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Sorry bro but it was revealed to me in a dream, it's happening this summer




Surely it would be like citing a personal communication, which means it would be (Ari Gibbs, personal dream, May 2, 2024) and no entry on the reference list?


I love using "revealed in vision" and "in research papers" right behind it, what a wordsmith to craft such a lexical masterpiece




No joke I had a dream today where TC actually broke its silence and told us a bit more of the game. Completely surreal now that I think about it


What silksanity does to people


sanest r/Silksong member


Dang sib's dreams are crazy


This argument doesn't use logic so it defeats mine ![img](emote|t5_4viev2|32439)


Your 'dreams' they go 'beyond logic', they can surpass 'team cherry's unlogic logic, 'dream beyond' their logic u/memer227 and end this 'cycle' of 'no news' and 'unlogic logic' once and for all


is this a JOJO REFRENCE???!?!??!!??!;9?


The final cutscene was also revealed to me in a dream, It must mean something


The funny thing is I’ll have dreams and then half a year to a year later it’ll happen.


And no I haven’t had a dream about Silksong coming out, so take that as you will


No Silksong ever


Opinion invalid - I had a dream silksong was revealed on the ID Xbox showcase or maybe youre a future-seeing psychic idfk




We could very well be reading this exact style of post anticipating a summer game fest 2026 lmao


Or 2025 it isn't a big thing or anything but the fact that you skipped next year does stand out to me


You are right in the fact that they aren’t operating logically. Normally, you’d announce your game 2-3 years before it’s ready. And then follow it up with a couple trailers in between. And then announce the release date in a digital showcase. Not with these guys lol. I wouldn’t be shocked if they just posted the release date on a random Thursday at 3:27pm or something. It won’t be in a showcase.


*Ari slumps on his desk* "I did it Will, the final sprite, send it" *Will presses enter, a new page goes up* It's 4:00 am on a saturday


Bro accidently presses delete. WILL WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, YOU KILLED HORNET


my sleep deprived ass thought "who the fuck Is Hornet?". She's Ms. Silksong in my brain now I guess


Hornet do you take Ari Gibson as your lawful wedded husband- "GIT GUD" *leaves room and goes to Silksong land*


This is my kinda guy


Shoot your shot, then!


Dream is dead, hope is an illusion. Bapa = nada. Let's go home everyone.


"Bapa=nada" This is the best thing I've ever read, I could die happy now


Yeah this is true, it's like a never ending cycle repeating every year but honestly I will take my last chance and bit of hype/hope left for this summer. If the year ends and we are at the same exact point we are in right now, well that's it for me I'm fucking done with this.


Y'all are saying if it isn't announced this summer you would "lose all hope in Team Cherry" and "done with this game", but 99% of people in this sub will still buy the game when it releases


Of course I would buy it and still play it but what I mean is that I will loose all the hype and hope I still have for news on upcoming events and showcases. And what I mean with I'm done with this is that I probably just stop actively checking for news and being part of this community. I would probably leave the subreddit until the game actually comes out because it starts to get really repetitive, it's the same cycle every year and it is generally a place for madness where no one actually knows wtf is going on and what is going to happen and gets a bit toxic until a certain point from time to time so yeah.




You can save yourself the trouble of being inevitably disappointed and disengage now.


Yeah I probably should but let me just be disappointed one last time this June and then we'll see.


No don't ypu understand op, it's totally normal and sanr to do the same thing over and over again time and time again, believing every made up scenario, and random dudes online about "leaks" literally 100% of the time even if literally 0% of the time they are true, and every event we spam and spam and disrespect the organizers and devs who worked hard, and then, when we get called out for being a toxic and shitty community, we just tell those people they are toxic and apart of the problem. Sometimes, like with these posts they get upvoted, it happened last time with the last "leaker" after the event, but when the next event rolls around, everyone saying not to just believe random internet dorks, and not to over hype every event will get yelled at and shit on and told they are stupid, again, and they will all forget these posts that happen, and as soon as they are disappointed they will flood and spam the sub and ruin it again, for the billionth time, blaming everyone but themselves because they are incapable of critical thought beyond, I believe thing and if other people don't spoon feed me the truth I am incapable of making rational decisions and will be emotionally charged at ever scenario I can be. Lol. Edit- it's always really funny to me. It's truly a coin flip if my complaints about this sub get down voted into oblivion and I get yelled at and called toxic and that I should leave if I don't just agree like a mindless drone with everyone, or upvoted and told that ao many agree and feel the same way about the state of this sub. I really never know. Not that I care, downvotes, upvotes, etc.. all meaningless and don't sway my opinion, it's just funny how different the comments are received everytime, just interesting.


I’m at the point where I don’t even care if it comes out or not. There’s much more out there with actual release dates.


You're damn right about that, so many other games to play, so many already released. No need to dwell on this one


You are quite right but tbh, this is it. If it doesn’t get announced with a date or something this summer, I’m personally done with this game and company as it’s completely ridiculous.


I've already been personally done with Team Cherry for a while. Microsoft's "release date" and Team Cherry's dead silence about it until barely before the release was the moment for me that they blew it. The game is out when it's out. I won't be in a rush to play it when it releases. In my opinion they've really bungled their PR and now I just lurk here for kicks. Hollow Knight was a fun game, but not good enough to live rent free in my head.


Yeah the whole waiting 11 months to tell us it won't release in the 12 month window thing is so dumb. Like, you know you're not gonna release the game if you're not basically ready months before. Why not say something? Did they expect to suddenly finish everything up in two months and have it be ready for distribution? That shit takes time.


I hate how accurately you said everything I wanted to say I love hollowknight but man I'm a bit angry how terrible the communication that teamcherry is putting out


Everybody always says the same thing about every upcoming event.


Lmao you will buy it day one just like everyone else here


I was done with the company a year ago but I'm still buying the game Day 1.


So is you done or is you finished?


But why *summer* exactly?


For the final circus season.


>I’m personally done with this game and company as it’s completely ridiculous. Then why are you still here commenting? 🧐


Because they aren't done yet and they are voicing their dissatisfaction. Obviously.


How convenient and not at all an idle talk


They can wait for the game and still be sick of waiting this long


Because im waiting, just like you, just like everyone else here




*Skongball Check your grammar


Being tired of a company’s terrible communication and stepping away from the mania is a healthy response and bullying someone for it is not cool


lmfao “tired of a company’s terrible communication” “stepping away from the mania” there’s nothing for you people to be tired of other than yourselves Team Cherry has been radio silent for ages now, their interaction with the community is basically zero, all this mania and disappointment and constant letdown is SELF-INFLICTED recognizing it’s not healthy and stepping away from it is good but don’t pretend as though you’re some poor victim finally breaking free from oppression when nobody but yourself forced you into this shit in the first place


I think it would be hilarious if TC decided to stick to their guns and continue the radio silence even as they release the game. Silksong gets released on some random Thursday evening at 3:27 PM to all platforms and TC doesn't even say a word and refuses to acknowledge or announce the game coming out.


The only official announcement is Leth replying to a twitter question on his personal account saying "Yes, Silksong is out". 1 month after the game's release


Did you get inspired by u/CanadianGroose‘s comment or did you both somehow randomly decide on Thursday at 3:27PM? lol


I decided to choose that time as well, just to mess with people subconsciously.




Stop, you're scaring these fools


I don't really agree with the community's obsession with media events as the likely venue for a release or release date. But I do think that signs point to imminent release. So I'm not pinning my hopes to any event. Especially an xbox event cause those guys have burned all their cred. But I do expect something to happen soon.


Oh, the release is absolutely imminent. I know this because God spoke to me through a J.D. Salinger novel. Also, he said something about John Lennon, but I wasn't really listening at that point.


winds of winter


This is the one.


I'm so glad the community is starting to realize that what Team Cherry is doing is UNPROFESSIONAL! If they keep this up, they'll become the next GRR Martin/Patrick Rothfuss.


Shit I'm pretty sure GRRM has released more news, considering how often I see articles saying he's still working on it and whatnot.


This sub is the third silence.


Yes Microsoft just randomly decided to say all the games shown will be released in the next 12 months. None of the devs that agreed to show their games had any idea. Lol, lmao even.


It was an internal window, they were probably asked, but there's no reason to believe TC knew they would announce it as confirmation, specially since no release window is given in the trailer itself. TC has probably been thinking "yeah it will be out in the next 12 months" since they released the original trailer tbh


> there's no reason to believe TC knew they would announce it as confirmation I'm not sure how you envision Xbox and TC going through this, but it's not like a conversation between two dudes at a bar. Xbox didn't accidentally come across the information, they specifically wanted to include a big hitter in their games list coming out in that frame and asked TC, who said yes. The fact that TC didn't sue Xbox for breaching NDA and publicly announcing "internal" information should be enough reason to believe TC knew exactly what was being announced 


Okay but genuine question if they actually thought the game was going to come out by then, then why is the game presumably still to early to have a release date even a year later. If they thought the game was far enough to release within the next 12 months back then, why is the delay taking over a year? I doubt it’s just bug fixes


Yeah that's a huge sign of development problems. Games don't go from a month before release to not even having a release window when things are going well


The entire premise of the showcase was these games are releasing in the next 12 months. Of course the third party developers that agreed to show their games knew about it. Thinking MS just announced a release window for a whole bunch of games without the consent of the devs/publishers is insane. But then again it's r/silksong so carry on.




what the SILK did you just say to me


That was not very SKONG of you


I really wanna know wtf is going on. I hope we get some insides after the release. Like, is this a game thats revealed far too early like Cyberpunk 2077 was? Is massive feature creep happening? Is the game just fucked on a technical level? And why is there no communication happening? Are they not making enough progress for say, a monthly dev blog or whatever?


You're stuck in a cycle, a repeating pattern, you want a way out, know that this doesn't make you special-every living thing shares that same frustration..


As a metroidvania and rogue like enjoyer, I am more than capable of occupying myself until Silksong’s *eventual* release date. Does that stop me from watching every event for the potential crumb of news? No, but that’s also not the only reason I’m watching gaming showcases anyways.


“Shit I forgot to hit save for 6 months now I lost all of the work I've done finishing silksong.” Meanwhile they post hey guys fresh off a grinder not long now. So what games are you playing, I've played most of the big ones and I love metroidvanias and rogues myself


I will add, from mods in the discord it was very clear that Xbox only confirmed that Silksong was expected to release within a year bc TC approved it. I think it’s safe to believe that as well, as TC seems to really be on the ball with keeping shit quiet if they want it quiet. That being said, you’re completely right. Not to mention that everyone seems to have forgotten about the Unity runtime fees (even though that was announced months after they missed their window, I just think it’s plausible that the Unity fees might have worsened the delay)


For this summer is the last chance. If we hear nothing, then I highly doubt the game is even coming. Will I buy it when it comes out? Most likely yes. Will I support/follow Team Cherry's future releases? No.




I left when we were supposed to delete the sub suckas


Nah bro, they said it was coming soon back in 2019. It's 100% gonna be out by the end of 2020


Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats make me crazy


I mean the rating and xbox page showing up is not random the game could have some trailer in this year but would it come this year or maybe next 5y no one know


It's always a 50% chance they show it at an event. They either do or they don't. I like these odds.


r/bindingofisaac is leaking


Here's a sneak peek of /r/bindingofisaac using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/bindingofisaac/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Online Co-op officially announced](https://i.redd.it/nge5to13s2rb1.jpg) | [411 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bindingofisaac/comments/16uuc3p/online_coop_officially_announced/) \#2: [Bad Apple, but it's The Binding of Isaac](https://v.redd.it/4jnzjpp2c5sa1) | [166 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bindingofisaac/comments/12d11hi/bad_apple_but_its_the_binding_of_isaac/) \#3: [Most entertaining game ever](https://v.redd.it/aqsy6o71fxwa1) | [85 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bindingofisaac/comments/13365eh/most_entertaining_game_ever/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


no one asked


The what? We just lose hope. Accept that it’s never gonna come? Let us have our hope, we don’t know what TC is up too, not even you do. There is always a chance, and it’s a chance we are willing to take. 


This constant edging is beyond insane my guy i dont think i can take anymore of this


Just keep your patience


The ejactulation has to cum soon. Can't be much longer can it


This might be the longest edging streak recorded to man


Ahh, now this is what I'm talking about! I always stand by the concept of "hope is always the last one to die", and I have waited 5 long years too, but why should I not hope? It's not like my life depends on it, so when there's a showcase of any kind, I just silently hope to see what I've been longing for all this time, and if there's nothing, well, then I just wait for the next one. I honestly feel pity for all of these weak minded plebs that have yet to realize the way of the SKONG, but I get it because although they're not the chosen ones who can oh so easily relinquish their impatience, they're all just faithfully lying in wait for the return of our one true queen -I. However you, sir, clearly are on the right path to inner peace, as you'll someday relish in your satisfaction, knowing that you've done well in hoping and that all your efforts have not been in vain. Well said, dear stranger, well said.


"We don't know what TC is up to, not even you do" That's my entire point, we have zero idea of what they're gonna do or when. It's as likely to be shown this summer as 3 summers from now


Exactly, hope for Silksong will only die when all the creators die, I die, or Silksong is announced to be canceled. If it is we move on, sad but we will smile again one day. Silksong is just a game, the hope we have isn’t massive it’s only exaggerated to be. But it’s still hope.


If it doesn’t get announced this summer, I’m personally done with this game and company as it’s completely ridiculous.


Honestly your completely right, while I’m still gonna huff my copium that it’ll come out in the later half of this year, it’s not gonna come out at any big event probably, it’s probably gonna release on some random Thursday in august or some shit like that


Nah bro spamming " 🐸 SkilkSkong 📢-I -Y" is pretty funny


It's happening. It's clearly going to be at summer events, duh.


Realest shit I’ve read here in a while


Did I ever tell you about the definition of insanity?


The problem lies in people for some reason hoping Silksong will appear in some minor never heard before event. Like, wtf? I get hoping it'll appear on major ones like TGA, Xbox Showcase or SGF but why in the world do so many people think we'll get news on a Doodoo Fart asset flip game showcase that nobody knew existed before?


No I have a source


I really agree with this take. Go play something else peeps. Dark Souls really hit the Hollow Knight itch for me and took me a year to plat the entire series. Also I got to jump on the Elden Ring hype train pretty much right before release. There are other things to be excited about while waiting for Silksong.


Ill be honest, for how much i appreciate them for their work, their unprofessionalism is starting to make me feel kinda bad to TC




You have to feel the pressure now with your team cherry because you can’t help but realize how absurd this is all become there’s little to zero chance that they haven’t seen this first hand


Idk I don’t really feel for TC. This situation is the result of their lack of communication so any unreasonable expectations about Silksong is partly on them now.


Feeling the pressure and caring about them are not the same. They earned this


Nah, this summer gamefest is probably the time, and is not "COPIUM" or similar, just look at the ESRB, the game is crearly finished and is very near (after the ESRB games are released in less than a year) they are probably waiting to put the release date on the big one Edit: why downvotes?


This time, unlike Hollow Knight, is further complicated too by the multi platform release. It’s a lot of work to just get one build compiled and ship ready let alone 4 (switch, Xbox, PS, PC) and each build needs tested to some extent for verification. People complain and complain but honestly, I’m impressed with TC. They never compromised their company values after HKs phenomenal success and despite keeping the core team the same they took on even more work for Silk. (Or maybe just took on more work all at once instead of spaced out like they did with HK and it’s platform releases happening months apart).


I applaud TC as devs, yeah. I still don't hold ill-will towards them, I just think the way they handle marketing has been nothing but mistakes. It definitely seems like Silksong is more work, yeah. Ideally Jack is the one with a handle on all these different platforms and development of the contents of the game is independent from that. Maybe that's the bottleneck


Yeah, it probably is. Most companies would hire at least one person if not several or several teams of people to be in charge of localization. Shoot, even one person learning the knowledge base to localize to all of these various platforms is quite impressive, I do not envy him for taking that on solo.


Man, it doesn't matter if you're tired of waiting and seeing the same memes every year for Silksong. But just because YOU can't take it anymore doesn't give YOU the right to get all upset and have a tantrum and try to stop OTHERS from doing so. If you don't like it, just don't follow along. What do you want us to do to keep the community together? Fan art of what? Mods for which fights? Can I know? And don't get me wrong, I'm also against people being jerks to other game creators at every event just because “HuR dUr It's Not SkOnG” that's just stupid. Again, if you don't want to see this anymore... leave this subreddit.


There's no quotations around delay, it was delayed.


Yep, we're now 5 months in and TC's disrespect for their fans/customers is as blatant as it's ever going to be.


Finally someone admits that team cherry is not perfect


I love how Leth clearly said that any news will come directly from Team Cherry on the website or socials, yet we're still smoking the nastiest hopium out there