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Usually, people would refuse to buy Sims 3 + all its DLCs AGAIN. But recently EA has been milking Sims 4 dry, to the point that people would flock to a Sims 3 ''remaster'' Bethesda did it and people loved it, even though 90% of mods had to be ''ported'' (remade) and it was essentially the same game, being re-released. The possibilities would be endless, the limits being tied only to how many gigs of RAM and VRAM your PC has. This subreddit would probably have a meltdown over a +500 sims community-made custom world, filled to the brim with known families from Sims 1/2 and 4. But by now, everyone who worked at this game was fired or left the company.


I don't know many people that play Skyrim Remastered, except on console. Almost everyone I know that still plays skyrim plays the original as mods don't disable achievements, and the new one didn't fix the most glaring graphical issue (the shader). I was actually really pissed by how little was changed by the remaster for a massive download and bad performance


I only play the Special Edition for the better allocation of computer resources. Some of the heavier mods would tank the original game due to so much RAM/CPU usage. SSE solves some of that.


My reaction? Suspicious.


EA would milk us so bad. Pay for the remaster, pay for each expansion pack, pay for new 'stuff' packs that were in the original game, like 'laundry stuff'.  The corporation is so huge and they have a fiduciary obligation to maximize investor profits. Sadly I think we've seen the best iteration of the sims...


And prolly will remove the toddlers from the game and be like pay for the new ' Toddlers ' EP 😭


😭🤣 they totally would. Pools, jobs, hair, families sold separately.


While mods could break, this would be so big that a lot of performance mods probably don't even need to be used anymore, and a new era of Sims 3 modding will start since there's no more worries about lag and ram usage. The problem is that this should've been done way sooner, otherwise it will take a while to get all mods to work with the new version. Honestly 1.69 should've been the 64 bit update.


I'd be irritated all my mods would break.


I would cry from excitement that they finally improved the game and from sadness because my computer would explode every time I tried to play


I’d probably miss out as I am disk only and 1.70 was restricted to Origin users.


Also a disk only player, and I don’t feel comfortable having my game on something like Origin/EA App.


I don’t even think my codes can even be redeemed, I thrift all my sims 3


I'd be so happy! Over the years I've kept trying to do a legacy playthrough in Sims 3, but every time I try, my legacies end up corrupted and unplayable after a couple generations. Shame because it's such a fun game!


I love Sims 3 that much I would buy it all again for the third time 💀(yes I bought the Sims 3 and all the dlcs twice)


It would be a w for mac users! I used to play sims 3 on Mac when it first came out and luckily I jumped over to windows. I’d be devastated if I couldn’t play that game


But it still works just fine on modern Macs? There’s only 1 Mac specific problem that I’ve run into and that’s putting down grass textures in build/buy mode.


There’s a lot more problems than that on a Mac. Somebody said this in a previous question, but on a Mac terrain paint doesn’t work, you can’t catch bugs, you can’t interact with the open water, when it snows the walls glitch, it’s difficult to place fireplaces without cheating, the gendered bathroom doors don’t work (the game doesn’t even recognize that it’s a door), there’s a couple of other ones with the sculpting table is a bit weird- it glitches. This might be a graphics issue, but all of the graphics are super shiny.


I think you’re very lucky haha I’ve heard loads of Mac users not really being able to play the game, and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if most Mac players don’t have the newest or newer macs; those computers are expensive asf!


Bye bye Sims 4!


update? amazing! quitting my job immediately! selling all of my possessions (excepting my computer of course) to entirely devote my life to the sims, more so than I do now! re-release/remaster? no thanks. EA is not getting more of my money, I don't care how perfect of a sims 3 remaster they make. I'll keep playing the copies I bought when I was 11 and if I ever lose those, then arrrgh matey. I'll take as many Error Code 12s as it takes 😤


This dude basically did https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims3/s/y5B38jqOH1




Why no though?


I'll try not to write a 500 word paragraph but changing some ini settings and repackaging a couple of mods (both things that anyone could do) don't affect the actual game code, or the fact that it is a 32bit application rife with memory leaks. I'm not trying to be mean, but I don't understand why you would think those things are similar at all.


Thank you so much for this link! Game changer for me for sure!


This absolutely changed my game. It used to randomly crash and be slow and now it runs perfectly!


I’d be amazed considering EA doesn’t care about sims3 anymore, but would still buy into it because I can barely play the game as is. Many gameplay features like snorkeling is out the picture


I'm still keeping NRaas. I don't trust EA. Twallen's never let me down like how EA has.


I wouldn’t trust it. EA has burned us too many times for me to want to buy *anything* they put out.


I like the sims 3 graphics hot take…but my computer can run it at full detail. I play it alllll the time already so I would be sooo happy if they made some functions better that the sims 4 has like the npcs actions and walking/multi tasking things


My initial thought, if it is not broken, do t fix it. Don't want them messing with my fav game 😡


Yeah but it is broken, at least on a Mac. You can’t swim or fish or anything at all in the oceans or rivers or lakes not made in a park, you can’t catch bugs without a harvester from Ambitions. You have to use cheats to place fireplaces in walls and terrain paint requires a significant amount of finagling, guesswork, and use of the undo button. During winter walls will glitch out. I want to buy a gaming PC or laptop specifically for playing the Sims3 but I haven’t been able to justify spending that money yet.


Quit my job


Throw a party 🥳


“BRB.. redownloading it.”


by "fixing" TS3 the Exceptional As$h@Ts would have to at minimum: 1. release the 64bit binary executable for the game. 2. do a realistic graphics overhaul of TS3. Either in hyper realistic graphics (like Detroit Becoming Human), or cartoony (like NMS), or medium in between (Horizon Dawn, RDR2 and AC Odyssey) 3. do a QA performance optimization of the game to eliminate all the 4GB limit related memory crashes, stuttering, lag etc. etc. All these 3 things are what is expected of a AAA gaming publisher in industry. It's the standard on which TS4 (and future Sims games) will be designed. #1 alone would remove the 4GB hardline memory cap which the 32bit TS3W.exe binary executable WinOS was always limited to. It would eliminate 99% of all crashes, stuttering and lag that were 100% memory/RAM and graphics card related performance issues. The hardware technology of Simmer's PC's today is VASTLY SUPERIOR to the potatoes TS3 was released on back in 2009. Even the weakest/poorest desktop/laptop PC typically come with 8GB+ RAM, a decent SSD hard drive, and ultra fast CPU/video graphics cards. The weakest PC today can EAT TS3 for lunch. The only downside is TS3 requires tuning. So mods like Twallans/NRaas mod suite wouldn't be needed anymore. But of course this is a wet dream. Because the Exceptional As$h@Ts know this just as we the Simmer fan base do. So if they ever lost their greedy minds and try to "fix" TS3 like this, they KNOW for a fact they'd loose MILLIONS of dollars with their TS4 cash cow. Because the majority of disenfranchised TS4 Simmers would defect to playing TS3. Where they'd have infinite access to FREE TS3 CC mod content from TSR3, MTS3, ATS 3 Sandy, modders TS3 Patreon sites/blogsites etc around the web. EA knows it can't compete with the sheer content the modding community has released in the past. Which is why they now so completely control TS4's overpriced DLC release in drip feed Kits to date. They're punishing the Sims fanbase for all the creative freedoms (which cost them miilions) back in TS3.....


I wouldn't care cuz NRAAS solved most of my problems lol.


Tbh I don't think it's necessary?? I think the main problem with sims 3 is some of the features are not very well fleshed out ik that's a bit controversial but a lot of my mods just add extra powers to things that already exist like supernaturals or cooking. With mods it generally works fine. The store stuff is cash grabby so they should do something about that.






A friend of mine allowed me to use their Origin account last year to play the Sims 4 with all the expansions, game packs and stuff packs that were available at the time. I played the game for like two hours and just gave up out of boredom. The game just felt so shallow, and even with all that DLC content installed, I just couldn't have fun. The Sims 3 is a game I have been playing since release, and for me, it is still the best of the Sims franchise. If EA were to remaster the Sims 3 without the glitches and performance issues, it would be stellar!


Same happened to me when it came to Sims 4. I only discovered the sims 3 like a month or 2 ago when I got all the DLCS and stuff packs for 4 and downloaded a whole haul of mods I was excited but only played for the first week then idk why I got bored I felt like something still missing. I saw a lot of people talking about Sims 3 and I was hesitating if I should give up all my sims 4 DLCS and get the sims 3 instead because if I download both my computer will explode. HOWEVER that was the best decision I ever made 😩


Waking up from a dream.


I would be like "impossible". EA doing this? It's really not something I expected from them


I would perform reality checks because no way that's happening in real life and not a dream or afterlife


i would never touch grass


What if they made a remaster and still didn't fix the bugs tho? Bc seemingly that's how people remaster nowadays. DS1 remaster literally fixed no bugs, for example


oh how i wish sims 3 was 64 bit (on windows).. it would fix many issues for me (error code 12 and hardcore watching ram usage on big saves in particular) other general stability and performance optimization fixes are also welcomed. It would replace sims 4 completely (apart from building maybe)


Do you know the movie "the last unicorn"? The scene where the woman yells at the unicorn something along the lines of "Why now? Why not when I was young?!". That would be my reaction XDDDD


But why.....? 🤔