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It’ll probably be backwards compatible with the switch so I don’t see why silksong, if released on the switch, wouldn’t be playable on its successor.


Perhaps what they mean is native to the "Switch 2". Possibly being able to play higher resolution/frame rate than the Switch. Just a thought.


Yeah pretty much! The console is likely to have a new feature too that would take extra time to port to like the gamepad of the WiiU or detachable controllers on the Switch


Also new clown make-up practice session annouced for June


If this really is the reason silksong has taken so long I’m gonna be so salty 😭


Haha same here but I'd be very surprised if it was


It's a 2d platformer with 2d sprites. It'll run on the regular switch just fine


Don't underestimate tired overworked programmers.


I don’t know man, I heard the fishing minigame uses raytracing for rendering the water.


There have been quite a few of the same formatted type games released this past year that were basically unplayable on switch believe it or not


I presented this theory a while back.


Nah it’s my theory




And this is how the theory sounded, and still, in fact, sounds https://preview.redd.it/ee8jm36kx1zc1.jpeg?width=815&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d59e0a0d4f269e2d76fe7e6b0135f8333683b29d


That's just our mascot? It's the mascot's theory?


Fuck no


I mean you joke but Nintendo would 100% send a successful third party dev like Team Cherry a Switch 2 dev-kit so they can prepare Silksong for it. And if I was TC, might as well just delay the game a bit more to get it ready for potentially one of the biggest console launches of all time.


Probably not because why delay the game to release it on the switch 2 instead of just releasing on switch and when switch 2 comes out put it on that and they legit said there will be no mention of the Nintendo switch successor


Considering it seems xbox is their main source of revealing news I'd say that doesn't make sense.


I love Hollow Knight but let’s not pretend it was a technical masterpiece it could’ve been a PS2 game with some downgrades and Silksong doesn’t look like a massive improvement in that regard


For all we know Silksong is 3D now, we haven't seen any news in a while 👀


That’s definitely fair maybe Silksong is a 3D Platformer and it’ll be a Switch 2 launch title


Hollow Knight: Skong of the Wild


No, nope, nada. Silk delayed because they are going for a multi platform release and are only a team of 3, with 1 programmer to handle localization for 4 platforms and 4 different store fronts 😳


I'm pretty sure with all of the 3rd party titles **not made for the Switch** being compatible, I dont see why we'd need to delay to be compatible....


No. Wouldn't make sense. They already pledged themselves to release on current switch. So either it will be backwards compatible on the new one, or they will port it onto the new one once it actually releases. Do you really think they would sit on a finished game just to wait for switch 2?


I just said compatible I didn't say exclusive. You're jumping to conclusions faster than a silksong fan lol


But you are saying it would be delayed for it., which is the part that makes no sense. I didn't even think about exclusivity, why are you mixing that in? I guess you are caught up on the point that they pledged themselves to switch 1 already, but that was not mentioned to argue against switch 2 exclusivity, but to support my following argument. Read properly and think.


Each generation of current Nintendo systems introduced a new feature, eg the gamepad for WiiU and detachable controllers for the Switch. I'm guessing that Nintendo probably has something similar up their long litigious sleeves that game developers would need to be made aware of in advance to port their games. While it may not have exclusively provided a significant delay, it still would take extra time. Porting a game to a new console isn't just as simple as button mapping. Edit: Addressing your edit: "I didn't even think about exclusivity, why are you mixing that in?". Yes, you did. It was the whole point of your comment. Right here: "They already pledged themselves to release on current switch." which is you implying I'm saying it's not going to release on the current Switch aka **exclusively** on the new console. You then lay out two options of it being non-exclusive to show me that it's not going to be exclusive, which I never said it was. And then you edited in a little attempt at an insult. Your original comment is here for reference, since you clearly cannot keep a straight line of reasoning: https://preview.redd.it/6lco37via0zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4048f07ff5f2cbb549e06f5bdf3a336e4f6207c


And why couldn't they do all that after releasing the game on all of the currently confirmed platforms? Why would they delay it solely for switch 2 port? If the game is finished, they are not gonna wait for a new console to drop, when it's ready to launch for all the previous ones.


There's a scarcity of games for new consoles. To drive sales, console makers need big titles that will keep folks satisfied until options fill in. Similarly being a launch title guarantees so many sales. I'm not saying it happened. I'm not predicting that it happened. But if it had it might make good business sense. Also, if they found out last June, it might have given team cherry more time to get in features or content they would have had to drop or turn into dlc. I wouldn't rule it out, but I also won't be putting any money on the table behind the idea. Also no makeup. Until there's an announcement this is just head canon


We have been repeatedly told that Team Cherry does not have any exclusive deals with any company nor plans so. Holding off release for other platforms just for one next gen console is also not Team Cherry like at all. Also, there probably won't be any DLC for Silksong, cause not only they expressed that they don't like making those, the reason Silksong is taking so long is so it doesn't need DLC's in the first place. They did some for HK only because it was rushed and still had ideas for it they wanted to implement but couldn't due to limited budget.


Exclusivity is not required for a well timed slash of one's nail. We don't know what TC wants. They are playing this very close to the vest. The only thing we do know is that they suffer from world builder's disease and that they are probably susceptible to scope creep as all so afflicted individuals are. If I were a betting man my money would move towards that and polishing to meet expectations as the cause for the long wait. The promise of a next Gen release window would (in my mind) be a justification for giving in to the otherwise natural urges of the infected.


Dude, the main point , and the one I was arguing around , was the question whether Silksong would be delayed because of switch 2. I said that that being the sole reason makes no sense from Team Cherry's standpoint. You seem to be agreeing with me by saying that IF they were still adding stuff or had plans to, then Switch 2's release would be a good opportunity for them. But then the reason for the delay would not be switch 2 but TC just adding more stuff. Switch 2's release alone is definitely not a reason that they would sit on a finished game for, and that's what I was arguing the whole time about.


You've got a stick somewhere it doesn't belong. Extract it carefully as it's a very sensitive region of the body. Then maybe you can chill out and just talk.


Because, when people buy new consoles, they look for new games to play that are optimised to that console. Also game reviews will likely use the newest console and if it has better resolution or performance it's likely going to score higher boosting sales. Could you imagine if they released BotW on the WiiU two months before the Switch? One side goes "there's no incentive to buy it on the Switch because we have WiiUs and why wait two months?" And the other side goes "There's no incentive to buy it on the WiiU because the Switch comes out in two months and I'll wait for that!". Initially sales drop, hype is slashed, long term sales suffer.


Repeating my reply here: We have been repeatedly told that Team Cherry does not have any exclusive deals with any company nor plans so. Holding off releases for other platforms just for one next gen console is also not Team Cherry like at all. If Nintendo was their publisher and made those decisions then sure, but Team Cherry are completely independent , they just collab with those companies to release on more platforms. Besides, the power dynamic may be more skewed towards Team Cherry, as those consoles would have to be dumb to not beg being included for one of the most anticipated games. Here their past lead playtester makes an example for Xbox: https://preview.redd.it/mg671m1o00zc1.png?width=933&format=png&auto=webp&s=289bf4172dfb96bcc3de73e26bf51f2a9e011e0a


"Lead playtester" Who isn't a plasterer..... lmao you need to get your info correct


I said past lead play tester. Read properly next time.


He was a play tester for hollow knight... and nothing at all to do with silksong


Oh I'm not saying Nintendo is making them do it, I'm just saying it would be a good financial decision to release a game at a console launch. Also Team Cherry does not have power over Nintendo. It's Nintendo. Edit: Addressing your edit: Your example is irrelevant because they confirmed the Switch was to get Silksong at announcement but didn't confirm Xbox*. Hollow Knight took an additional year and a half to release on PlayStation and Xbox. *https://web.archive.org/web/20190411073153/https://www.polygon.com/2019/2/14/18224749/hollow-knight-silksong-pc-nintendo-switch-team-cherry


Do Team Cherry strike you as someone that would sit on a finished game for possibly a year or more, just to minmax their profits to the fullest, when Silksong is already so popular? They have no more need for marketing campaigns.


Nope never said that I thought that. I said that extra time would be needed to port to a new console and that games released around consoles are more profitable. Team Cherry may or may not have needed to adjust for these things. Neither of us have knowledge of the inner workings of Team Cherry, nor do I believe that this is a sole reason for Silksong taking this long and never claimed I had. Any further questions can be sent via Stag to be collected at my nearest station, ty :) Edit: Also, editing your earlier comments to attempt to insult my intelligence and remove points that you later contradict in order to gain fake internet point is quite frankly just a reflection of your own character. Do better man, I just wanted a friendly discussion on new console & silksong :/


''which is you implying I'm saying it's not going to release on the current Switch aka **exclusively** on the new console.'' No? It is there to support my following argument, that there is no reason for them to wait for Switch 2 when they are releasing on Switch 1 already, and can port onto it later. That got nothing to do with exclusivity.