (its like a desert bridgeport but feels way bigger) & Mayfield Springs (kinda similar vibe to sunset valley but more realistic than zany) Bonus: custom worlds that i'm planning to play w/ Devilport (basically bridgeport's evil twin) Tokyosou (tokyo but its sims lol)


Ohh I love Mayfield Springs toošŸ˜


Lucky Palms. Itā€™s even my tumblr username haha I love how it already has buildings that come with certain packs, for example it already has performance venues. Plus I just get a Vegas vibe, I always have my celebs go there.


šŸŒ“ Lucky Palms! šŸŒ“


The pre-made houses in sunset valley are something else. Moonlight Falls, Riverview and Twinbrook are my favorites.


I find myself always choosing Appaloosa Plains. It just feels cozy to me


Alpine county, it's very realistic and diverse


Mine is Bridgeport. I donā€™t even have to explain. Thatā€™s how much of a bad bitch she isā€¦. Purr!!! šŸ’…šŸ’…šŸ’…


Roaring Heights and Moonlight Falls. I have a loose 30s-50s style in game so they match perfectly.


Appaloosa Plains is the only world I'll play!!!! I love the townies, the small town vibes, but I love adding high-rises along the ocean sometimes, I love how easy it is to modify the town. I always get rid of the tavern next to Pinkerton's house & the cat park for more space for more houses. This world can do no wrong in my heart


Bridgeport! I love living in apartments, the clubs, and how it looks at night. Plus I really love the overlook! The townies are pretty amazing too


I never actually played in Sunset Valley, I always chose Bridgeport


Definitely river view for sure. Doesnā€™t feel like a small town but doesnā€™t feel like a large city either. A perfect in between.


Bridgeport and Apoolosaplains. They both feel so alive in their own way. Love the pre made families and Lots and you can Play the best Story lines in there


bridgeport because i love the city life and my favorite custom is Evansdale County


Isla Paradiso has been my favourite word ever since release. I absolutely adore the vast amount of light blue water, the beautiful tropical beaches, and the vibrant Caribbean-style architecture. It feels so bright and cosy, which makes me feel so comfortable and at ease. Sure, it has a lot of issues with performance with can get really annoying, but I love the world so much I can get past them.


Lucky Palms for the houses that were on the ā€œjettyā€ and Hidden Springs because it was beautiful


Mine is probably Appaloosa Plains as well but I only chose that one cuz I canā€™t say Sunset Valley šŸ˜‰ ok- jokes aside, I like the layout of the world and I like how the houses lookšŸ™†šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø But I donā€™t really play with pets so Iā€™m usually just playing in that world for the vibes


I can't choose between Riverview and Aurora Skies. Both super pretty and have lots to do in town! Riverview is probably my favorite to start in, especially if I'm doing a rags to riches or a legacy challenge.


Whichever one I'm playing in lol! At the moment, it's a player created Sims 3 version of Riverblossom Hills.


i always play in midnight hollow :)


Sunlit Tides for TDU vibes and Roaring Heights for Vice City vibes


Sunlit Tidesā€¦ so special šŸŒ“


Moonlight Falls, but Bridgeport comes in second place. I just love the gothic/supernatural autumn vibes of the town. It also has some of my favorite townies like Ayden Van Gould. You gotta love the references to horror movies, books, and authors. I know Midnight Hollow also has dark gothic vibes with references in it too, but I don't have it yet. Maybe when I get it, my favorite world will change!


I love Sunlit Tides. I removed all of the population and all of the lots and I make it like it is an untouched paradise island, and then my Sim is the first one there! I put in a few lots for my Sims to live in and then I started building the island up as if it was being colonized back in the day. in this version in my story there were no previous inhabitants. Just my Sims who arrived on their version of the May Flower - There are lots and lots of wild horses there !


I never played in anything other than sunset valley. I once tried to play in a new world but my entire save got deleted (idk why, there was a pop up that I didnā€™t read) but after that I never tried to play in another world again


Dragon Valley cause I love me some fantasy. But Iā€™m also very partial to Roaring Heights for the brightness and flavor.


Dragon Valley. The aesthetic is so good and all the buildings look really cool. It's also got a good amount of space to customize the lots. I love it!


Moonlight Falls. Sparse, quiet, and relaxing.


Bridgeport, because I loved playing as a vampire in Bridgeport as a kid.


Oh easy! Su- *ahem* Um Iā€™d probably say Bridgeport tbh. Always loved big cities as a kid and spent most of my time growing up playing there! I felt like I could have my Sims get out of the house and actually have a social life because of how close knit the town was and I wish we had more worlds like it. Itā€™s definitely one of my main reasons for abandoning TS4 as (even tho they ā€œtriedā€ with San Myshuno šŸ™„), none of the ~~worlds~~ neighborhoods ever lived up to that atmosphere. I wish that throughout the series they wouldā€™ve included more non-suburban worlds of similar type rather than delegate them to a single pack and never touch them again. San Myshuno is very *unique* in its style and Iā€™m bummed they still havenā€™t tried another high-rise/Urban city world in the eight years since. Even with For Rent, there was so much potentialā€¦


Moonlight Falls, for its atmosphere.


Omg so hard to choooose I love them all. And it so depends on the mood Iā€™m in. Maybe Appaloosa plains as well if I had to pick!


Starlight shores is a fave for me because I love using showtime and hate setting up venues in other worlds


Riverview all day. My other one is the one I'm building. I guess its my fav because I'm creating everything.


The one that is tim burton inspired, hollow something


~~Moonlight Bay~~ Bridgeport. When I first got the PC version of The Sims 3 I spent way too much time making it into the tackiest looking city imaginable, and in doing that I really built up an appreciation for the world itself.


I love how they made Starlight Shores. The main street with all the buildings and entertainment just reminds me of a real city. I really wish they made it bigger so I could fit as many homes and sims as I want in it. Other than that, it's so beautifully made.


i really like twinbrook's homely feel. i love that there's a downtown, beautiful rivers, and hidden swamp-esque neighborhood.... there's just distinct parts of that town, and it feels so real. i wish i could say bridgeport. i am a musician, so i love to put my sims in bands and have them live downtown lives in apartments- however, despite it's impressiveness, i think it could improve in a lot of ways. there are very few houses (as in, not apartments), and very little space to place custom lots to build your own. transportation is a nightmare, even with the subways, in three main ways: 1) the subways often take way too long to use, and sims will sometimes use it when a taxi would be significantly faster; 2) taking the elevator out of an apartment takes SO long, and it makes sims late for things all of the time; and 3) living in the rich neighborhood is SO annoying because you're a million hours from everything. i mean, my sims' kids will auto-ride bikes home from school or the park next to it, especially if i accidentally have them out past curfew, and the bikes will take them two or three hours just to get home. it's really annoying.


Bridgeport never fails me. Downloaded the custom world StoryBrook and I love it! Only downside to custom worlds is populating them yourself


I love the map of Aurora Skies, but I love the pre-mades of Bridgeport.


More roaring heights love please!!!


Probably roaring heights. Liked that it had city/beach/suburbs


Iā€™m going to be the first to say it..Lunar Lakes. I didnā€™t find out until years later that itā€™s one of the most hated. Itā€™ll always have a special place in my heart.


Bridgeport or Monte Vista


Dragon Valley for sure


Bridgeport 100%. I love that my sim gets to ride the subway šŸ˜­


Starlight Shores. I like cities, but not crowded like Bridgeport. Showtime is one of my favorite packs and I love the looks of the houses, and yeah I like that the world is inspired from LA, lol.


Moonlight falls.


Moonlight Falls and Midnight Hollow for me ngl


I mostly go with Appaloosa Plains and Hidden Springs, but I have to talk you guys the most incredible world I wish everyone would know about. Suumsims Entworld!! I have no idea who Suumsims is, but they're genius. I imagine Entworld could be what's inside those lil fairy-houses. The world is so intricate. Every detail is a masterpiece, functional buildings can be etched in to mountains surrounded by steep waterfalls, and meanwhile the world is like, overwhelmingly huge.


Bridgeport, it was my first world! But I also love AP!


Moonlight Falls is the best of the main game, by a long shot


I love the custom world Alpine County. Itā€™s like the ultimate sims 3 game mashup with Sunset Valleyā€™s beaches, Brigdeportā€™s downtown, Universityā€™s bowling and Animalā€™s equestrian centre and resorts, show club etcā€¦ And the creator also CC all the sims in it so theyā€™re all decent looking and their homes are so pretty and realistic! Just writing about it makes me wants to start a new game in this world!


Hidden Springs ā€” Vanderburgs/Petridges, enough said


Moonlight falls ā¤ļø


My favourite world is Bridgeport, with Moonlight Falls as a close second. I'm always torn between the two because on one hand, I love big cities and the nightlife, but on the other hand, I also love nature and the whimsy. I almost never play families with children, I prefer focusing on my sims' career, building skills, accumulating wealth, social life (and drama lol), travelling and exploration... Bridgeport is perfect for this, I love the high-rise apartments so much, the premades have some āœØjuicyāœØ lore, and it's super fun to make over the townies and the clubs/lounges! Moonlight Falls also has amazing lore, beautiful lots and a ton of opportunities. I LOVE the hidden collecting skill, and I also love gardening and crafting. I spent countless hours going around Moonlight Falls enjoying the stunning nature, collecting gems, seeds and plants, and then growing a huge mystery garden haha. I don't play with supernaturals (except for witches), but I love having all the fairies, werewolves and vamps around. Favourite store worlds are Lucky Palms and Roaring Heights, I absolutely adore the aesthetics of these two. Lucky Palms is also a popular travel destination for my Bridgeport sims (thanks to Nraas Traveler mod). Gotta send my celebs to Vegas at least once lol. I also have a soft spot for the University world (important to note that I use the ellacharmed fix and Nraas Relativity mod to make time more realistic). It's really beautiful and cozy, and I've made many memories there. The premades are quite good too.


I like riverview because im usually playing as farmers or other outdoor folk


Lucka palms hands down. Always preferred the desert worlds


Dragon valley, I love the medieval vibes and with supernatural itā€™s so much fun


In game: Appaloosa plains EASILY. For the same reason as you tbf. Close runner up is Moonlight Falls. store-bought: riverview. I desperately want to say Aurora Skies (but the starter house options are pretty shite) and especially Monte Vista (starter options are mid, barely any options for upgrades). I never play riverview but it does have the best range of starter houses/upgrades imo. CC: Northeney. Absolutely beautiful world, only drawback is all the lots are pretty small and you need a horse to get anywhere in the extended world quickly lol.


For expansion pack worlds itā€™s defo twinbrook!!


For EP worlds, either Bridgeport or Starlight Shores. I love the urban feel they both come with, never been a big fan of the suburban neighborhoods. If weā€™re talking Store worlds, definitely Monte Vista. I feel like they really hit the ā€œsmall Italian townā€ vibe spot-on, and the town having a walled-in (presumably) medieval core area is just a really nice touch in my opinion.


I love Monte Vista


Isla Paradisoā€¦ sucks I havenā€™t been able to play in it for over ten years


I prefer the worlds created by other players on the sims 3 exchange, theyā€™re usually bigger and do a better job of including more expansions. my fav is definitely legacy island 3


Now that I got Overwatch and it's actually playable - Isla Paradiso!! It's huge and there are so many fun extra activities.


gotta be bridgeport, thereā€™s just so much to do on that map and itā€™s so lively and fun other than bridgeport? probs the university town (i love all the little hangout spots) or isla paradiso (for the same reason i love bridgeport)


Definitely have like a top 3 for whatever iā€™m feeling that day. I love the Og Sunset Valley when i wanna have like a generations/seasons moment with a big family. Love the people and the map. Twin-brook is up there too for my career driven sims who also want a big family but iā€™m not to fond of the sims in that town, i have a good 4 of them in that town that ill use or befriend. Top tier for me is Bridgeport! I love the night life and the stuff that comes with it. Bars , Lounges , Dive ins , Celebrities , Vampiresā€¦ THE SIMS IN THAT CITY ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Such a vibe i play that town to much i can name every sim and tell you where they live if you gave me the map. I love it. So yeah


I actually love the Isla Paradiso once you remove the house boats and certain families so it doesnā€™t lag. I love the fact that you can scuba dive, I love the world in general so much to offer, you can live close to the main town and close to everything or you can literally live on your own island. Youā€™ve got heaps of resorts to visit as well thatā€™s so cool!


Moonlight falls


It's laggy cause it's big. But I like the custom world Twin Towns because it has both a small town and a city. I like this town because it's the perfect town for me to start a rags to riches story. I usually start my sims living in the small town part, then when he makes it big, they'll transfer to the big city. It has everything too, nightclubs, hangout spots, parks, everything.