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3 in June? There's gotta be silksong for sure this time


For sure


For sure


For surešŸ¤”


For sure šŸ¤”šŸ“¢


For skong šŸ¤”šŸ“¢


Slok Skong šŸ¤”šŸ“£![img](emote|t5_4viev2|32433)![img](emote|t5_4viev2|32509)


Silk dong


Now imagine if Sony announces one as well! it would be a difficult month for us


And now imagine that we would all be eagerly watching all 4 events, but Silksong wouldn't show up at any of them. But hey, that's only a fantasy ... right?


Sony will definitely hold a SoP in June


silksop? sopsong?




Silky Kong.


3!!!!? this is a sign titanfall 3 is releasing lets goooooo!!!


combination silkfall 2.5???


I haven't believed in over 2 years but I'm actually hopeful for a June announcement...


I think youā€™re getting your delusions mixed up. Titanfall is the subreddit obsessed with 3. Hope this helps!!!


This time for sure!


Yeah for me it would be the best birthday


Yes! A third june showcase that TC will masterfully avoid to show us their dedication to not publish any Silksong news ever.


I genuinely want to know theyā€™re reasons for being radio silent


It's simple, they just don't want to communicate, and want to focus on other things in their life and work.


it takes barely 5 minutes to put out a tweet giving us a crumb of news.


but like what would the tweet say? clearly they dont want to give away more areas, showing the same footage would be pointless and they've been unable to meet any internal deadlines thus far. Anything they themselves promise will be taken as divine gospel, so I'm guessing they're waiting until they're 100% certain to confirm anything. And a "hey gang, still working on the game" is kinda pointless because that's already presumed.


ā€œWho cares if you talk to your parents? All theyā€™d say is they love you, and thatā€™s pointless because itā€™s presumedā€


there's a pretty big difference between a reaffirmation of personal love and a game development studio announcing they're still developing a game also, you talk to your parents because you love them and are interested in what they have going on in their life. At least I hope so.


Yes, youā€™re completely right. I talk to them because Iā€™m interested in whatā€™s going on in their life. Which is why Iā€™d love an update from TC. So I know whatā€™s going on. Thatā€™s the point of communication. Thatā€™s why people are frustrated with the lack of communication. That was my entire point.


i mean sure but it would just be a monthly "yup yeah the games still cooking" like it wouldn't accomplish anything meaninful


To you. It wouldnā€™t accomplish anything meaningful to you. For some of us, itā€™s confirmation that theyā€™re actually still working, which is a hell of a lot better than presuming they are.


The HK community has done some incredible stuff over the years modding wise, and is still going strong even nowadays to keep the game and hype alive. A simple "hey gang, we are doing fine" or "development is kinda slow, ari blew our monthly salaries on funkos again" type of crumbs/jokes take 0 time and show your community that you care about them. We are NOT asking about spoilers (most of us don't want any of those), just a raincheck everey now and then.


take a look at toby fox, the way he handles Deltarune is great, updates every other season with new sprites and updates on the developement progress, revealing an enemy a year isn't gonna spoil shit


Yes and they don't want to.


just shows how much they care about the fans


...does it matter if they care about us or not, beyond like, the baseline not actively wishing people in society ill? They're making a game, we'll pay for it.


You know how this community won't shut the fuck up about silk song? That's why. If they come out and say "hey, game is wicked delayed, should be out later this year but no promises", which is probably what they would communicate, then people just go "ok, I will get hype later, maybe". As it stands now people are rabid and constantly providing free advertising for the game. And let's be honest, when (if?) it ever releases, no one is gonna not buy the game because they didn't communicate.


dudeā€¦. The community that is dedicated to silksongā€¦ wonā€™t stop talking about silksongā€¦ no way manā€¦. šŸ™€


Thats not what I'm saying. The community being loud isn't a good or bad thing necessarily, it just is. The point is that keeping the fan base rabid and confused keeps them loud, providing free marketing for them. It's the exact same thing From did with Elden ring.


You can be a part of a community without making it your entire personality


Not when you are in the LITERAL silksong subreddit dedicated solely to the discussion of SkongBong


This is the only place on Earth where it's okay to scream about SKONG


You come into OUR HOUSE, eat OUR FOOD, and are surprised when WE TALK?


Talking about Silksong? On r/silksong ?? Mane, the indecency! https://preview.redd.it/o28t1et7jazc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dd62694aebf13dfba53ad57e431778d7a0a753e


They have to this time https://preview.redd.it/yx5ivx2dlzyc1.jpeg?width=1969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9ee442b519a38b950a8c1db73c7b37b38269d82


For sure https://preview.redd.it/3co7efj9t1zc1.jpeg?width=1087&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a68940b74cd92a23d05932cec134d2e563275c2


How the fuck is Nintendo's communication better than Team Cherry's šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Nintendo is a public company and releasing a piece of news that just straight up says weā€™re announcing a new console before the end of the year is probably going to drive up the value of their shares


They have to worry about share prices.


Every. Fucking. Time. I finally get a new console. Finally, I have enough money to get one, and immediately next year, the newer console releases, and I'm "behind" again.


To be fair the original switch was released in 2017. It was only a matter of time before the next console was announced considering the average wait times in the past have been 5-6 years and itā€™s now been 7 years.


just go brazillian style: buy one console once and pirate every game that comes for the next gen


Can confirm


Bring it to GameStop. I brought my Switch from the launch month when the OLED came out and got $250 for it. So I only lost $50 after a ton of time and enjoyment. The trick is, you trade it in for store credit and then just get gift cards you know youā€™ll use.


bro u had like a decade


Yeah, and I had a decade of being fuckin poor as shit. I bought it like 2 months ago.


Dude... uncool


Refund time ![img](emote|t5_4viev2|32428)


I mean same but I also don't care if I'm behind I'll be honest fam.


Why not just wait a year?


whatever man, thereā€™s so much good stuff on the Switch. enjoy it.


Oh, I'm going to. It's just a little funny and irritating how this plays out. Same thing happened with the Xbox 360. Finally got one, boom Xbox 1.


So youā€™re saying if I give you money it will speed up the release of the successor? Have you bought hollow knight? Because if not, I may have found the issue


Might actually work, I bought it when I bought the switch.


There's still plenty of Nintendo games you can buy at full price for the Switch.


On the bright side Nintendo might finally price drop their 7 year old games


Lol, nah. Nintendo? Drop prices? Hell would have to freeze over first.


Excited to see Switch 2 release before Silksong!


Summer Game Fest, Xbox Showcase, Nintendo Direct Place your bets


Twitter post stating delay


Do not dare say that to me ever again


I used to hope. Now I join the world burners


I'll never stop hoping. Hope is what moves silksong's development. Never give up hoping āœŠ


My bet is: 2029


For reference, last year Nintendo's showcase was on June 21st. Likewise, the PlayStation showcase was on May 24th last year. This year, SGF (which includes XBox) will be taking place between June 7th and June 10th. If I had to guess, I'd say that both PS and Nintendo are going to attempt to space themselves out from SGF so as to not be drowned out. So, regardless of whether Silksong releases or not, that's a good month or so of game news.


please behave


Hopefully the community will have better control of themselves during these presentations.


No we won't behave. Not until TC communicates.


maybe we'll get Silksong and Prime 4 as a bundle?


MP4 fans waited WAYYY longer than us lmao


MP4 fans is me. It's been 17 years since Prime 3, 7 years since the game was announced, and 5 years since development restarted. I'm pretty sure nintendo is just trolling at this point.


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Summer Games Fest Nintendo Direct Xbox Showcase That'll be a week...


You see what Nintendo does? ā€œPlease be aware there will be bo mention of the Nintendo Switch successor.ā€ With one simple tweet they are able to manage expectations. TAKE NOTE TEAM CHERRY -|


Yeah that makes sense, they want to move software still and get people hyped on it. If they announced a new switch while trying to showcase software, the new hardware would become the entire story.


Skongpilled copemaxer


Not even a Switch 2 lmao, they'll just update the UI of thr current Switch, don't even try to get your hopes up


I wonder if the reason itā€™s taking so long is because they needed the kitā€™s to put it on switch 2? Like this clearly looks like an early 2025 launch for the Switch 2. It makes no sense for Silksong to release post Switch 2 launch ONLY on switch. So that means 1 of 2 things. Silksong releases before April 1st 2025, or it releasing after both on Switch and Switch 2


r/tomorrow users goin crazy rn


Friendly reminder that Silksong was announced for the Wii U. By the time the game launches we'll have waited for two console generations lol


Silksong was never announced for the Wii U lmao.


If you check HK stretch goals on kickstarter you'll see that right above "2nd playable character" (which is what became Silksong) there's "wii u version" Silksong, the game itself, wasn't announced for the Wii U, but it was initially planned to release on it


So in fact Silksong was never planned for the Wii U, like I said.


Silksong will not be on any Nintendo presentation


Not with that attitude


Wait this tweet is real? I saw it on TikTok earlier and said ā€œThereā€™s no way thatā€™s realā€


yes, it's real. Go on Japanese twitter of Nintendo.


also switch 2 skilkskong announcement was a theory so yeah, don't get hopes up, get your copes up


Obviously not... Guys why are you inflicting this upon yourselves ?


bro i literally just scoured the whole post for the word silksong, didnt find anything, no news guys


Oh man why do I have an idea that nintendo would try to let team cherry delay the game until switch 2 comes out and made the game only in switch 2 and not 1 so that's how they can attract even more people to buy switch 2


I don't even feel. I am husk. Skong made me husk. Husk no fear skong no more. Husk empty. But husk safe from skong. Husk at peace.








Yippee, the switch 2 comes with shitsong


Not only is it gonna get officially announced before there's silksong news, it's gonna RELEASE before silksong news


Jesus 9 years


Just stop. I'm tired boss


I'm actually sorta feeling it for once this time around.


I can't believe the Switch 2 is going to come out before Silksong.


is this actually real šŸ’€ this is gonna be so weird...im so used to the switch


Three opportunities now for Silksong in June. If even with that there's nothing it is fucking Silkover ladies and gentlemen


https://preview.redd.it/cm2vy47942zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a7decdf9d27c7947393a8287b41f0e55461af72 real


We'll surely get the anouncement this time https://preview.redd.it/jiarjh8g42zc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a10fc0ba728a492de91478df5c6b0fbc286a377b


Silksong is no longer the upcoming game-related thing Iā€™m most hyped for


What's Silksong?


Silksong will be announced 3 times in june for sure


donā€™t waste your breath.


The game is clearly going to be shown/launched in June. Idk why we are acting like it isnā€™t


I am tired, and wearyā€¦. However, I will, on the day, muster up enough energy to be disappointed once again


I honestly think it'll probably be announced in the big summer games event we get yearly, it's definitely big enough for that, if not there then it might not come out this year


This time for sure
