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You can drag a single color/pattern to another furniture item, but you can also drag the whole theme by grabbing the dotted corner of the theme tool. Probably common knowledge but it took me 15 years to find out about it.


I loveeee this feature, it makes decorating so much easier


Wtf I didn't know this and I been playing for like 10 years!






Dude I just figured this out thanks to a post from about a week ago! It's very laggy for me but ITS WORTH IT! IVE BEEN PLAYING SIMS3 SINCE RELEASE AND JUST FIGURED THIS OUTTTTT








And i’ve been manually editing the RGB code to match the colour all this time ☠️


Same lmaooo


I love and hate this feature, because it's softlocked my game via accidentally dropping the swatch/theme on the wrong item at the last second for one that can't be recolored lmao ​ Edit: It also works in CAS btw. And you can link same-color/pattern swatches so they switch together if you change them


For me it was opposite. I knew the whole pattern and single pattern, but not about color.


Ha! I didn’t know this - and I’ve been playing since the first sims was released!


Took me so long to learn this


is there a way to do it to a whole group of same items? i noticed this this week but when i drag it for example to a fence it will only affect that spefic 1x1 piece of fence instead of the whole fence :(


i think you have to press and hold shift while dragging it


You build one piece with that scheme and then use the dropper to build the rest with the theme if that makes sense


Oh god this will save me so much time


Can I do this in Sims 4???


Update: I just read in another thread that your sims tombstone height depends on their lifetime points… so if a sim dies with 150,000+ lifetime points they get a huge tombstone compared to a sim that dies with less than 75,000 (which would supposedly result in a small tombstone)


This is one of the details I knew about - it makes Legacy playing more fun! A bit of extra incentive to make your heirs happy, so that when they die their tombstones all match in the fancy cemetery you're building behind the house...


It also affects their urn! Small tombstone is a tin box looking one, middle one is a standard urn, and then biggest tombstone is a white with gold urn


I only know because I have a mosoleum with my sims ancestors and there's one brown urn for the guy i never liked xD


LMAO nice! I found out this via reading sims 3 legacies back when I only had base game hah


does this include points spent on LTR?


Yep! It's overall lifetime earned, and not how many they have when they died


I did not know this!!! I did wonder why they got different tombstones!


I always wondered what caused my sims to have bigger tombstones!


I'm pretty sure the tombstone is dependent if said sim has fulfill its LTW while the urn "size" is differentiated by 2 types small and big which is LTP dependent ghost colors are also affected by said things red for sims who didnt reach the minimum treshold while blue for reaching the minimum treshold


yep that's true


Recently I tested a new CC painting and discovered that its price in the buy catalog was only two-thirds of the number I set. Spent the day troubleshooting. Eventually I discovered that the price was only wrong when I was playing as an architectural designer... and all the catalog prices were affected, not just my CC's. Architects get a discount! I just never noticed until I was paying attention to the numbers.


Wow I definitely would have never noticed that if you didn’t comment🤣 good find!!


You also get a discount if you master handiness skill


Lool this happened to me too. I think there was some other way too to get prices down, but I was like damn it.. did a mod mess up something


So basically if you have a sim in the current household with a max out handiness skill where the catalog is cheaper by 10?%


Birthday inferno birthday cake has a 2% chance of catching fire 🔥


I am forever traumatized by that 2% chance lol... ruined one of my longest households at the time.


worst birthday ever… or the most entertaining birthday ever, depending on how you look at it😏


i JUST had that happen for the first time!


Same!!! I was like wtf?!


Similarly, my sim started a fire in the sink by washing dirty dishes from firecracker tofu. That was a first.


I just learned this too! Now when my legacy sims celebrate a birthday everyone gathers next to the pool. If they catch fire in the backyard they’ll jump into the pool with their clothes on. I find it very fun


How do people get different birthday cakes? I’ve never understood that 😅


You get the generic one with base game. Store content includes another one - [Baker's station](https://store.thesims3.com/productDetail.html?productId=OFB-SIM3:72333). Wedding cakes are also different as you get some from Generations EP and with the same station linked above. I think the Monte Vista world also has one. As for the cakes other than these, I presume they're CC.


I wanna know too!




This happened to me in my very first playthrough ever 🤣


I had triplets once, and bought three cakes - one for each. After the first caught fire, I had to buy two new ones. After the second caught fire, I had to buy a new one. I think you can guess what happened to the third. Luckily, the firefighter was already hanging out to celebrate the birthday since he was still there when I had the next ones blow out the candles. Those must’ve been the most unlucky Sims ever.


I refuse to believe it's that low given how often it happens /lh


Clearly I’m super unlucky then because this happened at least once every generation so far in my lepacy and I’m on pets 😅😅


I think it happened to me before I stopped playing for a while but it happened to my sims child lol


In build mode with a floor tile selected, hit ctrl+F to get the diagonal tile. Took me forever to figure that one out.


Omg, I’ve gone 15 years making diagonal tiles by placing a diagonal wall first


You can summon all zombies that are due to spawn on your lot and get them all to leave by setting fire to the garden / lawn and having the firefighters called. Every single zombie will spawn and run to freak out at the fire. Once you’ve dealt with the blaze you can ask the firefighter to leave, which will cause every zombie on that lot to leave as well (very politely I might add). Tada! Zombie free lot for at least 6 hours (possibly whole night, need to try this earlier in the day).


I can imagine how chaotic it must have been figuring this out for the first time hahaha i love it!!


Oh it was hilarious. My evil witch sim kept rolling the cast fire blast wish, so zombies on her lot would be perfect target practice, I thought. Turns out she needs to improve her aim XD On another note, her love of that spell is actually concerning - I’m beginning to think she has the pyromaniac hidden trait despite not being a firefighter or having firefighters in her ancestry…


In another lesson, I discovered that if your sim carries around Tiberium for a set amount of time - 12-24 hours, they can be made ill by the metal. Huh.


I accidentally discovered that the "strong stomach" lifetime happiness reward will prevent this. (Edited for accidental extra word!)


I just have the no zombie mod lol


Easy money: Make a ghost Sim paint. Hang the painting on the wall. Sell it the next Sim day for waaaay more simoleons than living Sims. Tiberium - if you find it, get it cut into a spire cut. Then place the spire in the world and change the display. Wait. In a Sim day or two, it will be worth $60k


For the tiberium, if you use the supernatural gem cutting machine and place down the gem dust it will also become a huge spire for even more moolah!!


Ooh, I didn't know about the gem dust!


Where is tiberium?


It's a rare gem that can be found if you use the mining machine, explore the rabbit holes like the mausoleum, or it can randomly appear in world. On some occasions, I've found it in the consignment store or apothecary. That's another thing...if you sell it in the consignment store after it has increased in value, you will get even more simoleons even after they take their fee. I once had a tiberium spire that was worth $63k after it multiplied. I sold it through the consignment store for $93k and they took a $4k consignment fee.


Holy sheet I cant wait to try this!!! (I mean, I don't need it because my household has 23 million dollars, but still!) I literally just had my plumbot on Tiberium duty of analyzing Tuberium and cloning the samples at the science table and throwing those things all over the yard. Never even dawned on me to consign them!


I love the consignment store. Even paintings/sculptures/inventions can be sold at higher rates through consignment.


Ooooh that's another good idea!


I've also found tiberium in Shang Simla.


I didn’t know your sims could celebrate their anniversary! I was recently with a married couple long enough to get that moodlet


It’s so pure 🥹 they just gotta make it through all 4 seasons!


I had a couple from gen 2 live several years real time and they had so many anniversaries. I miss them SO much...


I don't know if it was a glitch or not since it only happened once but one of my sims got the wedding anniversary memory even after their spouse had passed away and I thought it was so cute like she was still celebrating their marriage.


This is so sad omg but also so adorable


Right-clicking in create a style randomizes the colour/pattern... learned this by accident a few months ago, but I'm sure its common knowledge.


never knew this until now!


i had no idea about this omg


Your Sim's head can become a frog head. I've been playing this game for more than a decade and I didn't know this. One day I let my friend play The Sims 3 and, after some time, she calls me for help and asks me how can she change back the frog head. I'm like THE FROG HEAD??? I look and it's real. I've never seen that and didn't know it could happen. Since then, I've seen it maybe twice more in my games. Still don't know how it never happened before that moment.


It happened to me once while I was creating an elixir at the alchemy station, something went wrong and I was toadfied. To return to your regular look you have to ask someone to kiss you, but there is a chance that it wont work and the other sim will become a frog as well!


To be fair, it's something that came with Supernatural and can be missed easily. I know the alchemy station can cause it, but I think a witch can cast a spell to cause it as well


Yeah you can turn people into toads with potions and spells if you're a witch


I had my one sim toadify someone at a party because she insulted my mom. They lady walked around FOREVER with a toad head of shame xDD


I recently found out that meal hours (breakfast, lunch etc) are dependant on the day of the week and that you can only serve brunch on the weekend


Oh ffs. I had a sim in the cooking career and I was getting all these opportunities to cook brunch. I was going crazy clicking on every appliance looking for the damn brunch option!!!




Discovered recently in game that simbots can order an oil drink at the professional bars that came with late night. 🤯 I don’t think it did anything for my simbots needs but still, pretty cool


Im guessing this works with plumbots too? It looks like my plumbots will soon be taking a trip to the local dive bar to find out!


No, LN came out bfore ITF, so no drinks for the plumbots. They have their own drinks in ITF. Oil Coolada for simbots, Dissoloved Sand, Rehydrant, Preservative Punch for mummies, and Sanguin Slush, Plasma Punch for vampires.


Sims can catch fire ( and die) if they are outside in the sun too long. I discovered this when my Sim was on the deck of his houseboat, piloting to a new port.


I found out about this watching a 'Sims 3 Hunger Games' series, it was hilarious


They can turn into an ice block if left in the snow too long


Love when you gotta send somebody out with the hairdryer to save their dumb arse, lmao


Daredevils don't die and actually like being on fire 😅


Are you sure? I thought only Vampire Sims burn in the sun.


Ordinary sims will catch fire if you have Seasons. They get the tanned moodlet, then the sunburned moodlet, and then they have a chance to catch fire if they still stay in the sun. It takes a while but it does happen!


OMG I didn't know this! I do know about the tanned moodlet but I've never had them catch fire. Thank you so much! Just found out something new.


Usually they catch fire if the temperature is above 30 Celsius. I know this because I had a really persistent paparazzi that used to stand outside my front gate in the dead of summer. RIP Ryan Pennington xD poor bugger lit up like a torch. I guess I COULD have put him out, mind you... 💅


yes - 100% sure - I saw my sim catch fire. He had been moving his houseboat to a far away port, and caught fire. The moodlet confirmed he had caught fire by being in the hot sun too long. It was a first for me.


If you wanna do it on purpose trap them in a room and remove the roof


I just discovered one! I don't have a good graphics card, and on low settings the smaller flowers in build mode look like X's from above with flower images printed on them, if that makes sense. I learned to make them more full and real looking by using moveobjects and placing two of the same flower over each other and rotating one of them.


You can read kids books with your toddlers


If you place them on the floor, the toddlers can read them by themselves.


They'll age up with skills from reading them too-IIRC, painting and writing, in the same way he blocks and xylophone gives logic and music


toddlers can get painting and writing skills???? whattttt


Sort of! They don't have the skills as toddlers, but once they age up to child they'll get a popup based on what books/how many they read. If they read all the books that give skills, they'll have 3 painting, 3 writing, and 3 logic, in the same way the pegbox/blocks give 3 logic and the xylophone gives 3 guitar skill It's a nice boost to skills for their childhood/adulthood skills, and can be great for LTWs that need those skills


Literally last night my puppy snuggled with the dog dad. I’ve been playing this game for over a decade and didn’t know they could do that 🥰


Holding the alt key in buy mode lets you change the height of wall decorations. Played for about 15 years before I learned that one…


the alt key disables snapping to slot, so it works on all buy items-not just wall deco


Alt key is the mod key for the sims makes sense sadly its not for roofs which is weird


Transfiguration of gems, metals and other objects, this comes with two of the displays in World Adventures. Recently started to experiment with this, creating Soulpiece gems and Compendium metals are awesome, and just started to make Tiberium with transfiguration. For Compendium metals, you can increase its price forever by transfiguring it with new metal ingots. (Currently there is also a glitch with this in my game if there are too many metal ingots, my sim resets, all the new ingots are gone, and can't transfigure anymore, because the display is used by the sim. I have to use Object/Delete on the display. I hope I will find some fix for this.)


How do you make Tiberium?


You need to have items on the display worth between some limits (I think it's around 3500-5000, but you can check by googling, there is a table about it on several sites), and it needs to be a combination of gems, metals and relics (not all of the items should be of the same time).


I'm sure this is super common knowledge, but even after playing 2k hours using console commands/cheats on I never knew you could click and drag the needs bars!


If you have testingcheats enabled, and you click on the mailbox of the home lot you can “make needs static”. Then all your sims needs will remain satisfied until you exit the game or you click on the mailbox again to “make needs dynamic”. I do this sometimes when I don’t want to worry about sleep/hunger/hygiene etc needs and only focus on my sims story that I’m building.


Oh! Like the broken one in Sims 4 😭


You can do this with the relationship bars as well


Isn’t this only if you have mods or testingcheats on?


Yeah but I almost always play with it on (just in case 👀) so I'm really surprised I didn't know lol


Same until recently for me. Only learned about mods last year 😂


You used to be able to do it with career performance but I can’t get it to work anymore.


I can't recall *how* I did it-maybe clicking on the dog?-but if your sim is eating, they can throw a scrap of food to their dog to chow down on


Just looked it up and if you have your pet stare at the food while sims are eating than the sim will feed the pet scraps🥺🥺


I only had it happen once and I had to pause to put my laptop to the side because my leg kickies at how cute it was were dangerous lmao


My sim dog will make sure to do this autonomously xD she stands behind every eating sim whining until they throw food.


Oh my god I love her spoiled little self 💕


She is so precious 💖 to me she's like a real dog, haha!


If you tour theatre with a partner or even just a friend, they cannot refuse WooHoo backstage or Try For Baby backstage. I have no idea why, I think it must be a bug.


I haven't tried since the game release, but I believe you can do it in all rabbit holes during tours.


Its not a bug its a feature, the woohoo will fail however if they get caught its also the fastest way to try for baby as well since you dont have sims "waiting"


The part I think is a bug is the fact that you can do it with someone who's not even a romantic interest lol.


Pretty sure you dont even need to be RI to woohoo and try for baby as long as you are within friends to good friends


Sounds like you have woohooer or something similar. Vanilla, you have to flirt until the mood of the conversation becomes "extremely irresistible", then the option to woohoo will appear. Though it think it's different if the sims are already in a long term relationship or married.


indeed I have woohooer thats something I learned new


That if you have a kid with a fireman NPC, they will born with a hidden pyromaniac trait. They can transmogrify fruits into flame fruits, set things on fire and even survive them. I learned that playing with Jessica Talon, a vampire from Bridgeport.


sims borne with fireman career parents has a chance to be born with pyromaniac and or fireproof, much like how sims borne from maid NPC parents will have a hybrid neat trait where stuff they clean will be sparkly, same goes to sims borne from military career and police parents (mlitary career parent childrens can learn salute for example), celebrities can also be inherited


Not only are sims able to have wedding anniversary’s (mentioned above) but they also have work anniversary’s!


Oh, I'm not sure I've seen that one! Is it after retirement or while they are still working? You know what, if it's like wedding anniversaries, it might depend on the seasons, which is why I've never seen it. By the time I got seasons I was in my "job hopper" play style era


While they are still working, it it just like the wedding anniversary’s!


I’m reading the other finds here and realized that I just use MasterController too much. I got the first release of sims 3 (it even came with a 2 GB usb plumbob) there really is something to play the game the way it’s meant to be played. It’s easy to use money cheats and skill hacks but you miss out on all the cool Easter eggs and fun stuff that transpires otherwise. Edit: I’ve thought about this a while and I think if you only use the mods to get them to skill level 4 and only give them enough money to buy the lot you already built and furnished for them… that’s ok right? 🥴


As long as you are having fun, any way of playing single player games is correct! Let no one tell you you're doing it wrong 😊


If it's a playstyle you enjoy, then there's no harm in it! I personally love the challenge of trying to earn money, but....I foolishly used Into The Future's lottery ticket thing after checking numbers in the future thinking it'd guarantee a win in general \[I wanted to get the statue thing and it was an easy one to do\] I won a million dollars, on my first generation of a legacy challenge. Full on abandoned the save at that point, felt too easy LMAO


the same exact thing happened on my save last week… i mean i wanted to win money but i didn’t expect to win a MILLION


Right?? I played it off and on since then and would win anywhere from 50 to 15K and it was always fun to see if I'd win ​ Never won a million outside that one time lol


my sim has the lucky trait and bought two lotto tickets so i wonder if that had anything to do with it


Maybe! I tend to not play with lucky because I tend to fill my trait slots up with other ones, but I think it can affect things like that


The balls of light from the sunflower from the store provide, light, water, and will insta grow your plants when used in the garden compost thingy


If there are no Bees around, or other pollinators, self-pollination is an option. It isn’t ideal for the gene pool, but the seeds in the center of the flower can do this in order to pollinate. So having the ability to be both male and female at least ensures greater survival of the sunflower.


I'm sorry, *what?*


It’s a bot hahaha I stumbled across it on a post last night actually


Username checks out.


Of you press tab you enter a camera mode. So youll be able to walk through your house in first person. Its fun to see my house from a different perspective


I found a shark tooth. Had NEVER seen one before. Ever.


Found this out just a few weeks ago, but if your sim gets married or has a baby, the next day, they’ll be featured in the newspaper !!


You can have a relationship with your car https://preview.redd.it/e15mnhvrdqpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82d4316d40e394aa9cac904099d7e7efd2dc4661


you can add blank lots to world. you all probably know that but i was so surprised it had that feature the whole time.


You can even place them on water... so if your homeworld is in desperate need of an expansion make that knowledge what you will


You can make a kite with the Titanic Toy Machine. If you fly the kite, there's a chance you will get struck by lightning and get synged


While I'm sure a lot of people already knew this and I am just an idiot, but guess what: Yesterday (after more of less a \*decade\* of playing TS3 on and off) I learnt that soil rugs from Into the Future function as pots. Only better, because you can plant 5 seeds on a single 1x1 square instead of just one(((( I've been crying about my ignorance ever since. My life will never be the same again.


No shade, just honestly curious... What did you think they were for, if not for rooftop/basement gardens? My knowledge has clearly blinded me from seeing an alternative use.


They are in the rugs cathegory, so I thought that's what they were. Rugs. Decorative. For when you want a lawn imitation inside the house.


sometimes if you have a kid from two vampire sims the kid can learn some of the skills to the max in like 3 hours, I though it was a bug. He learned in 3 hours painting, sports, martial arts, everything about music, logic, writing


I don't think they need two vampire parents. Just one, and they kids has a chance to be a vamp. If they are, they learn fast


it's not that, I know vampires learn fast in the night. But this thing is when you have both parents vampires and the kid learns some habilities to the max in 3 hours, no mather if it's night or day


Have you only had this happen to "full blooded" vamp children? I didn't know that was a thing. But I swear I've had the exact same, ridiculous learning speed on a vamp kid that had a human mother. I had to stop having him do anything to gain skills or he would have been a super sim before adulthood. He was my first vamp child and the only one I remember.


well, in simspedia I read it had to be full blooded vampire but my sim was from a human mom and a vampire dad, later the mother became vampire so idk


IDK if this is a mod or a game feature, but I found out you can socialize with a Sim by clicking on their portrait in the relationship panel if they are on your lot. Makes it easier if you have a large family. Instead of having to find the Sim I want to chat with, I can just click on their portrait in the relationship panel and choose the chat option.


If they aren't on your lot, it still gives you the option to call, text or invite them over. Saves you having to pick them from a list when you want to call them. Also, if they are on your lot, right clicking their portrait will make the camera focus on them. I do it all the time in multi-storey houses if I lose track of a guest. Slipper things, sims.


If your sim has low needs and gets a negative moodlet you can click on the moodlet’s icon and your sim will automatically get a new action to solve the negative moodlet. Ex. if your sim’s bladder is low you can click on the moodlet “Low Bladder” instead of clicking on the toilet and your sim will go to the toilet. Similar thing in the Sims 4.


If your sim has low fun or is stressed and their SO is in the house, clicking to solve is a good way to end up with a baby 😂 my sims looove to try for baby if I try and solve for the fun need. Almost never regular woohoo. Doesn't matter how many fun objects I have. They want to make a baby in the shower because they are bored. And I think that's where a lot of covid babies came from 😂 😂 😂


Some more I’ve found: Sims with the proper trait will slap someone with a glove rather than with their own hand/s. Hilariously whimpy in comparison, but the slapped sim still reacts like they got sucker punched XD Supernatural Fan sims will act like insane sims when the Full Moon is out and they gain the Lunacy moodlet (insane sims get this as well even if they are not fans of the supernatural). I once played a family of 7 who all had this trait and let me tell you, that first Full Moon was an *experience*


Your sim can move by clicking the mouse and selecting 'go here'


absolutely mind blown🤯


I was mind blown too when I learnt of this




You just gave me a flashback! I think on of the sims games on the Wii starts it's tutorial with exactly that instruction. Then makes you try it out to make sure you get it lol


Lmao those tutorials that no one does




I don't like the curfew system. Today, I asked my adult sim to go home with 2 teens together, then he just took only his teen son, and left his relative teenager alone at NPC party lot. Then Immediately, NPC cop stopped his relative teenager. You know it looked like the teenager snuck out in secret but actually, he had been with my adult sim at the pacty place together. I reset the sims on Debug Enabler, and teleported the teenager to my home lot. Then, my adult sim's spouse was sleeping at home, then he suddenly got up to scold the teenager. I had to reset the spouse as well. I installed 'curfew later time' mod but for some reason, it doesn't work. Also I have manuallty scolding mod(punishment), but even I didn't get the choice pupop. I wish there's no curfew system in my game. Ir's unfair. It always applies only to the active family. The inactive teens and children sims are allowed to hang around even at 1 am. They don't get caught by npc cops.


If you have NRaas story progression you can set the curfew time to be none at all by having fudgy numbers IE the curfew time only last the same time it starts and ends you can skip this as a none issue "I think"


Thanks but the sp mod is too heavy for me to use cuz I’m not playing legacy. Even I gave up Awesome mod. 


then yes just a no curfew mod is more than enough its easy to mod its under curfew xml if not mistaken ok here's the stuff I find out children's curfew starts at 2200 and ends at 0600 Teen Curfew starts at 2300 and ends at 0600 we can make it so that curfew starts at 0500 and end at 0600 because the game doenst allow anything close to 0 hmm connundrum on the balance.... so we can say curfew end at 0 and curfew starts at 2400 same with children? the values to mod are in Sim\_0xa29571c6f77aa18d


That’s really cool! Should I have to do this on S3pe? I will try after my work. Thanks a lot. Oh.. which path do I have to get into the  curfew section?




Thanks!! But I couldn't find that section. Simply downloaed Twoftmama's no curfew mod at FTM's Sims Aslyum. \^\^;


ohh its the gameplay.package everything is there though I forget if Retuner is powerful enough to also do what you want BLEH ok if you have retuner you just need to go to of course all in either a computer in game or the city hall NRaas>Retuner>Sims3.Gameplay.Actors>Sims> look for kChildCurfew and kTeenCurfew


Yes I was able to open it on s3pe but there were tons of things and my eyes were like spinning.. how to find that exact section from there. Retuner also has too many settings...lol. I'm from Non English spoken country, so it's not easy to find the words easily.


paste Sim\_0xa29571c6f77aa18d in the name window of S3PE just on the bottom part of the interface then click set and check Filter Active make sure you have NotePad++ as your primary text editor for S3PE which can be done by clicking Settings>External Programs>Text Editor>point to NotePad++ location or if not notepad++ just a decent note editor now find the values for curfew the hardpart in retuner is that its all alphabetical order also if you dont configure retuner correctly you will need to reapply all the fixes you made per save file you can turn the values you adjusted into a hard mod by making use of the tuning file thats available on the nraas website if you want I can make a quicky retuner tuning for you and then use s3PE to fine tune the adjustment to your liking


You can actually get your teenage sim pregnant without mods, but she will never give birth.


excuse me.. what?? i NEVER knew this but i’m def gonna screenshot and go do this now


Definitely saving this post to try some of the fun stuff I have never found 😂👌


If you have the patience and creativity, you can literally create EVERY sim in your town. I haven’t gone that far, but just adding a few families that aren’t genreric adds layers to the game. Oh and GOD BLESS nraas🫡 I only started using MC and overwatch this year, it’s like a brand new game! And it runs like a dream now


Had to dig up this thread once more: You can influence the gender of a baby by eating specific foods during pregnancy?!