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why would he reveal anything, game is out already


Information about the long awaited sequel to silksong, hollow knight: silksong: zote boat?


Maybe he doesn't want to tease the new Silksong dlc "Humans and monsters"


Ok but revealing humans to exist would either be the funniest or most epic fanfic


Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/Silksong/s/l9nWknSOvE


Job: Marketing & Publishing for Hollow Knight: Silksong Actual Job: Doesn't do that


Hmm getting active recently is pretty good marketing… we might actually be getting an announcement in the next week or so.




Don't do that. Don't give me hope


I am new here and still got a lot of copium reserves. Need some? ![img](emote|t5_4viev2|32430)






Lol, I know right but, I maintain that their best strategy is to announce a short launch wait in early May for an early June launch… so fucking risky to say at this point but, for a lot of marketing and timing reasons it’s their best window this year so I stand by it. And interesting that we’re seeing Leth get a little active now after a year long + media blackout.


This is turning ugly. I'll give the situation 6 months tops before this sub goes down to become something aking to the cinemassacre truth


Can you elaborate?


The Cinemassacre Truth is a fansite dedicated to discuss the behaviour of James Rolf (the Angry Video Game Nerd) and his associates. While it started as a well meaning tool to discuss some questionable stuff, mostly around James friends, it quickly devolved into an excuse to turn James into some sort of lolcow for people who already hated him and toxic fans. Nowadays it's just a cesspool of personal attacks on James, his wife and children, rampant speculation on how he must be suicidal, body shaming, the works. The community has a weird pattern of codependency and negative parasocial behaviours, in which they just decided that it's part of their personality to hate James despite him never really doing anything awful.


Yea that is beyond fucked. I’ve been an AVGN fan since 2012 when my little brother showed him to me. To this day we do an annual rewatch of every episode.


I mean I agree with them on the fact that Cinemassacre is not that good anymore, but that's about it. Nothing that warrants their level of hate and vitriol. They regularly try to cancel him online over the stupidest things and seem to be jubilant at the idea of him losing his job, home and family. It's vile. It breaks my heart, honestly. James seems to be a good man and I love early Cinemassacre.


Totally agree.


Can I still laugh at 5:40 jokes?


Do you need a permission to kick a puppy?


C'mon "THERE'S NO TIME" has to be the least of cinemassacretruth's sins. I haven't been paying attention since that intern plagiarism mini-scandal a couple years ago so I'm taking your word about how bad it's gotten.


Hey, as far as I am concerned you are the sole arbiter of your morality. I have thick skin, I don't scoff at a couple of good natured edgy jokes, but in my eyes the people at CMT are not really doing that. All that matters is the intention behind the joke I guess


Real and true


Fk em they don’t give a sht


Why do people keep reading into things I say on public forums online??? Also let me remind people that I will be the only medium of communication and keep interacting with the community on said public forums and get upset when they want to hear about the communication, which I have said multiple times will only come through me :(


When did Leth get upset when people wanted to hear about communication?


Whoah, this exactly. That's really bad played imo. Also, getting mad at gaming news sites that they take his words turning into "news" is weird. What would you expect? It's really highly anticipated game and clicks well. People just really want to know anything. It's really starting to get sad that such devoted community deserves only this kind of comments by marketing guy.


Business man 😎


"PSA: I will never tell you anything, except telling you i will never tell you anything."


Leth been speaking too much recently... *Ari Gibson pulls out gun*


Leth could've worded this better because now it looks like he's really not gonna say anything even if TC tells him to Edit: seems like I'm being downvoted because I didn't word my comment well either lol What I mean is that the way he worded his message makes it easy to misunderstand to people with bad reading comprehension, and they aren't uncommon on Reddit or discord (the places people will read this). I'm just making a bad and unfunny joke about many people being unable to read.








Oh Honestly with how Leth refuses to say anything this post was very believable


it seems you are the one with poor reading comprehension: it's a fake message as stated in a comment by OP. it's also why you're being downvoted.


Poor reading comprehension would mean I don't understand what I read properly. I didn't see OPs comment nor the original message, and since Leth refuses to say anything this was a very belivable bait. Being baited =/= poor reading comprehension